NationStates Jolt Archive

Southern Naori Celebrates It's Independance! ELECTIONS!

Southern Naori
06-01-2004, 00:06
After the Empire of Naori launched a sneak-attack on the nation of Genya, Galdania and it's allies jumped in to defend Genya. They fought valiantly against Imperial forces and their Eredronian allies, until the Empire officially recognized Southern Naori as an independant state.

The Naorian Red Army, the guerrila faction that originaly rose up against the government, marched through the streets to celebrate Independance Day on May 16th, along with Galdanian, Kamerovian, Hogsweatian, and Red Scandanavian forces.

The first free elections ever on the Naorian island are schedualed for October 30th of this year. Until then, the NRA will assume leadership of the nation, with the support of Galdania.


In the upcoming elections, there are several parties which will run for Naori's first democratically held office. The President will be elected by the Party which has the majority of the votes of the Naorian people by time the 24 hour voting period is over.


NSP: Naorian Socialist Party. Leader: Faye Nikukori.
The Naorian Socialist Party celebrates Southern naori's independance, but hopes that some day the North will join the south in democracy and reunite the nation. They support the Galdanian liberation, and want to keep democracy, socialism, and peace in Southern Naori.

CRN: Coalition for the Reunification of Naori. Leader: Den Rikijaiko.
The CRN want reunification of Naori under the old Empire. They resent the Galdanian prescence in the country, and have encouraged the populace to be 'un-cooparative' with the Galdanian Red Army. They are being investigated for possible subversive actions, including the attempted assassination of NSP leader Faye Nikukori.

NDP: Naorian Democratic Party. Leader: Himujuri Yamaha.
The NDP is a liberal organization, dedicated to democracy. They say that they see Southern Naori's future as that of a nation with a stable economy, and a mix of adequate civil and political freedoms. They say that they do not care who wins, so long as the democratic process is carried out properly, and for years to come.

PLP: People's Liberation Party. Leader: Niang Jiang-Sek.
A Galdanian soldier who has obtained a Southern Naorian citizenship, Jiang-Sek wants Southern Naori to continue the war with the North, and to seize total control of the Naorian island under Communist rule.

OOC: Your votes have no effect on the outcome of the elections.
06-01-2004, 00:28
Southern Naori
06-01-2004, 02:20
06-01-2004, 03:03
No influence on the elections? Damn, now I KNOW this is a real election!

Voting is done with bullets, not ballots......
06-01-2004, 06:09
OOC: *tag*
06-01-2004, 06:21
OOC: Your votes have no effect on the outcome of the elections.

[ooc: Then what's the point of the poll?]

We support the NDP.
06-01-2004, 19:11
OOC: Your votes have no effect on the outcome of the elections.

[ooc: Then what's the point of the poll?]

We support the NDP.

Well, they could influence SOuthern Naori's (my) descision on who wins.
06-01-2004, 19:27
The Empire of Naori refuses to comment on this sham of an election, but the Empress has stated that she hopes the CRN takes control.
Southern Naori
06-01-2004, 20:47
The Empire of Naori refuses to comment on this sham of an election, but the Empress has stated that she hopes the CRN takes control.

How is it a 'sham of an election'? It's more than you've ever had, Miss Dictatorship.
Southern Naori
06-01-2004, 20:48
The Empire of Naori refuses to comment on this sham of an election, but the Empress has stated that she hopes the CRN takes control.

How is it a 'sham of an election'? It's more than you've ever had, Miss Dictatorship.
07-01-2004, 03:16
Assorted weapons contractors, ina suprising move, have been given the go-ahead to offer their wares to interested buyers in this region. Such a move recieved a polite nod from the Crownguardian government, obviously concerned with pressing matters and looking out for vital national economic interests. These arms developers would cheerfully wish to offer aid "of a military nature" in goods to interested buyers. Loans not acceptable, do to destabilization of area, but international credits will suffice. This offer also goes to Naori, should it wish purchase or said arms. All this is addition to full international and humanitarian aid from the Crownguardian government itself, suitable to negotiations.

"All armaments are strictly for defensive purposes!" Remarks President Richard Talin, CEO of Accu-Tek, a noted developer of armaments and contractor. This quote comes from accusations of plans by the Accu-Tek to steer the course of the elections in favor of as yet undetermined pary. "Preposterous! The latest in the tools of warfare should not be denied the comman citizen from protection from threats, foreign and domestic."

Crownguardian News Services will keep you well informed on this situation, honorable Citizens. And remember, shop smart, shop S-Mart.
07-01-2004, 03:24
Offical Statement from Countess Margo Dresdin Moria;

As the voice of the most powerful anti-communist filth of Sialus I state my full support to the CRN and the support of House Moria to the CRN, the party that wishes to reunite a people with their rightful ruler.

*Note: The views of Countess Margo Dresdin Moria are not to be taken as the offical view of the Empire*
07-01-2004, 03:39
The Galdanian Red Army will not allow any capitalist arms traders in Southern Naori. We will see to it that your ways are kept out of the South.

OOC: Galdania, as I may have stated, has semi-administrative control of SOuthern Naori.
10-01-2004, 23:58
The votes of the Southern Naori people are in: The Naorian Democratic Party has won a clear victory with 46% of the vote. The Official Opposition Party will be the Naorian Socialist Party, the second most popular party. The CRN received a small percentage of the votes, but considerably more than the PLP.
13-01-2004, 09:12
Damnit if i had posted a week earlier the Socialists would of won.. dang