NationStates Jolt Archive

A New Dawn (OOC)

Drakonian Imperium
30-12-2003, 07:33
Specificly for you OOC Purposes, of the A New Dawn ( thread.

Code of Conduct A New Dawn, is an Invite-Only Thread, to get invited post in this OOC thread.
All OOC content is to be posted in this thread and not in the IC Thread (
All Claims of Godmodding are to be taken up in this, the OOC Thread and not in the IC Thread (
No spamming, flaming, or hijacking will be tolerated and nations that do will be ignored.Summary

This thread will detail the events leading up to, following, and through the rebellions against the oppressive Ardan Governments of Fyreheart and Rukemia, as well as said rebellions outside support and opposition. The conflict that will be about a new dawn for each nation has begun.

References Map of Fyreheart (
Map of Rukemia ( Nations Fyreheart (Ardan/Emirate)
Rukemia (Ardan)
Melkor Unchained (Ardan)
Lost Americans (Ardan)
Nankin (ICON Member)
Gothenburg-Franc (ICON Member)
Drakonian Imperium (Emirate)
Menelmacar (Emirate)
Lavenrunz (Emirate)
Isla de Penguinata (Emirate)
Britmattia (Emirate)
Scandavian States (Pro-Emirate)
Glorious Humanity (Pro-Emirate)
Ferrussia (Non-Aligned)
Omz222 (Non-Aligned)
Copiosa Scotia (Non-Aligned)
Phyrric (Non-Aligned)Invited Alliances United Emirates (UE)
Imperialist Coalition of Nations (ICON)
30-12-2003, 21:34
Using my membership in ICON, I shall be entering the fray on Fyreheart's side.
30-12-2003, 21:40
Has everyone received notice who needs to receive it?
31-12-2003, 01:36
Very interesting RP. Although given the current situation my government can't be involved (being invaded), I'm just wondering if there could be any position for me to be invited to inside Fyreheart or Rukemia. I'm thinking about RPing as a Fyreheartian civilian (no, not connected with the Omzian government) whose family members are killedi n the protest, and wante to revolt (although I'm certainly sure Fyreheart already made a nation for the "revolutionary force"). This may a good case for me to get involved in. Appreciate any reply :)
Copiosa Scotia
31-12-2003, 02:53
If no one here objects, I'd like to go ahead and join. Seeing as I'm at war with Fyreheart, I can't imagine that I wouldn't want to react to this in one way or another.
31-12-2003, 04:36
If no one here objects, I'd like to go ahead and join. Seeing as I'm at war with Fyreheart, I can't imagine that I wouldn't want to react to this in one way or another.

What would the reaction be?
31-12-2003, 04:37
Very interesting RP. Although given the current situation my government can't be involved (being invaded), I'm just wondering if there could be any position for me to be invited to inside Fyreheart or Rukemia. I'm thinking about RPing as a Fyreheartian civilian (no, not connected with the Omzian government) whose family members are killedi n the protest, and wante to revolt (although I'm certainly sure Fyreheart already made a nation for the "revolutionary force"). This may a good case for me to get involved in. Appreciate any reply :)

I did, it's called Free Fyreheart. Not sure if I'm going to use it yet though. Anywho, you're welcome to play out everyday citizens reactions and such.
Copiosa Scotia
31-12-2003, 05:39
If no one here objects, I'd like to go ahead and join. Seeing as I'm at war with Fyreheart, I can't imagine that I wouldn't want to react to this in one way or another.

What would the reaction be?

Very difficult to say until anything happens. We might send arms and munitions, we might send a small squad, we might send actual military support. Or we may just watch the whole thing with great interest.
31-12-2003, 06:06
Very interesting RP. Although given the current situation my government can't be involved (being invaded), I'm just wondering if there could be any position for me to be invited to inside Fyreheart or Rukemia. I'm thinking about RPing as a Fyreheartian civilian (no, not connected with the Omzian government) whose family members are killedi n the protest, and wante to revolt (although I'm certainly sure Fyreheart already made a nation for the "revolutionary force"). This may a good case for me to get involved in. Appreciate any reply :)

I did, it's called Free Fyreheart. Not sure if I'm going to use it yet though. Anywho, you're welcome to play out everyday citizens reactions and such.
Ah, understood. I'm planning to make a young male named Jon Kendel, his friends were at the protest mentioned earlier and killed. Is that OK with you? Anyone else object my entry as this citizen?
Isla de Penguinata
31-12-2003, 20:41
Well I'd certainly like to help out. I'm an elven nation now, so I guess that makes it even more appealing. :P I'll help Fyreheart out, and I've been somewhat briefed by Nankin.

Please consider the application. :) Oh yeah, and I'm a member of the United Emirates, so I'm applying using that status.

For more on new elven status:
Drakonian Imperium
02-01-2004, 17:10
IdP, No application necessary.

Omz and Copiosa Scotia, you can join in, too, if you still wish.

I just ask that everyone wait until the rebels make their public request for aid to post, please. Thank you, all and sorry for the current delay.
Scandavian States
02-01-2004, 23:51
I'm not speaking for my alliance (which I shall not name at this time), but we may want to use this situation to correct a small problem (if you call the "Unholy Alliance" a small problem). I'm sure one of us will let you know should this be the case.
Drakonian Imperium
13-01-2004, 20:38
OOC: I had the entire post written. 15 minutes of writing, a beautiful description of the attacks and seizing of Pagania. Then, the server ate it.

The end.

It that to me too. I have to rewrite my post, blast it. Oh and Fyre, can you edit or delete that OOC post. I rather it be more IC. Many thanks. I know I am Nazi on these things.

SS, your in. Please, make note of my last post though.
22-01-2004, 06:44
Hey, just want to confirm that it's ok for me to deploy a handful of special ops (see my IC post) considering I am just closing out the war with Fyreheart and Ferrussia'd certainly want to figure out what's going on.

I may help in greater force (or by lending arms to the rebels) later on if I'm allowed in, but I'll wait for the request as you said.
Drakonian Imperium
22-01-2004, 16:22
Ferrussia, your in.

For everyone else. Here are the maps of Fyreheart and Rukemia. Should be helpful.

Map of Fyreheart (

Map of Rukemia (
Melkor Unchained
23-01-2004, 21:05
Drakonia will be gone until Saturday, or so he informs me in IRC. I guess we're not supposed to escalate the situation until he returns. I'll be responding to whatever posts I missed [which, apparently, there are a few], and counteract whatever the MH are doing with Rukemia's emperor. Aside from that, I'll try to wait.
24-01-2004, 19:53
Phyrric would like to have a right of participation if the need arises and interest prevails. The Nation of Phyrric was in a former alliance with Fyreheart, Nankin and Omz222, in an alliance with members involved (CS, SS), and has a vested interest in the outcome.

I do not see my involvement being more than a small force, transportation, advisement or monetary or a combination of all.
Drakonian Imperium
26-01-2004, 17:18
Phyrric, accepted.
27-01-2004, 08:05
A quick OOC note: I haven't forgotten about my SpecOps deployment - I'm going to start a mini-RP with them and a Fyreheartian village tomorrow, with Fyreheart's consent.

Also, Drakonian, just want to make sure your response was responding to what I think you were responding to, i.e. my post about publicly staying out of this for now. If you're responding to something else, I'd like to know what it is. Don't get me wrong - I love getting noticed. :D Just wanted to check on which transmissions you were talking about.
Drakonian Imperium
27-01-2004, 14:25
I was referring to the secret impossibly highly encrypted transmission ( I made to Gothenburg-Franc. Drakonia wishes good relations with Ferrussia, which is why the Praetor is upset by the GF transmission, which could jeapardize relations.
02-02-2004, 08:56
I'm not sure if Drakonian Imperium was referring to me or not when he asked for people to respect the guidelines (i.e. invite only), but in any case I will point out for those of you who do not know that I am a proud member of the Arda Alliance, and thus I am invited, as per the guidelines.
Glorious Humanity
02-02-2004, 09:57
Drakonia was referring to the deluge of OOC posts in the New Dawn topic. OOC discussion should go here, and story should go there. Keeps the story from becoming cluttered with flames. :lol:
02-02-2004, 11:03
Ahh, ok. Wasn't just sure exactly what he was referring to, I must have skimmed through a little too quickly.
Drakonian Imperium
02-02-2004, 14:13
That is what I was referring too, Wretchengard. Your cool. *Makes note to update the invite list with Wretchengard and others*
Isla de Penguinata
07-03-2004, 00:00
Just for reference, here's a map of IdP. :) I'll probly refer to some of the cities in my posts, and if someone decides to try to pummel the shat out of me, herre it be! :P

Also please keep in note that this is an entirely new government, after a long period of civil war and arnarchy. If you didn't notice, IdP is now a Republic (United, that is) and has strong faith in democracy and good stuff like that. Being that I never exited the United Emirates during my absence, I'm assuming that I'm still in it. :P
Drakonian Imperium
07-03-2004, 00:47
Okay, all I am finally getting to posting. I haven't been able to really get close enough to a computer to post all week (thanks to an extremely busy and fun spring break). So now I go to work.

Yes, IdP is still an Emirate (having never left). And great map, Isla. Might I be able to get the name of your map maker?
09-03-2004, 16:22
Nice map. Where'd you put it together at?