Memories of old
07-01-2004, 08:55
"So.. you have finly found it?" Veers asked as he walked across the old castle garden towards the entrance.
Michell who walked besde him nodded and picked up a piece of paper from her pocket, giving it to Veers.
"It will be a strange event, never before has the world seen such an..event"
She smirked for a moment and then opend her mouth again.. "and hopefully no one else will see it, I mean.. it will be completly restored, alot of old grudges will come back. "
Veers nodded and opend the wodden door and entered the castle.
"But that is not important, When it comes back. It will have its old military. The real question is if we will be able to take out.."
Veers silenced down, the thought made him shake in fear.
He was the last one of his kind, the last one of the guardians.
Michell looked at Veers, taking his hand in her. She was young, well not that young. But compared to Veers she was young. And she was his daughter. She knew the history wich he possesed, and how he had lived on all these years, all these years..
"Him" she added and smiled calmly at him.
Veers nodded and led her through the old remainings of once, the great halls of Castle Crêzim, now.. just the dusty old halls of Castle Crêzim.
In the past, leaders of the world would walk into these halls with pride and glory, when they walked out.. they were merly pathetic worms.
Memories of old.. memories of old.
The reached a small wodden door that lead to a stair, that lead down to the dungeon. It was a rather comfy dungeon, well, compared to how the the bigger part of the worlds dungeons were. When they reached to bottom they both sighted, well more Veers than Michell. But still, it was all like in the old days. When it had not been infected with the Zerg or the capitalistik worms that exploited everything for the benefits of others, and the trade empire that had reached out to the outskirts of the galaxy.
It was like nothing had happend.
Veers quickly walked across the dungeon room and opend a hatch wich looked like a old war-poster. They both entered the hole in the wall and foundthemselves in a new room, with a pillar in the middle.
On the pillar stood an blue soft-shining orb.
When the two of them entered the room it seemd to turn towards them and look at them.
"Wellcome Veers.. it has been a long time since last" the orb said with a deep voice.
"Who is it that you bring with you?"
Veers pushed Michell forward, frightend almost to death, she was stiff as a stick.
"This is my daughter, Michell"
The orb increesed its blue shining and once again it seemed like if it were turning towards someone, and this one would be Michell. "Wellcome to you to Michell"
It turned back to Veers, "so.. how have you survived all these years?"
Veers looked down on his hand, pale and white, marked by time.. but still, flawless. "I've had my ways" he said softly. "It is time".
Veers looked up at the orb and walked up to it.
The orb seemed to nodd and the entire room were filled with a bright wite light. "good bye Veers, Michell" it said as Veers put his hands on it.
It seemed like if the time stoped and the universe came down to Veers. His hands, his body were one with everything, it was all so clear, it was all so.. justefying. The light grew stronger and stronger, and now the pain.
Both Veers and Michell had been prepared for this pain, but not at this degree. They couldnt get away, even though they screamed for help as it felt like if their heads would explode and their vains would fry. They knew that all they could do was to wait.
The Light grew stronger, and then. Not only time, but everything else stoped, only to explode one second later into a bright shining light.
Miles away, the light couldt not only bee seen, but it was imence.
The light reached across the land and inside it, everything was just white.
Outside it, it was like a wall of shining, bright white light..
OOC: Well, Im back ;)
07-01-2004, 10:28
Year:Some millenias in the future Location: Iesus Academy
"In the begining of time, man stood on the brink of almost being totaly whiped out.
Then man discovered that they had the ability to create things.
First man created a knife to cut the branches, then man created fire to get warmth and protection.
Then man created a weapon to defend themselves against the wild.
Last, man created greed and they turned against one another."
-Kyle Sami from The Book Of Old Volume 1.
"Actually, Danneland has never been anything but everything"
So start the first sentence in The Book Of Old
The book, hard to find in the galaxy, only exists in a few copies.
Rare and exclusive, expensive collectors objects.
Even more rare is The Book Of Old Volume 2 wich only exists in one copy in the entire galaxy.
Who owns it at the moment is unknown, but in that it says:
"When the day comes, everyone will understand that Danneland will never sieze to exist, and even more. It will understand that it is and always will be GDODAD. Though, this is a frightening idea for many. It apeals to those who live in Danneland"
Furthermore it says "In the event that Danneland would actually sieze to exist, it is only a matter of time before it comes back"
The Professor looked up at his class. "Now, today we know that Danneland does not exist, it is a former history of earth. A great and big part of earths history. Though, it does not exist anymore. However, it has been proven that Danneland actually siezed to exist, and then was reborn. And well, francly, no other nation in history has done this. thoughts? comments? Questions?"
Christy, a young female student raises up her hand.
"Yes christy"
She takes a deep breath and looks at the professor.
"Well, if that is the case... when is it going to be reborn again?.. since the book says it is only a matter of time"
The professor nodds, "good question, and my answer is simply: It is only a matter of time"
The bell rings and the class is over, the professor nodds and the students walk out of the classrom while the professor, looks down at his hands, marked by time.But still flawless, saying only a matter of time over and over again tohimselfe..
(Edit: misspelled Iesus.. truly sorry)
07-01-2004, 12:40
Year: near future. Location: American Airlines, airplane. Destination: New York
"Can I intrest you in a drink?" A woman asked as she sat down in the seat next to Veers.
A little confused he accepted and soon he sat there with a wiskey.
"My name is Jena" she said and reached over with her hand.
Veers to it in his and shook it, "Veers" he replied.
A little stunned she looked at him. "V-Veers?"
Veers made a short smile and nodded, they all knew him by name. Though, his face was unknown.
She laughed.
Veers raised his eyebrows. "hm?"
Jena shook her head "no, you cant be Veers.. why would you? You'r just trying to impress me with saying that you are someone famous"
Veers shook his head and whent back to reading the New York Times.
All the worlds press shouted about it, Danneland was back.. out of no where.. would the world be safe?
Jena cleared her throat "hrm"
Veers looked up at her "well, if you dont believe me.. that is your problem"
She leaned over and wispered "'r realy him? The guy that woke up the dead, those everyone wanted to stay dead?"
He nodded and replied "well, not everyone"
Jena leaned back and took a sip of her drink. "well mr.Veers, do you have a last name?"
He simply shook his head, after all this time he couldnt even remember his own name. Veers was simply what suited him best.
He smiled "so... who are you then? You seem to know alot about me"
Jena looked at him "Im Jena, born in the UK and on my way to the big apple for some fun, vacation.. Im 26.. you?"
Veers didnt know what to say.. Im over 1000 years old.. even older than that.. he missed those days wich he could count untill he would die. Now, he was once more the pupet of his master.
"older than you" he simply replied. "and my buisniss are.. political" he added.
Jena nodded "well, I'l be on my way to my seat now, my fiancé is comming back from the toilet.. nice chatting with.. um.. you"
Veers nodded and continued to read his newspaper. "same" he said as she whent away.
Today would be a most extrordinary day, he had something to announce to the world.. and the world would react with, well, however they would react.
07-01-2004, 17:55
Year: Present time ,Location: Danneland, Castle Crêzim
Michell layed still on the floor brething softly. She slowly opend her eyes.
Peering into the darkness she could make out the figure of Veers, still holding his hands on the orb, standing completly still.
She got on her feet, though the pain in her body were imense she put a hand on her fathers shoulder.
"di..did we succeed?" she asked.
Veers, not mooving at all, not a single muscle in his body mooved at all.
"ye..yes I think we did" he replied and dropped uncontious down on the floor.
Michell throwed herselfe ontop of her fathers body, it was ice cold. Though, it had always been like this.. as long as she could remember.
"father..father" she said allmost wispering, thinking that he was dead.
After some minutes she fell asleep on Veers chest.
Year: present time, noon. Location: Unknown.
Daniel looked over the huge black table wich was in the center of the room. 12 seats around the table, 13 with his. This was the heart that made Danneland running. The lights were soft.
An officer walked through a door to the left and soluted him.
"yes?" he simply replied.
The officer stepped forward. "sir, all atempts on contacting our former allies has failed.. its like if they never existed.. and well sir.."
"well?" Daniel looked at the officer.
"the world has changed sir, from the TV we get news of countries that we have never heard of, from the comunications that we intercept.. we hear of even more nations.. that we have never heard of..and mostly.. we've had a population increese of.. hrm.. well sir, 900 million people"
Daniel stood up from his chair and turned around, there was a large window infront of him that faced out from the tall building.
"It seems, that time has passed while we have stood still. It seems, that we are in a very odd situation. But are we still in control?"
The officer nodded "yes sir, that we are. And with the population increese we have an extremly increesed tax income. And with that comes a larger military"
Daniel smiled.. well, this wasnt so bad afterall. The last memory he had was being in a bunker.. a missile hit it.. after that, nothing untill now.
Well, Danneland was still, and would forever be a GDODAD.
"Officer, contact The Silver Turtle, he must still be alive. and the other GDODAD members"
Daniel turned around to the officer.
"The world shall know of us again, I would guess that mutch time has passed since last and that few have heard of us. But Danneland still stands the GDODAD, and so will the rest of the world"
The officer nodded and walked out.
official message to the world
I know mutch time has passed since last, well, atleast I think so.
Few have seen my face, and I would guess that even fewer knows about Dannelands existance, but I asure you. That we are back from wherever we were. Danneland is still a member of GDODAD and stands for its old Ideals. That is all, for the moment.
Yours: Daniel, Dictator of Danneland
Encrypted Message to GDODAD members
Yes, this is true. Danneland is back. Big as ever, strong as ever. We are still a member of the GDODAD and will always stand for its old ideals.
Daniel invites all GDODAD members for a meeting with himselfe, few has done this, even in the old days. But he understands that the situation is unusual and well, he would be most intrested in what has happend in the world during the time where Danneland has been.. away. There is mutch to discuss
The Silver Turtle
07-01-2004, 22:58
Ineffable Palace, The Silver Turtle
"Bob, Bob, it appears Danneland is back on the map!!!"
Bob Minor looked round at the paper the other Bob Minor was holding. A message from their old allies Danneland.
"Hmmm...Rather presumptuos of them to assume The GDODAD is still around, but they're fortunatly right. Inform The Great Ineffable Bob at once. I'll send them a reply.
Encrypted Message
From: Bob Minor, Overseer of the Ineffable Empire, The Silver Turtle
To: Danneland High Command
Subject: RE: Your Return
Welcome back. I believe you have already been informed of the location of the forums. Regrettably The Great Ineffable Bob is currently unavailable, he is on an, erm, diplomatic visit to Melkor Unchained, but he will be informed of your comeback as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing an old friend rejoin the ranks of The GDODAD.
Bob Minor
08-01-2004, 11:25
Encrypted Message
From: Bob Minor, Overseer of the Ineffable Empire, The Silver Turtle
To: Danneland High Command
Subject: RE: Your Return
Welcome back. I believe you have already been informed of the location of the forums. Regrettably The Great Ineffable Bob is currently unavailable, he is on an, erm, diplomatic visit to Melkor Unchained, but he will be informed of your comeback as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing an old friend rejoin the ranks of The GDODAD.
Bob Minor
Daniel looks down.. with Melkor?, sure.. they werent that bad. But.. he shakes his head and tries to clear his thoughts, alot had happend. Many things had changed.. well, probably. But not him, not Danneland.
Encrypted message to
From: Daniel
To: Bob Minor
Subject: Thank you
Message: Well, it all seems odd. I, myselfe have no idea how it happend..
But Danneland is not rejoining, we never left.
I look forward to hear from Bob.
08-01-2004, 15:29
The sun gazing at them and the green grass tickeling them beneath their feets made them wake up.
Veers and Michel sat up, looking over the green field that reached as far as the eye could see.
Flowers made a colorfull carpet combined with the dark green grass, butterflies and bees surred around them.
"is this.. heaven?" Michel asked as she turned her head towards Veers.
He shook his head "I dont know.. I have no idea.. did we succeed?"
Michel shrugged "I dont know"
Veers reached over to her and took her hand in his, looked her in her eyes. "but we are here.. that is what is important"
She nodded and looked behind herselfe. There was a green hill.
Michel pointed at it and without a word they both got up on their feets, stroling up the hill to the top.
"In the event that you were invited and even let inside the boarders of Danneland, the first thing you notice is that, even though that the country lacks any thoughts of keeping the enviroment clean. It will come to you as a choock, that it is quite beutigull afterall. Green and yellow farming fields on the countryside. Though, they are abruptly stoped when they reach the cities. as Veers said it "So I layed there behind a green hill and didnt even notice that I was not more than 1 mile from Danneland City, it is a truly amazing country I live in". So do not be supriced that even in a dictatorship like this, the nature can be quite charming"
Georg G Hamwell
- The Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy
As they reached the top, they understood that they had succeeded. Michel didnt know her fathers past untill now, well a part of it anyway. And she could understand why he wanted it back.
Danneland City stood there with all its glory, with the HQ tower in the middle witch reached far to the sky.
"father" she wispered "I know now.. I understand"
09-01-2004, 10:55
As Veers entered Danneland City, he was filled with joy. Everything that was dear to him was there. The streets, the people. Military that upheld the law. It was a sight that almost made him cry.
"father.. is this.. for real?" his daughter Michel asked.
"yes, yes it is.. now I have some things to atend to" he gave her a key with a piece of paper attached to it. On the paper stood an adress.
"that is our home, have a taxi drive you there. Money wont be a problem"
Veers was seccond in command, so he would be needed for sure. To tell his leader what had happend.
As he entered the tall building that was Danneland HQ, the heart of the nation the soldiers saluted him.
Veers smiled, so long since last.
After some time in the elevator he reached the top. Where his office was, next to his leaders. As he entered it a secretary allmost jumped at him.
"where have you been?! Daniel has been asking for you all day, and now he's gone of to some meeting"
Veers sighted. he had been to slow. Daniel was back in his seat and it would be impossible to..
"sorry, I've been.. away"
The secretary shrugged and got back to her seat.. "well, here are some things to atend to" she gave him some papers.
back at work he thought.