NationStates Jolt Archive

Joint Fleet Strike

New York and Jersey
16-01-2004, 23:44
OOC:I will edit the link with the proof in later for now I want this post done.


At the Chimera Staryards a fleet of ships had assembled, 240 in all it was the combined Federal Stellar Navy, the black hulls of the first forty ships were easily reconigzable however the other 200 ships were different from the design. They looked slightly older, and more worn than the newer black hulls however all of them had the Stars and Stripes of the Republic, along with the Seal of the Federal Navy painted on their hulls. The leadships of the the navy were the Carriers Yorktown, Lexington and the Saratoga. Thirteen out of Fourteen Fleet Carriers would participate in this strike, the largest in the Federal Republic Stellar Navies history. Ships and crews were called up, and the Terra Based Navy was effectively in port until new crews could be trained for those ships.

Fleet Admiral Felix Novali took command of the entire navy transfering his command from Chimera Station over to Admiral Fletchers Yorktown who went over to command the Saratoga.However this was a temporary command as Gregory de los Santos was expected any moment to take over the fleet from the FRSN Lexington.A message was sent directly to the Menelmacari Capital, it was a high priority message from President de los Santos to Empress Sirithil:

Siri,I hope you enjoyed your birthday. You dont look a day over 40,000. I have good news for you, we know the location of your favorite elf. We're marshalling the fleet at the Chimera Staryards right now. I'm going to take command of my fleet from the Lexington, however before we depart I think my Fleet Admiral and your Commanding Warlord should meet to plan out the assault. We're going to wait for several days before we are hazegray and underway once more to assault the location of where we believe Thelas is keeping his fleet. We shall await your navies arrival. I hope this brings a smile to your face Siri. Consider it a late birthday present.

Now all they had to do was actually wait for the Menelmacari to arrive. Gregory hoped they wouldnt take their traditional sweet time for arrival.
Santa Barbara
17-01-2004, 00:00
17-01-2004, 00:58

OOC: Oh, please help if the Reich goes to war with me, OK? :D

God bless,

The Republic of Syskeyia
17-01-2004, 01:22
OOC: Ahh [sensored] I KNEW it was a trap, next time can people TG me when you are about to turn me into mince meat.

Actualy if this is not Theallas you are after, please tell me and ignore this post.


Far out in space, THeallas was whatching the final mines being laid. Each one was small enough to not be picked up by senors, yet packed enough punch to blow through the armor of anything smaller than a Carrier.

"General, the final mines have been laid."

Theallas, sitting in his large office chair looked some what at ease, "Thank you Force Commander, how go the operations in our home land?"

"Very good Sir, we have smuggled enough weapons in to arm most of the former Army units."

"Good, thank you." Sirithil, you have tried in the past to destroy me, this time, I will win, this time, you will be defeated, soon, the myth of Menelmacari invicibilty will fall into dust, just as many other Dark Lords before you fell into dust. (OOC: Yes, Theallas just compaired Siri to the likes of Morgoth and Sauron.)

Theallas walked onto the bridge of the battle-wagon Acharn Reborn. "Force Command, start the operation moving, patch me with the rest of the fleet."

A chime sounded, letting Theallas know he was talking to the entire fleet, "In one hour, we will deploy, we willl fly to Earth, and there, we will free our homeland. We may be going to our deaths, this maybe the last we hear of the Thelasi Star Empire. Yet I assure you, we will go down in Flame and Glory. I have never been one to advocate the suicide practice, but in this battle, that maybe our only option.

Our ships are better than theirs', our Fighters will destroy them, our Marines will murder them. Yet even then we go against the most powerfull of the elven nations. I say to you AN ACHARN. (OOC: For Vengance)"

Soon, the four battlefleets left for Earth, soon, another Kin-War would rip apart the elves, soon, the famous line of Sherman would prove true again, "War Is Hell"

In THelas, much to the anger of Emperor Netari, the long defence lines that ringed the entire contenent of Thilis (The continent THelas occupies) suddenly came active, and no longer answered to him. Soon, the massive Ground to Space Cannons that were scattered throughout Thelas came online. Soon, it was obvious, Thelas was in revolt. Across the nation, former soldiers ran to small warehouses and grabbed the weapons that they had either been given by the Resistance, or had hidden when they had been ordered to disarm.

Total Numbers:

Thelasi Ground Army: 3,000,000 Combat Troops
Space: Four War Fleets
Marines: 1,000,000 invasion troops.

OOC: Oddly enough, my invasion was planned for today, odd don't you think, I only oppened this thread thinking that this was an invasion of The Reich. Oh, and if you have trouble with any of this, just tell me and I will explain, and then fix.
17-01-2004, 01:36
OOC: First of all, no, when I say Thelas was disarmed, it was *disarmed*. There might be a few weapons hidden about in caches, but the static defenses are shut down and cutoff from power, and being dismantled in favor of Menelmacari equivalents. *Any* weapons that were military in nature were found and decommissioned, Serendis is an extremely thorough accountant when it comes to such things. As for smuggling, Menelmacari customs is remarkably thorough as well, if you've got anything in at all in substantial quantities, especially on such short notice, I'd imagine it's the likes of AK-47's and similarly low-technology equipment.

Further, the idea that you'd have better ships and fighters is fallacious, this entire infrastructure you've set up to produce and maintain them, assuming it can even possibly exist (which I question), was set up in the space of a week or two, with a budget of roughly zero, and was used to build the entire said fleet and fighter complement; thusly, both your ships and your production facilities are likely ragtag, haphazard, piecemeal, and of entirely questionable quality. Furthermore, you don't have many of them.

As for the mines, if they have any substantial mass at all, they will show up on Menelmacari sensors; mass sensors are remarkably effective in a space environment, where anything more than stray particles is statistically exceedingly rare. Further, you don't know we're coming, so you've got precisely zero reason to put out mines at all.

And four million troops? You don't have the resources. What are you paying them with? How are you feeding them? How are you arming them? For that matter, how do you think the Menelmacari would have missed four million soldiers in their decommissioning process? If they weren't in your military to begin with, where did you get them, and how did you train them?

There's a lot of questions still to be answered on your part, if this is to be any more difficult for Menelmacar than a routine mop-up operation.

17-01-2004, 01:48
OOC: I used the same damn scedule that NY&J used. Second, the ships I am using were built by the Taidan. They were part of my plan when I made Thelas a space nation. (Although now I wish I had stayed as a Modern only) They came into the earth system, after wandering for several thousand years, and asked for THelasi help. Theallas said yes, in return for building the THelasi fleet.

Like in Home World, the Taidan operate off of Mother Ships. Yes, those same Mother Ships from Home World, exept they operate FIVE of them, as you can see, I have a reasonable base. Look at The Taidan, they are the nation I keep refering to, they have a pop of over One Billion. Then factor in Ortheri One and Two, they are also world ship. They had their own troops, weapons, production facilites (Although they focused on small arms) Also, YOU NEVER POSTED Menelmacari customs agents in Thelas. I assumed that they were still Thelasi. Like some one pointed out to me it does not happen unless you POST that it happens. All in all, I am starting to get annoyed with you, and I am now starting to understand why people get annoyed with you.

You seem to think that Menelmacari is ALWAYS superior to everything else. I don't ask for much, just some fairnes here. Thelas is a large nation, not as large as Menelmacar, but still large and powerfull. For some strange reason, you seem to think that Thelasi equipment is junk. Yes I RPed that my Grav-Ships were out of date, but if nothing else, the Defence Systems are state of the art, maybe even better than Menelmacari systems.

I just ask that you consider that you don't have to win EVERY SINGLE F*CKING TIME!!! I'm not asking to win, I am just asking for a chance.

This may or may not be my last post on this thread, for today, depending on how long it takes me to cool off.
17-01-2004, 02:05
OOC: I used the same damn scedule that NY&J used. Second, the ships I am using were built by the Taidan. They were part of my plan when I made Thelas a space nation. (Although now I wish I had stayed as a Modern only) They came into the earth system, after wandering for several thousand years, and asked for THelasi help. Theallas said yes, in return for building the Thelasi fleet. Like in Home World, the Taidan operate off of Mother Ships. Yes, those same Mother Ships from Home World, exept they operate FIVE of them, as you can see, I have a reasonable base.
So, you're basically saying you've got five motherships that can build ships as quickly as the motherships in the game? They only do that so that the player doesn't have to wait a decade or two to be able to finish each mission. The idea that you can ICly build ships in minutes to hours is preposterous.

Look at The Taidan, they are the nation I keep refering to, they have a pop of over One Billion.
This is generally referred to as 'popwanking', it refers to using the population and stats of a puppet nation in order to boost your own. It's not cool. People usually ignore it. I'm doing that now. PUPPETWANK IGNORED.

Then factor in Ortheri One and Two, they are also world ship. They had their own troops, weapons, production facilites (Although they focused on small arms)
These facilities and their stores would have been included in the accounting of the Thelasi armed forces by Serendis. All such stores would have been *required* to be turned over to the Menelmacari Imperial government. As for the production facilities, if they focused on small arms, then all you've got is small arms. It would take you weeks to retool for production of another sort of equipment.

Also, YOU NEVER POSTED Menelmacari customs agents in Thelas. I assumed that they were still Thelasi.
Now why the hell would you think that? Find me one nation where a province has its own customs agents independent from the federal government. Does Canada have specifically Nova Scotian or Ontarian customs agents? Does the United States have specifically Californian or Floridian or North Dakotan customs agents? Does Great Britain have specifically Scottish customs agents? No, none of the above, and again, it's preposterous. Think logically, boy. Sirithil doesn't trust the Thelasi, I've stated this repeatedly in all the threads related to this storyline. The prevailing opinion in Menelmacar is that Thelasi are entirely incompetent in matters of government, and that's why you'd, say, bring military aircraft into another nation's airspace, or, say, singlehandedly ruin the Lavenrunz situation. Thelas has repeatedly embarrassed Menelmacar and acted counter to its interests despite its status as a protectorate. The Menelmacari are fifty flavors of pissed with Thelas, and have made the decision that if they can't run themselves properly, they can't run themselves at all.

Like some one pointed out to me it does not happen unless you POST that it happens. All in all, I am starting to get annoyed with you, and I am now starting to understand why people get annoyed with you.
And you're saying you can build a fleet superior to that of Menelmacar in the space of two weeks with *no* budget and *no* government support. And now I can understand why people are annoyed with *you*.

You seem to think that Menelmacari is ALWAYS superior to everything else. I don't ask for much, just some fairnes here. Thelas is a large nation, not as large as Menelmacar, but still large and powerfull. For some strange reason, you seem to think that Thelasi equipment is junk.
By comparison, Thelasi equipment is junk. Thelas was, according to your own backstory, started by *one* Elf who decided he was going to usurp the throne of some random state. Further, I think if you thought a bit logically you'd find that former special-forces guys whose grip on sanity is tenuous at best would be somewhat lacking as heads of state. For that reason, Sirithil would be unlikely to entrust you with technology equivalent to Menelmacar's, and you'd be rather unlikely to have developed it on your own.

Yes I RPed that my Grav-Ships were out of date, but if nothing else, the Defence Systems are state of the art, maybe even better than Menelmacari systems.
Please provide explanation, including a description of how you would have surpassed Menelmacari standards, when I've been RPing my military development to the hilt, including static defenses, and you've done... well, very little such, except to make ships that are, by any estimation, godmodes.

17-01-2004, 02:11
Anti-Menelmacari/Elven nations are really led by shadow governments of talking turnips with an average IQ of 34. No humans would be stupid enough to attack Menelmacar.

This has been a news report from the tabloids of True News.
17-01-2004, 02:20
IGNORE my last couple of posts. THelas is still a Menelmacari protectorate. The Thelasi millitary units just left the system they were in when the Menelmacari started moving. Theallas has left, seeing the idea of conquering back Thelas as futile.
17-01-2004, 02:22
In a quiet, rural part of Thelas, well away from the towns and cities where conflict raged between the Menelmacari soldiery, and the mindless mobs whipped up by General Theallas, a young elven girl, with long blonde hair that poured over her shoulders and down toward her slender waist, was walking through the woods, a basket of freshly-picked mushrooms swinging from her arm. The birds were singing in the trees, and a soft breeze caused the leaves to rustle softly, as the sun bathed her upturned face.

High above, in the cloudless sky, she could see a single dark speck. She peered upward, idle curiousity showing in her bright blue eyes, as it began to grown. Then, the curiousity died, as her perfect face froze in terror, and her already pale skin took on an icy pallor. She continued to gaze upward, paralysed by fear, as the Dragon took her gently in its claws, and, beating its gigantic wings, swept upward again, only to vanish into thin air, bearing the new member of its rider's harem back to his home.

She was not alone in her fate.
New York and Jersey
17-01-2004, 02:40
OOC: Sorry to see ya go Thelas. I actually wanted to finish this RP, and tie up all the loose ends. But that no longer seems like a possiblty. Oh well. This thread is over with, the RP is done, before it even started. Post whatever the hell you people want to post about now.I no longer care.


The Federal Fleet stopped gathering at Chimera Station, the commanders bewildered as to their actions, it had been a prank by some ensign at the Naval Command. The ensign would spend the next five years in the brig for forging of orders.However the damage was done and resources were wasted on a moblization which wasnt needed. The only positive thing which came to light was the fact that the new Hyperions were grouped into Cruiser Squadrons and assigned to fleets for combat patrols. Fleet Admiral Novali hoped that with the new Cruiser Squadrons the Navy wouldnt be so stretched to patrol all the areas it wanted to. Time would tell however.
17-01-2004, 02:43
Several rather large storms appeared, not far from the coast of Thelas.
imported_Sentient Peoples
17-01-2004, 02:50
The data was clear.

Menelmacar and New York and New Jersey were mobilizing against something.

The Thelas Protectorate had been restless since Menelmacar had reclaimed, and it was said that forces were in hiding, poised to strike back against Menelmacar.

NYNJ hated Thelas, for reasons not quite clear.

Conclusion: 85% probablity that they had learned the location of the Thelas fleet and were going to hit it preemptively.

A report was immediately filed to the President. He was upset, greatly, at how Thelas had screwed over the Lavenrunz situation, which required that the First Task Force still be stationed in stationary orbit in an overwatch position.


D'ron read the report and smiled.


<TRANSMISSION Opens: MF Alliance Encryption>
<FROM: IMPERIAL President D'ron Smith, FSP>

It has come to our attention that you are possibly preparing for a strike against the unruly province known as Thelas.

If that is the case, and if the rumors of their retaining a hidden military capabilty are true, allow me to offer the assistance of the Fourth Task Force of Battle Fleet.
D'ron Christopher Smith, Imperial President
The Federation of Sentient Peoples (
Federation Roleplay Policy (

17-01-2004, 03:06
OOC: Sorry to see ya go Thelas. I actually wanted to finish this RP, and tie up all the loose ends. But that no longer seems like a possiblty. Oh well. This thread is over with, the RP is done, before it even started. Post whatever the hell you people want to post about now.I no longer care.


The Federal Fleet stopped gathering at Chimera Station, the commanders bewildered as to their actions, it had been a prank by some ensign at the Naval Command. The ensign would spend the next five years in the brig for forging of orders.However the damage was done and resources were wasted on a moblization which wasnt needed. The only positive thing which came to light was the fact that the new Hyperions were grouped into Cruiser Squadrons and assigned to fleets for combat patrols. Fleet Admiral Novali hoped that with the new Cruiser Squadrons the Navy wouldnt be so stretched to patrol all the areas it wanted to. Time would tell however.

OOC: I may not be leaving yet it is just that, well, look at it from my perspective. I have spent nearly a whole week working on plans for this, the rebuilding of my fleet has been going on for longer than your construction, and you have more ships than I do.

I understand Menelmacar's beef with the puppet stuff, but I want my nation back. I want freedom. Menelmacar annoys me, she seems to think that Thelas has nothing that can hold a candle to Menelmacari goods. And I am sick of it. Yes she is older, yes she is a mod, but that does not mean that Menelmacari is everything.

I am sick of it, I am tired, and if I am going to finish this RP, I want Menelmacar to accept,

a. the fact that Thelasi equipment can be as good as Menelmacari goods
b. THe fact that yes, I can build this fleet
c. the fact that if you do not post it, you don't have it.

I just want a chance. I really just want a chance here.
17-01-2004, 03:17
You don't have the support to build the fleet. Simple fact, in-character actions = in-character consequences. Thelas voluntarily submitted to being a protectorate of Menelmacar and then continued to act:
1. Outside the bounds of its protectoracy.
2. Deliberately counter to Menelmacari interests.

The consequences of such would logically be Menelmacar acting to prevent the continuation of such sorts of actions.

NYNJ's fleet construction has been non-existent, he bought existing ships from a nation that was phasing them out of service. Indiastan is getting rid of its Hyperions in favor of the Rodger Young class, he offered them up for sale, and NYNJ bought them.

And I really don't see how your tech would be as good... Theallas himself isn't a techie, and he couldn't have singlehandedly seized control of an existing country if said country was any more advanced or capable than, say, Mozambique. So, whatever you've got, you've put together from scratch in a few decades or centuries, while Menelmacar has been building for millennia.

And, honestly, you do have a chance, and that would be in taking your motherships and vaulting for the stars, and not harassing Menelmacar. Attack Menelmacar, and your destruction is pretty well assured... you're putting together a ragtag band of rebels with nearly zero support and throwing them against what is, frankly, one of the more powerful empires out there. The wisest course is to cut your losses. But, admittedly, Theallas has never been one to take the wisest course.

Instead, you've chosen to, despite having minimal resources available, build an entirely new infrastructure and an entirely new fleet, with entirely new über designs for both fighters and ships, and somehow arm an entirely new army of four million soldiers, all at the same time, and you've made a lot of assumptions that would require the Menelmacari government to be even more incompetent than Theallas is.

Look, I'm not trying to be an asshole here, I'd just like to see a logical basis for your claims, rather than pulling things out of your rectum.

New York and Jersey
17-01-2004, 03:57
Both sides have valid points. Siri and Thelas, your both wrong, and your both right. Now as to why I have more ships than you Thelas. I've been building up for months, the ships I started out with Menelmacar built me. However recently I bought 100 ships from Sunset and another 100 from United Indiastan. Thats your fault for not looking it. Siri, you complain about funding, he doesnt need to pay crews, especially if they're fighting to get back their homeland. Now getting the equipment/ships/and all that does require funds, however it is more than possible that Thelas had hidden bank accounts,but those only stretch so far.

The Taidani from Homeworld were a damn Galactic Empire, who had existed for thousands of years among the stars. Now The fleet they amassed was over the course of 200-400 years. You dont have that time. The Mothership built ships like it did for the sole purpose that it was a game. Sorry but I dont want to wait a real life year for a Frigate to be produced.And I'm sure as hell not waiting 4 for a Battlecruiser.So you cant have as many ships as you want. And the troop numbers need to be severely scaled back.

A comprimise needs to be reached.
New York and Jersey
17-01-2004, 05:22
You know what?Forget the compromise. I'm withdrawing myself from this completely. RP is suppose to be fun, and this thread had been all but fun. So before this causes me to quit because of the BS, I'm just going to turn my back on it right now.The participants in it can continue all they want.
17-01-2004, 15:00
OOC: Now that I have had time to think, I was in the wrong, and am willing to make a compromise.

I will only have one fleet and 500,000 men. But I still will have the Thelasi defence grid.

One other thing, Menelmacar, you seem to not understand something about Thelas. It was not just Theallas that took over, it was a group of colonists from the borders of Menelmacar, who were dissatisfied because of serval factors (the fact that all of them were Sindarin for instance). So saying that Menelmacar should be more advanced than Thelas is like saying that the British are more advanced than the USA

What say you Menel? Oh and NY&J please don't leave. I have asked for some allied help, and Menel would get swamped by pure numbers.
The Silver Turtle
17-01-2004, 15:11
OOC: Is this where you want the help?
17-01-2004, 18:52
OOC: Ya, the thread almost turned into a flame war.

I will check this thread back in a couple hours, now off to play Medeival Total war, Viking Invasion.
17-01-2004, 18:54
OOC: Now that I have had time to think, I was in the wrong, and am willing to make a compromise.

I will only have one fleet and 500,000 men. But I still will have the Thelasi defence grid.

One other thing, Menelmacar, you seem to not understand something about Thelas. It was not just Theallas that took over, it was a group of colonists from the borders of Menelmacar, who were dissatisfied because of serval factors (the fact that all of them were Sindarin for instance). So saying that Menelmacar should be more advanced than Thelas is like saying that the British are more advanced than the USA

What say you Menel? Oh and NY&J please don't leave. I have asked for some allied help, and Menel would get swamped by pure numbers.
OOC: There aren't any Menelmacari colonists in Thelas, end of story. Kindly quit doing things with my people without clearing it with me first. Given that the Noldorin leaders of Menelmacar have fallen all over themselves to prevent recurrence of the sorts of things that caused Noldor-Sindar tensions in the first place, and the fact there are more than a few Sindarin ruling nobles, means that if there is any such tensions now, it's minimal at most.

Fine, you can have the defense grid... I can still cut the power.

Further, I don't want any allies on either side here, this is you on me. The only reason NYNJ was involved at all was because he was involved in the storyline from the very beginning.

17-01-2004, 22:54
A fleet composed of more than hundred Aelosian civilian transports appeared from out the warp, placing themselves in the middle of the two fleets, blocking the line of fire of both Menelmacari and Thelasian vessels.

The slim silouettes of the civilian transports appeared from an opened warp rift with no escort, with no guns, no military aboard. It was the merchant fleet of House D'Hyru, the personal vessels of the Princess Aliria. Painted like butterflies, the fast yet fragile ships remained in the spot, sending just one open and public message, repeated in all frequencies:

"Kinslaying must be prevented, no elven blood will be spilled by any of the firstborn, unless they want to fall into the darkness forever. If you want to kill each other, you will need to kill us first. This is orc work, and not worth of the privileged sons of Ilúvatar"

The message was carrying the personal rune of the Heir to the throne, Princess Aliria D'Hyru, issued from her personal transport, a beautiful and delicate ship painted as a Silver Dragon, the Symbelminë.
18-01-2004, 00:08
OOC: Thank Aelosia for comming in. Menel, do you REALLY think that I would fight you with out this is stupid to say the least. Theallas may have lost all credibility as Aelosia has pointed out to me by TG, but even then, he is not a moron when it comes to tactical matters.

About the colonists, I have tried to talk this over with you, I sent TGs when I was a new nation. I tried to catch you in threads. But guess what, YOU IGNORED ME! Even now, the only time you EVER pay attention to me is when you want to use me as the newest target practice for your fleets. Damn it Menelmacar!

(Comes back to the computer after several minutes)

Okay, now that I have calmed back down, the colonists were from the borders of Menelmacar, far borders, aka, not even actualy with in Menelmacar. I happily don't care what step you have gone through.

Think of it in RL terms. Many Jews I know still have a distrust of the Germans after the holocaust. Now, remember that elves live for a while, then remember that there may even be a couple of citizens who remember the Kin-Slaying of old. You can understand why they left.

And also, if this is you on me, at least let me use my extencive preparations. Ohh also, as I keep saying, Menelmacar is not invincable. Remember what happened to the British in America, and in many other colonial territories. They got massacered.
18-01-2004, 01:15
OOC: Whoa, whoa, whoa...I'm not taking any sides here. The only reason those transports are there is because they want to stop any bloodshed between two allied people of the Sindarin. They're civilians, and they will stand there until everyone disengages or they are destroyed. They're pacifists...and neutral. They're not with Menelmacar nor with you, Thelas. If I wanted to take sides, I would sent a military fleet, not civilian transports...


"Theallas Nos Dagnir, Theallas the Hot headed. Princess Aliria D`Hyru is wondering if you could visit her in her ship. She's awaiting for you", was the only message sent by the Aelosian fleet.
18-01-2004, 01:16
OOC: Whoa, whoa, whoa...I'm not taking any sides here. The only reason those transports are there is because they want to stop any bloodshed between two allied people of the Sindarin. They're civilians, and they will stand there until everyone disengages or they are destroyed. They're pacifists...and neutral. They're not with Menelmacar nor with you, Thelas. If I wanted to take sides, I would sent a military fleet, not civilian transports...


"Theallas Nos Dagnir, Theallas the Hot headed. Princess Aliria D`Hyru is wondering if you could visit her in her ship. She's awaiting for you", was the only message sent by the Aelosian fleet.
18-01-2004, 04:36
OOC: I meant my side as in, keeping me from getting blown into sub-atomic pieces.

IC: On board the new battlewagon, Theallas visibly paled a shade or two. His Force Commander looked at him, "Sir should I send a group of marines with you?"

"No commander, that would make things worse. Message me when the Leidan responce is reveived, also message me if any Eldamar or GDODAD forces ask." Theallas stood, checking to make sure that the leather clasp if firmly looped over the pommel guard of his katana. He walked down to the shuttle bay, and boarded a small transport. Soon, the small ship left the docking bay of its' home base, and sailed twoards the awaiting transport.

"This is Loyalist Transport STT-2 assigned to the battlewagon Acharn Two, we are requesting permision to dock."

(I assume they were granted)

THe shuttle landed, and Theallas walked out, he looked calm, cold, and very very much annoyed at this prospect. Inside, he was anything but annoyed, Well, at last I can end this chapter of my life, soon at least. Well, I have no doubt, better to cut the strings now, than to continue with unresolved problems to theg grave. Theallas, unlike his men, was a pragmatist most of the time, he had assesed the situation and had determined, unless GDODAD, Eldamar, and maybe Bajoni forces arrive, the Thelasi Star Navy would be crushed. I feel sorry for my men, but at least, they go to their deaths' willingly, and with pride, and a clean heart, I on the other hand go to death as I always have, with a black heart, and hands stained of the blood of my own kin. Eru forgive me.
18-01-2004, 18:52
A couple of attendants, dressed in the usual colors of use D'Hyru, green and purple, approached Theallas. Inside the transport, there were no guards, the usual Swooping Hawk guards of the Countess on a leave.

"May Eru forgive you General", said the first one, an old matron with silver hair, in her elven features the print of centuries, with a slow and hissing voice. It was strange, the usual elven salute was "May Eru protect you", not "forgive" you, but still the old elven woman was using the term "forgive".

The another unarmed courtier, a young men dressed with a simple robe, bowed slightly to Theallas. "May Mandos be kind with you", he said, in his face a shadow of doubt and sadness. "The Princess is awaiting for you, Theallas Nos Dagnir, and she wants to meet you alone. Her heart is hurt behind recognition by your acts, but she wants you to help her to heal it".

The pair of courtiers guided Theallas through the hallways of the ship, illuminated by wisps of light, flying above them like giant balls of energy, giving the hallways a sinister and scary look.

It was strange too. The ship was usually of bright colors, and many people danced and sang in the various halls. It was a place full of joy, music and happiness. It was a place in eternal spring, without never knowing winter.

This time was different, the hallways and rooms were painted in grey and black, and it was empty, no people laughing, singing or telling stories in the ship. It was like the winter of ages finally had arrived to the vessel, engulfing it in an eternal sadness.

"This ship is controlled by a Wraithstone, an extension of its owner's soul, and it reflects the Princess' mood", said the old woman as they walked through the ship. "The Eldar Bonesinger that designed it said that winter would enter this place if her soul was harmed. This is the first time suffering overcome happiness in her heart".

Finally, after a long and silent walk, they arrived to a huge door made of wraithbone. The gates, usually adorned with pictures of bright woods and beautiful landscapes, was now covered with a black sky raining over sinister mounds.

"She's beyond that door. We're not allow to enter. She wants to see you alone", said the young man.

With a little bow the pair of courtiers left Theallas in front of the gates...
18-01-2004, 21:10
As they walked, Theallas whispered to himself, "I am a cursed man, cursed to wander."

When they reached the door, Theallas nodded, "Thank you" Taking a deep breath, THeallas opened the door, I hope she is stronger than myself.

OOC: That last comment will be explained in a couple of posts
18-01-2004, 22:18
Inside the elegant hall was a throne, and in front of the throne a little, dark figure...

It was Aliria, dressed in strange garments. Black, translucent robes, that let many parts of her body exposed, without being unelegant. The clothes looked more like extracted from Dread Lady Nathicana than the usual colorful clothes Aliria usually wore. She was dressed as she had fallen into darkness, more like a Dark Eldar Mistress than the merry Sindarin Princess Theallas knew...and loved. Her hair was dyed silver, and cut just at the chin's level.

She was kneeled on the floor, in a leaned position. "You came...I'm glad to see you here, I was waiting for you". Her eyes were emotionless, icy pools of frozen feelings. Her lips were painted black, and she spoke slowly, being careful with the perfect spelling and pronunciation, using a very seductive tone.

Around her wrists she wore silver bracelets sporting snake and viper designs. A diadem adorned her forehead, with a crimson ruby gleaming in its middle.

"So, tell me Theallas nos Dagnir, Theallas the Hotheaded. What are we going to do now?. Travel to Raem and dedicate ourselves to worship the Eternal and Crawling Darkness?", she said, waiting for an answer.
19-01-2004, 01:05
Theallas looked at Aliria, is eyes blank as always, solid pools of blue, almost seeming to burn with energy, windows into the soul of the possessor. “You’re different. What did I do to you? What happened to you to cause this change?”

Theallas stood still, his body poised, as if it was trying to both seem relaxed, yet also to be ready to protect. His life had told him that even your beloved could harm you. It was misguided wisdom, yet it was wisdom forged of the experience of over two thousand years.

He slowly began to formulate his response in his mind, he tasted the words to see if there were palatable (okay yes that was a total rip-off from the RK OAV) before he spoke, “If it is the only way to protect and free my people, I would commit any crime, so that their hands would not be stained. I would commit the worst crimes of our kind if it meant that my people would be protected and freed.

History has taught me that the only way to ensure freedom, is to take it by force. The only way to protect, is by force. I have learned this by history, and by my life. The only way that I can protect the ones that I care for is by my sword, and my power.”

Theallas knelt in front of Aliria, his eyes down-cast, “I apologize EverQueen, my actions have been thoughtless are uncaring. I was a fool. I am sorry.” He seemed in that moment to reach a resolution, a lone tear passed down his face.

Theallas then closed his eyes as his hand slipped under his cloak to his belt…
19-01-2004, 19:44
"That's not the elven way, Theallas. We only resource to brute force if the enemy is too vile, or when we are pushed too much", the Princess said, staring in Theallas eyes with the intensity of a lightning bolt.

"I'm different today, because you're different now too. I know you're always ready to die for your beliefs, and that's a good thing, thoughts worth of a hero. But today you're not sacrificing yourself for your people, you're asking them to sacrifice themselves for your ideals!, you're asking them to die for you!. Are you ready to see how thousands of elven corpses float in the emptyness of space tomorrow in this same place?. And all because of your pride and arrogance?. If in this place a battle take place, thousands of elves will die a horrible death. You're no longer an elven hero, you're a butcher, an egotist and selfish mass murderer.", as she spoke, in the eyes of the Princess the terror and madness were painted with awful reality, like divination pools where Theallas could see the destruction of the battlefields.

"Your ships, your army, your famous defense grid. They're just manifestations of your pride, and you're ready to send thousands of soldiers that love you just because you're too proud to see when you have lost even before the clash?. Are you ready to bring GDOAD armies to kill your own kin?. That's the worst crime I've ever heard, Kinslaying, and in that case, you're even worst than a Dark Eldar Archon, even worst than Ma'El", she shook her head, visibly affected by her own words, then looked to floor and continued...

"You're treating your people like orcs, sending them to a sure death. The only way to achieve true freedom Theallas, is building it, not grabbing it by force. Your people are free now, and they will remain free in the future. And how are you going to protect your people if you're sending them directly to the Halls of Mandos?. You can't protect them if they're dead!", she stood leaving Theallas knelt at her feet, and grabbed a tiny lipstick, fixing her makeup again.

"I can't accept your apologies, Theallas, you have started a tide that will be solved only with your death, and maybe the deaths of countless people in an unneccesary fight. You don't need to apologize to me, but to your people and to those who were harmed and hurt by your actions and words", as she saw the tear in Theallas' cheek she sat again in front of him. "What can you do to fix things?. This time I can do nothing. My fleet is here to protect your people, the Thelasian elves, not to protect you. As a matter of fact the only way you could protect your people is with your death or abdication", she put her delicate hand over his cheek, rubbing with her thumb his skin a little, with tenderly care.

"I can't see another way, and I'm dressed this way because I'm grieving about your death, because I know that you won't see another day after this one", said Aliria, no capable of holding her tears anymore. "I'm not the Everqueen, Theallas, not yet. I need to be married to get the crown. You would have been the Aelosian Emperor, but you made too many mistakes...", with a sob she stopped, unable to keep talking...
20-01-2004, 00:50
OOC: Can you beleive that Tolkein never added "Thank You" to the language of Sindarin? What a thing not to add!


Theallas let his hand fall from his side, Aliria could see that he held a smaller dagger. With a clang, it fell from the ground. Every now and then, a tear would escape, unwanted, and trickle down his face. "I have been selfish, but..." Theallas paused, the silence streached for what seemed like hours, in reality, only seconds pased.

"why do I argue? I can see it with my own eyes, the damage I have caused, the destruction that I will cause, through my hate. What has happened to me? I never would have done this in the past. My people no longer need an ancient relic to guide the nation."

When Aliria finished and began to cry, Theallas placed his hand on her cheek, "Don't cry, don't cry for could never have been. I made a choise, a foolish one, a stupid one, and I hurtfull one, don't suffer because of what I have done."

Theallas lowered his hand, "I love you Aliria, I always will, yet I will not bind you from life that you may choose. I will not. I must go, I have a war to prevent, and, I have a very, very irate queen to run away from."

Theallas stood, speaking into his com unit, "Force Commander, order the fleet to stand down, also, you are in command now. I want you to organise a way to get Thelas' soveregnty back, with out starting a kin war."

"But sir!"

"Just take my orders for once!"

"Yes Gen... Yes Theallas"

"Thank you Empress"

Theallas clicked the com unit off, "Now what do I do with myself?" He spoke to himself, not expecting a responce, "I could kill myself, end it now. I have..." he stops, looking at Aliria, "some one who cares about me."
20-01-2004, 02:07
High up on the walls of one of Thelas' more heavily-populated coastal cities, a pair of friends were gazing out to sea, transfixed by the gigantic storm which was sweeping rapidly toward them.

"That storm looks awfully ominous. Did you hear about those wierd tempests that were near EOTED during Melkor's war there? I heard that they looked rather similar to, well...these."

His companion shuddered;

"Are there any Menelmacari troops near here?"

"No.. they're all dealing with riots in the capital, or fighting our boys up in Space somewhere."

"Oh. Never thought I'd want Menelmacari troops nearby, but that storm is moving this way rather rapidly."

They both continued to stare out to sea, as the rain began to fall.

The afternoon, the storm reached the city, enveloping it for several hours. When it withdrew, and headed back out to sea, the city was silent and empty. The entire population, both adult and child, had vanished.
20-01-2004, 02:44
Sirithil had transferred to a dreadnought for this fight, to the MIS Mandos... an appropriate choice, given that she fully intended to wreak Justice on the Thelasi... that they would attack Menelmacar! It was unthinkable, unconscionable, intolerable! The Menelmacari fleet... eight fleets... two hundred forty capital ships... almost a third of the Menelmacari naval strength had been mustered for this fight, and they were waiting above Earth when the Thelasi arrived through their slipstreams...

Targeting scanners lit up all through the armada. Shooting solutions were prepared; every weapon on every ship was already charged, ammoed, and racked, and every fighter and gunship was already launched, hungry for a chance to wreak righteous havoc among the traitors.

"Here they come, milady..."

Sirithil nodded. "All ships, do not fire until they do... but be ready to."

It was a very tense moment, and was made only more tense by two reports coming in.

"Milady, reports coming in of shooting in Thelas itself. Viceroy Netari reports the defense grid has also stopped acknowledging his authority."

"Very well. Cut them off."

All over Thelas, there had been small garrisons of troops placed at various strategic locations in case insurgents made an attempt to seize vital infrastructure. Powerplants were just one sort of strategic point; and in each powerplant throughout the land, the order was received, and master breakers were switched off - plunging the entire province into darkness, and rendering the entire grid inert.

"Thelasi fleet approaching, milady; they will be within weapons range in... wait, warp rifts opening directly between us and the enemy!"

Indeed, ships were warping in all up and down the line...

"They're Aelosian," the sensor officer responded. "And there are no warships. Only civilians. Over a hundred transports, bulk freighters, cargo-haulers... not a single gun among them."

"What's that ship there?" Sirithil asked, pointing to one small and distinctive in the middle of the Aelosian fleet.

"Scanning... the vessel is registered Symbelminë. It is Aliria's personal vessel."

"Damn that girl... what's she up to?"

Several bridge officers opened their mouths to, perhaps, offer speculation, but Aliria answered the question herself, over all frequencies. Kinslaying must be prevented, no Elven blood will be spilled by any of the firstborn, unless they want to fall into the darkness forever. If you want to kill each other, you will need to ill us first. This is orcish work, and not worthy of the privileged sons of Ilúvatar."

"Bless her heart..." Sirithil said softly. "But the Thelasi are dead set on this..."

"We're picking up another transmission, milady... this one a little quieter. I'll put it through..." "Theallas nos Dagnir, Theallas the Hotheaded: Princess Aliria D`Hyru is wondering if you could visit her aboard her ship. She's waiting for you."

Siri gasped. "Does she really think she can..."

The tactical officer interrupted. "I have new shooting solutions, milady. The targeting systems have computed means of assaulting the Thelasi armada without harming the Aelosians..."

"Hold your fire, Cáno!" Sirithil hissed. "I will not kill if it can be avoided. And I will certainly not take the first shot. Let the girl have her parley; she deserves a chance." An idea evolved in her mind. "But launch a single Leech, and attach it to Symbelminë's hull. As close to the shuttlebay as you can get it."

Silently in the emptiness of space, from a launcher on the dreadnought's ventral hull surface, was fired a tiny drone... nearly imperceptible on sensors... carried on an oversized (for the Leech's mass) gravitic thruster. And even as Theallas' shuttle cruised gently into the Aelosian hangar, the Leech set down on Symbelminë, perhaps two meters above the hangar door, and well out of sight.

OOC: The defense grid being down probably would have enabled Kal to do his thing, so assume this post came before his. Sirithil nos Fëanor
Elentári of the Eternal Noldorin Empire of Menelmacar
"We have known freedom's price. We have shown freedom's power. We will see freedom's victory."
~US President George W. Bush
We Love the Iraqi Information Minister (
New York and Jersey
20-01-2004, 04:42 last chance.


"President de los Santos, the Thelasian Fleet has arrived in the area, they're moving to attack Menelmacar!" A LIDAR officer screamed from his position, the entire fleet went to an automatic battlestations as the radar screens filled with dozens upon dozens of enemy warships. President de los Santos was in Army Gear, a sixth star on his uniform signaled his status as commander of the entire nations military. Stepping across the bridge of the brand new battleship FRSN Glorious Heritage he stopped behind thhe LIDAR officer and looked down..The Glorious Heritage was a 1,245 meter long Battleship, painted a battleship grey like color it had a massive cannon slung on the underside of ventral bow porition of the warship. The ship bristled with visable weapons and it was moving at a moderate speed for a ship of that magnitude. "Helm!Bring us about to an intercepting course, all ships are cleared to fire when inrange." The Battleship dipped and turned followed by the rest of the Federal Republic Navy a total of 441 warships,most of them(400) were bought from outside powers.

Ahead of the navy the Hyperion class Cruisers, a total of three hundred in all raced ahead, they would be the first warships in range when the Aelosian Fleet began to enter the scene. "President Santos, civilian vessels have entered the area, they're between the Menelmacari Fleet and the Thelasi Fleet." Gregory blinked a few times looking at the LIDAR display and tapped his foot on the ground. "Well we can still get a clean shot cant we?" The weapons officer gave a quick affirmative nod and plotted the targeting solutions as did the rest of the fleet. "We'll fire when the Menelmacari do...I want a combined eveloping bombardment." The Federal Stellar Navy began to slow down, and kept its distance, allowing the Aelosian Navy to be inbetween the Menelmacari and Thelasi fleet but not their own.

However minutes passed and Gregory wondered moving over toward the ships advanced holo-communications array. When it was certain that the link was secure President de los Santos moved infront of the image capturing device and smiled over toward Empress Sirithil. "Empress, how do you like my new toy? She's the largest ship in our fleet.But aside from gloating I just want to know my dear friend, why havent we fired on the Thelasi fleet as of yet?My warships have the perfect vantage to fire on them right now." The carriers around the fleet began to launch a conservative amount of fighters they wouldnt be used for an attack, but they just kept the fleet defended.
20-01-2004, 14:09
OOC: Kalessin, you seem to have a very good perchant for trying to attack possibal allies, back to war.


The Thelasi fleet held position, every now and then, a ship would shift, re-alining incase of combat.

"Menelmacari Warship, this is an internal Thelasi matter. Commander Netari has organised a coup again the rightfull government of Thelas, Empress Ithenril, brought to power by Theallas Nos Dagnir. I repeat, this is an internal matter. If you want to talk to Theallas, he is currently on the Aelosian flag-ship.

Menelmacar ships will NOT be fired upon, the Fedral Fleet will NOT be fired upon, we WILL return fire if fired upon."

En-coded internal message from Acharn to all fleet assets, "All Warships, stand down defender screens up, weapons hot ut not targeted. We are going to see who blinks first, at hope, we can end this with out a shot."

Alright where the hell is that Leidan fleet? For that matter, where the hell is the Eldamar defence fleet?

Message to Elentari Sirithil,

"Sirithil nos Feanor, I am empress Ithenril, leader of Thelas. When this short civil war has ended, I would like to start negotiations for the soveregnty of Thelas. My last orders from Theallas were to gain Thelasi freedom, and that is what I will do.

Unlike Theallas I have no wish to start a kin war. I only have a wish to see the freedom of my people achevied. I ask you, will you let elven blood be spilled this day to gain a provence that will only revolt again in ten more years. And when the Menelmacari army has lost some of its' best men, what then? When the armies of Arda attack, what will Menelmacar fight with? And army blunted by fighting other elves? In the war Menelmacar will again have to fight the Thelasi, yet not a revolting Thelas, a soveregn Thelas, armed with powerfull weapons.

It would not be worth it milady, it would not be worth it when you could just give Thelas independance, and as part of that sign a non-agression pact, or some such clause. And as another matter, can you turn the power grid back on, my mages are reporting me that some Kallesin apear to have stolen the entire population of the city of Kehtin."
imported_Sentient Peoples
20-01-2004, 15:00
The Federation Fourth Task Force waited, silent in its orbit of the gleaming blue and green orb below it.

Or, it appeared silent from the outside.

Inside, the mighty ships pulsed with barely restrained power. Boots slammed down on the deck plates. Bulkheads vibrated from the passage of power behind their thin restraint.

Condition Red One was in effect.

The drive systems hummed with barely leashed energy, ready to respond at a moments notice, to snap their protection and power around the ship.

Missile tubes were loaded, and the capacitors to energy weapons were being fed their charge, greedily sucking the energy from the reactors.

Primary lighting was out to conserve power, as whispered conversations and fearful tones dominated the darkness.

Fighters with loaded, EM catapults singing softly in the darkness of the emptied fighter bays, glowing with the slight charge.

The last of the crew made their skinsuit connections, linking into the warships.

The Thelasi Fleets appeared, and moments later, the Aelosian. Electronic Intelligences fed continuous updates to the fire control computers, combat ready, their backups, as the orbit slowly changed the Task Force's position. Three setups were present, and which was used would depend on a very specific set of circumstances.

But Fourth Task Force, Battle Fleet, Federation of Sentient Peoples, was as ready for combat as it could be.

But no emmissions betrayed that readiness. Everything was done on passive.

The ships swam softly through the night sky, as stars like glittering sand beautifully dotted the backdrop of what might, in minutes, become a holocaust.
20-01-2004, 15:54
"Theallas, you will stay here, with me, forever...", said Aliria in a peaceful tone. The woman leaned over Theallas' shoulder, once she stopped from crying. "I'll take care of you, and I'll take care of your beloved people. You must rest, and let your people to be free as you want it. Aelosia will be forever the ally of Thelas, I swear it by Elbereth Gilthoniel", she spoke as a mother, or an older sister to the proud elven general. Her hand removed the silvery wig, and her beautiful long golden hair fell over her shoulders again.

"Now Theallas, just kiss me for the last time, will you?", said the woman, her atractive scent flowing in the air, closing her eyes and opening her black-painted lips a little, expecting the kiss from the Thelasian ruler...
20-01-2004, 18:02
Theallas kissed Aliria slowly wraping his arms around her, as they broke the kiss Theallas sighed lightly, "I am sorry, I made too, many mistakes."
20-01-2004, 18:30
"I know, but now everyting is ok, don't worry. Just rest in my lap, everything is going to be ok, you'll see. Now just sleep, and dream about your perfect world", said Aliria playing with Theallas' hair, making him to lean on her lap like a little child.

As she spoke a single tear fell from her chin, falling on Theallas' cheek...

((The lips of Aliria were poisoned with Black Lotus Extract, the most powerful venom known in Aelosia, capable to kill even the stronger elf in 1 minute. The symtoms are just an sleepy state and fast paralysis. That's why her lips were painted in black, and why she arranged her makeup so many times. Theallas is going to die very soon, sleeping in Aliria's lap))
20-01-2004, 19:02
Theallas leaned back, closing his eyes, he slowly drifted off, a corner of his mind noticing, as he fell asleep, he whispered, "Thank you."

And so the some times misguided, some times cruel, some times brutal, and some times loving life came to an end. As a Thelasi historian recorded many years later, "His life upon this earth ended in bliss, and so, General Theallas Noss Dagnir, passed onto the Halls of Manos."

And so this chapter of Thelasi History came to a peacefull end.

(OOC: Aelosia, thank you.)
20-01-2004, 19:42
((No problem by me, as long as you respect the way she is))


Aliria fell asleep with Theallas resting in her lap. The poison was affecting her too, but she had taken the antidote before Theallas entered the room. After a long hour sleeping she raised her head. "I survived the venom", she said to herself, looking at the motionless figure of Theallas.

She passed her hand over his eyes, his lips, and his cheeks, touching the surprisingly cold skin of the elven General. "Now you're more beautiful, finally you found peace. I'll take care of your people and carry on with your last will. You will live forever here, Theallas, here, in my heart and in the heart of your people".

She stood, letting the head of Theallas to rest on the floor, then walked to a incom and pressed a button. "I need to send a message in all frequencies, prepare the comlink", she said.

"Is everything fine Princess?, Is the General asleep?", asked a voice from the other side of the incom.

"Yes he is, please send my attendants and the Kenkari Priest to take care of the body. Clean it and prepare it, we need to send it to the Thelasian authorities", said Aliria, visibly affected. This is the first man I ever kill in cold blood, but it had to be done, countless lives were at the stake. I know I'll carry this burden until the last of my days, she said to herself as again a tear rolled down her cheek.

"It will be done, my Lady", answered the voice, "The comlink is ready"

She left the room, giving one last glance to the fallen body of Theallas and walking to the main chamber of the ship...

Message in all frequencies:
To all fleets in the vicinity of Thelas, to all Thelas population

"Today Theallas Nos Dagnir, General Theallas of Thelas passed away aboard the Princess Aliria's personal transport, the Symbelminë, due to his own will of entering the Halls of Mandos. He died sacrificing himself for his people, so the freedom and independence of Thelas could be respected. His last will was to appoint Empress Ithenril as the next ruler of Thelas, so his beloved nation could remain independent, and his body will be turn to Thelas authorities so he could have the honorary services he deserves", in the last part of the message Aliria's voice cracked, not able to withstand the shame of lying to so many people...
New York and Jersey
21-01-2004, 09:07
FRSN Glorious Heritage,Starboard Bow shot.

Aboard the FRSN Glorious Heritage:

"Theallas is dead?" President de los Santos said in disbelief as he moved from the holographic graphic communications terminal not even allowing Sirithil to respond cutting her off completely. "Thats what the Aelosian transport has reported,sir." Gregory snicked to himself and walked along the bridge of the Battleship slowly tugging his uniform down to straighten it out once more he rolled up the sleeves of his uniform jacket and shirt underneth and pointed toward the Thelasian flagship, "Weps get me a targeting solution 300 meters over the bow with the Lance cannon. Comm signal the fleet after our shot we're moving the fleet off we've got to deal with other more pressing problems." The weapon officer cut power to every other weapon system and fed that power to what was offically known as the Lance cannon. The cannon was quite simply a heavy particle beam weapon with an output of over a Tw. It was meant to punch through shields and hit the armor of a ship directly but the downside was its use would mean cutting power to all other weapons systems.

The guns barrel elevated slightly and its turret moved abit to adjust for the position of the vessel in relation to its own. The weapons officer gave a thumbs up when the cannon was ready to be fired. "Okay weps, its your show now, fire a single four second lance." The weapon officer nodding his head and flipped open the cover to the lance cannon fire contol system. Flipping several switches up the cannons safeties were removed and a singal was sent down to the turret deck.

The gunnery officer down in the lance cannon control room pressed down upon a button and the lights of the ship flicked for several seconds before they came back to life. On the outside of the ship the cannon crackled with stored energy before it was released in the form of a dark blue beam which was sent hurtling across space toward the Thelasi fleet shooting over their own flagship. After several more seconds the entire Federal Navy began to turn and move off heading in seperate directions, the fleets and the cruiser squadrons had jobs they needed to get done, and none of them would get done if they remained here. Historians would look back on the shot with a mixed emotion, some felt as if it were a sign of respect, and others would decide it was a warning to the Thelasi never to repeat the same mistakes of their past leader. The only person who truely knew was President de los Santos and he would never tell.
21-01-2004, 17:31
OOC: thanks, I am just waiting for Menel to get on. By the way, does any one here know of a NS IRC channel where I can talk to her?
21-01-2004, 17:46
I'm often on #nationstates.

The Silver Turtle
21-01-2004, 17:51
OOC: I was sure I posted I had a fleet stationed nearby and a spy watching what went on.
The pilot of the spy-ship saw the flicker of a beam lancing out from the NY+J ship. Just as he prepared to call for the fleet, however, the NY+J fleet fled. Picking up transmissions about the death of the General, he decided it wasn't worth it. He doubted the Menelmacari would attack, and the Ineffable fleet couldn't trace the NY+J fleet. There was little point unless he wanted to start a major war. He sent a drone to the fleet, located 2 light hours away, telling them what had happened.
21-01-2004, 19:32
OOC: Menel, what server is that on? I can't seem to get the adress to work correctly.
21-01-2004, 22:57

#Nationstates is at
23-01-2004, 19:01
26-01-2004, 16:53
*Kicks thread back up for Siri's convienience in finding it*
27-01-2004, 05:06
OOC: Okay, to move this allong... I will take liberties, I am going to assume that Theallas' body is now being transfered to the Thelasi


The Aelosian shuttle carrying the body of Theallas docked with a small Thelasi ship, the body was transfered with a swift, millitary persision, normal to all Thelasi operations. The Thelasi craft was lightly armed, and carried no more than six Thelasi troopers. Slowly, the small craft pulled away, heading out twoards the Thelasi fleet.

Message to Lady Sirithil nos Feanor

"Lady, I have drawn up terms for the negotiation of the freedom of Thelas,

1. Payment of 5,000,000,000 Credits Yearly
2. A non-agression pact with Menelmacar
3. A treaty promising Thelas' aid should Menelmacar ever be attacked
4. The station Ortheri Two.

OOC: Melkor, your show
27-01-2004, 16:39
Let's stay in tune with this....the body of Theallas is still in the transport...

Aliria said: "You will live forever here, Theallas", "Theallas, you will stay here, with me, forever", those are some clues...
27-01-2004, 16:40
Let's stay in tune with this....the body of Theallas is still in the transport...

Aliria said: "You will live forever here, Theallas", "Theallas, you will stay here, with me, forever", those are some clues...
27-01-2004, 16:54
I assumed that Theallas' body would have been transported to the Thelas like Aliria had said, oh well, back to work.

IC: In space the Thelasi fleet waited, silently, for the Menelmacari reply.
Melkor Unchained
03-02-2004, 04:03
Melkor Unchained
03-02-2004, 04:04
Melkor Unchained
03-02-2004, 04:10
Utumno, 0200 local time

Quickly, quietly, a team was assembled beneath the surface at the Sable Fist headquarters--Morgoth's elite units were stationed there; and this operation fell clearly under their jurisdiction. A small gravitic transport craft was manned: it had nothing in the way of weapons but was small and extremely fast, with a limited-effect active camoflauge system. Thanks to this, the craft appeared as a blur as it sped past; difficult to differentiate though not completely invisible. The craft carried a team of five men of the Sable Fist, sent to interdict the Aelosian craft.

It sped steadily and rose through the sky and into orbit, closing rapidly on the fleets. The ship broadcast a special signal to displace sensor readings, rendering the craft nearly impossible to see until very close.

It probably wouldn't take very long to get there, much less carry it out. The crew waited in the craft as their Captian piloted the craft. Slowly, the figures in the distance grew larger as they closed with the Aelosian craft.

Melkor, Lord of Darkness
He who Arises in Might
Emperor Eternal of the Imperial Dominion of Melkor Unchained, Lord and Master of Arda
03-02-2004, 17:05
To the unidentified vessel approaching the Symbelminë:

"Please don't start any hostile actions against us. We're a diplomatic vessel and we're unarmed. Please point out your intentions. This is the Symbelminë, personal transport of Princess Aliria D'Hyru, Imperial Chancellor of Aelosia....", suddenly the transmission stopped.

"Do you see the blazons on that ship?, it's a melkorian ship, may Ilúvatar protect us!", said one of the ship's officers, almost falling in panic.

The captain just slapped him with the back of his hand. "Behave kid, let's try an evasive manouver, this ship stands no chance against a well armed Melkorian vessel, if we cannot escape, then prepare to die for the Princess", said the older elf, sitting down in his throne.
03-02-2004, 17:13
On board the Thelasi warships, they spotted the Melkorian vessel right after the Aelosia ship spotted them, the Thelasi vessels changed vectors. From their position, they could not hit the Melkorian ship with out hitting the Aelosia vessels, now, they had to wait.
Melkor Unchained
04-02-2004, 01:07
Sable Fist Captain and team leader Aros Antanamir snickered to himself as he heard the transmission. He judged by the cut-off of the transmission that they had realized they made a grave mistake in identifying themselves. Antanamir shot a tightbeam transmission back to Angband. "A personal transport close by has identified itself as the personal transport of Princess Aliria D'Hyru of Aelosia. Please advise."

He clicked the tranmission dead and turned to his team. "Alright guys, I'm gonna give it to you straight up. We might be interdicting an Aelosian transport that is carrying Princess Aliria. Gather your gear and get ready to go. Bhâruk, Kraal, I want you guys on your toes especially."

The team answered with various grunts and nods of approval as they checked their weapons and adjusted their equipment. They listened intently as a message cackled over the radio from Angband. It was Warlord Garrand. "Interdict the Aelosian vessel and return her to Utumno. If you have the manpower, interdict the Thelasi vessel as a secondary priority."

With that, the small craft broke its course and sped now towards the Aelosian transport. A jamming signal was broadcast for their onboard radio as the ship's targetting system scanned the vessel for any other means of communications, be it tightbeam transmitters or some other device. After a short diagnostic, orange areas appeared in areas around the Aelosian craft that appeared to have broadcasting capabilities. Moments later, a salvo of tiny missiles flew through the vacuum of space, intent on knocking out any sort of communications equipment that the jamming may not affect.

They closed rapidly. Within about 90 seconds they would reach the transport at current speed and trajectory.

Melkor, Lord of Darkness
He who Arises in Might
Emperor Eternal of the Imperial Dominion of Melkor Unchained, Lord and Master of Arda
04-02-2004, 01:19
"That vessel is fast, and the sunlight is against us. We can't ride the light right now!", said the pilot of the transport, clearly in panic.

"Shut up, stupid boy, go and find a weapon to defend the Princess, they going to be aboard soon", said the Captain looking through the pressurized glass.

"We don't have weapons on board, this is a diplomatic vessel. What they want. Oh we are going to die" yelled the attendant, out in desperation.

A quick slap shut him down, the captain grabbing the only gun in the ship and leaving the cockpit. "Keep the ship steady as she goes, pilot", were his last words.

The Captain stood in front of the hatch, his gun in hand, trying to protect the door to the inner decks. Pushing a button he opened the comm link. "To all the crew, refuge yourselves in the inner cloyster, protect the Princess with your lives, this is the Captain, out", he said before leaving the button and cocking his gun.
04-02-2004, 01:20
"That vessel is fast, and the sunlight is against us. We can't ride the light right now!", said the pilot of the transport, clearly in panic.

"Shut up, stupid boy, go and find a weapon to defend the Princess, they going to be aboard soon", said the Captain looking through the pressurized glass.

"We don't have weapons on board, this is a diplomatic vessel. What they want. Oh we are going to die" yelled the attendant, out in desperation.

A quick slap shut him down, the captain grabbing the only gun in the ship and leaving the cockpit. "Keep the ship steady as she goes, pilot", were his last words.

The Captain stood in front of the hatch, his gun in hand, trying to protect the door to the inner decks. Pushing a button he opened the comm link. "To all the crew, refuge yourselves in the inner cloyster, protect the Princess with your lives, this is the Captain, out", he said before leaving the button and cocking his gun.
04-02-2004, 01:21
"That vessel is fast, and the sunlight is against us. We can't ride the light right now!", said the pilot of the transport, clearly in panic.

"Shut up, stupid boy, go and find a weapon to defend the Princess, they going to be aboard soon", said the Captain looking through the pressurized glass.

"We don't have weapons on board, this is a diplomatic vessel. What they want. Oh we are going to die" yelled the attendant, out in desperation.

A quick slap shut him down, the captain grabbing the only gun in the ship and leaving the cockpit. "Keep the ship steady as she goes, pilot", were his last words.

The Captain stood in front of the hatch, his gun in hand, trying to protect the door to the inner decks. Pushing a button he opened the comm link. "To all the crew, refuge yourselves in the inner cloyster, protect the Princess with your lives, this is the Captain, out", he said before leaving the button and cocking his gun.
Melkor Unchained
04-02-2004, 03:00
The men were tense as they closed in on the transport. A clank could be heard as the ship came to rest againt the hull of the Aelosian craft, and a hissing sound could be heard as the boarding compartment was opened. Before them was an entry hatch. Two of the men rushed at it and began cutting through it with their torches. The other four stood with weapons pointed at the soon-to-be-created opening.

After a few minutes, the barrier was kicked in by Kraal. Over his shoulder Antanamir fired three quick, surprisingly silent shots at the captain.

Melkor, Lord of Darkness
He who Arises in Might
Emperor Eternal of the Imperial Dominion of Melkor Unchained, Lord and Master of Arda
Melkor Unchained
04-02-2004, 03:02
The men were tense as they closed in on the transport. A clank could be heard as the ship came to rest againt the hull of the Aelosian craft, and a hissing sound could be heard as the boarding compartment was opened. Before them was an entry hatch. Two of the men rushed at it and began cutting through it with their torches. The other four stood with weapons pointed at the soon-to-be-created opening.

After a few minutes, the barrier was kicked in by Kraal. Over his shoulder Antanamir fired three quick, surprisingly silent shots at the captain.

Melkor, Lord of Darkness
He who Arises in Might
Emperor Eternal of the Imperial Dominion of Melkor Unchained, Lord and Master of Arda
Western Might
04-02-2004, 16:41
In the depts of space Western Might SDF had spread out a vast network of communication and recon pods. they were nothing fancy just good enough to get thje job done. And their job they did well.
And one such pod doing a regular sector scan caught sight of the Melkor ship attacking the Aelosian transport. As it did most of the time it sent the report to the next. But what happened was in the transmit the data was currupted,l, not much but enough so that when it got back to Base station New Hope the report was Pirate ship attacking Aelosian transport.
If they would have known the ship to be part od the Melkorian fleet, they would have looked the other way. But thinking it was a bunch of Pirates New Hope ordered the patroling Cruiser Ceasar to the area and see what they could do.

Aboard the Ceasar

Captain were got orders from home base. There is a pirate ships attaacking a civilian transport in a nearby sector, 433-A . We are to go there and offer what help we can."

What help we can? do the think we are a early class Cruiser? "Alright helm set destinartion to sector 433-A. "

"Roger Captian"

"activate the quantum drive on my mark. 5 4 ready steady go!"

The ship entered quantum space and would arrive at sector 433-A in 30 minutes.
04-02-2004, 18:52
The Captain looked as the Wraithbone of the external hull heated, and pointed the gun at the opening as someone kicked the hatch from the other side.

He was squeezing the trigger when something hot hitted his shoulder, leaving a clean hole on his Eldar armor. He felt the burning of his flesh and was about to scream in pain when another shot passed through his belly. He fell kneeled to the floor when a third one tore apart his left ankle.

He tried to raise his gun again, yet his arm was too damaged to answer his wishes. With the other hand he removed his cone-like Eldar helmet, raising his defying features to the Melkorian invaders. Wit a cracked and trembling voice he spoke in Sindarin " a civilian....vessel, have no right..."
Wombat News
04-02-2004, 20:05
*Wombat News Tag*
05-02-2004, 01:47
Onboard the Thelasi ships, the commanders were in a bind, they could not shoot the enemy ship off of the Aelosia ship, yet they could not just stand by and do nothing.

"This is Empress Ithenril to the Aelosia flag-ship, we have noticed that you under attack, do you require assistance."
Melkor Unchained
05-02-2004, 02:35
Four men darted out of the opening and into the corridor, two each pointing their weapons in their respective directions, crouching low and creeping quickly to the next intersection. They traded hand signals and start exploring the ship, or at least the areas close by. Last out of the hatch was team captain Aros Antanamir, carrying a shotgun in his hands. His boots clacked on the floor as he stooped over the captain with a cursory glance to Kraal, who was setting up a special sensor on the ceiling behind him.

He pulled the captain's face to his and scowled. A red glow could be seen in one eye--an augmentation that Morgoth outfitted his team captains with.
"Where is she?" he said, his voice dripping with rage. "Tell me now and I'll ease your passing. You've been shot in the stomach, my friend. You've got some time to live yet, as I reckon. Now I can either leave you here, and find her myself, or you can tell me and save yourself the pain."

He spat on the ground nexto the spreading pool of blood and turned his almost mechanical gaze back to the dying elf. His fingers opened, and he dropped the elvish captain to the ground. He knelt over the dying elf and pointed the 10-gague Chronos combat shotgun at his chin, pushing his head up and back. "I don't have much time, so I'll be counting to three."

He began counting. "One"

The other members of the team still were creeping about, and two of them headed for the bridge carefully. Kraal had finished his sensor uplink and nodded to Aros. Aros' implant kicked in and interior sensor readings porjected themselves into his eye-implant. The captain could possibly see them if he quinted enough.


Aros nodded and gestured to his left emphatically. The three operatives scurried down the corridor. One of them could cling to the walls and on the ceiling, it seemed--and could move quickly and quietly on the ceiling.


[ooc: WM, you're welcome to show up but my men will most certainly be out of here within the next 30 game minutes]

Melkor, Lord of Darkness
He who Arises in Might
Emperor Eternal of the Imperial Dominion of Melkor Unchained, Lord and Master of Arda
05-02-2004, 05:44
"I was born long before you forefathers had carnal desires for goblinkin, do with me what you want to, and search for the Princess yourself", were the words of the dying Captain, still defiant in front of the huge barrel of the shotgun. "What are you waiting for?. Shoot, or just leave!", he yelled with his strength leaving his body forever.

As he spoke, the huge doors to the inner cloyster opened, and let the Melkorians see the long hallway that was the way to Aliria's personal Chamber. The hallway was full of people, someof them dressed in white ceremonial robes, others in the simple uniform of the merchant navy, they just stared at the Melkorians, some of them trembling out of fear, some of them with hatred and rage painted on their features, others just calmed as the waters of a placid lake.

Yet a strange feeling filled all the senses of the Melkorians troops. It wasn't the elven people, it was the ship itself. Around the body of the dying elven captain the blood pool was dissapearing, as if the ship would be drinking the blood from the torn body of the elf, suddenly a deep hum echoed through the ship, as a large beast waking after a long sleep...
imported_Sentient Peoples
05-02-2004, 21:14
imported_Sentient Peoples
05-02-2004, 23:20
The Third Space Battle Group, left in place to monitor the situation after the Fourth Task Force pulled out to pursue the ADK fools, reacted as fast as it could.

But it had not been on guard, and the Imperium shuttle had streaked right past before they could react.

But they moved now. The escorts raced into a position, blocking the most direct return path to the Imperium, as S.P.S. Darkstar surged forward, it's massive shuttle bay yawning wide open as its tractors went to lock the Aelosian ship in its grasp. The fifty meter long transport would just barely fit with the Imperium's shuttle still attached.

Battle Armored Marines rushed though the corridors of the ship. If this were to work, it would have to be fast.
05-02-2004, 23:48
OOC: There's no way that shuttle would have gotten past the Menelmacari fleet without being caught, so I'm going to assume we withdrew after settling matters with Ithenril.

The deal was accepted by Menelmacar, provided we also get MFN/free trade, and twenty million credits to the families of each Menelmacari soldier killed or wounded in the Thelasi insurrection on earth, as reparations.

05-02-2004, 23:59
Western Might
06-02-2004, 16:38
As the ship closed in opn it's destination the ships sensors were picking up a several large groups of ships. The Captian didn't wish to get envolved in those battles. His orders were to get to the scene of the pirate attack as fast as he could.

"Helm, what is our ETA?"

"20 minutes 15 seconds SIr"

"Alright, sensor control can you read the sector were the attack is taking place?"

"There was a short pause. "No sir, not yet maybe in several more minutes which will also bring us in to within communication range as well."

"Sir we will be getting close to so of the other groups of ships. Maybe too close" the navigation officer spoke up.

"Damn. ... top hell with the other ships. They should know by now the Western Might no longern takes part in politcal battles of other nation. And if they ask tell them we are on a rescue mission.

"Yes sir, but what is they fire at us."

"If they do then we fire back but keep going to our destination."

"I understand sir"
Western Might
06-02-2004, 16:38
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Western Might
06-02-2004, 16:39
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Western Might
06-02-2004, 16:39
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Western Might
06-02-2004, 16:39
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Western Might
06-02-2004, 16:40
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Western Might
06-02-2004, 16:40
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Western Might
06-02-2004, 16:40
*Edit overpost*
Melkor Unchained
07-02-2004, 02:18
Aros grinned wickedly as he let his grip on the captain's shirt lossen, dropping him to the floor. He cocked a brow at the strange way the blood was being consumed by the ship and nodded to Kraal. He turned his attention back to the captain and snickered. "I've changed my mind. I think a slow, painful death is more fitting for one such as yourself. Enjoy."

He stood slowly and made his way down the corridor, Kraal creeping along beside him. As soon as civilians were spotted, Kraal made a complicated gesture with his hand and spoke an incantation in the Black Speech, softly. The light in the ship died. It wasnt that the lighting systems stopped working, or the power was compromised--the darkness simply permeated everything, dominating and overpowering the light so the operatives could move along unseen. The glow of the men's eyes could still be seen as they grimly traversed the ship, reaching Aliria's chambers in force at last.

Their maneuvers could scarcely be seen or heard, but it appeared that they were attempting to crack the door somehow. Antanamir hacked at the door with his tool kit, three of his team-members hunched grimly behind him.
07-02-2004, 13:39
From the Thelasi ships, a shuttle scrambled, on board were 10 marines, and 2 "specialists". The ship sped twoards the Aelosia transport, flying quickly, pushing its' engines to the max as it tried to reach the transports before the Impirium troops caused serious damage.
imported_Sentient Peoples
07-02-2004, 15:47
The tractor beams locked onto the small linked vessels before the massive battlecruiser, S.P.S. Darkstar.

Five minutes.

The stealth features of the Imperium Shuttle made it hard to lock, but the Aelosian Transport was locked in well, and that was enough.

The ships were drawn inward as the battlecruiser moved towards them.

Seven minutes.

The Marines drew to a stop at the edge of the bay and watched as the two ships settled to the deck. They knew what was coming, and advanced no further.

The main launch bay's internal gravity field snapped to full power. More than ten gravities pulled at the people onboard the two craft.]

The Marines awaited further orders...
Melkor Unchained
07-02-2004, 16:02
[ooc: an edit of my last post is pending, due to circumtstances I've been made aware of since I posted it. Might take me a little while to figure it out.]
09-02-2004, 15:41