Special Report: Civil War in Lavenrunz!
30-12-2003, 22:10
"Good morning! I'm Antonia Chavez, and this is a WNN special report."
An attactive dark haired woman in a blue gore-tex jacket stood on a snowy street. Shouts could be heard, and the occasional shot or firing of a gas grenade. Gothic looking buildings rose around her.
"Last evening the Winter Ball in Lavenrunz took on unexpected guests when terrorists claiming to support the Lavenrunzian Monarchist-Fascist movement seized the Palace of the Moon and the Stars. Several dignitaries were injured as they were ferried out and then placed on an Estavian ferry bound for international waters.
Tensions run high as military forces occupy the main cities of Hofburg, Mirenburg, Zwoll, Carlsbad and Astra.
At present, the Empress' wherabouts are not known, but a spokesperson for the forces led by Count Mirbach, who claims to be acting Chancellor of Lavenrunz, stated that they were safe in the hands of his movement.
A request was made by GMC Military Arms to evacuate non-resident civilians, but this has not yet received an official response.
For WNN news, I'm Antonia Chavez."
Alan M'stard, one of the leading news anchors of the Veganian Peoples Channel (VPC) looked around as he stepped out of the plane. He had never been outside The Reich before, this was his first job in a truly foreign land. He had checked the equipment through at least five times and made sure the camera crew had done the same. This was an opportunity he wouldn't let pass him by. He saw a man with a sign with his name on it standing in front of a van. He hurried through the customs, waving his passport and his press card. Adventure here I come!
High in the Goverment center, at a war room, General Theallas Noss Dagnir (Theallas Kin Slayer) stood, looking at the TV, he turned to a millitary officer standing next to him, "Commander, start re-working the Laverunzian war plans" "Yes Sir, are we going to switch sides again?" "No, if Laverunz switches to a Reich veiw point, I want Thelasian troops to be ready to restore the proper regime within two hours" "Yes Sir!"
High in the Goverment center, at a war room, General Theallas Noss Dagnir (Theallas Kin Slayer) stood, looking at the TV, he turned to a millitary officer standing next to him, "Commander, start re-working the Laverunzian war plans" "Yes Sir, are we going to switch sides again?" "No, if Laverunz switches to a Reich veiw point, I want Thelasian troops to be ready to restore the proper regime within two hours" "Yes Sir!"
Freebodnik V
30-12-2003, 22:37
The first thing that Trixi 43451 thought when she disembarked from the solar glider that she'd taken from Freebodnik V, was that it was a real shame that there had to be so much violence. Personally, she preferred to cover more interesting news, such as scientific discoveries and tales of heroism and bravery during natural disasters and such, but this was extremely hot news - the information networks were all agog with cries for information on the current situation in Lavenrunz - and as an independent journalist it was her duty to provide the people with the most up-to-date news.
Now she regretted that the solar glider couldn't take more than three people at most.
She flicked on the recorder, a small note-pad sized pane of optic plastic with a light-sensitive plate at one end, and walked down from the landing spot, towards the great city where the fires burned...
The Empire expresses its dismay at this news, and extends condolences to all involved.
~ Junior Ambassador Israntel
At millitary bases all over Thelas, troops who were marked for an invasion of the Lyong peninsula started to load their equipment onto the massive transports that would take them to Laverunz should the need be.
Force Numbers:
1 Grav Fleet
300,000 Troops
20,000 K-Mags
30,000 Grav-Tanks
60,000 Infantry Support Automated Mechs
VPC- News Report
Veganian Peoples Channel has as the first foreign channel got the chance to interview Herr General Von Baden, commander of the Regional force. Mr. Alan M'Stard has had the honour to meet him and this is the first official interview we have since the incidents on The winterBall.
*General von Baden is a neat, commanding figure in combat dress, fair haired, with piercing blue eyes and craggy features*
”Herr General, this thing that is occuring in the palace of moon and the stars what effects will it have on the international community?”
"Well, we anticipate a certain amount of bluster. Essentially, a number of dignitaries including heads of state were captured, but then immediately released." the General clears his throat. "Well, it was merely to remove those foreign dignitaries from harm's way. The objective really was to remove the Imperial Family from the clutches of the Elentari of Menelmacar and her cronies."
"I see, What DID take place in the Palace of the Moon and the stars?"
"What occured was this. Elements of the Mornahosse and the Jaeger Regiment attempted to retake the palace as people were being freed. Unfortunatley, this meant that they had be withdrawn back into the palace. When that happened, they were surrounded and attempted a surrender, but no quarter was given. I understand that some of the dignitaries were wounded and even killed in the attempt."
"So all the freedom fighter are presumed slaughtered now?"
"Well, some went out with the helicopters evacuating dignitaries from the palace but the leader--a brave man called Adendorff, a great patriot--intelligence indicates that he took his own life to avoid capture."
"So if all the dignitaires were released unharmed, why DID the elves attack something that looks more like a peaceful protest from a hurt people than a terrorist attack?”
"Well, the Menelmacari are a violently anti human nation. They pretend not to be, but the only human led nations they favour are those who are led by the fawning devotees of Sirithil nos Feanor." The General becomes stern. "When the people of Lavenrunz rose in protest of the extinguishing of their traditions and beliefs, the armed services rose to protect them. And you see the results that would have been all over the nation had we not. Naturally, the people are shocked. Of course, they were much deceived by decadent pro-elvish propaganda, so it came as a shock. To us it was really just the call to arms."
"What impact do you think Sirithil and her accomplishes have had on the proud nation of Lavenrunz?"
"Well, look at the destruction of our family values for a start. Open homosexuality, even polygamy are being practiced. Then there is the influx of foreign interests buying up local companies and forcing honest decent Lavenrunzians out of work. But the worst of all are the arrests, the secret abductions..." General von Baden sighs. "Not merely those suspected of involvement in the death of Empress Joanna but even their families--children--"
"How do the governement treat the ordinairy human citizen?"
"The ordinary citizen is subjected to fumes from poorly inspected factories while the high and mighty dine off fine bone china and eat with silver." replied General von Baden. "And the Mornahosse drag anyone off the streets who so much as looks at them sideways."
"That's awful! So they treat your citizens as lesser beings?"
"The elves have means of invading the minds of others and suborning them to their will. This is often accompanied by..." the General pauses, reluctant to continue. "...abuse. To break the subject down." says the General with a sigh. "I pray to Almighty God that this has not happened to Her Majesty. The elvish races look down on humans." the General says emphatically. He shakes his head.
"Do you have anything to tell the international community? Remember, this will not go through the Elven censorship, what you say here will be heard by all nations around the world."
"Yes." General von Baden says, "The day of the Eldar, Noldor and Sindar dominating hapless humanity in the name of a false metahuman multiculturalism is over. We will be free. God save the Empress!"
Dread Lady Nathicana
30-12-2003, 23:51
Giovanni Montressori with breaking news concerning the situation in Lavenrunz.
Apparently, a coup has indeed been attempted, and the whereabouts of the rightful heir to the Empire is at this time, unknown. What is known is that a group of subversives led by the traitorous Count Mirbach, who has since styled himself Chancellor, gassed a group of attending dignitaries to the Winter Ball. This gas was, our sources tell us, non harmful and meant to merely incapacitate the guests. While they were unconscious, many were stripped, all treated with disrespect, and if reports are to be believed, some even shot.
Count Mirbach himself is believed at this time to be guilty not only of treachery, but murder most foul. An eye witness claims that he himself bludgeoned the Countess Isadora von Katori, Imperial Chatelaine, with her own harp, then proceeded to strangle her with the strings from it in a manner most brutal. Thankfully, he did not stay around to see the job completed, or we would not have this information. Given the gravity of the situation, we feel it best to have the rest delivered to you from our own eyewitness.
Cue video footage of Nathicana, now looking her usual composed self, though her eyes show a definite anger.
"Citizens of the Dominion, and those others who may be watching this broadcast, I urge you to denounce Count Mirbach and his regime. Given the current happenings, I have little problem linking this traitorous bastard all the way back to the most heinous murders of the well-beloved Empress Joanna von Sachausen and her son, the honorable Archduke Valerian."
Nathicana's eyes look misty, and her gaze drops for a moment, as she seems to struggle to compose herself. After a moment, she continues, her chin tilted up in that imperious way she has.
"I say these things not out of idle speculation, but from having seen firsthand the methods employed by this creature, and the wanton destruction caused by his mad grasp for power, and his blatant disregard for the lives of his people, and those of visiting dignitaries. The accusations of treachery and murder, I heard firsthand from the lips of Countess von Katori as she lay dying in my arms."
Her eyes blaze with anger as she describes the scene.
"There was nothing I could do for the poor woman, loyal to the end to her Empress, her only thoughts for her safety as she breathed her last in that dark linen closet where I had found her. After she passed, I was fortunate enough to find places to hide from the roving bands of murderous thugs roaming the palace, and with the aid of one of those still loyal to Lavenrunz and her Empress, managed to escape to my shuttle. I would not have made it out without that heroic person, whoever she was, and she has my eternal thanks."
"Of Mirbach I say that this monster cannot be allowed to steal the Empire away from the rightful heir, Aurora, let alone be allowed to continue breathing the free air. I demand, Mirbach, you traitorous dog, that you release the heir, and relinquish control of the nation to her postehaste. Show us that she is alive and unharmed. Prove to us that the other members of the Imperial family have not also been done away with. And show us where you have the right to claim this position of Chancellor. Prove my accusations wrong, I dare you. I also demand that you and your cronies pay reparations to those dignitaries abused and killed at your command, and to the families of those loyal soldiers killed in the defense of their Empress."
Nathicana looks to be in quite the righteous anger at this point.
"It is my hope that the Empress and the rest of the Imperial family will be allowed to make statements soon concerning this needless and most heinous act of sedition. May God have mercy on your soul for your actions these past days, Mirbach, for the rest of us certainly will not."
The screen goes back to the reporter, who quietly clears his throat and continues.
And there you have it, from a reputable eyewitness. And rather strong words of accusation as well, it seems, against the regime currently holding control in Lavenrunz. I am told the Lady escaped with very little injury, and that she is currently in a secure location, recovering from her horriffic experience, and that she will be running the affairs of state from there for the time being. Security has been increased, and no further information is available at this time.
In other news ...
Well, this is certainly tagged.
This is tagged. And as an ooc addendum: Thelas, please don't be as arrogant to think that SATO (and others) will just allow you to engage in military intervention in Lavenrunz without permission. In any real life situation, any army just dropping into Lavenrunz would be engaged immediately. I know you're not in Lavenrunz yet, I'm just pointing things out.
31-12-2003, 00:06
OOC: AAAAUUUGGGHHH!!! First the Reich assaults my embassy, then Knootoss secretly hires the DRSO to get rid of Christianity in my country, then Iesus Christi puts my embassy people on trial AND Perfect China has designs on my territory, and now THIS! All at the same time!!!
Oy. :/
God bless,
THe Republic of Syskeyia
31-12-2003, 00:31
[OOC: Tag while I ponder a propaganda post :twisted: ]
The Ctan
31-12-2003, 00:52
"We condemm the recent insurrection in Lavenrunz wholeheartedly, and wish the loyalist forces every success in supressing forces loyal to the criminals under the leadership of the man known as Mirbach."
- Senator Laurinda Frost, Deputy Executive of the Confederacy.
"Oh, and have a company of the Custodia Principalis ready to be sent to Lavenrunz should the fighting really start, as a token gesture." she added, to an aide, after sending the statement.
Freebodnik V
31-12-2003, 01:21
The face of black and white, the roar of brown noise.
"Is this thing on?"
"Okay. Live in three, two, one-"
A bespectacled woman with Hindu blood in her clutches the camera in 3-d Shake-and-Blur-O-Vision
"Hello there! It's me, Trixi 43451 and you're watching Globetrotter, on Freebodnik Independent News Channel, MDC.
I'm LIVE here at Lavenrunz covering the civil war. I'll be reporting in every hour with periodic updates on this developing situation."
A random Lavenrunzian civilian man
"Sir, I'm an independent journalist from Freebodnik V. What do you have to say about the current situation in Lavenrunz?"
Abu-Dhabi Khristatata
31-12-2003, 01:35
"It has come to my attetion that the nation of Lavenrunz is in the state of Civil War. Although civil wars happen everyday, this one caught my eye. I beleived a nation as mighty and stable as Lavenrunz would be innuvernable to Civil War, but perhaps I was wrong. ADK has not had any dealing in the past with Lavenrunz, but we have heard of them. I offer help to Lavenrunz, if her citizens shall accept it."
~Quin Izumi~
This is tagged. And as an ooc addendum: Thelas, please don't be as arrogant to think that SATO (and others) will just allow you to engage in military intervention in Lavenrunz without permission. In any real life situation, any army just dropping into Lavenrunz would be engaged immediately. I know you're not in Lavenrunz yet, I'm just pointing things out.
OOC: Don't worry, I learned my lesson in Knootoss, I will this time ask Laverunz before I send any troops.
Interesting how the author of this RP has yet to even make a follow up post and people have already responded with their various pledges of support and whatnot. We don't even know what this is about yet...... :?
Just a tag in the form of my musing....... :P
Iesus Christi
31-12-2003, 02:17
There can never be peace in Lavenrunz until the foreign, Metahuman oppressive presence is removed, leaving all the Lavenrunz people as a unit to control their own affairs and determine their own destinies as a sovereign people, free in mind and body, separate and distinct physically, culturally and economically
You cannot conquer the Lavenrunz human spirit. You cannot extinguish the Lavenrunz Christians passion for freedom. If this deed has not been sufficient to win freedom, then your children will win it by a better deed
If you strike at, imprison, or kill these brave Christians, out of the prisons or graves will still evoke a spirit that will thwart you, and raise a force that will destroy you! Christian Lavenrunz defys you!
Do your worst Christian Lavenrunz cannot be defeated!
31-12-2003, 02:38
Hofburg, Lavenrunz
“This is Ursie Barema reporting live for KNN in central Hofburg.”
The woman with black curly hair and warm grey eyes stood in front of a camera on a street in the centre of the old Lavenrunzian capital.
“So far, I have not yet heard word of what happened to our Prime Minister who attended the Winter Ball…”
A voice via radio interrupted her. A man in the broadcasting studio set: “latest information here says that she hasn’t returned home yet, but she has apparently been evacuated with other guests.”
“That information is new to me, Paul, but it just proves once again what a chaos it is. I have been reporting here for several years but I had never expected this. There has been … some … hostility against outside influences – mainly from Eldar - but I had never considered it to have such a level of support. But I assure you that I’m learning quickly here. Let’s go through what has happened so far. Three hours ago…”
Her report was interrupted by the sound of engines and marching footsteps. At that very moment, a column of Lavenrunzian tanks followed by armed infantry came around the corner of the street, thundering ahead. The cameraman zoomed in for a moment on the tanks and the men. A KNN exclusive. , he thought enthusiastically. As long as those troops don’t start shooting this will be a great day. Erm, for journalism.
“Excuse me Paul”, Ursie gestured the cameraman to follow her and he did, making the image for the viewer a bit shaky. Fearlessly, she walked right at one of the leading infantrymen. When parallel to him, she walked along with the man holding the mike in his direction: “Sir? Sir? Can you answer a question please for viewers all around the globe who are watching this? What is going on?”
((OOC: is this all right? I can edit if needed. If the soldier shoots her it will be live on television for billions to see. ;) ))
Council of Ministers, The Hague, Knootoss
The gathered Knootian ministers looked at the Empty seats: one at the head of the table and another one next to the foreign minister. Lousewies van der Laan, Prime Minister, still had not returned from the Winter Ball. The ministers were worried, even though rumour now suggested that she was safe.
The other important person for Foreign Affairs, state secretary Galadriël Táralóm nos Cirdan was abroad bringing a state-visit to Iansisle (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=102746&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0)
This left Foreign Minister Hans van Mierlo in charge to decide upon the matter. He had been trying to get more information for this meeting, but he had failed. I really NEED a Lavenrunzian word on this. Without it I can’t make any sensible decisions., he thought as he slowly cleared his throat. He explained the situation to his colleagues, but only the minister of Defence seemed to understand him and have something of an idea of what was going on. Finally, he came to conclusions and suggestions:
“ …I would strongly suggest leaving this alleged leader ‘Count Mirbach’ to the allied specops already on the scene. The Menelmacari can deal with him. What we need to do is to help to restore order, but I am hesitant about the support we have there.”
“We have the Peace corps to deploy on a very short notice”, the minister of Defence stated bluntly. “and we have … more violent options. Our North Pole mission.” He looked around. Some of the ministers understood, but others did not. He did not care to elaborate. “Any resistance could be dealt with quickly by rerouting those forces but it would be very bloody, if not only very confusing for our allied forces...[/I]
Hans van Mierlo bit his lip. He did not know enough about the situation, he did not know what the people of Lavenrunz wanted and he severely doubted the Knootian militaries abilities to function in a full-blown civil war. But decisions had to be made nevertheless…
((OOC: Jo, as you can see I don’t know what to do: which is why I am asking your OOC permission for:
-peace corps deployments who would arrive shortly
-redeployment of the Knootian Melkorian-built gravships. I understand this borders future tech, so I’m asking special permission for them. And even then I’ll really have to think about sending them.))
KDF Wind in de Wilgen
The Knootian destroyer Wind in de Wilgen, designed for Anti Submarine Warfare, altered course mid-seas and came about to a heading straight for Lavenrunz. The Elvish captain noticed the latest reports. More Knootian navy ships had turned about, converging on Lavenrunz. He checked the systems didplay: radar was offline, masking system was on and sonar deployed. Anyone without high SATO military intelligence clearance would have a hard time spotting his vessel.
((OOC: Thelas, does anyone know about this mobilisation of yours? About the precise target, or perhaps only about the troop mobilisations? If so, I’d like to have a word with you. :) ))
imported_Sentient Peoples
31-12-2003, 03:20
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press Corps, I have a prepared statement.
The Events in the Empire of Lavenrunz deeply concern the Federation of Sentient Peoples, which hereby pledges all support requested or required to the loyalist forces to the Government. We also hereby condemn the rebels and their tactics, would like to request, when the fighting should be resolved, that the ringleaders of this conspiracy be tried, in the Federation, for Crimes against a Federation Citizen, including the Capital Crime of Kidnapping.
I will be taking no questions at this time.
D'ron Christopher Smith, Imperial President
The Federation of Sentient Peoples (http://people.vanderbilt.edu/~darion.c.smith/)
Federation Roleplay Policy (http://people.vanderbilt.edu/~darion.c.smith/rppolicy.html)
The following message was broadcast from the Empire of Treznor by Alec Tribeca, spokesman for the Emperor.
We have just received word that our beloved Emperor is safe, no thanks to the Lavenrunz terrorists. We are sending a small fleet to escort him home, and have prepared this statement pending his return.
The Empire of Treznor condemns the terrorist attack on the Lavenrunz nobility, particularly in light of the international event being held at the palace when the attack took place. While our policy requires us to recognise internal events as sacrosanct, the international ramifications of their criminal actions cannot be ignored. Our Empire will have no contact or trade with Lavenrunz until this situation has been rectified. We will further encourage our allies to add their support to this action in an effort to isolate that nation and pressure them into making amends for their heinous acts.
We will have more to say on this matter once the Emperor Treznor is returned to us.
The Federal Republic is deeply concerned with the instability in Lavenrunz, which we have gravely overlooked because of struggles in our own region. We would like to extend our assistance to our long time friends and allies of the sovereign Loyalist government.
Department of External Affairs
Federal Republic of Aerigia
Gerald Fenwick
Glorious Humanity
31-12-2003, 07:28
"And now, KCQB News at 6." the prerecorded voiced announced. Anchorman Jonathan Carp cleared his throat and shuffled his papers before looking up at the camera.
"Good evening Glorious Humanity. In our top story tonight, during the Winter Ball in the nation of Lavenrunz, forces rebelling against the current Empress and her Regent seized the Palace of the Moon and Stars, taking hostage several foreign dignitaries who were attending the ball. Our own President Mark Albert was among those seized, and though most of the hostages were ultimately released, there are reports of some being executed. Who was killed and where they were from has not been revealed yet. Mark Albert has returned home, and is now recovering in an undisclosed location."
"Several nations involved have called for an international force to be assembled to put down the rebellion in Lavenrunz. To date, the Glorious Humanity government has made no official statement regarding the events unfolding in Lavenrunz, nor have they released any statement regarding possible military reprisal for the abduction. President Albert could not be reached for comment."
Jon took a sip from a glass of water, shuffled his papers to the next topic, and continued.
"In a related story, Mark Albert's bodyguards, Ein Sargos and Theodore Bolan of the President's Guard, are reportedly missing in action and did not return home with Albert. Sargos and Bolan were with Albert at the Ball as a formality, and thus were not carrying weapons at the time of the revolt. The Lavenrunzian government has not indicated that the men are in their custody, so at this time, they are believed to be dead. Our hearts go out to families of these brave soldiers of our country."
He shuffled to the next story. "In other news..."
31-12-2003, 07:47
Of the handful of Ravenspire ships positioned off Lavenrunz (in international waters), two or three departed; two or three others arrived to take their place. They remained as they had been, spread out and largely powered down... waiting.
There was no word from the Ravenspire government, although the incidents in Lavenrunz were covered on the domestic and international news media. Whatever they thought of the situation, they were keeping to themselves for now.
31-12-2003, 13:24
Message from the Kalessin Ministry of Truth:
"Over the last few years, we of Kalessin have engaged in many bitter wars with the people of Lavenrunz, mainly over minor territorial issues, in support of our allies in the Reich. However, although we may have been enemies to Lavenrunz in the past, we have always had the utmost respect for her soldiers, her culture and her people. Nothing has caused the Emperor more distress than the fact that he has been forced to wage war against such a noble race.
And why have such wars been necessary? Because the late Empress Joanna, may she rest in peace, was deceived by foul Elentari of Menelmacar. In her goodness and purity of heart, Joanna could not see the perfidy of the Elfin Queen, for she had no such dishonesty in her own soul, and so she let the vile Sirithil into her heart. And the Elentari repaid the trust and friendship of the late Empress of Lavenrunz by dragging her people into countless futile wars with those who would have been allies to Lavenrunz, had she been free of the Elven influence.
And when Joanna lay dying, she, still under the spell of Sirithil, made the Elentari regent of Lavenrunz. She sold the proud people of her land into slavery under the Elven yoke. Since then, the elves have done all in their power to destroy the heritage and culture of Lavenrunz, attempting to remake it in their own image. And the Mornahosse walked the fair streets of her cities, taking and brutally murdering all that stand against them. All that still loved Lavenrunz and were proud of their humanity were in danger from there ruthless enforcers of Elven power. No loyal patriot was safe.
And then the revolution came, the last effort of a proud and noble people to shake off the Elven yoke. How can any free land, which believes in the right to self-determination and self-rule, not stand beside the people of Lavenrunz in this battle? How can any free being who believes in truth and liberty not make his way now to Lavenrunz to fight against the Elentari Sirithil, and help lead this great nation once again toward peace, prosperity, and freedom."
31-12-2003, 13:38
High Council of Duchy,
Capital City of Vigvar,
Grand Duchy of Tarasovka,
[OOC: Considering this happens after my heir got crowned already...]
- This is not... good...
- For the national security or for the region?
The question of the new Grand Duke was reasonable. This was a new cabinet of High Councilors, appointed by the new Grand Duke. The new Leib-Marshal of the TNDF looked at the Grand Duke.
- Lavenrunz is in Tareldanore, and it is right next to Sisgarida. If it all escalates, this could turn into...
- Leib-Marshal, I believe we have more pressing things to attend to on our own territory than go about some civil war in a nation we have no diplomatic contact with. Especially one that invites foreign dignitaries in and cannot cater for their security.
Indeed, Archduchess Anastasya was plotting something in Tin-Vilena, and three of the former High Councilors were with her... And not the least. Leib-Marshal Berilov of the TNDF, Namel'lar Sylvarath of the TNSD and Alexei Nemirov of the TDFA...
Along with a good share of TNSD officers that supported her. The Grand Duke could trust the TDI fully, of course, but the TDI was more powerful outside of the Grand Duchy than inside.
- More than that, Thelas is trying to send in a task force...
- Hold it! A thelasian task force?
- Yes, Sire...
- That is not good... not good at all... tensions with Thelas have been at its high and Thealas has boycotted my coronation to which he bitched to attend...
Keep monitoring the situation and report as it devellops.
If any Thelasian vessel crosses into Sisgardian space on its way towards Lavenrunz, you know what to do. I do not care that the Grand Duchy is not the gendarme of Sisgardia, but I will assume those functions if need be.
[OOC2: In other words - a little tag. :roll: ]
Official statement from the most benevolent Jaar:
"Dear Lavenrunzians, Dear International Community, God is Great! And we have not forgotten our brothers and sisters in Lavenrunz. We deeply regret any deaths taht has occured in the palace during the winter ball, both from the freedom fighters and the dignitaries. We pray for their souls. We believe it is time for the international community to take a step back and see to the needs of the Lavenrunzian people instead of the whims of old hierarcial racial structures. We urge the occupational forces of Menelmacar to listen to the people. After all isn't Menelmacar supposed to be a civilized nation? We plead to the international community to let the Lavenrunzian Community have areferendum where they can tell whether they will be ruled by another race, tearing down their cultural needs or if they want to govern themselves, thus creating a paradise of their choice. I openly question the motives of the nations that doesn't want the Lavenrunzians voices to be heard. Let them VOTE! It is time thyat you understand that the people of Lavenrunz aren't your playthings, but people with feeling and a proud historical inheritage. Do not strike down on God's children with those genocide weapon of yours that have spoken on humanity som many times before. Let the Voice of the People be heard!"
31-12-2003, 16:06
The face of black and white, the roar of brown noise.
"Is this thing on?"
"Okay. Live in three, two, one-"
A bespectacled woman with Hindu blood in her clutches the camera in 3-d Shake-and-Blur-O-Vision
"Hello there! It's me, Trixi 43451 and you're watching Globetrotter, on Freebodnik Independent News Channel, MDC.
I'm LIVE here at Lavenrunz covering the civil war. I'll be reporting in every hour with periodic updates on this developing situation."
A random Lavenrunzian civilian man
"Sir, I'm an independent journalist from Freebodnik V. What do you have to say about the current situation in Lavenrunz?"
"Well, I can't talk long--I'm off to my Landwehr station * --but let me tell you, if those foreign scum want to clone us or drag us off to Mornahosse we won't go without a fight!" he says vehemently.
“Excuse me Paul”, Ursie gestured the cameraman to follow her and he did, making the image for the viewer a bit shaky. Fearlessly, she walked right at one of the leading infantrymen. When parallel to him, she walked along with the man holding the mike in his direction: “Sir? Sir? Can you answer a question please for viewers all around the globe who are watching this? What is going on?”
"Oh, well--I'm Leutnant von Schiller--commanding this platoon--and our unit is among several dealing with foreign insurgents in the capital. They're holding the Empress against Her will, so we have to stop them." the young officer said, smiling for the camera.
OOC: Lavenrunz, would it be alright if I have a journalist embedded in one of the units? It would be like the vietnam style of reporting, being with the troops 24/7. I'd make sure they would have a flak jacket with "Press" on it. I could use the journalist to bring the outside world to Gernomalis. It is a quiet country, atleast to the rest of the world.
31-12-2003, 17:17
OOC: That's cool. If you want more info just send me a telegram. If you have a preference for a kind of unit telegram me that as well.
31-12-2003, 17:29
OOC: To all who are offering aid and such.
First of all, grateful of course for your interest, but please bear this in mind, Lavenrunz is a maritime power with several fleets, an air defense net and powerful systems in place made by GMC Military Arms and Menelmacar. This is not to say that Lavenrunz is invulnerable, particularly in such a difficult situation, but nor would it be easy to just land a force or even move into territorial waters/airspace.
Maybe we need official contact with the elected government first? But make preparations by all means...
OOC: Knoot, if you are whatching Thelasian millitary activity, you would notice the fact that a LOT of troops are boarding transports, an entire grav-fleet has starting moving from a point off of the Thilis continent (one of the three sub-continents that form the Thelas home land), they are curving, winding port and starbord, but if you draw a line across the path, they will eventualy reach Laverunz.
Message Sent to Laverunzian Government, and to Menelmacari Government:
"We have noted that Laverunz is undergoing a revolution. In the sake of stability and order, and the fact that these terrorists seem to support the Reich, we are offering Thelasian Millitary support. At this time, we can have:
1 Grav Fleet
300,000 Troops
20,000 K-Mags
30,000 Grav-Tanks
60,000 Infantry Support Automated Mechs
On route withing two hours of notification. We will not send any forces with out either Menelmacari of Laverunzian permission. The Grav-Fleet is on route, but will stop three miles out side Laverunzian territorial waters."
Thelas News Network
"Hello, This is Carnesîr with the Thelas News Network, in recent news, General Theallas has ordered the mobilizing of over one million reserve troops. As of yet, we are unsure why these forces have been activated, but it might have something to do with Morgoths' latest activities, or something to do with the recent civil war in Laverunz, more to come at eleven."
Alan M'stard looked around, Where the heck had his camera team gone? He had told the officials that he needed a team of tops four people but he had got 10 becasue some kind of ministerium wanted him to be fully prepared and now half his team was gone. He shook his head and wondered if they had defected or maybe had some accident, but all five of them? This was strange. And when he had called back to his managers they had told him to not worry about it, thing like this always happened they had told him. That's why they had sent such a big team with him.
The Empire of the Eternal Dawn weeps for the population of Lavenrunz, as this terrible crisis grips that noble land; chaos, we fear, has enthralled Lavenrunz in its predatory claws.
However: the Empire offers and gives no support, vocal or otherwise, to either the Loyalist forces or the rebel faction(s) involved in this dire situation. We await the conclusion of this situation and hope for a rapid cessation of conflict.
~ Fifth Speaker El'randure Menjda, speaking on behalf of the Imperial House of the Empire of the Eternal Dawn, at the behest of the Executive Council of the EOTED
<Mark, Lavenrunz please check your TGs.>
01-01-2004, 23:03
“Excuse me Paul”, Ursie gestured the cameraman to follow her and he did, making the image for the viewer a bit shaky. Fearlessly, she walked right at one of the leading infantrymen. When parallel to him, she walked along with the man holding the mike in his direction: “Sir? Sir? Can you answer a question please for viewers all around the globe who are watching this? What is going on?”
"Oh, well--I'm Leutnant von Schiller--commanding this platoon--and our unit is among several dealing with foreign insurgents in the capital. They're holding the Empress against Her will, so we have to stop them." the young officer said, smiling for the camera.
Ursie smiled politely as she tried to keep up with the soldiers pace. “Thank you Herr Leutnant, I’m sorry, but for many foreign viewers this situation is difficult to understand. This appears to be somewhat of a coup. Why are you acting against the will of the elected government? And who told you that the empress was held against her will?”
The Knootian journalist had many more questions to ask, but decided that it was probably would be better to await some answers first.
OOC: Knoot, if you are watching Thelasian military activity, you would notice the fact that a LOT of troops are boarding transports, an entire grav-fleet has starting moving from a point off of the Thilis continent (one of the three sub-continents that form the Thelas home land), they are curving, winding port and starboard, but if you draw a line across the path, they will eventually reach Lavenrunz.
(( Please note this for reference: ))http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=110444
Emergency diplomatic transmission
Priority: highest
Encoding protocols: high.
To: Thelas government
Military intelligence suggest you are building up your forces for an offensive mission. Taking into account their apparent heading and the current situation in the world we can only conclude that they are heading for Lavenrunz.
I would like to advise you that intervening on such a grand scale may prove to be a big mistake. This entire revolution seems to be built upon the idea of Elvish imperialism and foreign domination. If all these forces are indeed heading for Lavenrunz this idea may only be reinforced. With the current level of insurgent support this may turn out to be a bloodbath. I implore you not to launch what will be perceived as an invasion at this time.
Furthermore, coming in such large numbers will probably come too late for the people of Lavenrunz. We must act quickly and decisively before we resort to massive force. Intelligence suggests possible Reich involvement and such an action may only escalate and draw in their forces. Such must be prevented.
I hope you will put some trust in our judgement.
In friendship,
Hans van Mierlo
Minister of Foreign Affairs[/code:1:dab85163b0]
OOC: I’m doing these two things here, but for the most part I will be posting Knootian actions in The opening salvo’s thread. (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=110131&start=0)
Alan M'stard stood by the editing board and checked his work. He was pretty pleased with himself, he congratulated all the correspondents that had collected the material. He pressed play and let it go live with his voice in the background, broadcasting to all newschannels in Lavenrunz as well as over an open channel:
For a long time we have seen the elven aggression, but now it has come to Lavenrunz. *Shows Mornahösse shooting into the palace killing unarmed people running away* Time and time again it seems as if the humans that lives here or in other places of the world is worth next to nothing. We have tonight chosen to show some things that has happened before when so called interventions or shows of force has occured. We have chosen to show the truth to try to attempt to stop a bloodbath that is likely to occur. Here is an example of the threats that could come if you choose to follow your lands rules and laws.
"Thirty minutes from now we will annihilate a military installation within your country. At that time you will be informed as to the nature of the next target."
~Lady Serendis nos Fithurin
Prefect of Imperial Defense and Homeland Security
Eternal Noldorin Empire of Menelmacar
The elf queen is cruel and cold towards those who will not follow her whim. Especially if the target of her wrath is non-elven. We have looked around in our archives and not found a Single time when Menelmacar has applied this kind of force against an elven nation. Her popaganda ministerium produces an image of her as a kind and just ruler but there is a dark side of it , that they try to keep secret. The elves are coming people of Lavenrunz, unite and make them agree to an election *Shows picture of elf kicking man on the street* Make your voice heard and do not let them kill the voice of Freedom. *Shows movie of Menelmacarian Gravships flying in over Zhikav and bombing civilian buildings* Do not listen to her lies anymore. Create your own destiny, find out for yourselves! *slowly fades over to General Von Baden *
"The day of the Eldar, Noldor and Sindar dominating hapless humanity in the name of a false metahuman multiculturalism is over. We will be free. God save the Empress!"
Der Angst
02-01-2004, 13:42
[ooc: *Prays Joanna is ignoring the warmongering pointy eared fool out of principle*
*and yes, i mean Thelas*]
"But we MUST!"
"No we don´t." Griffith smiled. This was his hour. The fools that stopped him all the time... gone. Aramaki & Sakurai in the Grand Duchy, and he had made certain that they wouldn´t return from their peaceful visit, and Althena still in Lavenrunz... god knew where exactly she was. He was free to make sure the fools the rest of the associates weren`t a threat for his plans... "Offering help for Lavenrunz would be foolish. Let us... wait."
"But why? They`re close allies, we`re part of the same alliance network..."
"We CANNOT risk our profits upon such a conflict! Others will do it for us!"
"As if YOU would care for profits..."
Griffith was tired of the discussion. He didn´t need this. He didn´t want it. "I call for the vote."
Three hands rised, three didn´t. Neither did his.
"So it is decided. We will stay... neutral." He smiled, and left the room. DA`s future... it would be his future...
Half an hour earlier, he met with another man. "Mr. Clark. I see." He bowed, so did Clark. "I`m sure the private groups you lead decided in your favour?"
Clark smiled. "Indeed. We will stay neutral. It will be... fun... Although..." He pointed at the sky. Where a Menelmacari Gravfleet cruised. "We still need to remove Them."
Griffith smiled back. "I would shoot at them, but the ships crashing into the city wouldn`t be fun... Not that i overly care for the fools living in this city... You know, it would be good propaganda... 'Menelmacari ships killing millions of civilians during military engagement'."
Clark grinned. "Indeed. However, the time hasn`t come yet. We need a bit more time to prepare..."
Surprisingly enough, the Angstian media didn`t exactly cover the events in Lavenrunz. And, more importantly, not a single statement was made regarding the possibility of Angstian involvement to help their Lavenrunzian allies... Although Lavenrunz didn´t waste a minute, long ago, when DA fell into civil war...
02-01-2004, 14:05
((OOC: Bah, da. This message will be sent at the time when most people have already responded but the DA government has not. So, uhm, the time when it becomes awkward for a SATO nation not to respond.
Yes, I know others haven't responded to the civil war for OOC reasons but I'm kinda assuming they would if they knew. So here goes.))
From: Knootian embassy in Der Angst, Mönchengladbach
To: the Associates
Regarding: Lavenrunz civil war.
It has come to our attention that the Angstian government has not yet released any statement regarding the coup in Lavenrunz. In order to inform our ministry back home correctly, we would like to have the official Angstian position on the issue.
On behalf of the Knootian government I would also like to request a public statement of moral support for the Loyalist cause. Such would be much appreciated. If the Angstian government would coordinate in a relief effort we would also be much obliged. Surely this is a time to cherish close alliance ties.
Yours in friendship,
~Ambassador @@name@@
Der Angst
02-01-2004, 14:26
From: Diplomatic attaché Mr. Lennier
To: Knootian Ambassador who should have the dignity of mentioning his name
Subject: Re: Lavenrunzian situation
"We understand that it is a hard time for Lavenrunz. However, our own situation, with the possibility of a conflict regarding the galilean moons, as well as certain other... 'problems', make it impossible for us to react accordingly. While we remember the help Lavenrunz gave to us in the past, right now, we are unable to fulfill our duties as allies.
However, i can assure you personally, that the Lavenrunzian government has our backing."
Lennier, Diplomatic attaché, DA
PS: If further clarification is needed, we may meet personally, to make sure no 'unfortunate missunderstandings' come between us and our good relations.
02-01-2004, 14:38
From: Knootian embassy in Der Angst, Mönchengladbach
To: the Associates
Regarding: Lavenrunz civil war 2
We understand the Angstian situation, however we would still feel that a public declaration of moral support –at the very least- would be beneficial. This would require a minimal effort in time, yet it would give a strong message to the insurgents that they have no hope of gaining international support.
Unfortunately, it will be impossible for me to visit any government representatives in person. My protection suit has a small leak, so it will be impossible for me to go outside the compound until it is fully repaired. I ask your understanding in this matter.
Still, I’d like to have some further clarification. Which government exactly is Der Angst backing? More specifically, do the associates support Count Mirbach’s claims to it?
As a sidenote, Poepjes is my given name. I cannot help that it may sound somewhat odd to foreigners, but it is my name. Please check your reference file for the Knootian presence in Der Angst.
Yours in friendship,
~Ambassador Poepjes
02-01-2004, 15:26
OOC: Edited in a name for the ambassador.
Der Angst
02-01-2004, 16:20
He doesn`t understand...
Lennier cursed silently, realising that the Knootian ambassador was most likely too stupid to understand the hint he gave him...
Well, perhaps he should try someone else... However, he wasn`t yet sure with whom he should try it.
Anyway, he needed to respond.
From: Diplomatic attaché, Lennier
To: Ambassador Poepjes
Subject: Lavenrunz
"I understand your concerns, so do my superiors. However, at the moment, we are very much... preoccupied. We will come around to do something about the situation as soon as possible.
It is incredibly sad that we cannot meet personally, but i hope i could answer your questions to your satisfaction."
02-01-2004, 17:02
OOC: uhm... yeah.
To: Diplomatic attaché, Lennier
From: Ambassador Poepjes
Subject: Re: Lavenrunz
I feel that it would be useful for us to meet in person nevertheless. It would allow for creating a more comprehensive picture of the situation. After all, we must always take into account the diplomatic and political subtleties in such situations.
I'd like to invite you to our embassy at your earliest convenience. I will be here at all times, confined as I am to the compound. Please visit soon though, for we are dealing here with a matter of great urgency.
Yours in friendship,
Ambassador Poepjes
Endless Crimes
02-01-2004, 18:06
nyarg, wrong nation.
Drakonian Imperium
02-01-2004, 18:07
{Yet Another Tag; For Postage Purposes}
Der Angst
02-01-2004, 18:11
The intelligence officer looked at the message he just intercepted. Thats strange... a quick change in his attitude...
Of course, he couldn´t be sure... he was soldats, and thusly in some kind of competition with White Hawk... He wasn`t aware of the grand scheme of things, but he was... suspicious.
And he DID notice certain movements inside several groups in the Angstian political structure.
Better not to risk anything. he thought, and informed Lennier by way of a secret, recently created channel that he shouldn´t answer the last Knootian message at all.
One doesn`t know who listens.
And in this particular case, he was right, since the communications hadn´t been too secure... standart governmental documents, they were, and White Hawk learned of the exchange, quickly enough...
From this moment on, Lennier would be observed... Just in case.
02-01-2004, 21:12
OOC: Ugh... whatever. Your loss. Just expect some kind of condemnation when the shooting starts and DA does nothing. For now the ambassador will be awaiting an answer and getting none in fluidic time.
The Wonderful nation of Vegana salutes the Free people of Lavenrunz for scaring of the Elven aggressors. A united Lavenrunz shown to be too much for the elven murderers that arrived with an invasion fleet of nearly a million elves. We hail the free people of Lavenrunz for being able to defend themselves and thus saving the wonderful nation of Lavenrunz from a bloodbath with thousands of innocent human beings being killed. Never before has such a determination been shown to ward off a nation from Nenyans and elves. God Bless the free nation of Lavenrunz!
The Wonderful nation of Vegana salutes the Free people of Lavenrunz for scaring of the Elven aggressors. A united Lavenrunz shown to be too much for the elven murderers that arrived with an invasion fleet of nearly a million elves. We hail the free people of Lavenrunz for being able to defend themselves and thus saving the wonderful nation of Lavenrunz from a bloodbath with thousands of innocent human beings being killed. Never before has such a determination been shown to ward off a nation from Nenyans and elves. God Bless the free nation of Lavenrunz!
What foolish propaganda. It is clear for all to see that it was only the vigilance of EOTED and FSP that the Thelassian incursion - which had honourable intent, despite foolhardy application of that intent - was averted. There was no invasion effort, nor any planned invasion.
~ Ambassador Dejure
Melkor Unchained
03-01-2004, 18:24
"The Imperium also supports the insugents. Should you wish it of us, we will aid in some manner, as our allies in Kalessin have likewise offered."
Jay Reaven
Foreign Minister of the Imperium
First Speaker of the Imperial Dominion
What foolish propaganda. It is clear for all to see that it was only the vigilance of EOTED and FSP that the Thelassian incursion - which had honourable intent, despite foolhardy application of that intent - was averted. There was no invasion effort, nor any planned invasion.
~ Ambassador Dejure
VPC News Flash!
An EOTED official today confirmed what we had suspected since we from extremely good sources within the Lavenrunzian governement received reports of the oncoming Thellassian fleet. Obviously the two meta-human nations stick together now spreading the lies of their retreat to anyone that wants to listen. But however have solid proof of the Thellasian aggression and Ambassador Dejure's weak attempt to deny this only further implicates official EOTED meddling in Lavenrunzian affairs. We hope the free people of Lavenrunz will remain free of further invasion attempts but has received news of other SATO, pro-elf attempts to invade that happens all over Lavenrunz to crush the free voices of the People. God Bless the nation of Lavenrunz!
"Lavenrunz is in Tareldanore, and that chaos is going to engulf us all, even the Craftworld. I hope that the Lavenrunzian people regain their sanity soon, and realize that we elves are not your enemy, but your friends. Put old resentment and grudges aside, this shouldn't open a gash between our peoples, but to unite us further. Aelosia pledges all support we can muster to the former goverment"
Princess Aliria D´Hyru, Imperial Chancellor.
03-01-2004, 19:01
An attempt to resolve this peacefully:
What foolish propaganda. It is clear for all to see that it was only the vigilance of EOTED and FSP that the Thelassian incursion - which had honourable intent, despite foolhardy application of that intent - was averted. There was no invasion effort, nor any planned invasion.
~ Ambassador Dejure
VPC News Flash!
An EOTED official today confirmed what we had suspected since we from extremely good sources within the Lavenrunzian governement received reports of the oncoming Thellassian fleet. Obviously the two meta-human nations stick together now spreading the lies of their retreat to anyone that wants to listen. But however have solid proof of the Thellasian aggression and Ambassador Dejure's weak attempt to deny this only further implicates official EOTED meddling in Lavenrunzian affairs. We hope the free people of Lavenrunz will remain free of further invasion attempts but has received news of other SATO, pro-elf attempts to invade that happens all over Lavenrunz to crush the free voices of the People. God Bless the nation of Lavenrunz!
The two semops exchanged bland looks. "Is it just me, or did that 'report' say absolutely nothing whatsoever about anything of importance?"
The other grinned slightly. "Yup. It's interesting to see them to use so many words, but say so little. - Forward the analysis to the Dip Corps, Petri."
"Aye," Petri replied with a small smile.
* * *
"It is indeed interesting to see that the VPC, ever the media lapdog of their government, still speaks with grandiose and lengthy style, without saying a single word of importance. Their manipulation of the situation is clever, but foolish. The Empire would like to reiterate its policy of non-interference in the Lavenrunzian Crisis itself; we will, however, whenever possible, make all due responsible and proper efforts to prevent interference in the Lavenrunzian Crisis which runs counter to the current general policy of the international community in general. This administration will not support wholly unilateral action by any state regarding Lavenrunzian Civil War."
~ Ambassador Dejure
Abu-Dhabi Khristatata
05-01-2004, 06:47
"Once again I make an offer to the people of Lavenrunz. The United Peoples Confederacy of Abu-Dhabi Khristatata, offers help, but more specifically humanitarian aide. My nation is also prepared to recieve refugees. I hope that there will be equal rights in Lavenrunz for both human, elf, orc, and other races and species; that they will recognize the One True God, and that all peoples may live in harmony throughout the multi-verse."
~Quin Izumi~
05-01-2004, 06:53
"Once again I make an offer to the people of Lavenrunz. The United Peoples Confederacy of Abu-Dhabi Khristatata, offers help, but more specifically humanitarian aide. My nation is also prepared to recieve refugees. I hope that there will be equal rights in Lavenrunz for both human, elf, orc, and other races and species; that they will recognize the One True God, and that all peoples may live in harmony throughout the multi-verse."
~Quin Izumi~
We are very grateful for your offer to receive refugees. It might be helpful if we could send emissaries who would give us some information on your country and what religious differences or similarities there are between us.
With respect
Chancellor Claudia der Waal
Abu-Dhabi Khristatata
05-01-2004, 07:20
"Once again I make an offer to the people of Lavenrunz. The United Peoples Confederacy of Abu-Dhabi Khristatata, offers help, but more specifically humanitarian aide. My nation is also prepared to recieve refugees. I hope that there will be equal rights in Lavenrunz for both human, elf, orc, and other races and species; that they will recognize the One True God, and that all peoples may live in harmony throughout the multi-verse."
~Quin Izumi~
We are very grateful for your offer to receive refugees. It might be helpful if we could send emissaries who would give us some information on your country and what religious differences or similarities there are between us.
With respect
Chancellor Claudia der Waal
"Of course, send them as soon as you may. We are at your service."
~Quin Izumi~
The private Jet landed at the Lavenrunz airport a few minutes after midnight, the sleek black jet taxed in on the airstrip and a stair folded out from it. Two huge men walked down the stairs and looked around saying something in a throat microphone. A stern faced woman with raven black hair, with white streaks in it, stepped out into the Lavenrunzian night. Duchesse Lenore D’Elomie took a deep breath of the fresh air and started walking towards the terminal together with her body guards.
07-01-2004, 10:03
OOC: Oh, damn--I couldn't get to this for a day and a half and then I forgot. So so sorry!
A man of very dignified appearance, wearing a white uniform with gold braid, decorations and white gloves is there with an honour guard, who snap to attention.
For the first time in years, the anthem of a Reich nation--Vegana--is played by a Lavenrunzian military band.
At the end of this salute, the man in white steps forward and bows, saying, "Your Grace, I am Count Chemnitz, the Imperial Chamberlain. It is my honour to welcome you to Lavenrunz."
07-01-2004, 10:09
The Press Conference
The conference takes place in a comfortable hall in the Autumn Palace, where there are embroidered chairs and small writing tables present for the press. A small discreet group of security are present. Baroness von Toll, the Empress' Secretary of Public Affairs, comes into the hall. She is a woman with fair hair and almost stereotypical Lavenrunzian features; blue eyes and a snub nose and a healthy appearance; she is rather buxom and looks to be in her mid twenties. It is noted that there is a group from the Lavenrunzian news networks as well.
Evelina Capelli makes certain her camera and sound crews are all set, then takes out her notepad and pen for her own notes, while others such as Hack Nike set up some arcane recording equipment, each in their own manner.
Vasily Shirokorotov gazes around the conference room trying to find some vodka... restrains himself till after the conference. He takes out his recording equipment, quill, some paper and begins to listen, glancing at his camera crew, the operator giving an 'OK' sign with his hand.
Miranda Stevenson also runs through a final check of her equipment and camera team, then turns to wait for the Baroness to begin speaking.
Tur Dengral-Rihad wears a small headset, outfitted with a trimensional recorder. It's unobtrusive, but it does make her look rather silly. She doesn't take notes; there really isn't any need. The audio recorder in her pocket takes all the notes she'll need. She also has a small earpiece, and an odd-shaped metal band on her right wrist.
Vasily Shirokorotov glances at the funny looking EOTED reporter and shakes his head. Prefers the good old style of reporting.
The anchor from MNN, Ron Headrest, has a small hovercam flitting around his head, which he ignores. The rest of the MNN newsteam present is composed of a several people all wearing semi-formal attire.
The Menemacari reporter, Silmariel Andunewen, is a tall, auburn-haired Noldo with sapphire eyes; she is wearing a very expensive-looking women's suit and a discreet earpiece, and has a standard Menelmacari comm in her hand. Hovering just over her left shoulder is a small holocam, probably with a small gravitic device inside. Similarly-equipped reporters are present from the other Menelmacari holonets as well.
"Good morning, everyone." says Baroness von Toll in a pleasant contralto voice. "Just for the record, I am Baroness Ursula von Toll, the Empress's Secretary for Public Affairs."
Hack Nike quietly mumbles "Morning," as both Catherine Vickers and Evelina Capelli nod and smile pleasantly in return, making notations. Miranda Stevenson writes the name down on her notepad. "Good Morning Baroness."
"The Empress Aurora has confirmed Archduke Carl, her maternal uncle, as her legal guardian. However, yesterday afternoon a special commission of the Volksraad and the Privy Council confirmed their oaths of allegiance directly to the Empress as ruler in her own right of Lavenrunz."
Miranda Stevenson continues taking notes, periodically checking to make sure her crew's cameras are catching everything.
Catherine Vickers writes down every word verbatim, glancing over at her crew between sentences.
The Baroness pauses for a moment to give people a chance to take notes, and then says, "The government of Chancellor Claudia der Waal will be holding a vote of confidence in two days, after which we will know whether or not there will be an election this year."
Vasily Shirokorotov quickly puts on a couple words to ask questions later and lets his recorder record everything, as Hack Nike nods sagely at this, his expression neutral.
"The International Intervention Force headed by The Federation of Sentient Peoples is still operating, and will be until there is a complete withdrawal of all forces whose presence is not required from the borders of Lavenrunz."
Ron Headrest pulls up notes on eletion procedure on his lectern as Evelina Capelli arches a brow, her smile broadening at the announcement. Miranda Stevenson adds the information about the election and the armies to her notes. Similarly, Silmariel Andunewen downloads the necessary files to her comm, relating to military and electoral issues.
"Investigations regarding the recent turmoil and attack on the Palace of the Moon and the Stars begins today, with Count Hohenloe, Prince von Seydlitz and Baroness von Bennigsen heading the commission."
Silmariel_Andunewen No Menelmacari part in the investigation? Interesting. Will have to ask about that. She makes a note to do so.
Tur Dengral-Rihad waves two of her fingers over the metal band on her wrist in a slow left-to-right pattern every now and again, cocking her head slightly as if listening intently.
"I will take questions now." the Baroness says.
Several reporters respond, starting with Hack Nike who raises his hand slowly. Headrest scrambles to remember proper way to address a baroness, and Silmariel Andunewen stands up. "Silmariel Andunewen nos Eärendil, for ISN, Excellency."
"Yes, please." The Baroness says, nodding to Silmariel.
Miranda Stevenson reaches over her shoulders and snaps her fingers. Her crew passes her a microphone and she waits for a chance to ask questions.
Vasily Shirokorotov peers at the jumping elf and sighs deeply.
"I have two questions. One, will there be a place for Menelmacar to aid in the investigation; two, will the investigation have any focus on Count Mirbach?"
Hack Nike lowers his hand on the second question, and listens intently for the answer.
"For the first question, Menelmacar will be permitted to advise and witness the investigation, but the actual execution of it will be under Lavenrunzian jurisdiction."
Silmariel Andunewen nods, Ron Headrest notes the use of the word execution and its insinuation, and Evelina Capelli raises a hand.
"For the second: the focus will be on suspicion to commit high treason on two counts: first of all to suborn the will of the Empress Aurora, and secondly in suspicion of conspiracy to commit murder, specifically of Her Late Lamented Majesty Empress Joanna and the late Heir Archduke Valerian. Signorina Capelli?"
Silmariel Andunewen nods, sitting down again, more than satisfied with that response, as Ron Headrest raises an arm.
Evelina nods in recognition, then speaks. "Are there any particular charges being pondered at present, and if so, are there names you wish to release concerning them?"
Miranda Stevenson notes down the answers so far, and Tur Dengral-Rihad politely raises a hand.
"Well, the most specific charges refer to sedition and murder following treason." the Baroness replies. "As to names--specifically Count Mirbach, General von Mesmer, General von Baden, Admiral von Tachteberg and Baron von Marienberg feature very prominently among them."
Evelina Capelli nods again. "Are there any foreign names among your lists?" she asks in return.
Miranda Stevenson notes down those names, then raises her hand. Silmariel Andunewen grins... the idea of Mirbach being listed first, and described as 'very prominent' would certainly be pleasing to her viewers.
The Baroness pauses. "Not at the moment. Herr Shirokorotov next, followed by Herr Tur..."
Catherine Vickers respectfully raises a hand, hoping for a chance to ask her question.
"Honourable Baroness, has General Shaul of Diablo contacted either of the sides? Or taken any part in the recent happenings in Lavenrunz?" asks Shirokorotov.
RonHeadrest persistently continues to try and catch the baroness' eye.
"General Shaul made an offer to send troops into northern Lavenrunz on the behalf of the former Regent Sirithil nos Feanor and the government of Claudia der Waal." replies the Baroness. "Herr Tur..."
Vasily Shirokorotov lets the recorder record the Baroness'es words and thinks that if Shaul sends troops into Lavenrunz, he would immediately get the entire SFN Military on his back...
"Right Honourable Baroness, I have three questions. - Firstly, for reference," she pauses slightly, "how would the recent insurrection be phrased by the current Lavenrunzian governing body?"
Silmariel Andunewen listens carefully; this one is important. Hack Nike raises his hand again, thinking up another question. Vasily Shirokorotov politely raises a hand to reserve his spot in the line of questions. Evelina Capelli raises her hand as well, taking notes, and listening intently.
The Baroness says, "I'm afraid that is a question for the elected Government; the Palace can only say that there was an insurrection, that it has ended, and that there will be an inquiry. Fraulein Stevenson?"
Ron Headrest tenses, waiting to stand.
Miranda Stevenson took breath. "Miranda Stevensen, KQCB News, Glorious Humanity. I have two questions Baroness. One, our President Mark Albert has declared his intention to establish strong diplomatic ties with Lavenrunz in spite of the problems he encountered at the Ball. Have things stabilized enough to make opening such relations possible?" She finished almost breathlessly.
"The Empress is greatly looking forward to establishing relations with President Mark Albert, and intends to make Glorious Humanity among the first nations visited this year." replies the Baroness, smiling.
"Baroness, Ron Headrest for the Mangalan News Network, I have a more general question for you..."
"Herr Nike? In a moment, Herr Headrest..."
Ron Headrest sits, somewhat abashedly, then realizes reporters aren't supposed to be abashed, and puts on his professional face. Miranda Stevenson waits politely for a chance to ask her second question.
"Hack Nike, CNNN," he said, standing, "We would like to know, has the presumed ringleader of the recent terrorist events, Mirbach," he deliberately omitted the title to see if he was corrected, "been imprisoned or is he still at large?"
Catherine Vickers waits politely to ask her first question, one hand still in the air as the other furiously records the words. Silmariel Andunewen nods, pleased with her Confederate counterpart.
"We must emphasize the word 'presumed'. I will inform you that Count Mirbach submitted himself to the Reichspolizei for the inquiry, and is under house arrest in Hofburg. Fraulein Vickers?"
Vasily Shirokorotov coughs politely. Silmariel Andunewen purses her lips, but decides the response can be presented favorably.
Hack Nike smiles and sits, but seems rather annoyed by the usage of a title in connection with that man.
Catherine Vickers is typical of Terrausi womanhood. In her early 30s with dark hair and eyes, her skin is tanned by a life under the desert nation's hot sun. The reporter stands and says, "Catherine Vickers, DNN. Your Excellency, what of allied forces stationed in Lavenrunz before recent events? For example, bases inside the Empire under lease to foreign militaries. Will their status be affected?"
Tur Dengral-Rihad raises her hand again, having not been given the opportunity to ask her other questions previously. She looks not in the least put out, however. Vasily Shirokorotov feels rather offensed that he got
kicked out of the stream of questions like that.
"Current treaties will remain in place. Herr Headrest?"
"Baroness, does Lavenrunz have anything to say about the disturbing trend among nations to react to international incidents with an immediate military response, ignoring diplomatic efforts?"
Vasily Shirokorotov is offended for the second time in the length of barely ten minutes. Ponders withdrawing all TNW coverage of the event ...
Hack Nike turns and looks at Headrest in confusion, given that what he's heard of the incident, it was the terrorists who started violence.
"It is very disturbing, and is something the Empress intends to address within SATO and in the UN."
"Is there a concrete plan, baroness?" says Ron.
Tur Dengral-Rihad speaks in low undertones for a few moments during a pause, informing her Solar-system-wide viewing audience (again) of the EOTED efforts to prevent unwanted foreign intervention in Lavenrunz.
"Well, the main plan is for Lavenrunz to act in concert with nations that have a similar view to form a regular mediating and intervening body--both in SATO and in the UN."
"Thank you, Baroness." Ron Headrest replies, then sits down.
Hack Nike looks contemptuously at that, thinking, 'yes, let's negotiate with the terrorist scumballs,' but not speaking. Miranda Stevenson raises her hand again. She doesn't feel the need to make a statement to her cameras regarding GH's neutrality during the civil war, since thee government reiterated their position frequently during the crisis.
"I'm sorry Fraulein--Herr Shirokorotov?"
"Honourable Baroness." He stands up. "With the change of leadership are there any new foreign policies to be foreseen towards _certain_ SFN nations?" he says, hoping that the insight was understood.
Silmariel Andunewen raises her hand again.
"What change of leadership are you referring to, Herr Shirokorotov?" asks the Baroness politely.
"The fact that Lavenrunz is not under the regency of Lady Sirithil nos Feanor, of course. Or is it ... still?"
Evelina Capelli waves her hand just a bit at that, patiently waiting, still smiling pleasantly.
"The Regency is dissolved. The Empire will be taking an entirely new look at relations with SFN nations, and will be sending out new envoys to that end."
Hack Nike suspects that this question will be edited out of his broadcast, in that it is rather redundant. Tur Dengral-Rihad waves her fingers over the odd metal band in a complicated and flowing manner. Catherine Vickers politely raises her hand again with another question, and Silmariel Andunewen purses her lips again. This question could probably be cut, and disguised with a change in camera angle.
Vasily responds with "To all SFN nations?"
"The particular ones will depend on the responses of those nations to requests to send envoys." the Baroness replies. Fraulein Tur, please..."
"Tur Dengral-Rihad again, representing INN Solar News. - Two questions; firsly, is there any truth in the rumour that the August Empress Rialla ux-Rihad II (may she live forever!) will be making a personal visit to Lavenrunz in the near future? - Secondly, and tying into your remark about a regular mediating and intervening body ... will Lavenrunz be sending a representative to the upcoming Summit dealing with the possibility of the formation of a mediation/negotiation/judicial organisation currently assigned the working name 'SCOJAN' - the Solar Commission of Justice and Negotiation?"
Vasily Shirokorotov quickly puts down some more lines and already imagines the TDFA guys ripping his neck off for doing their job, grinning to himself.
"The Summit is to be held on Mount Tumnore, Ma-Nenya," Tur clarifies quickly.
The Baroness says, "The first is speculation at this point, Fraulein Tur, as neither Her Majesty Aurora nor Her Majesty Rialla have confirmed it. As for the latter, the Foreign Minister will be attending the Summit. Fraulein Stevenson?"
Miranda Stevenson nods. "Although we know there has been no official inquiry, there are many at home that would like to know the fates of Albert's bodyguards that were lost during the confusion of the coup. Has the Lavenrunz government learned anything yet?"
"I'm afraid that there is no information on that that can be confirmed right now." the Baroness replies gravely. "However, the last report was that they were evacuated to a Jaeger facility whose location must remain classified for reasons of security."
Miranda Stevenson blinks, surprised by that tidbit, as the government of Glorious Humanity had assumed the guards were dead. She hastily notes it down.
Silmariel Andunewen waves her hand a bit, since she's had it up for some time. "Yes, Lady Silmariel?" asks the Baroness. Hack Nike looks in sympathy at the Menelmacari reporter.
Silmariel Andunewen smiles. "Is there any consideration planned in memory of the sacrifice made by the brave soldiers of the Imperial Jaeger Regiment and the Menelmacari Imperial Mornahossë, in the act of re-taking the Palace of the Moon and Stars; in the process saving the lives of all the hostages still within, including the Lady Sirithil and most of the Lavenrunzian court?" It's a long question, but a carefully phrased one.
Tur Dengral-Rihad raises her hand again, the fixed-smile remaining plastered on her face as she again speaks in low, hushed tones for a moment or two.
Baroness von Toll pauses a moment. Then says severely, "Lady Silmariel, to request an honour from the Empress is not etiquette. Suffice it to say that Her Majesty will doubtless act with grace and wisdom."
Evelina Capelli takes note of that reaction in her notes, making her own observations as she waits to be called on. Hack Nike raises his eyebrow and scribbles a note on a traditional notepad about that.
"Signorina Capelli?"
"Thank you, Baroness. My question is in several parts. How do the recent declaration made by the Empress and decision of the Volksraad to swear direct fealty affect traditions? Seeing as both they and The Empress accept Archduke Carl as Regent, is his role merely for appearances in honor of such, or will he actually have a say in deciding policy? Does the Empress herself indeed now rule in name and in fact in Lavenrunz, regardless of the age of majority?"
"Yes." Baroness von Toll replies. "Empress Aurora in fact may put Her seal to legal documents, but there are certain matters--many ceremonial, some legal--which require a guardian to be present."
Evelina Capelli nods, again taking notes. Miranda Stevenson continues taking notes, making a note of the fact that the Empress is ruling in truth, not just name.
"Fraulein Vickers, please, followed by Fraulein Tur."
Catherine Vickers rises. "Thank you, Your Excellency. Among the nations providing naval forces to help prevent foreign interference during the recent events was the Holy Empire of Iesus Christi. Lavenrunz and Iesus Christi have been on different sides of issues in the past to the point of open warfare. Will their assistance mark a change in Lavenrunz-Iesus Christi and/or Reich relations, and if so, how?"
"That has yet to be determined, since on this basis Iesus Christi is acting under the aegis of a neutral power. But Lavenrunz' policey has always been to attempt for a genuine negotiated peace."
Catherine Vickers nods and sits back down, resulting in more high-speed writing.
The Knootian journalist raises his hand. "After Fraulein Tur, Mynheer." The journalist nods.
Tur Dengral-Rihad takes that as an invitation to speak, and with a beaming smile (the variety that journalists wear when about to ask the less savoury questions), does so. "Tur Dengrel-Rihad, INN Solar News. - Regarding the potential elections, Right Honourable Baroness; this is perhaps a premature set of questions, however... what, if any, decisions have been made regarding the methodology of the ballots? "Furthermore, if such decisions have been made, what level of public consultation on the process has here been? If the decision or decisions are yet to be made, what planned level of public and, if applicable, foreign consultation will there be? If that question is not yet answerable, then may I ask how... transparent... the process leading up to these decisions will be to the public and the outside world, and will foreign observers be allowed to be present if elections are required/decided upon?" Her smile morphs into the sweetest, most innocent smile imaginable. Considering the pale, gentle curves of her Nenyan features which frame particuarly dazzling amber eyes, this is not a difficult task for her.
Evelina Capelli snorts quietly at what she feels is a decidedly presumptuous question by the Nenyan representative. Silmariel Andunewen sighs softly, slightly relieved at not being the only one to be presumptuous.
"The election will be held in keeping with the Lavenrunzian constitution." replies the Baroness. "And in fact, we have a pamphlet on that, specially made for you, with specifics relating to elections outlined in red. But to sum up... The election will not be unusual. It is in fact part of our constitution to have a confidence vote when there is a crisis." the Baroness finishes.
"Thank-you, Baroness," Tur leaps in with, "for I am most glad you could clarify that for our viewers."
The Knootian journalist now stands up and looks at the Baroness directly, a polite smile is on his face but his eyes glimmer antagonistically.
"Will the Empress publicly support a political party for the elections?", he asks. "More specifically, does the Empress recommend against voting for the Christian nationalists - with or without Mirbach - considering recent events?"
The Baroness stares at the Knootian. "I am sorry, such questions cannot be asked of the Empress." she says, clearly shocked and barely containing her outrage.
Silmariel Andunewen lets out a low whistle at that one. Tur Dengral-Rihad speaks softly under her breath, spouting some spiel about Knootian culture being decidedly different to that of most Imperialism-based states. Miranda Stevenson adds her own low whistle to the Menelmacari's. Hack Nike raises an eyebrow, noting that if he was insolent, this late arrival is practically insulting. Evelina Capelli coughs softly, both brows raised, covering with a flurry of note-writing. Catherine Vickers jots something down, wondering how much the Knootians understand Lavenrunzian culture.
The Knootian shrugs and sits down. You'd think that she would have an opinion after all that stuff. I'll never understand these strange rituals... "Thank you, Baroness."
Tur Dengral-Rihad raises her hand again. Hack Nike stands to leave, realising that he had reason to leave now, and deciding that the rest of the conference would do well without him. Miranda Stevenson notes the departure and all the answers so far, but doesn't have any more questions to ask at the moment.
"Lady Tur?"
"Thank-you, Right Honourable Baroness. - Tur Dengral-Rihad on behalf of the viewers of INN Solar. - Have any decisions been reached regarding whom would chair the investigation into the recent insurrection? Or will the investigation be headed by a multi-partisan chairgroup, as opposed to one single chairperson?"
"I believe that was already answered." says the Baroness. "One moment, I will send the notes to you."
"I can only take one more question from each person, starting with Fraulein Vickers."
"No questions, your Excellency." Catherine replies. Miranda Stevenson shakes her head. "No further questions at this time Baroness." The Knootian journalists looks at the Barones, raising his pencil slightly, hoping he too is allowed to ask another question despite the apparent insult.
"Nothing further, Excellency," Silmariel says, though she makes a discreet if-I-could-talk-to-you-outside-after? gesture with her hand.
"Mynheer?" The Baroness flicks her eyes to Silmariel and then back to the Knootian.
Evelina Capelli raises her hand, noting the exchange with interest.
He stands up again: "Thank you, Barones. The viewers of KNN would like to know this: the Arda nation of Kalessin has been allowed to join the blockade protecting Lavenrunz. Does this signify a change in the Lavenrunzian policy towards Arda?" He smiles as endearingly as he can. "And also, what is true of the unconfirmed rumours that the Knootian government wishes to join the blockade, uhm, to keep them in check, so to speak?"
Silmariel Andunewen arches one eyebrow; it seems the Knootian is good for something after all.
The Baroness smiles. "Lavenrunz' policey towards Arda has not changed; we are open to possibilities of friendship, but we will also honour all current alliances. And..." she smiles a bit wider. "Knootoss wishing to join blockade forces has been responded to positively. But the details have not yet been worked out, as the gesture was made very recently. Signora Capelli?"
The Knootian bows lightly, "Thank you, Baroness."
"Grazie, Baroness. There have been concerns in our nation over the misunderstandings surrounding the Empress leaving Lavenrunz in the company of our own Lady Nathicana. While she herself has expressed no such concerns, the public it seems, has not been so persuaded. Can we assume that the entire incident is as they say, water under the bridge?"
"The Empress will answer that fully in Her next public address, but I have been informed that I may respond: the Empress regards Lady Nathicana as someone who helped her during a time of trouble."
Evelina Capelli smiles warmly at that, tilting her head in deference to the Baroness. "Again, thank you. I'm quite certain both the Lady and our public will be pleased to hear that."
"Are there any further questions?"
Tur Dengral-Rihad nods slightly, raising one hand just enough to be noticed.
"Lady Tur?"
Tur Dengral-Rihad smiles slightly. She has a question, of course; which might well ameliate her mild lack of attentiveness in the eyes of her producer, as the majority of the other journalists appear not to have questions. Hopefully. "Tur Dengral-Rihad, INN Solar. - Of what political persuasions are the Count Hohenloe, the Prince von Seydlitz and the Baroness von Bennigsen? And for what reasons have they specifically been selected for this honourable task?"
"The leaders of the inquiry are not of a particular political persuasion save loyalty to the state and to the crown. Count Hohenloe was the former Chamberlain of Empress Joanna; Prince von Seydlitz is known to have worked closely with nonhuman and foreign allies, and Baroness von Bennigsen is a former Ambassador to the United Nations. They have been selected because they have a reputation for fairness and effectiveness."
The KNN man snickers quietly: "Apolitical politicians. Right..." Silmariel Andunewen wonders if the Baroness will snap again.
Tur Dengral-Rihad bobs her head slightly. "Thank-you, Baroness. Our viewers will find it comforting that such noble and apt personages are steering the investigative process, especially considering the huge interest these events have provoked."
Evelina Capelli once again takes note of certain ... reactions, shaking her head almost imperceptably. The Knootian journalist looks visibly surprised at Tur_Dengral-Rihad. Since when are journalists supposed to suck up so obviously to those they interview?
"If there are no more questions...thank you all for attending--a buffet and refreshments have been set up in the adjoining hall." It is noted by all that the Lavenrunzian journalists asked no questions.
Silmariel Andunewen is one of the first to rise, and she discreetly and politely corners the Baroness. "Excellency, if I may?" Her camera hovers nonchalantly up behind her though, almost as if sidling.
Baroness von Toll says, "Certainly."
Miranda Stevenson closes her notepad and bows. "Thank you for your time Baroness." The Baroness bows politely to Stevenson.
"I'd like to apologize, quite profusely, in fact, for my presumption earlier in the proceedings."
The Baroness softens. "You are not a Lavenrunzian Lady, I see now that it was a...miswording of the question."
Silmariel Andunewen smiles warmly, with one of those dazzling Menelmacari smiles. "Might I rephrase the question?" she asks.
Evelina Capelli stands, straightening her business suit, taking a quick note once more of which nations were represented, giving a sidelong glance at the Menelmacari reporter speaking softly with the Baroness. It's clear she would love to get a drop on what's being said, but there simply doesn't seem to be a polite way of doing so. The Knootian, meanwhile, pretends to be busy punching something in on his mobile phone while he eavesdrops.
The buffet is being finished up by young men and women in cherry coloured jackets and either black pants or skirts. Iced seafood, cold roast meat and fowl, breads, cake, fruit and salad can be seen as well as a fully stocked bar.
Silmariel Andunewen rephrases her question, just loud enough for anyone standing nearby to hear; it's good for all involved for this to be overheard. She has to ask it in full, given she's cutting the original exchange. "Is it Lavenrunzian policy to plan a memorial in consideration of the sacrifice made by the brave soldiers of the Imperial Jaeger Regiment and the Menelmacari Imperial Mornahossë, in the act of re-taking the Palace?"
"Yes, it would be." the Baroness says. "The Chancellor has submitted such a suggestion to Her Majesty." The Baroness closes her eyes a moment
out of respect, then opens them, smiling.
"Thank you," Silmariel says with a very warm smile indeed. "My viewers will be most pleased indeed. Thank you again, Excellency." With that, she gives von Toll a slight bow of the head; in Menelmacari culture, a gesture of a great deal of respect indeed, given Menelmacari rarely bow in any form to anyone, ever. Baroness von Toll bows back.
Evelina Capelli smiles quietly hearing the question rephrased so, eyeing one of the delicious cakes from the buffet in covering. It's all in the delivery. You'd think such an ancient race would know this by now. Miranda Stevenson and her camera team disperse to sample the refreshments.
Iesus Christi
07-01-2004, 11:24
General Adrian Hendrich stroked his 'uncle abe' facial hair as he watched the press conference on the offically escorted Junker passenger plane, that was making its way into Lavenrunz.
"so many people are blind to the truth..Mirbach is a hero..."
The generals aid nodded his head "God save lavenrunz sir!"
General Adrian stood up, patted down his field grey uniform "Edmund get you're pen out...time to work on that letter again..."
As the first Iesus christi diplomat to Lavenrunz in quite some time he had his work cut out for him....
Blessed Empress and all whom serve her
I arrive to you on the feast of the holy family Empress, What more fitting time for us to make afresh our bonds of Christian fraternity. A fraternity that I know will do so much...
Our target must be the achievement of the ideals of our common Christian humanity...the right of the people to the ownership of their nation, Christian and civil liberty, equal rights and equal opportunities for all her citizens. all necessary means must be used to restore Lavenrunz and her resources to the Lavenrunz people...
Therefore we stand with all our strengths for the freedom of the Lavenrunz nation so that future generations will enjoy the prosperity they rightly deserve, free from foreign interference, oppression and exploitation. This is the hope of Iesus Christi...this is the desire of your friend Matthew Iesus.
God save the Empress
God save lavenrunz
Heil victory!
spoken or given in written form depending on how Lavenrunz does her formal affair
OOC:not sure this is the best place for that, but it also makes a nice bump for the groovy press con:)
Der Angst
07-01-2004, 11:54
While the Lavenrunzian crisis hadn´t been of much... concern for the Angstian media agentures (with the notable exception of a few small & independend groups), the press conference made a considerable impact.
Although only parts of the broadcasts in Menelmacar, Knootoss, Diablo_NL and a few others were used, it was more than enough to create a media 'hurricane'.
Two small parts in particular were seen as extremely important...
ABC: "In other news, a press conference in Lavenrunz seems to indicate several major shifts in it`s policy... or at least in the western alliance system.
Worth mentioning is firstly a possible shift in it`s relations to SFN nations and maybe even to the entire SFN, which would without any doubt be a major concern for DA.
Then, to quote Lavenrunzian sources:
"Lavenrunz' policey towards Arda has not changed; we are open to possibilities of friendship, but we will also honour all current alliances."
While it says 'not changed', one can assume that this is simply, wrong. Reliable sources say that this very statement indicates a shift in the Lavenrunzian policy, away from the Menelmacari dominance to a more souvereign position.
This is Miranda Vera Cruz de la Jolla Cardinal, LIFE, for ABC."
"A recent press conference in Lavenrunz, regarding the unfortunate events during and after the Winterball, indicates several major shifts in the Lavenrunzian policy. First of all, it seems like actions from Diablo_NL changed the view of Lavenrunz regarding the SFN, further actions by the DA government are possible to make sure that possible damage is prevented.
Aside from this, Lavenrunzian officials are quoted:
"Lavenrunz' policey towards Arda has not changed; we are open to possibilities of friendship, but we will also honour all current alliances."
This indicates Lavenrunzian interest in achiving a more neutral position in the ongoing Arda/ Menelmacar conflict, and a possible change in the relations between Menelmacar and Lavenrunz, which is becoming apparent by Empress Aurora rejecting Lady Sirithils regentship.
It is not yet known what government officials think of this, however, This new tendencies, together with the known movements in Diablo_NL and in other nations, seem to be a great concern for the future.
In other news, Althena returned from her trip to Lavenrunz. She was injured, but seems to be all right.
This is Moritz Bleibtreu, ANN."
At the end of this salute, the man in white steps forward and bows, saying, "Your Grace, I am Count Chemnitz, the Imperial Chamberlain. It is my honour to welcome you to Lavenrunz."
"My, Monsieur Comte Chemnitz, it's such a pleasure to be here in your wonderful nation." Lenore fired of a blinding smile and took the counts arm as she walked towards the limousine. "Pray tell me more of your beautiful nation, and the young Empress, I'm just dying to meet her."
Silmariel Andunewen smiles. "Is there any consideration planned in memory of the sacrifice made by the brave soldiers of the Imperial Jaeger Regiment and the Menelmacari Imperial Mornahossë, in the act of re-taking the Palace of the Moon and Stars; in the process saving the lives of all the hostages still within, including the Lady Sirithil and most of the Lavenrunzian court?" It's a long question, but a carefully phrased one
Mr. Frost, the Veganian propaganda minister choked on his morning tea when he heard what the elf said at the press conference. He threw himself on the phone and called the press agency and some Lavenrunzian newspaper guys he knew.
"We believe this question, nay, demand! Is not only unappropriate but also shows the arrogance of the elven community. Was it not civilians that died inside the embassy, alongside with misguided unarmed freedom fighters? Why give a cermony to soldiers that do their duty and as we have seen in some clips shooting unarmed people? Surely it would be more appropriate to honour ALL victims in this disastrous incident. Not to mention all soldiers that was killed in skirmishes." Frost checked so all the words were right and that he was quoted in some places.
07-01-2004, 18:10
Concerned friends
AIVD Headquarters,
The Hague
"Lavenrunz, neutral?"
The Director frowned as he glanced over the thick report that had been made on recent happenings in Lavenrunz. He flipped over to conclusions and predictions. It concluded that the current solution was a "Bad Thing" for the DDR in the medium and long term.
"... structural changes in favours may yield an increased chance of the installation of regimes which can be classified as the class of 'potentially hostile allies' along with nations such as Der Angst ...", it eloquently read.
"... visits and diplomatic efforts from the Reich, while probably not succesful in the short term..."
The Reich. Damn. This whole affair is playing Matty right into his hands. If they get 'ties' with Lavenrunz then everyone can. And what of Arda?
The mind of the Director was spinning with potential scenario's. The deeper trend became visible here: dealing with the devil was becoming an accepted pratice. "... today Ravenspire opened an embassy in Arda too. Heck, if that works out then we can get away with it. But should we want to?", he pondered.
The Director got out his text processor to authorise an increase of intelligence assets in the Teutonic Empire.
"After all, good friends look out for eachother..."
08-01-2004, 00:55
Diplomatic dispatch
We are pleased to note that the government is now in Lavenrunzian hands, and that the rule of law is once more being enforced. Our sympathies go to those who suffered because of the recent incident. If we may offer any aid in restoring regular commerce following the recent disruption, please inform us; we are willing to do everything possible that does not require direct interference -- the latter condition because we believe it would be best to assist a Lavenrunzian organization, rather than to employ a foreign one.
On another note, we would like to arrange a brief state visit at a time that suits your convenience, in order to reaffirm the bonds of friendship between Lavenrunz and Ravenspire.
Alaric Morgannan
Chief Diplomat
08-01-2004, 16:32
When the Duchess and Count Chemnitz were seated in the limousine, he said, "The Empress' health is excellent, praise be to God. And I hope that the Benevolent Jaar is also well? The talk of everyone--when they are not talking of matters of state--is of the extraordinary weather. Normally, Hofburg and central Lavenrunz do not receive this much snow." he smiles and says, "Naturally, in a few areas the children were happy to get a day off school. Ah, and we are all thanking God to have avoided the awful spectre of civil war."
As they drive along, however, a number of military vehicles are seen, particularly at rail stations and at major road junctures. One area that looks like a military base appears to have a number of construction vehicles growling through the snow.
Diplomatic Dispatch to Ravenspire
To His Excellency Alaric Morgannan
A visit on the behalf of your country would be most welcome, and while there would doubtless be many things to discuss I must emphasize that Lavenrunz and Ravenspire enjoyed friendly relations before the formation of SATO and that confirmation is indeed the appropriate phrase for the continuation of those relations.
One matter to put before you: there is increasing interest from our scientific community in Ravenspire's activities in space, and this may open new possibilities for the sharing of ideas and commerce.
Aurora von Konigsmark, Foreign Minister
When the Duchess and Count Chemnitz were seated in the limousine, he said, "The Empress' health is excellent, praise be to God. And I hope that the Benevolent Jaar is also well? The talk of everyone--when they are not talking of matters of state--is of the extraordinary weather. Normally, Hofburg and central Lavenrunz do not receive this much snow." he smiles and says, "Naturally, in a few areas the children were happy to get a day off school. Ah, and we are all thanking God to have avoided the awful spectre of civil war."
As they drive along, however, a number of military vehicles are seen, particularly at rail stations and at major road junctures. One area that looks like a military base appears to have a number of construction vehicles growling through the snow.
"Good to hear, she has been through an awful lot of stress lately the poor child. I am sure she will prove to be an excellent ruler since she shown her strength at such a young age. There's an old Veganian saying "The highest trees are those that were planted in the toughest soil"" Lenore smiled sadly at the count. "My dear Count, how awful it must be having all this military out on the streets. I hope the spring will bring a peaceful thaw to your wonderful nation. At least the snow makes the darkness a bit lighter." Lenore leaned back and watched out with interest and sorrow as she saw all the signs of a nation at war.
08-01-2004, 17:39
"You are very kind, Madame." Count Chemnitz points out some interesting landmarks, including a glimpse of the Cathedral of the Archangels, the splendid stretch of the Linderhof gardens with their elaborate hedges and orchards (which are all covered in snow). "The greenhouses will be open, if you are interested in plants and flowers." comments the Count. "We are passing embassy row now--that bunker is actually the embassy of Iesus Christi, while that oddly cold but beautiful structure of steel and glass is that of Der Angst. The Chancery..."
The Chancery is a handsome building in the neo-roman style, its pillars and arch suggesting statesmanship and dignity.
"I have taken the liberty of arranging an audience with Her Majesty...but in fact we know little of your itinerary or intentions." comments the Count.
"You are very kind, Madame." Count Chemnitz points out some interesting landmarks, including a glimpse of the Cathedral of the Archangels, the splendid stretch of the Linderhof gardens with their elaborate hedges and orchards (which are all covered in snow). "The greenhouses will be open, if you are interested in plants and flowers." comments the Count. "We are passing embassy row now--that bunker is actually the embassy of Iesus Christi, while that oddly cold but beautiful structure of steel and glass is that of Der Angst. The Chancery..."
The Chancery is a handsome building in the neo-roman style, its pillars and arch suggesting statesmanship and dignity.
"I have taken the liberty of arranging an audience with Her Majesty...but in fact we know little of your itinerary or intentions." comments the Count.
Lenore listens with great interest and makes quite a few comments showing her knowledge in architecture. She is especially interested in the structure of the cathedral of the archangels. She watches the Iesus Christi embassy with distaste. "How can they let that shed symbolize the great nation of Iesus Christi? A building should mirror the soul of the nation, and put pleasure and serenity to the mind of the beholder. Like that one!" She says as she points at the Chancery. "That is a building fitting a great nation." Lenore smiles at the Count. "How very good of you to arrange an audience with her Majesty, I am most honoured to meet her."
09-01-2004, 10:23
Count Chemnitz closed his eyes a moment and nodded. Really, there wasn't much you could say when the sovereign was mentioned. "And here we are at the Autumn Palace." he said.
The palace was large; before it were a set of gates and a long boulevard lined with trees led up to the front. It was carved from milky white stone and seemed to gleam with an unearthly beauty in the winter, like a palace made of ice. Guards in grey-blue greatcoats stood at sentry posts, and a company of them were parading from a barracks in the palace grounds. They presented arms as the cortege of vehicles went by.
"If there is anything you will need, Duchess, please let me know. And if you would, I still do not know anything of your itinerary and what appointments I could make on your behalf."
Count Chemnitz closed his eyes a moment and nodded. Really, there wasn't much you could say when the sovereign was mentioned. "And here we are at the Autumn Palace." he said.
The palace was large; before it were a set of gates and a long boulevard lined with trees led up to the front. It was carved from milky white stone and seemed to gleam with an unearthly beauty in the winter, like a palace made of ice. Guards in grey-blue greatcoats stood at sentry posts, and a company of them were parading from a barracks in the palace grounds. They presented arms as the cortege of vehicles went by.
"If there is anything you will need, Duchess, please let me know. And if you would, I still do not know anything of your itinerary and what appointments I could make on your behalf."
"But ofcourse my dear Count. You see, the benevolent Jaar has invested quite some mandate in me regarding Lavenrunz. I Believe the purpose of my meeting is to straighten some things out and invest in a greater understanding between us. More than that I am not allowed to say to anyone but the Empress, but I will gladly meet other people of your government to learn more about your nation and maybe straighten some things out about the Reich too. We believe that this is perhaps the only opportunity to show our true faces and not the Deamon faces so often painted up by cowardly and backscheeming enemies." The Duchess eyes flared as she talked about the enemies, this time the truth would be heard.
09-01-2004, 12:41
The Duchess Lenore is shown to the apartments appointed to her. Should she require attendants, they are provided. A large bedroom with a sitting table and wardrobe, a bathroom, an antechamber with small adjoining rooms for servants. Soft and beautiful rugs from Athenys and Neo-Gothicadia decorate the floor, while paintings with religious, hunting or historical themes decorate the walls.
"Is there anything else you require, your Grace? Otherwise, your audience with Her Majesty is in one hour. If you are interested in touring the palace or refreshing yourself you need but call an attendant to assist you." Count Chemnitz tells her.
"Thank you kindly, but I need to get my rest for a few minutes and freshen up a bit" Lenore said and flashed a smile to the count. "An hour will suffice" Lenore watched the count leave and quickly checked so that the pills were still in place. This meeting would indeed prove interesting, she would make sure of that...She hoped that the young Empress would appreciate her "Gift"