Pheonix 1
31-12-2003, 18:54
Just want to get a feel of what others think of my region...'the flying nation in the sky' or FNS as we call it for short
Ragol II
31-12-2003, 19:02
Ah, its a beutifull place with women birds and gruntys....
31-12-2003, 19:03
First off, your topic's title should be more informative, telling what is the thread about.
Not a bad region. At least a good idea to have a region floating in the air.
Go FNS! :D :) :wink: :!: 8)
31-12-2003, 19:07
I suppose it's OK. I wouldn't want to be on the beaches, though - what happens if you drop off? And watch out for those Laputans - they don't like competition. :)