NationStates Jolt Archive

Black Ops Projects-The Secret History of NYNJ

New York and Jersey
01-01-2004, 07:58
This is just a reference as to the black projects conducted in NYNJ over its entire history.Posted or otherwise, to give some backround on the kind of nation NYNJ is. All of the info in this thread is buried DEEP in the archives of NYNJs intelligence agency the OSS. Either that or they are still active.

Operation Heros Return:
1)Aquisition of Dead Soldiers-Completed
2)Storage of Dead Soldiers-Completed
3)Reanimation of Dead Soldiers-Halted
4)Re-training of Soldiers-
5)Re-integration of Soldiers-
Backround Information-
Operation Heros' Return is an attempt by Federal Scientists to further expand upon the current reserve base of soldiers. It is believed that with the use of nano-technology to replace cells in the human body, the human body can in a sense be made to operate once more. The soldiers will for lack of better wording shall be reprogramed and used solely for the purpose of fighting in future conflicts.
Updated Information-
So far all attempts at reanimation of dead soldiers has gone off with little success. Most of the dead soldiers were to badly killed to be brought back to life in anyway shape or form. Project is to be halted immediately.

Operation Solid Core-
1)Selection of troops from the 191st Division-Completed
2)Genetic manipulation of troops from the 191st Division-Completed
3)Monitoring of 191st Division specimans-Ongoing
Backround Information-
Operation Solid Core is the Federal Armies attempt to create super soldiers. With the failure of Operation Heros Return a new project needed to be started in order to give the FRA an advantage on the battlefield. A group of 40 soldiers from the 191st Division have been selected and will be infused with genetic materials from stemcells and stolen nano-bot technology. It is the hope of the military that this project yields some results.
Updated Information-
Solid Core has had mixed results. Of the forty soldiers which were tested none of them developed any enhanced reflexs. Some genetic mutations have however occured. Almost half of the soldiers are expected to die within several months from cancer and other genetic diseases. Operation Solid Core will be terminated once the final soldier is soldier from the 191st Experiment Divison remains. Captain Gregory de los Santos, genetic mutations have gone another course with him, the cells incharge or aging have been stopped all together. Further observation is advised. President de los Santos has just reached secretly his 90th birthday with no visable sign of aging. For the publics sake he has turned 36 offically.

Operation Final Act-
1)Construction of 6 massive underground cities-Completed
2)Ensuring that all 6 cities are adequately supplied-Ongoing
Backround Information-
With the advent of nuclear weapons the then President realized the need to continue the population should worst come to the world. Six cities were built underground in reletive secret.Under the guise of underground transportation systems,each city,capable of holding 50,000 people, was easily reachable by key figures. The OSS has a listing of people to save in the advent of nuclear holocaust. These people range from the President, to foreign allied leaders.
Updated Information-
The project is ongoing, and each facility has skeletal crews to maintain the cities infustructures and so on.

Operation Human Fields-
1)Introduction of growth hormones and other growth agents into NYNJ watersupplies-Completed
2)Monitoring of situation-completed
Backround Informtation-
In attempts to increase the size and strength of the civil work force, the Federal Army Special Research team devised a plan to increase the overall size of the population gradually. This would involve the use of growth hormones into the local water supplies, and food supplies. To be able to monitor the situation, would be the use of the census board to collect information every five years, instead of the ten they currently do it in.
Updated Information:
Population growth has risen on average 2 to 3 inches every five years. The average population height has gone from 5'8" to 6'4" for women and 5'11" to 6'6" for men. Cancer rates however have jumped dramatically and those born before the introduction of the growth hormones have what is called "normal rate" while those born after have the "abnormal rate". What we are seeing is that genetic manipulations of the human body have caused cancer to increase across the nation from 4% affliction rate to 18-20% affliction rate. The project for the safety of the nation has been immediately halted.

OOC-More to come.
New York and Jersey
01-01-2004, 08:25
Operation Eternity Shield-
1)Construction of a Kidd class Space Destroyer-Completed
2)Destroyer refit with experimental energy shield-Completed
3)Trial One-Completed
4)Trial Two-
5)Tial Three-
Backround Information-
The Federal Stellar Navies attempt at incorporating energy shielding onto a stellar warship. The FRSN Jennifer SDDN-4802 has been chosen for the experiment, the crew has been briefed of the operation and has been more then receptive to the idea. SDDN-4802 is to proceed to the outer edge of the solar system where it will power its experimental shields and await an assault form the nearby Nomad Moon facility defense. NM will fire sixteen STO-1 missiles toward the Jennifier. It is believed that the experimental shield generator which is powered by a further experimental gravametic power source shall encase the ship in a full protective casing.
Updated Information-
The project is to be immediately halted. The gravametric generator aboard the FRSN Jennifer was miscalibrated due to human error which cause the engineering section to litterally implode killing all inside as a miniature blackhole was formed for several seconds. The hull was breached in the aft area. The shields however came on anyway several seconds afterward and due to lack of sufficant power did not expand fully around the vessel. The beam cut into the ships bow area and sliced off the nose section of the ship. Emergency bulkheads went into place. The ship is so heavily damaged it will be scraped and replaced with a new SDDN-4802 to cover up the lose. The families of those lost will be told their relatives died in a training accident.