NationStates Jolt Archive

Space Defence Inititive (contract auction)

17-01-2004, 18:29
After careful debate, and because of current internal affairs, the nation of Taka has taken steps to assure its protection from space comes from more than simply the fleet and a satalite defence field. Any and all offers as to the form that this defencive device will come from will be entertained, however, we will only be able to alot 1 trillian a year for its development, so patients would be essential from any partners. Current suggestions that may be incorperated into this project are:

Subspace damping fields to assure enemy fleets can not drop into PRoximan orbit by way of hyperspace

HEPD fields around all major cities to stop incoming missiles and provide a messure of defence against aircraft.

Absorbtion shields, however they would be tricky to maintain without severly reducing poweroutput to civilian sectors durring opperation.
17-01-2004, 20:53
Bump for contract offers
17-01-2004, 22:23
Bump for offers
James Adams
17-01-2004, 22:39
Transmition from ~NAC~ (~Nation Arms Corp~)

Subjest :space defence/ sponsrhsip

purpose: to provide unlimited sponsorship and severla small sectors of pratice for more offensive defense types

end product: you give us the bst of what you have and keep giving us the new stuff, ull unconditional enclosure of all plans and projects

~end of transmition~
18-01-2004, 01:07

We are glad to recieve your contract offer, however have noticed that it was not in proper form, nor did it mention the type of defencive equipment or the price you would sell and install it for us at. Unfortunaly, unless a contact has those two very important details, we can not accept it.


Ambassador Holden,
Minister of trade