Seeking Weapons.
We, the Republic of Mazakia, are on the brink of Civil War, because of this we seek weapons, so far we have begun making some for ourselves in quickly-built factories, including the Rooikat (, which is an 8-wheeled Armored Car with a 76mm main cannon, and the Shilka (, which is a track-mounted, self-propelled AA device, it has 4 23mm guns, and it's own RADAR device, however, we cannot do enough, we therefore ask the International Community for help.
03-01-2004, 03:26
Mr. Wagner. Why do you now seak such heavy weaponary for such a revolution. Surley you don't expect the revolutionaries to have any weapons to rivial a tanks power.
-Lenoid Adropov
-General Secretary
(If someone figures out where I got this name ill be impressed)
03-01-2004, 03:28
If you need any aircraft, high qualirty for low prices, i can design them for you, just let me know what you need
((AIM :DevDog01, Yahoo:" Devj2k Email:
The Golden Simatar
03-01-2004, 05:29
If you need quality small arms go to my store here.
We haven't fully constructed anything, but enough will be done soon to help us out, we are now also working on making some Ratel ( IFVs, and some G5 ( artillery pieces, and some G6 ( artillery pieces, which are the self-propelled version of the G5.
Isles of Wohlstand
03-01-2004, 10:18
Mazakia, if you need funding to begin your own production of various forms of weaponry, just ask me, I am sure Wohlstand can muster a decent amount to help a growing leftist.
Comrade Hessinger
National Military Commander of the Triunal Wohlstand Republic
First Socialist Labor Party Congress of Wohlstand
"When you kill a man, the only thing you should feel is the recoil"
The Resi Corporation
03-01-2004, 11:27
I take it that you are modern tech. If not, however...
Are you tired of having second-rate weaponry, and wish you had some seriously huge 60-foot-tall battlemechs or 20-foot-tall robot spiders to literally stomp your enemies flat? How about a single power plant that can power a city the size of New York while producing NO POLLUTION, or a couple of mind-reading empaths? Maybe you've invisioned your troops travelling via spaceplane, or walking along the ocean floor, or maybe you want to replace your human army with one of robots that will obey your every whim. Whatever your fancy, you'll find it in the newest edition of the Resi Corporation's marketplace! Located here (, this shop can update your nation, so you can outclass your strongest foes!
The Resi Corporation
03-01-2004, 11:32
(If someone figures out where I got this name ill be impressed)The only place I found it was in the book "Flight of the Raptor", in which Leonid Adropov is a communist doctor that makes a supervirus and a corresponding vaccine, the former he plans to unleash on the world, while selling the latter once the virus takes off.
Am I right?
03-01-2004, 20:53
(If someone figures out where I got this name ill be impressed)The only place I found it was in the book "Flight of the Raptor", in which Leonid Adropov is a communist doctor that makes a supervirus and a corresponding vaccine, the former he plans to unleash on the world, while selling the latter once the virus takes off.
Am I right?
Try looking into the REAL history of the Soviet Union.
I am very imprssed none the less.