Decomm'd Stellar Navy vessels available.
United Indiastan
16-01-2004, 07:46
A press release, sent to various interested nations, states in no uncertain terms that retired Indiastani Stellar Navy vessels are to be sold for reduced prices. These ships were all obsolete in the eyes of the Indiastan Admiralty, and as such they were either to be sold to less advanced, preferable allied or at least neutral nations, or be scrapped. Included in the release was the information regarding the ship types in question. A note was added that if nations wished to aquire vessels of these types, and there were none available, that they woudl be willing to build some for them, though at a higher cost.
class: Nova
type: Dreadnought
length: 748.1 meters
mass: 17 million metric tons
crew: 450
troop: 8,000
fighter: 36 Starfury fighter craft (Not included)
power: 4 Fusion Reactors (all recently refitted and fueled)
duration: 18 months
engines: 4 BB9K FirstGen. Ion/Particle engines
accel.: 3 km/s
weapon: 22 Twin Plasma Cannons
6 Particle Beam Guns
Fusion missiles [2 launchers] (missiles not included)
defense: 8 to 10 meter armored hull
22 Mk. II Defense Grid Energy Projectors
Cost: 62 Billion USD.
Number remaining to be sold: None!
class: Hyperion
type: Heavy Cruiser
length: 508.39 meters
mass: 8.4 million metric tons
crew: 356
troop: 200
fighter: 6 Starfury fighter craft (Not included)
power: 3 Fusion Reactors (all recently refitted and fueled)
engines: 3 BB9K FirstGen. Ion/Particle engines
duration: 12 months
accel.: 4.5 km/s
weapon: 2 Particle/Lasers
1 Heavy Plasma Cannon
8 Medium Pulse Cannons
Fusion missiles [2 launchers] (missiles not included)
defense: 6 to 8 meter armored hull
10 Mk. I Defense Grid Energy Projectors
Cost: 37 Billion USD
Number remaining to be sold: None! No more! All gone!
New York and Jersey
16-01-2004, 08:43
Admiral Novali read the message and saw the two ships that were available and checked their numbers. "Thirty seven billion....not bad." He sent the message over to the appropriations office in a different part of the city by motorbike messenger. The appropriations committee blinked at the request and did the totaling up. The FRSN was quickly eating up its budget for the aquiring of new weapons systems for the next few years. Of course President de los Santos was proud of the FRSN and if they didnt allow them to buy new warships then it was going to be someones head in the appropriations department. The request was stamped and sent through over toward the State Department which made such requests for the military.
It was the government at its finest. One agency favored by the President got rush service. Now if the agency had been the department of welfare and social services asking for more funds it would have gone through a longer and lengthy process and their department wouldnt recieve an answer for at least six months. Even then only to be turned down or given less than what they had asked for. Any attempts to correct the error would have been futile as they would have to fill out the dreaded WD-44 correction form in triplicate for each agency. However the FRSN was currently favored and its request was sent.
"The Federal Republic Stellar Navy, would like to purchase 100 Hyperion class Heavy Cruisers. Payment can be discussed but as per fisical constraints would have to be over a period of time. One trillion per year until paid off completely is acceptable if not, then 1.5 trillion over the next 2 1/2 years is also completely possible."
Theodore Smith, Military Requests Office, FRofNYnNJ State Department
United Indiastan
16-01-2004, 10:10
Fleet-Admiral Kesan looked most pleased when he recieved the New York and Jersey order. He had been ordered to find buyers for the old ships, as that was, in truth, a better use for them then scrapping them. Now, NY&J was not the best friend of Indiastan, but in more recent years tensions between the nations had eased, and now they were obviously cooled to the point where they felt that they would not think otherwise about aquiring secnod-hand Indiastani military hardware. This was good, as having fewer enemies was always a good thing. After checking with the Fleet Advisory Board, he sent a note confirming the transaction to Admiral Novali.
"Admiral Novali, we're more then willing then willing to recieve payment on whatever schedual will suit you best, as we're simply glad that we can properly retire these older vessels. Now, the matter stands of delivery. We can easily tow the vessels into orbit, or to a station of your choosing, where your crews can be in place to take them over. Or, if you'd prefer, we can leave a skeletal crew aboard to train yours in the operation and maintinence of the ships. In addition, we will be giving you files regarding the construction of the ship, so that you will not need to rely on us to effect repairs and supply spare parts. Is that satisfactory?"
-Fleet Admiral Kesan, United Indiastan
New York and Jersey
16-01-2004, 10:56
To: Fleet Admiral Kesan-United Indiastan
From: Admiral Novali-Federal Republic Stellar Navy
Re: Hyperion class Heavy Cruiser
Do not worry about the Hyperions, they will find a good enough home with the Federal Navy for a long time. We would appreciate it if you could tow the vessels to our Chimera Fleetyard. It has no real orbit however, and is located stationary between the rotational paths of Earth and Mars. We thank you for accepting our offer to buy 100 of the vessels, as we've not always seen eye to eye politically and it reached the point of all out war. However wars are started by the politicans and not the military, so this is a positive step, even if our countries have yet to formalize relations again. We would welcome the idea of skeleton crews onboard the vessels to train incoming crew on the jobs. The files themselves can be transfered over to the Fleet Command Headquaters at the Chimera Staryards.
16-01-2004, 11:52
demilitarized ones might be useful as university spaciological research vessles (i believe costau's calypso started life as an obsolete destroyer)
United Indiastan
16-01-2004, 12:00
Yes, they would. I'd suggest buying Hyperion's over Novas for that, as the Hyperion is much easier to disarm, and though smaller, could likely be outfitted for the role better. Heck, we'll even do it for you if you'd like. :)
-random Indiastani Used-ship salesman.
16-01-2004, 12:28
Transmission Commencing
The National Socialist Empire of Iraqstan wishes to tender to our fallies in Indiastan the following request. Iraqstan will take all 30 of your nova warships off your hands for the above price, as well as another 5, plus 10 hyperion class ships and if possible 20 of your corvette class ships.
We are willing to pay the required funds over a period of years all negotiable. We await your response.
Minister for Military Purchases
Muhammed Al-simmar.
Transmission Complete
United Indiastan
16-01-2004, 12:46
Now Iraqstan was interested. Good. While the Hyperion's were what really needed selling, those Novas had been taking up space in dry dock for some time. Oddly enough, they actually wanted more then what was being offered, which suprised Kesan. Then he remembered that they had a few Nova hulks out near Ophelia, and ordered them to be towed in to Gammak and rebuilt like new. He then sent the standard call to Iraqstan. He also added a footnote regarding the corvettes.
"Minister Al-simmar, we're more then willing then willing to recieve payment on whatever schedual will suit you best, as we're simply glad that we can properly retire these older vessels. Now, the matter stands of delivery. We can easily tow the vessels into orbit, or to a station of your choosing, where your crews can be in place to take them over. Or, if you'd prefer, we can leave a skeletal crew aboard to train yours in the operation and maintinence of the ships. In addition, we will be giving you files regarding the construction of the ship, so that you will not need to rely on us to effect repairs and supply spare parts. Is that satisfactory?
Also, we are more then able to transfer to you the corvettes that you'd like, at a cost of twenty billion each. And as for the extra Novas, we're more then happy to build them, but they won't be available right away. However, we wont charge any more then the listed cost. They should be ready in about 6-8 months, and we'll deliver them in the same way that you'd like us to deliver the first batch. Sound reasonable?"
-Fleet Admiral Kesan, United Indiastan
16-01-2004, 13:01
Transmission Commencing
Fleet Admiral Kesan,
If possible we would greatly accept the skeleton crew option to train our people in the use of these ships. Your crews will recieve the best of the best in the way of hospitality whilst in Iraqstan held space.
We'd also if possible would appreciate having them towed to earth orbit at the co-ordinates attached. The cost for the corvettes is satisfactory as is the plans being sent to us. We look forward to continuing a bright and friendly future between our two nations.
Carlos Quil'Raya.
Führer of Iraqstan.
Transmission Complete
New York and Jersey
17-01-2004, 09:11
To:Fleet Admiral Kesan,United Indiastan
From:Fleet Admiral Felix Novali, Federal Republic Stellar Navy
Re: Transfer of Additional Hyperions
My government is overjoyed at the prospect of the additional 200 Hyperions. We shall pay them the same way we are paying the current 100 over a period of several years. This means that over the course the addition of six more years to the payment of the entire line all together. Now my government also wishes to inform you and your government that we accept the job, and that the Hyperions will be put to good use. Operation Anvil will commence, as soon as the warships are transfered over to the Federal Stellar Navy, at the Chimera Staryards. Our entire navy is assembled and we can be hazegray and underway in several hours. My government also wishes to relay a request to reopen normal relations between our two countries. After Operation Anvil takes place though.
At the Chimera Staryard Naval Reservists were called up to duty and the population of several hundred thousand said their goodbyes to loved ones and friends in a grand parade. They would be the crews for the new warships until more active duty personnel signed on, but for the moment that wasnt the case. The ships would be needed for the upcoming mission and it would be one hell of a fight.
United Indiastan
17-01-2004, 10:41
The Navy Advisory Board was happy. The Admiralty was happy. kesan was happy. The old ships had been moved for a tidy sum, and a friend was to be made out of an old enemy. Things were good. Now, all that had to be arranged was the training crews. As many of the ships had only recently been retired, their crews were still stationed at Gammak. It would be a small matter to have the command staffs and a few others remain aboard during the training process.
To: Fleet Admiral Novali, FRSN
Re: Ship transfer and training.
"Again, we seem to be in your debt. A burden has been lifted for us, and now our drydocks are no longer filled with ships we no longer activly use. The ships will be transfered with a crew of forty, including three command-level officers. We estimate that, depending upon the apititude of your crews, the training will take as little as five-six weeks. Thank you, again. And yes, we are more then willing to reopen formal relations at your earliest convience. Good day."
United Indiastan
23-02-2004, 09:24
[/i]INNS Headline - A new class of Battle Cruiser was commissioned at Gammak Shipyards yesterday, surpassing even the six-year-old Warlock Advanced Destroyer in terms of sheer technical abilites and sophistication. Three hundred of the ships will eb built over the next decade, in order to replace the aging Omega fleet, which though it saw a substantial upgrade in the Omega-II varient, was deemed to be too old to continue in service. The thrirty Omega-IIs and being stripped down and scrapped, while some of the newer Omegas are to be sold to allies in Iraqstan and New York and Jersey. This has been an INNS report. [/i]
class: Omega
type: Destroyer
length: 917.3 meters
mass: 24.6 million metric tons
crew: 850
troop: 10,000
fighter: 36 Starfury/Thunderbolts
power: 4 Fusion Reactors
duration: 24 months
weapon: 6 Heavy Particle/Lasers
6 Heavy Pulse Cannons
12 Particle/Lasers
12 Pulse Cannons
Fusion missiles [2 launchers]
defense: 9 to 11 meter armored hull
18 Mk. II Defense Grid Energy Projectors
sales cost: 100 billion P.
numbers for sale: 150
23-02-2004, 09:34
Security Protocol Omicron activated.
Transmission Commencing
Sender: General third star Muhammed Il-Sammar
Reciever:Fleet Admiral Kesan.
After reviewing performances and quality of previous purchases from Indiastan the National Socialist Empire would like to purchase five of your omega class destroyers.
If acceptable the same plan and other agreements used for our last purchase can be used again if possible.
We await your reply.
Muhammed Il-Sammar.
Encrypting.............Encryption complete.
Sending Message..................Transmission Complete.
Transmission Terminated.