NationStates Jolt Archive

Audience with leader of DNS requested.

29-12-2003, 08:46
The diplomatic relations between Xanthal and DNS have been nonexistant as of late. We request a quick exchange simply to determine where we stand with one another.
29-12-2003, 09:07
DNS; I summon you with my great psychic powers! (The title might help too.)
29-12-2003, 09:10
Um... little busy here. Kinda about to get attacked by all the Arda nations. Perhaps we could discuss this afterwards, pending our survivial as a nation?

~Kail Peters
The White
President of DNS.
29-12-2003, 09:13
Mmm. Perhaps we could help you. What is the nature of your conflict?
29-12-2003, 09:16
An utterly crushing one, but one we must face alone. It would not due for other to suffer for out ousting of the Morgoth.

29-12-2003, 09:23
We see. Good luck.