Confederated Communist States and a Communist Alliance
A region filled with states that are communist, socialist, or just generally leftist, this peaceful area of the world is a paradise for all freedom loving people and hopes to persuade others to become communists as well. However, anyone who dares to invade will soon have the wrath of Marx rain upon them from all directions.
We welcome all good leftists to join and contribute to our paradise! And remember endorse me, the founder of this wonderful region!
31-12-2003, 06:45
Join Comintern. We're bigger, and we're United. Join us.
nay, good sire, we would prefer to stay independent. However, perhaps we could form some sort of alliance?
31-12-2003, 06:49
Very well. If you need help, call us.
Spread the Revolution
We like our own region, but we have nothing but praise and goodwill for competently run communist nations and regions.
31-12-2003, 06:58
I would most certainly approve of a World Union, but my nation is currently undergoin a moving to a very special region formed by ex-countrymen. We would be very willing to take part of a World Alliance that will not require to be in any region in particular, communications and transport would make this very easy now days.
Pablo B.
Community of Bariloche
Yes, this would be a very interesting idea. Perhaps one of us could make a forum for such an allaince (I would but i am both too poor and could not run a forum for my life)