NationStates Jolt Archive

Project Saga - Preliminary (open character RP)

The Resi Corporation
11-01-2004, 05:08
Okay people, here's what this is. I'm planning an in-depth character RP that will explore a secret project of sorts that has been put on by the government and several of the various mafia organizations that run the underworld in the Resi Corporation. In any case, as you can guess the project goes arwy in some way and that's what this story has to do with.

And yes, there's a reason I'm being so vague.

Now what I'm doing in the Preliminary is enlisting experienced RPers to play the parts of different characters, each knowing a piece of the puzzle, or knowing nothing at all as the case may be. Once you choose a part and I agree to let you play it (you may be required to show a previous character RP), I will telegram you exactly what your character knows and where and when they start out in relation to the other characters.

Another thing that makes this RP unique is that, while I give you your character's base knowledge and identity, as well as strengths and weaknesses, you get to decide what their character actually is. For instance, the first guy on the list is a physically a brusier, but you define who he is and can even make him contradictory to his bruiser nature (say that he, y'know, likes dresses or something). This works for you because all the characters have some sort of a gap in their memories, which you can fill. Yes, you can even make their own names (with one exception), and keep the characters afterwards presuming that they don't all get killed in all of this.

And now, the characters:
Character A

The beefiest of all the available characters, he has no qualms about smashing whatever gets in his way. He knows little about where he is or what's going on, and he doesn't really care. All he wants is an escape out of the structure that he's kept in, but something inside him (defined by the player; could be literal or figurative) stops him whenever he gets close to breaking free.
Character B

This character is in the middle of a constant internal struggle between two paths that he can follow, both having their goods and evils about them. On one hand, he knows half of what's going on and wants to seek revenge on those who did it, but on the other he believes that he can use that knowledge to his advantage and join those who run the project. In high-stress situations, he tends to lose his cool and kill everything in the room, be it friend or foe.
Character C

Very agile, she, like Character A, just wants to break free so that she can run around in the open air. She has an immense distrust of the others that will either save her or prove to be her demise, but until she meets them her Matrix-esque physics-defying powers will keep her alive. She has a slight idea of what's going on, and dismisses the subject as "beneath her" whenever it's brought up.
Character D

Although she thinks she knows what's happening, she actually has no idea. She has a past of some sort, though half of it is rather vague, but it is something that the others distinctly lack. While physically weak, she seems to posses a force-like power (think Akira, only MUCH LESS so) that defends her from those wanting to do her harm. She is the closest thing this story has to a protagonist.

A being with both robot and human charastics, Shen knows exactly what is happening and she wants to stop it from continuing, no matter what that may entail. She has incredible psychic powers, as well as guns built in to her hybrid body, making her by far the most powerful character, but also the least customizable. She is the antagonist of this story, hands down.

Apply here if you want to, the RP will start in a week with Chapter 1 - Awakening.
The Resi Corporation
11-01-2004, 05:31
11-01-2004, 05:53
Hey Resi.

Char C or Char B would be interesting. If you want me to dig up credentials besides all three of the shentavo Acad threads, i'll try to find some of me old threads.
The Resi Corporation
11-01-2004, 06:54
Aren't you a little young to have been in all three Shentavo Academies, or are you a puppet?
Drizzts Army
11-01-2004, 06:57
well, he might have been a former nation that were in the last two
11-01-2004, 07:05
I wouldn't mind taking a gander at either A or B. For references, please see:
Mercenary Soldiers
11-01-2004, 08:14
OOC: This might have merit. Sign me up for whatever, but if I have a choice, it'd be the big A guy. Like myself, his first, and usually only, instict is to smash anything he cannot readily figure out.

It's good to see someone I know come back. Most people I knew are being replaced by newbies, the type that attack anything and can't RP it... :lol:
The Resi Corporation
14-01-2004, 02:56
14-01-2004, 04:03
Aren't you a little young to have been in all three Shentavo Academies, or are you a puppet? If you check my population, you will see that i was resurrected. My net access was down for a few months, so i couldent keep up with it and it was deleted. Ask rave if you need other proof.
The Resi Corporation
14-01-2004, 04:21
Actually, I seem to remember seeing your name before, so I'll take your word on that.

Anyone else want to participate? We still have two openings!
A Few Rich People
14-01-2004, 04:22
Interested in B or E (<-Robot).

Credentials given if requested.
18-01-2004, 02:05
Bump. This thing happening or what?