NationStates Jolt Archive

Lavenrunz civil war: international diplomacy

03-01-2004, 18:43
International televised address made to the word by Lousewies van der Laan, Prime Minister of Knootoss.


“Nations of the world. The situation in Lavenrunz is rapidly escalating. The coup led by Count Mirbach has set in motion a chain of events that must be stopped. I come here today with a message of reconciliation, hoping that all parties will listen to the voice of reason. We must keep the interests of the people of Lavenrunz in mind here. The escalation into foreign involvement and perhaps even an inter-alliance war must be prevented. At the same time, a legitimate authority must be established in Lavenrunz. One that can rest upon the laws and constitution of the Empire. I believe these are goals that everyone can subscribe to. I hope that count Mirbach, in his call for elections, was sincere in that respect.”

She then looks directly into the camera, which gives a close up of her face, as if she is to address the nation directly.

”Firstly, we must prevent loss of life. I would urge all Lavenrunzian military forces to take into account a policy of not firing unless being fired upon. Think about it, officers of the Empire, firing upon your own countrymen would be a grave violation of your oaths. We must prevent a bloodbath.”

She takes a sip of the water standing next to her.

“Foreign military intervention in this situation is highly undesirable, from all sides. More specifically, I urge parties such as the Reich and their allies to stay out. As long as no legal and proper government has been established we will interpret Reich forces moving towards Lavenrunz as violation of their sovereignty and as an attack on a SATO nation. This invokes the charter and it is a de-facto declaration of war which will be met with the ultimate means that the DDR possesses. I will be very blunt today to Mattew Iesus: invade Lavenrunz and we are prepared to use tactical nuclear weapons against Reich targets in retaliation as we would have when the Reich had invaded us. Stay out, this is not your fight.”

She pauses, thinking for a moment. But just for a moment. ”Ok, so far for the peaceable DDR. This is going to be a PR hit in the ‘ethical’ department but at least the point will get across. Let’s just hope they aren’t calling it a bluff.” Then she continues:

“Free and fair elections are needed, and they should be held in due time. But they cannot take place when under the regime of an armed coup with tanks in the streets. I’m calling for Lavenrunzian generals and naval officers to come to an agreement, calm down and demobilise. Leave politics to the politicians. Use words, not weapons. My government proposes that a meeting of all of the Lavenrunzian flagstaff takes place and that a plan for this is made. We are willing to host such a meeting if desired.

Furthermore we should remember the one authority that is recognised by all. Soldiers of Lavenrunz remember your loyalty to the Empress, listen only to her own words in this time of doubt! Let us remain calm until Empress Aurora can speak for herself, in a neutral nation that is mutually acceptable. We would offer to host it, if desired but we understand if this is not an option to the insurgents. Let the Empress decide for herself, without pressure. I knew late Empress Joanna personally, and I know she would have wanted it this way. She loved her proud people too much to see it destroyed by internal strife.

Long live Lavenrunz! Long live the Empress!


The screen blacks out.

“Well… I’ve come a long way towards Mirbachs demands. And let’s hope now that the man is not some insane dictator trying to get power to himself.”

Note: Appropriate messages have also been sent to all involved parties.
03-01-2004, 19:05
Officials in The Reich is today in Shock after Lousewies Van der Laans speech towards the Reich.
International televised address made to the word by Lousewies van der Laan, Prime Minister of Knootoss.

“Foreign military intervention in this situation is highly undesirable, from all sides. More specifically, I urge parties such as the Reich and their allies to stay out. As long as no legal and proper government has been established we will interpret Reich forces moving towards Lavenrunz as violation of their sovereignty and as an attack on a SATO nation. This invokes the charter and it is a de-facto declaration of war which will be met with the ultimate means that the DDR possesses. I will be very blunt today to Mattew Iesus: invade Lavenrunz and we are prepared to use tactical nuclear weapons against Reich targets in retaliation as we would have when the Reich had invaded us. Stay out, this is not your fight.”
Officials are astonished by such prepostrous allegation towards the Reich:

”The Reich has never said that they would go into Lavenrunz and thus spilling innocent Lavenrunzian lives. Completely the opposite, we have offered 100 million dollars for helping the people of Lavenrunz to have a free election. We have also decided to offer to deploy 40 electoral surveyers to keep the election free from manipulation. This is the only thing The Reich has done, trying to stabilize the situation and hindering the brave Lavenrunzian people from being harmed. SATO however has not only threatened with force, such as in the case of Thelas, but also invaded the north of Lavenrunz in form of Diablo NL. When will this Hipocrisy end?! Is The Reich the only one interested in the free choice of the Lavenrunzian people? What dark plans does Knootoss have for Lavenrunz? What side will you take in case of a war, Knootoss will probably see to that they earn some money on the blood of Lavenrunz. I agree with Knootoss in one part, that the people of Lavenrunz must make their choice, not in front of elven guns under threat of getting killed, but in a free election. So that they can honour their proud culture and history. God Bless the People of Lavenrunz. And may god have mercy on the sould of those killed by SATO invasion.
03-01-2004, 19:12
The Hague, Knootoss
Tower of the Prime Minister
Excerpt of a conversation

"Well, learning of their propaganda. They condemn SATO, but that is nothing new," commented an assistant.

Lousewies nodded: "Yes, but if you read it carefully they make it seem as if there was never an intention of the Reich to intervene. This is good for Mirbach's PR in the short term, but it will backfire if - when - she declines the offer and calls in the Reich. Soooo..." she takes a sip from her coffee, "it makes Reich intervention more implausible. And that is a good thing."

"We could release a statement that SATO forces are allowed to trespass into Lavenrunz under the terms of the treaty?", proposed the assistant.

The Prime Minister shook her head: "no, then it would seem like we are defending ourselves or SATO from their propaganda. Our actually responding to it would only add to it's credibility. We should focus on the peace effort now."
Tanah Burung
03-01-2004, 21:03
The crisis in Lavenrunz is not our concern, but the potential for violence prompts us to speak out. A peaceful resolution of this situation is imperative. We urge all outside powers to make a pledge of non-intervention, as some have already done. Only the people of Lavenrunz can decide what comes next. We support the call for free elections, with impartial international observers. We also urge all sides to make, as a matter of urgency, a pledge to avoid the use of nuclear weapons.

Violeta Bi Bere
People's representative for foreign affairs & human rights
03-01-2004, 22:16
We support the call as voiced by Tanah Burung. De-escalation is the answer here. We fully support any initiative for peace and strongly reccomend that this initiative is followed by the Lavenrunzian sides and their allies.

However we will not exclude any means beforehand in order to prevent total chaos and are prepared to counter agressive moves with equal or superior force. As a reassurance, we will keep the interest of the Lavenrunzian people and their Empress in mind at all time and all our actions will reflect this.
~Knootian ministry of Foreign Affairs statement
Glorious Humanity
04-01-2004, 06:37
The Federation of Glorious Humanity also supports Tanah Burung's statements. As stated previously (, we are remaining neutral in this, and will not directly interfere in the internal affairs of another sovereign nation. The future of Lavenrunz is for her own people to decide, and no one else.

Frank Pierce
Minister of International Relations
Federation of Glorious Humanity
Seraphim Order Embassy
04-01-2004, 06:46
"There is but one Truth: Justice belongs to the victors"

-Seraphim Order Embassy
04-01-2004, 18:18
Puppet bump for Jo and the others