If you represent a nation which is looking for a home to call its own, well then come and take a look at the Arndrian Coast. This region has very strong socialist ideals, and also has many uniquely shaped islands. As of now it is the home to the new and young nation of ECILIAN. So if you are still interested come take a look or contact an ECILIAN representative.
Thank you,
ECILIAN Representative
Some more information on the Arndrian Coast. This area of the world has some of the most mild weather throughout the entire planet. temperature only go as high as 35 degrees celsius and as low as -5 degrees celsius. Some more information coming up in the following days. Please come and take a visit you will not be dissatisfied.
Discount on plane tickets to intrigued representaives.
Thank you,
ECILIAN Representative
Returning again with some more information on the Arndrian Coast. The search for other nations to join is ongoing and we are a very open region with many ideas for the world in mind. We hope to be a very close together region aswell very popular throughout the world.
Thank you for your time once again,
ECILIAN Representative