Xanthal to return to Dictatorship.
In a 2:1 vote by the Xanthalian people, it was decided that Xanthal will return to a dictatorship government. All Senators and Councilpeople will serve out their current terms, then have their seats filled by the new Dictator until the Dictator has full control, at which point the Senate and Council will be abolished. The Dictator elect is 39 year-old Mimiru Nimbus. She will have full control of the government in five years.
No! The anarchists failed their mission! I must warn them so they can get out before they are arrested.
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.-The state only exists to serve itself.
"Oppose excessive military spending, yet believe in excessive spending on junk food and plastic surgery to make all your women look like LARDASSES!"-Sino, when I criticized excessive military spending.
I'm male. Note the pic of attractive women.
Isla de Penguinata
02-01-2004, 20:18
Such a sad fate for a thriving country in this world. It is most unfortunate that Xanthal could not remain to be a republic forever, and hope that the dictator-elect is a strong and wise person. Evil has no footing in the world, and it is hoped that the people of Xanthal will only continue to prosper.
Princess Arvanel I
Member of the United Emirates
The SLAGLands
02-01-2004, 20:24
So after a careful vote, the people of Xanthal have decided they don't like voting anymore?
I don't think I need to question the efficiency of this system, since it seems to question itself.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Emerald Heights of The SLAGLands
We hope you see the fallacy of this decision, Xanthal.
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.-The state only exists to serve itself.
"Oppose excessive military spending, yet believe in excessive spending on junk food and plastic surgery to make all your women look like LARDASSES!"-Sino, when I criticized excessive military spending.
I'm male. Note the pic of attractive women.
Letila: There's nothing wrong with our system. You've got what works best for you, we've got what works best for us.
Isla de Penguinata: Xanthal will continue to be a Republic. You forget that the citizens elect the Dictator. Thus, we are still a democratic state.
The SLAGLands: But that's not true. They will still vote, just for Dictators instead of Senate members.
what prevents the dictator from trying to make a coup d' etat?
Actually, Xanthal, we've found that hierarchy isn't very good for mental health. Your system has a lot of things wrong with it. Oppression is not the answer.
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.-The state only exists to serve itself.
"Oppose excessive military spending, yet believe in excessive spending on junk food and plastic surgery to make all your women look like LARDASSES!"-Sino, when I criticized excessive military spending.
I'm male. Note the pic of attractive women.
Preporia: In theory? Nothing. In practice? The knowledge that the citizens would lynch the bastard.
Letila: Name one serious problem with our system, I'll bet you can't. And what the hell does opression have to do with this? Nobody's opressing anybody here.
One serious problem: People have no real say in the laws that govern them. They are born into a system and have to follow it's laws against their concent.
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.-The state only exists to serve itself.
"Oppose excessive military spending, yet believe in excessive spending on junk food and plastic surgery to make all your women look like LARDASSES!"-Sino, when I criticized excessive military spending.
I'm male. Note the pic of attractive women.
I don't agree with my ally's government. I do stand by the nation as it steps into a new part of their history. I wish the new dictator-elect success. I hope that we will have better relations. Now that it has been a long time since our problem. I now ish to turn a new leaf and have a close alliance with you. Your government was taking steps to disarm ,and I hope that the new dictator will continue that.
King Matrex Locke
Kingdom of Matrex
Letila: That's not a problem. Our laws aren't too restrictive. Besides, people have the power to change laws through participating in politics. Almost every nation in the universe has a government, and for good reason. Take your nation, you have almost no political structure. This works for you, and we're fine with that. However, consider this: Without structure, a society's life or death is determined by the actions of everyone involved.
In the best-case scenario, such as is exemplified in your nation, citizens create their own code of conduct that people are expected to live by. Individual "crime" that is, violations of that code, are punished by individual victims and/or other people/groups that care about the situation. This works very well, but it is in fact a structure in itself. Unofficial rules and punishments are still rules and punishments.
In the worst-case, societies like yours that are devoid of official government are taken over by a few bullies that keep order by terrorizing the populace. These develop quickly into feudal states or a dictatorship depending on the situation. Once again, structure has been created.
Sentients cannot exist without structure. Whether active or passive, rules endure. If they did not, every single one of us would be dead within a few years. In "anarchy" nobody says people must farm, but they do so because if they did not they would starve. Nobody says people must not kill each other, but they do not because of their morals and their knowledge that justice will come to them by the family and friends of the murdered. Nobody says people must work, but they do because they must be able to either support themselves or be able to repay others for supporting them. There is no "anarchy", just lack of officiality.
I don't agree with my ally's government. I do stand by the nation as it steps into a new part of their history. I wish the new dictator-elect success. I hope that we will have better relations. Now that it has been a long time since our problem. I now ish to turn a new leaf and have a close alliance with you. Your government was taking steps to disarm ,and I hope that the new dictator will continue that.
King Matrex Locke
Kingdom of Matrex
Matrex: An alliance, eh? What kind of alliance?
imported_The Opressive Church
02-01-2004, 22:10
One Serious Problem with Xanthal: It it pronounced Zanthal, yet spelled with an X! :lol:
The SLAGLands
02-01-2004, 22:17
The SLAGLands: But that's not true. They will still vote, just for Dictators instead of Senate members.
I think you mean to be addressin' Minister Wololo there, pardner! But thanks for the shout-out anyway!
Bozo T. SLAGLands
Spokesman for National Officials Inexplicably Adressed as "The SLAGLands"
The Emerald Heights of The SLAGLands
One Serious Problem with Xanthal: It it pronounced Zanthal, yet spelled with an X!
I though x was pronounced like in the last sound in Bach or loch or as a lateral click(like in Xhosa).
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.-The state only exists to serve itself.
"Oppose excessive military spending, yet believe in excessive spending on junk food and plastic surgery to make all your women look like LARDASSES!"-Sino, when I criticized excessive military spending.
I'm male. Note the pic of attractive women.
Being an ally of Xanthal, this does come as quite a surprise. What kind of relations does the new dictator desire with their allies? Will there be a constitution or will the dictator desire the role of diety and begin a reign of oppression?
Steel Butterfly
02-01-2004, 23:22
Nimbus? An original name would have been appreciated. :roll:
The Opressive Church: That's not a problem.
The SLAGLands: I always address posts this way.
Letila: No, just 'Z'. Zan-thal
Phyrric: This is a peaceful transfer of power. All of our allies and enemies will retain their status until the Dictator says otherwise. The Xanthalian Primary Law will remain in effect for the Dictator.
Steel Butterfly: What's wrong with Nimbus?
That is most beneficial for the people for a peaceful transfer. There are two questions that Phyrric now has.
1. Where does the power lie, with the Dictator or the Xanthalian Primary Law?
2. What is to prohibit the Dictator from ceasing all power and proclaiming himself/herself to be absolute and diefied if there is no check on power?
Why do you spell it with a x instead of z?
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.-The state only exists to serve itself.
"Oppose excessive military spending, yet believe in excessive spending on junk food and plastic surgery to make all your women look like LARDASSES!"-Sino, when I criticized excessive military spending.
I'm male. Note the pic of attractive women.
Phyrric: 1: Both. The Dictator has supreme power, but cannot violate the Primary Law without the consent of the Xanthalian ministries. 2: As I said to Preporia, In theory nothing is to stop the Dictator from staging a coup. In practice the knowledge that the citizens of Xanthal would immediately remove him with the help of the Armada. Such a coup by a dictator has been tried before, and he was removed at gunpoint by the Fleet Admiral herself.
Letila: Why do you spell yours with an 'i' instead of an 'ee'? Why is 'colonel' not spelled 'kernel'? Because I made the country up and I get to choose how to spell its name.
Why do you spell yours with an 'i' instead of an 'ee'? Why is 'colonel' not spelled 'kernel'? Because I made the country up and I get to choose how to spell its name.
Because every language spells the sound in English 'ee' as 'i'. English is the only one that doesn't. Try studying Spanish or German or any other language written with our kind of letters.
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.-The state only exists to serve itself.
"Oppose excessive military spending, yet believe in excessive spending on junk food and plastic surgery to make all your women look like LARDASSES!"-Sino, when I criticized excessive military spending.
I'm male. Note the pic of attractive women.
Why do you spell yours with an 'i' instead of an 'ee'? Why is 'colonel' not spelled 'kernel'? Because I made the country up and I get to choose how to spell its name.Because every language spells the sound in English 'ee' as 'i'. English is the only one that doesn't. Try studying Spanish or German or any other language written with our kind of letters.I'm familiar with many languages, though I can't speak any language but English very well. You're correct. Still, that has no bearing whatsoever on my point. Try the word 'xylophone'. Phonetically it should be spelled 'zylofone', but it isn't. Spelling isn't always phonetic, especially not in English. If it's the English language you want to diss, take it up with someone else. I'm sure as hell not going there.
Are you saying that when it's time for elections, the citizens will have a variety of dicatators to choose from, or just one that they automatically vote for?
Bureau Foreign Affairs.
Mega Tau: Any citizen can run for Dictator. Candidates will be given a time slot on one of Xanthal's political channels to make their statements, and full information on everyone running will of course be available on The Network.
I'm familiar with many languages, though I can't speak any language but English very well. You're correct. Still, that has no bearing whatsoever on my point. Try the word 'xylophone'. Phonetically it should be spelled 'zylofone', but it isn't. Spelling isn't always phonetic, especially not in English. If it's the English language you want to diss, take it up with someone else. I'm sure as hell not going there.
Has the language the name Xanthal is from used English letters for a while or is the spelling system recent?
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.-The state only exists to serve itself.
"Oppose excessive military spending, yet believe in excessive spending on junk food and plastic surgery to make all your women look like LARDASSES!"-Sino, when I criticized excessive military spending.
I'm male. Note the pic of attractive women.
Has the language the name Xanthal is from used English letters for a while or is the spelling system recent?I don't think it's from any language. I just made it up.
I see. Letila is actually from L'êtila, which means beautiful land in a language I made up. The game wouldn't accept it, so I removed the and ^.
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.-The state only exists to serve itself.
"Oppose excessive military spending, yet believe in excessive spending on junk food and plastic surgery to make all your women look like LARDASSES!"-Sino, when I criticized excessive military spending.
I'm male. Note the pic of attractive women.
That is all I need to know, thanks for the info. No further questions from here.
Matrex: An alliance, eh? What kind of alliance?
The IDI. I might have made mistake.If so, I hope you wont hold that against me.
The IDI. I might have made mistake.If so, I hope you wont hold that against me.We haven't been in the IDI alliance for over twelve hundred years. However, we have a deep respect for them and would definately support your membership.
Khenala's Guide To Government Types
Lesson 1: Dictatorships
"Dictator" + "Elect" = OXYMORON
</end lesson>
The Elimination of an unecessary Bureaucracy and the removal of the chokehold these people put on government is a wise move. Your new Leader will hopefully rule with a strong will and make your nation powerful.
The stability of a monarchy as opposed to a sole dictator may be a better alternative though. A Royal Family gives the nation heroes to look towards in times of need.
Khenala: No they don't. Just because a person has sole control over the state doesn't mean they're not elected to the position. Don't tell us it's an oxymoron, that system worked for us for centuries.
Eizen: Xanthalian Dictator is a position of great honor. The Dictator commands just as much if not more respect from the people than any royal family.
03-01-2004, 18:27
We don't have any problems with the governmental changes we trust the Xanthalians. They are a just and honorable people and traditional allies and friends of Teritora. Our sciencists have worked together for years as well. They know how to handle themselves and whats best for them.
~King Doran Tor Asha the third
Well, I'll wrap this up then. Teritora, before I leave this thread to sink to the depths of the forum, are you interested in an RP together?
03-01-2004, 18:32
Why not, mind you, I am limited lately to weekend internet time lately but why not, I got something planned with Kecha as well.
You wanna choose the story? Mabye it could have something to do with this. A meeting between the King and Dictator in the style of Ashagar (sp?) and Zeke?
We of Letila don't distinguish between a king or a dictator, or a president, for that matter. There are several words for leaders, all of them profane.
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.-The state only exists to serve itself.
"Oppose excessive military spending, yet believe in excessive spending on junk food and plastic surgery to make all your women look like LARDASSES!"-Sino, when I criticized excessive military spending.
I'm male. Note the pic of attractive women.
We of Letila don't distinguish between a king or a dictator, or a president, for that matter. There are several words for leaders, all of them profane.Look, we all know that your country is anarchic. Shut up already. Go RP someplace and stop bothering me.
03-01-2004, 19:00
Why not, that sounds interesting, Character RPs are always fun to do. Prehaps King Doran requesting to visit Xanthal or both leaders going to see the unveiling of a major breakthough at one of the research centers where the Xanthalian and Teritoran Sciencists working together came up with.
I'll leave it up to you, post the thread whenever you're ready.
03-01-2004, 19:06
very well, I'll work out the opening post then.
You bet we're anarchist and you should be, too. You should try it.
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.-The state only exists to serve itself.
"Oppose excessive military spending, yet believe in excessive spending on junk food and plastic surgery to make all your women look like LARDASSES!"-Sino, when I criticized excessive military spending.
I'm male. Note the pic of attractive women.
You bet we're anarchist and you should be, too. You should try it.Been there. Feudalism was the result. Now go away or I shall summon a moderator to remove you.