A New Dawn (Strict RP; Invite-Only) - Page 2
Drakonian Imperium
11-03-2004, 05:20
1829 Zulu
Near Athame
River of Fyre, Fyreheart
Drakonian Base of Operations
Despite all appearance the Drakonian forces had not been idle. As soon as international communications had resume the Drakonians had been coordinating with the forces from Glorious Humanity to consolidate their controlled territory. They had also attempted contact with the Fyreheart Rebels with limited success. All in preparation for the final push.
With the final group of reinforcements having brought the two Legion to full strength having landed, the time had come to act.
General Kaeso Falco, Commander of Legions and of all ground forces in Fyreheart. Called together the conference. Video monitors brought him the faces of several commanders, among them the Glorious Humanity Commander, General Artos Trellius of the 13th Armored Legion, and their various immediate subordinates. As well in the room with the Commander of Legions was General Richard Lippert, veteran commander of the 1st Expeditionary Legion. All eyes were on General Kaeso Falco.
"Gentlemen," the Commander of Legions started. "Ardan Forces are now finalizing their withdrawal. Rebel forces are closing in on Hurst. The last of the Melkorian Fleet is leaving and the last few garrisons are being picked up. We now can act with impunity."
The actual meeting lasted much longer, military minds met, tactics were reevaluated, and preparations confirmed, but the basic summary of the meeting was made in General Falco's opening statements. Still the meeting was quite short. All the plans had already been laid out, and so there was not much to discuss. All that was needed was confirmation of the order.
Of course, this would not apply to the Glorious Humanity forces. The Drakonians did not have authority over their allies in this matter. The presence of the Glorious Humanity Commander was a deliberate action to include a strong ally. It was also essential to the coordination of the allied forces working to liberate Fyreheart. Therefore, the Drakonians (especially General Falco, who considered the man his counterpart) ensured that the Glorious Humanity Commanders statements were heard.
"Gentlemen," the Commander of Legion said, indicating the end the meeting. "You know what your orders are. Carry them out."
Fists snapped onto chests and over hearts in salute and one by one the video monitor flickered off. The Glorious Humanity Commander was one of the last to leave the conference. There were some short parting words, a nod, and then he too disappeared. And all that was left were the men standing in the Conference Room of the Prefabricated Command Center, brought from Drakonia.
"To war," General Richard Lippert said. His fist snapped onto his chest, in salute.
"To war." General Kaeso Falco returned the salute.
Drakonian Imperium
11-03-2004, 06:14
1901 Zulu
Outside Fairport Harbor
Northern Coast, Fyreheart
13th Armored Legion
In one of ditches along the coastal highway to Fairport Harbor there was a massive explosion lighting the entire area. On the road an IFV swerved to dodge the rocks and depris thrown into the air. On the nearby beach a pair of medium tanks let lose hell on the attackers with bright sudden flashes from their cannon barrels.
It was night. Night, in the middle of a war. A night that had descented quickly, seeming to herald the darkness that was to come for many on both sides. Flashes of light lit horizon, indicating the most intense areas of the firefight.
As the forces collided the battle seemed only to intensify. The Drakonian 13th Armored Legion advanced on the Hurst Loyalist Forces holding the city of Fairport Harbor. The original push toward Fairport Harbor had been thwarted by the temporary cease fire forced upon the Drakonians by Arda, but now it had resumed. And the Drakonians were intent on taking the city.
There was there was a series of glimmer along the horizon indicated incoming artillery shells. Then the advancing Drakonian forces were met by fiery blasts. One tore into the road sending an Armored Personnel Carrier into a bucking crash, another blast flashed in the nearby ocean waters, while others tore into the line of advancing armor. The attack itself was met in due as the Drakonian Artillery replied in turn, sending a wave of death into the enemy positions.
Meanwhile, the lead line of light tanks were joined the battle with the front of the Fyreheart Loyalists Forces. Fire leapt from the lead elements of the Drakonian Tanks. The outer suburbs of the city were engulf in fire and destruction as the two armies met.
Night, in the middle of a war. War, in the middle of Fairport Harbor.
Isla de Penguinata
13-03-2004, 05:21
Presidential Estate
Arundemont, U.R.I.P.
Amir Voltaire was sitting in his office, with several top officials, most from the Army, a couple were from the Air Force and Navy. He had large maps spread out on the table in the center of the room. They were debating what to do for now, and they finally reached a conclusion. The President then said, "Well, gentleman, I think we have finally reached the decision to not land until Fyreheart has made the official withdrawal from Arda. Our fleet will sit in Ardan waters, and we will await a response from Melkor. If it is too hostile, we will pull back into international waters, and wait for Fyreheart's withdrawal there. After Fyreheart is officially free from Arda's hold, we will land in Fairport Harbor to aid the Drakonians in their assault upon the city. After that, we will secure Fairport Harbor, and then after what I call the 'volunteer draft' is instituted here at home, I will send thousands more reinforcements. Some will occupy Fairport Harbor, the rest will sweep across Fyreheart. Eventually the nation will be under our control, and we will establish ourselves as the heroic occupiers. We won't discuss after that until the time is right.
"We also need to send help to Rukemia, which I originally planned on splitting our forces, but determined that was not a wise decision. I will be building five new naval fleets after the Penguin Senate ratifies my new budget, as well as create several more Air Divisions, and increase our ground forces by a few million. I figure the sooner we erradicate the threat to our goals, the sooner we may achieve our ultimate goal...Any opinions?" The shaking of heads was seen among the group. "Well then, let's do it."
Presidential Estate---Press Release
First, the Voltaire Administration would like to strongly respond to a vicious reply by Melkor. In which our government was called vulgar names, it is apparent that Melkor has no sense of professional language, nor the manners needed for diplomatic discussion. Therefore, in response to the immaturity displayed by such an evil nation, we happily tell Melkor to shove it.
After the threat, which is what we define Melkor's response, we have considered not landing on Fyreheartian territory for a period of time. Instead, we have instructed the 2nd Offensive Fleet to rest in Ardan waters off the coast of Fyreheart, and await further orders. The government of Isla de Penguinata must encourage the Drakonian Imperium to continue to fight strong, for help shall be arriving soon.
After extensive review, the Voltaire Administration, along with Defense Ministry officials, has concluded that our military is too small, too weak, and too defenseless. A bill has been proposed in the Penguin Senate that is endorsed by President Voltaire that would do the following:
+ Increase the percentage of the total national budget the military receives, from 10% to 25%.
+ Increase the number of active military forces from the current 500,000 to approximately 5,000,000 (5 million) by providing free healthcare, low rent, and increased pay raise to all new recruits.\
+ Increase the Navy by five fleets and increase the Air Force by 10 Air Divisions.
+ Increase subsidies to the Arms Manufacturing industry, as well as increasing production in all military factories by about 50%.
On a final note, the Presidential Estate would like to express its belief that our people are strong and powerful. Isla de Penguinata has always upheld the principles of democracy, liberty, and justice. In this dangerous age, when evils are among us, we must remember that it is important erradicate all threats. By helping our old allies in Fyreheart, such erradication is being done. May Isla de Penguinata prosper and survive!
Off the coast of Fyreheart
The fleet was sitting in the evening sun as the troops watched on the televisions news reports of the latest release by the Presidential Estate. Many were surprised, but felt proud. They were ready to fight. They were hungry to destroy evil, and the only thing that held them was the threat of being in deep trouble. Sitting approximately 30 miles north of Fairport Harbor, the fleet was within range to make a sudden attack. Most of the soldiers knew that it would be too dangerous, and stupid, to attempt to launch an attack on Ardan territory. They were waiting for the moment that Fyreheart officially withdrew from Arda, and then the assault would begin.
A soft breeze swept over the fleet in the setting sun, as thousands of soldiers looked off in the distance, not being able to see what was ahead of them. They knew that danger and excitement would come when they approached shore, and only hoped that they could achieve their mission.
Glorious Humanity
18-03-2004, 10:19
GH base camp
1800 Zulu (7:00 PM)
Larry Soros felt better than he had in days. She was back. Isolda was awake and alive, and she was not hurt. For Larry, that was more than one prayer answered.
Right now the couple were walking along the base perimeter, holding hands. Isolda was leaning her head on Larry's shoulder. Neither of them felt like making any quick moves, as if fast actions or loud words from either would spoil the moment, this perfect moment.
Naturally, right then the camp's public address system squawked to life and ruined it for them.
"All Psi Corp personnell to the command tent immediately."
Larry looked at Isolda, who shrugged in response, then they both sighed. They'd have to have a moment some other time.
Colonel Abrams was waiting when the psychics assembled. Larry was a little surprised at how the ranks had shrunk from all the psychics being sent out with grunt troops. There were also a handful of grunts who had wandered by out of curiousity.
Abrams stepped forward, a piece of paper in his hand. "New orders from home ladies and gentlemen." He read from the paper. "On the authority of General Ablegard, Supreme Commander of the Army of Glorious Humanity, all Psi Corp units are to be immediately recalled back home, due to trouble in the Corp requiring all members. This is to be done ASAP."
A mutter ran through the assembled psychics, tinged with worry and confusion. Larry looked at Isolda, then at Jonathan Fletcher a few feet away. All their faces said the same thing: What's wrong? What was happening back home to make the military call all of them back?
"Sir, are all Glorious Humanity forces returning home?" someone asked.
"Nope, just you psychics," Abrams replied. "We grunts are staying here and I guess still helping. The message doesn't elaborate on what's going on. I've already sent radio messages to the psychics already in the field, they're turning around and coming back. Everyone should be back here by 0300, and transports will arrive by 0700. At 0800 you're all shipping out, so I suggest you get some sleep now. Dismissed."
The psychics spread out, talking amongst themselves. Larry, Isolda, and Jonathan fell into step with each other as they headed for their tents.
"What on Earth is so bad to bring all of us back?" Larry put voice to the question they were all thinking. "What is happening in the Corp?" The other two didn't have answers.
When they reached their tents they all parted company and headed for bed. It took Larry a long time to get to sleep.
20-03-2004, 00:43
OOC: My apologies that this took so long to do. Forum problems+writer's block+university life+die hard procrastination = me taking forever to post. Sorry if I held things up or pissed anybody off by taking forever.
IC: Soundtrack: Pantera - Immortally Insane
Air war, near Rikrit
The sudden appearance of the Rukemian Eurofighters and the massive missile strike that ensued took the remainder of the Wretchan airfleet by surprise. Missiles tore into bombers as they made their runs, knocking them from the skies and sending flaming wreckage to the ground below. Seraph heavy bomber and Wyvern fighter/bomber casualties were very high; in fact, all of the bombers had been shot down save for a pair of heavy bombers and three fighter/bombers. The fighters and interceptors, being quicker and more maneuverable and not taken so completely off guard, were not so badly hit. 16 Warlock interceptors and 20 Wraith fighters were downed by the missile swarm.
The 15 Warlock interceptors that remained immediately moved to engage the Eurofighters, with the Wraith fighters following. Although outnumbered by the Rukemian fighters, the Wretchan craft were top of the line gravitic models, excelling in air-to-air combat (particularly the interceptors). They launched their air-to-air ordinance and came in with cannons blazing, engaging the enemy craft in dogfighting. The few bombers that remained continued to bomb missile sites, hoping to finish them off before they could retaliate once again.
Meanwhile, the reinforcements Sky Command had dispatched were on their way to the warzone near Rikrit. If the remainder of the original airfleet could hold out for a few minutes longer, the second fleet dispatched would hopefully be able to deliver the killing blow to Rikrit's defense...
(the second airfleet bound for Rikrit has the same numbers as the previous one, without the stealth vanguard. 1 squadron is 12 craft.)
1st airfleet (remaining craft):
- 5 Wraith-class air superiority fighters
- 15 Warlock-class interceptors
- 3 Wyvern-class fighter/bombers
- 2 Seraph-class heavy bombers
2nd airfleet:
- 4 squadrons WF-12 Wraith-class air superiority fighters
- 7 squadrons WF-10 Wyvern-class fighter/bombers
- 3 squadrons WI-6 Warlock-class interceptors
- 3 squadrons WB-16 Seraph-class heavy bombers
Naval war, New Freeport Bay
Admiral N'rahl gritted his teeth as the Rukemians retaliated again, this time with air support. The behemoth shook as air-to-ship missiles and missile rods struck it, but the battleship was not defeated yet. A number of portside guns were damaged, however. As damage reports began to come in, he learned that most of his fleet had no fared so well. Another carrier was sinking to join the first, as well as 2 more battleships, 3 heavy missile cruisers, 2 missile cruisers, 4 frigates, and 3 destroyers. N'rahl swore vehemently. He had lost over half of his ships! But that was not all. There were air casualties that could not be ignored, either; of the 160 Wraiths and 120 Wyverns that were engaged in battle at the time of the missile strike, 87 and 73 were lost, respectively. The remaining number of fighters and fighter/bombers would be supplemented somewhat by the remaining 15 Wraith fighters and 55 Wyvern fighter/bombers that were now in the air and joining the fight, but it was a devastating blow nonetheless.
As the Wretchan naval forces began their counterattack, the Behemoth continued to send out its call for aid from allied forces, as N’rahl began to see that the remainder of his fleet could be joining the wrecked Rukemian and Wretchan vessels at the bottom of the bay. Nevertheless, the Wretchan forces continued to fight. To do anything less would be to invite shame and dishonour upon themselves.
The Wretchan fleet continued its missile assault on the Rukemian gravfleet, attacking with both long-range of medium-range missiles, as well as coilgun cannons from the battleships and the Behemoth. This attack could not match the ferocity of the previous one however, as a number of vessels had been destroyed or disabled from the last Rukemian strike, thus resulting in fewer missile launchers and cannons firing back. The fleet continued to close the distance, as well; if the battleships could bring full broadsides to bear, they would be much more effective. The remaining Wretchan aircraft also launched their counterattack; Wyvern fighter/bombers primarily attacked the Rukemian gravships with their missiles, letting the Wraith fighters do what they were made for and engage the enemy aircraft. The fleet anti-air defenses also became much more active, particularly the frigates that were often designated this role. SAM launchers targeted the Rukemian aircraft, and let their volley of missiles fly.
N’rahl watched and waited anxiously, adrenaline pumping, all too aware that death was now a very real possibility…
Battle for Air, Near Rikrit
Rukemian pilots pitted their crafts against the enemies in a tight fight as they battled head on, high in the skies. The remaining 15 enemy aircraft that remained in the sky after a brutal volley of missiles, were nitpicked by elements of 5-10 Eurofighters each, ganging up on single fighters and taking them down one by one. Even with the number advantage a surprising number of the Rukemian fighters were brought down, 13 Eurofighters were taken out of the skies, 10 of the pilots managed to escape with their lives. The aircraft could be replaced, the pilots skill and bravery could not. It was only a matter of time before the Wretchen airgroup was completely elminated, or atleast this was the case until 2 other enemy air-fleets were spotted through radar coming towards the battle scene. Another 23 Eurofighters went down almost immediately, completely caught off guard from the incoming fighters cannons and missiles blazing towards them. No pilots were salvaged from these 10.
The remaining Eurofighters readied their defense systems and managed to either out-manuever, or avoid the projectiles being launched at them all together. The Eurofighters then regrouped into elements of five and fired with close-ranged 20 mm cannons at the enemy Wretchan fighters. Fiery orbs left the cannon rods and headed towards the metal in which Wretchan pilots were incased, all intended to send them to their deaths. The Eurofighters smashed everything they had into one, spontaneous and somewhat unorganized attack, readying themselves to die fro their nation.
On the ground things weren't going as well, not that things were good in the skies. Several of the remaining missile silos had been taken out, and the ones that were still active were now of no use since the fighting in the skies had become to close to fire. The operators of the missile silos feared friendly fire casualties, and they definately did not need that.
Battle for New Freeport Bay
The remaining 30 or so gravships were overwhelmed, missiles surrounded them from the front and sides, breaching the thick armor and engulfing the crew inside in flames. No time to reload, no time to fire once again, death came all too fast. The ships fell unceriomoniously into the ocean, lacking any dramatic slow decline, just a swift fall and a tremendous splash was all that was seen as the gravships sunk swiftly to the bottom of the ocean, forever incasing the unfortunate crew members inside. It was horrible, central command in New Freeport learned of the news and all those inside the military building wept inwardly for their fallen comrades, such young men and women they had been, and now they were all gone.
The naval battle had been lost, New Freeport seemed to be doomed as it was seemingly left defenseless except for the 600 fighters within the skies. Without the heavy barrages of the gravships to back them up, they too would soon be overtaken. But none the less they continued battling in the skies, using their numbers to their advantage and ganging up on one fighter with 5 of their own.
"To their deaths!", became the battle cry over the radio frequency of the Rukemian pilots. Everything they had was thrown at the enemy in one vicous cycle, as both enemy aircraft and the huge Belemoth were targeted with almost 1200 missiles. This attack was then followed up with a barrage of close range cannon fire. The pilots were determined to take the monstorous vessel down as revenge for the sinking of The Mercia. Sky Command in Murkin Island could only watch the air battle unfold helplessly as the fighting became to close quartered for their missile silos to intervene. This would be the final offensive of the New Freeport front.
OOC: Ok, sorry for taking a damn month for posting a reply, but I thought that Melkor and I would've been done with our conjoined post within a week of Wretchen's post. But, as you can see, I caculated wrong, I hope this RP can continued to go on as planned, if anyones even still interested, until Melkor and I finish the final post to wrap things up. Sorry for the delay.
Glorious Humanity
19-05-2004, 09:02
The northern mouth of the River of Fyre
0615 Zulu (6:15 AM)
In the predawn light, a line of lights appeared, approaching the river. The sleepy sentries on duty at the beach snapped to full wakefulness as the lights approached, and two on the east bank ran to man a big searchlight. The lights came closer, and the dark shapes of ships resolved themselves, becoming more defined as more sunlight came. The lead vessel was a destroyer, and as it passed the beach a light on the conn tower flashed on and off rapidly in code. The soldiers on the beach sent an answer back with the searchlight, then one of them radioed the GH base on a shortwave set.
"Echo sentries to base, they're moving in now."
Bridge of GHS Fist of Man
The Fist of Man was the first vesel into the channel. Captain Lewis watched his crew expertly maneuver the vessel into the wide river and start her on course. The ship would be following the river as far as it could, hopefully all the way to the other side. Supposedly it was possible, but one never knew. Behind him came the Predator submarine GHS Arthur, named in honor of a hero from back home. The Arthur was leading fifteen other Predators and Predator 2s, with more destroyers interspersed among them, eight surface ships total. Lastly were four oilers, and a bunch of smaller corvettes and patrol boats. These were the vessels that would actually take the brunt of the Glorious Human plan. The new destroyers and the oilers had been taken from the Humanity's battle group. A hundred miles out to sea, Humanity herself sat, with her remaining destroyer escorts, launching aircraft to fly patrols overhead and help safeguard the operation.
The plan was a simple one, and by midmorning it was becoming evident. As the fleet passed riverside towns and villages, patrol boats and small transports broke off to dock in them, landing units of ground troops, who moved inland. At the same time, soldiers left the main base and moved down the riverbank in armored vehicles to keep pace with the ships and secure the banks on both sides.
05-06-2004, 20:44
Briggs' team was smashing along, when all of a sudden, upon reaching the basement level of FHC, they were ambushed by Hursts Secret Service agents. They tried their best to resist, but only two hours later, only 23 members of the team remained.
Briggs was gasping for air in the hall after the retreat. Lieutenant, George Tyrone came up to him, hobbling from shrapnel in his leg. “Sir, we took them out. All the agents are dead, and if we ran into them, Hurst cannot be far behind. I say we continue, and take this asshole now.”
Briggs nodded. “Agreed. Organize the men Lieutenant, I’ll be along shortly.”
Roberts team was having some luck gaining ground, but it wasn't happening fast enough.
Roberts voice could barely be heard above the fighting. "We're taking too much time, Hurst could already be gone! We've got to take them out now! All squads, press forward! Hold the line! Failure is not an option here! We are the Fyreheartian Elite Guard! Let's show them why!"
The men under General Roberts command had always been the best. Now, it was time for them to show it.
In a display of unity and determination that was truly exemplary of a revolution, Roberts team began to move forward, using anything they could find for cover. Desks were overturned, weapons were aimed, and the entire squad opened fire almost in unison. Hursts men outnumbered them, but regular soldiers could not hope to beat the force that had once protected the life of Amethyst Fyreheart during the Old Ways Uprising.
Inch by inch they fought, and they died, on both sides. Hursts men made them fight for every meter of ground. Hours past, and the fighting continued. One floor, then two, then the next five. It was a bloody mess, and Roberts men were by now numb to the scenes around them, for they had one goal. To save their country. The line had to be drawn here. Here, and no further. And so it was.
17 hours later, every level of Fyreheartian High Command, save the basement compound, was under the rebellions control.
It had been almost 19 hours, and what was left of Briggs’ team desperately needed a miracle. They had taken to hiding in corners and ambushing single or double man patrols as they came along. Three more men had been lost to the combat, and only 20 remained. They had gained little ground, and time was running out.
Briggs sighed and continued silently stalking the double patrol ahead of him. Roberts, I hope you show up soon…
General Roberts’s team was moving downwards as fast as they could. Roberts has a grave look on his face.
I hope we’re not too late…