New Nation seeks economy help
I, leader of the newly founded Holy Empire of Acombia located in the Acombian region am inquiring to the way in which we acquire funds for internation trade. I am thinking of using a formula of
(population*.2)10=starting money
using this formula i get 12,000,000 Acombos. Would this be correct for inter-regional trade? or am i god-modding?
OOC: Try this ( link. Or take a quick look at the stickies at the top of this forum. I can't find the GDP calculator link at the moment.
OOC: Try this ( link. Or take a quick look at the stickies at the top of this forum. I can't find the GDP calculator link at the moment.i found the GDP link earlier in a sticky and it was a dead end, then page was not there.
EDIT: after looking at that other thread i make 900,000,000 a month and 10,800,000,000 a year. Good it seems.
Try this link:
OOC:thanks and i was using old stats, my actual ones give me 1,388,333,333 per month, but i'm not sure which value, so i'll use the dollar.
I'm new here too, but as a mercantile nation this issue is important to me (I need funds to trade). So I've done a bit of looking around
Threads you may find useful:
Click view database, then return back to original page. Then fill in information
04-01-2004, 16:04
Also, if your nation is like mine where private enterprise is illegal, more funds will be flowing into your goverment as well.
Click view database, then return back to original page. Then fill in information
In regards to this one, made by me, I shall soon be releasing a new version and will leave a post about it.
05-01-2004, 04:45
If you are looking to establish trade relations, Kryozerkia would like to make such relations. We are a strong nation with a very good economy. We like to trade. In the midst of trading, we also establish diplomatic relations. So, to Acombia, we make this offer.