05-01-2004, 05:56
The High Dominion. Ahh what can be said about it. How can one encompass its history and culture ands government in words. In any case, one must try. Here then is a description of the High Dominion of Falasmayon. It's government, history, military, and much else.
The Government of the High Dominion
The High Dominion is a dictatorship. Supreme Executive power is vested in a single individual with the title of High Chancellor of the Dominion. The dominion hawever, is different from other strongman ruled nations in that it is the quintessential benevolent dictatiorship. The Falas enjoy, a strong economy and generally good civil rights, they simply lack any political freedoms whatsoever. This set-up appears acceptable to the people as there has not been an attempt to overthrow the government since the first High Chancellor lead the Revolution of the Dominion 60 years ago.
The great organ of government of the High Dominion is the Administratum. It contains all branches of government and works to govern the Dominion for the benefit of its citizens.
The Administratum
The Administratum is made up of several branches and bodies. The Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches exist, along with several other bodies. Despite the division of power, there is no seperation of powers and final approval of all laws, final judicial appeal, and supreme military power are all ultimately vested in the High Chancellor.
Executive Branch:
Office of the High Chancellor
Cabinet of Administrators
Legislative Branch:
The Diktat
Judicial Branch:
Court of the Falas
Office of the High Chancellor:
High Chancellor-Edouard Beauchamp
Chancellor Secondus-Ait Convarion
Security Advisor-Delmar Vorru
Head of Executive Security-Sonya Marron
Cabinet of Administrators:
Administrator of Foreign Relations-Dorian Metternicht
Administrator of Military Affairs-Sal Dlarit
Administrator of Trade-Askar Fundine
Administrator of Environment Issues-Iella Horn
Administrator of State-Iella Terrick
The Diktat:
Chairman of the Dictat-Hal Drysso
Court of the Falas:
Executive Judge- Elscol Moussad
Powers of the the branches of government
The High Chancellor:
. Must approve any law before it is entered into force.
. May dimiss the Diktat without reason, and call for new elections.
. May deploy the military without any consent of the Dictat.
. Appoints all Administrators, Judges, Governors, Ambassadors, and Military Brass.
. Approves the budget of the High Dominion.
The Diktat:
. Crafts the laws of the High Dominion subject to the approval of the High Chancellor.
The Court of the Falas:
. Hands down and reviews judicial decision, subject to review by the High Chancellor.
The Military of the High Dominion
The military of the High Dominion is split into 2 groups. The space navy is known as the High Fleet, the army is known as the Stormguard. Falasmayon has a significant active military for its sive due to its compulsory 2 year service rerquirement for all citizens. In addition all citizens are required to keep reserve status for 20 years, giving the High Dominion a reservist pool of nearly 200 million people.
The High Fleet
The High Fleet is the more emphasized branch of the military, as the Falas believe in naval strength over planetary strength.
Personnel-6.5 million
Command Center- Macragge Orbital Fortress
Ships- Approximately 400 ships of the line of various classes.
The Lord-Admiralty:
High Lord-Admiral Solar Marcharius- Commander of Home Defense Fleet
Lord-Admiral Armar Severus- Commander 1st Fleet[
Lord-Admiral Alloran Fenris- Commander 2nd Fleet
Lord-Admiral Tasha Vratix- Commander 3rd Fleet
Lord-Admiral Melinda Carniss- Commander 4th Fleet
The Stormguard
the Stormguard recieves less emphasis in Falasmayon military strategy due to the belief in the superiority of naval power held by the Falas command. The Stormguard are mainly designated to duty aboard fleet vessels, with comparatively few stationed as true army personnel.
Personnel: 3.5 million
Command Center: Macragge Orbital Fortress
Combat Personnel: Approximately 1 million
Stormguard Command:
High Marshal Tycho Ven-Commander Home Defense Corp
Marshal Sasha Adrait-Commander Stormguard Fleet Divisions
Marshal Sok Ho Kang- Commander Stormguard Planetary Divisions
The Ordo Xenos
The Ordo Xenos is an elite military division within the military affairs Administration. The mission of the ordo Xenos is destroy alien threats to the High Dominion and it's allies. The Ordo Xenos specializes in combating alien beings, utilizing and understanding alien technology, and understanding alien tactics and strategy.
The Operatives of the Ordo Xenos are highly trained and capable. They are organized into squads known as Kill Teams, which operate independently of eachother or in concert to root out and estroy the seditious threats of alien invaders and attackers.
Currently the Ordo Xenos deals mainly with cleansing sensetive targets of space ork infestation. Since the High Dominion encountered these beings 20 years ago, they have proven to be dangerousd and tenacious foes and were the original reason for the establishment of the Ordo Xenos. In addition to space orks the members of the Ordo Xenos are trained to fight tyranids and eldar as well as many other forms of alien life.
Personnel: 1000 combat personnel organized into 10 Kill Teams
Director of the Order: Arl Varrscha
[b]The Ordo Malleus[/i]
The Ordo Malleus is also an elite division of the military, although it is one claoked in secrecy, enev more so than the Ordo Xenos. The Ordo Malleus is enclave of psychic power in the High Dominion. Its psykers are known as Inquisitors.
The Ordo Malleus fights its battles in the mind and the physical world. The inquisitors are trained to fight enemy psykers, but also much more. They are trained to search out deviant psykers which could pose a threat to Falasmayon society and peace. They are trained to fight deranged, and abhorrent alien psychics. Most of all they are trained to fight against the demons of the Warp and to protect their more limited brothers from the assaults of demons and warp-entities, which try to break down their minds and consume them.
Personnel: 100 Inquisitors
Director: High Inquisitor Matoch Veritas
The Government of the High Dominion
The High Dominion is a dictatorship. Supreme Executive power is vested in a single individual with the title of High Chancellor of the Dominion. The dominion hawever, is different from other strongman ruled nations in that it is the quintessential benevolent dictatiorship. The Falas enjoy, a strong economy and generally good civil rights, they simply lack any political freedoms whatsoever. This set-up appears acceptable to the people as there has not been an attempt to overthrow the government since the first High Chancellor lead the Revolution of the Dominion 60 years ago.
The great organ of government of the High Dominion is the Administratum. It contains all branches of government and works to govern the Dominion for the benefit of its citizens.
The Administratum
The Administratum is made up of several branches and bodies. The Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches exist, along with several other bodies. Despite the division of power, there is no seperation of powers and final approval of all laws, final judicial appeal, and supreme military power are all ultimately vested in the High Chancellor.
Executive Branch:
Office of the High Chancellor
Cabinet of Administrators
Legislative Branch:
The Diktat
Judicial Branch:
Court of the Falas
Office of the High Chancellor:
High Chancellor-Edouard Beauchamp
Chancellor Secondus-Ait Convarion
Security Advisor-Delmar Vorru
Head of Executive Security-Sonya Marron
Cabinet of Administrators:
Administrator of Foreign Relations-Dorian Metternicht
Administrator of Military Affairs-Sal Dlarit
Administrator of Trade-Askar Fundine
Administrator of Environment Issues-Iella Horn
Administrator of State-Iella Terrick
The Diktat:
Chairman of the Dictat-Hal Drysso
Court of the Falas:
Executive Judge- Elscol Moussad
Powers of the the branches of government
The High Chancellor:
. Must approve any law before it is entered into force.
. May dimiss the Diktat without reason, and call for new elections.
. May deploy the military without any consent of the Dictat.
. Appoints all Administrators, Judges, Governors, Ambassadors, and Military Brass.
. Approves the budget of the High Dominion.
The Diktat:
. Crafts the laws of the High Dominion subject to the approval of the High Chancellor.
The Court of the Falas:
. Hands down and reviews judicial decision, subject to review by the High Chancellor.
The Military of the High Dominion
The military of the High Dominion is split into 2 groups. The space navy is known as the High Fleet, the army is known as the Stormguard. Falasmayon has a significant active military for its sive due to its compulsory 2 year service rerquirement for all citizens. In addition all citizens are required to keep reserve status for 20 years, giving the High Dominion a reservist pool of nearly 200 million people.
The High Fleet
The High Fleet is the more emphasized branch of the military, as the Falas believe in naval strength over planetary strength.
Personnel-6.5 million
Command Center- Macragge Orbital Fortress
Ships- Approximately 400 ships of the line of various classes.
The Lord-Admiralty:
High Lord-Admiral Solar Marcharius- Commander of Home Defense Fleet
Lord-Admiral Armar Severus- Commander 1st Fleet[
Lord-Admiral Alloran Fenris- Commander 2nd Fleet
Lord-Admiral Tasha Vratix- Commander 3rd Fleet
Lord-Admiral Melinda Carniss- Commander 4th Fleet
The Stormguard
the Stormguard recieves less emphasis in Falasmayon military strategy due to the belief in the superiority of naval power held by the Falas command. The Stormguard are mainly designated to duty aboard fleet vessels, with comparatively few stationed as true army personnel.
Personnel: 3.5 million
Command Center: Macragge Orbital Fortress
Combat Personnel: Approximately 1 million
Stormguard Command:
High Marshal Tycho Ven-Commander Home Defense Corp
Marshal Sasha Adrait-Commander Stormguard Fleet Divisions
Marshal Sok Ho Kang- Commander Stormguard Planetary Divisions
The Ordo Xenos
The Ordo Xenos is an elite military division within the military affairs Administration. The mission of the ordo Xenos is destroy alien threats to the High Dominion and it's allies. The Ordo Xenos specializes in combating alien beings, utilizing and understanding alien technology, and understanding alien tactics and strategy.
The Operatives of the Ordo Xenos are highly trained and capable. They are organized into squads known as Kill Teams, which operate independently of eachother or in concert to root out and estroy the seditious threats of alien invaders and attackers.
Currently the Ordo Xenos deals mainly with cleansing sensetive targets of space ork infestation. Since the High Dominion encountered these beings 20 years ago, they have proven to be dangerousd and tenacious foes and were the original reason for the establishment of the Ordo Xenos. In addition to space orks the members of the Ordo Xenos are trained to fight tyranids and eldar as well as many other forms of alien life.
Personnel: 1000 combat personnel organized into 10 Kill Teams
Director of the Order: Arl Varrscha
[b]The Ordo Malleus[/i]
The Ordo Malleus is also an elite division of the military, although it is one claoked in secrecy, enev more so than the Ordo Xenos. The Ordo Malleus is enclave of psychic power in the High Dominion. Its psykers are known as Inquisitors.
The Ordo Malleus fights its battles in the mind and the physical world. The inquisitors are trained to fight enemy psykers, but also much more. They are trained to search out deviant psykers which could pose a threat to Falasmayon society and peace. They are trained to fight deranged, and abhorrent alien psychics. Most of all they are trained to fight against the demons of the Warp and to protect their more limited brothers from the assaults of demons and warp-entities, which try to break down their minds and consume them.
Personnel: 100 Inquisitors
Director: High Inquisitor Matoch Veritas