17-01-2004, 22:14
Message from Caveronian Regional News:"A volcaninc eruption has been noted nearby the north east coast of Legendia, scientists believe it will cause a new island to be formed and added to the 20 island that are a part if Legendia. In other news, Caveronian military officials have begun recruiting many forces and have reached a mile stone of 100,000 infantry troops and have built 10 warships. We will go live to Caveronia's defence plan shortly, before that, we have other news. Caveronia has built a reserve for its national animal, the Dragon, where the creature has reached a step closer to getting off the endangered list by reaching a population of 500. The nation has also formed a new university called The University of Caveronia. Its standards are very high. Scientists have been working on the spcae program and plan to launch its first successful satellite in a matter of months. Astronomers have also discovered a new galaxy through their mountain observatories and have named Doolin Galaxy.
"Gold has been discovered in the Moher Mountains and miners have already flocked to the area. The security level of Caveronia has been hightened to lower the crime rate which has been bothering the population for so long. Now, live to the Legendian House of Nations where Caveronia's defence plan will be brought forth.
*The Ranking General of Caveronia steps up to the podium* "Men and women of Legendia! I am troubled by our vulnerability to invasion, so I have created a defence plan to help us. We in Caveronia are already building networks of underground tunnels made of reinforced concrete for quick military mobility. These networks of tunnels will be untouchable by air or naval attack and will be not only a road for military transport, but also a safe house for our people during air raids. These tunnels will be 50ft wide so as to allow tanks and other vehicles to pass each other by with no hassle. Rooms will built to the side walls for shelters and supply drops, and towers will be built above for surface defence."
"Gold has been discovered in the Moher Mountains and miners have already flocked to the area. The security level of Caveronia has been hightened to lower the crime rate which has been bothering the population for so long. Now, live to the Legendian House of Nations where Caveronia's defence plan will be brought forth.
*The Ranking General of Caveronia steps up to the podium* "Men and women of Legendia! I am troubled by our vulnerability to invasion, so I have created a defence plan to help us. We in Caveronia are already building networks of underground tunnels made of reinforced concrete for quick military mobility. These networks of tunnels will be untouchable by air or naval attack and will be not only a road for military transport, but also a safe house for our people during air raids. These tunnels will be 50ft wide so as to allow tanks and other vehicles to pass each other by with no hassle. Rooms will built to the side walls for shelters and supply drops, and towers will be built above for surface defence."