NationStates Jolt Archive

Money again

29-12-2003, 07:14
Sorry I have forgotten about the way money is made in this game could someone please tell me where I might find an announcement or sticky stateing how it is done.
Siswai Aman
29-12-2003, 07:21
Emm, I think there is a sticky in NS that mentions economy/money all that type of thing.
Its definetley not in here, it will be in one of the two RP forums.
29-12-2003, 07:33
Thankyou very much but I still cant find it.
29-12-2003, 07:44
29-12-2003, 08:02
Since this is Role-Play tht you are asking about it might help to read the stickies in the 2 role-play forums.

THe GDP Calc is insane by the way. Tax rate is determined not by your nation's tax rate(which is clearly displayed on your nation's page mind), for instance, but by it's civil rights.
Siswai Aman
29-12-2003, 08:05
I was wondering about that. It seemed hard to beleive average income could only be 35 000 with a frightening economy.
29-12-2003, 08:18
So could someone please tell me what to do to calculate the money that falls into my national budget?.

And does my National budget go up automatically?.
29-12-2003, 09:27
The easiest way, which is also the most widly recognised way is through the link i gave you above. This will change by itself

The other way you have to calculate it yourself.
somewhere (*theres a link in one of the stickies) there is a page called Economies or somthing. look for your economy on your nations page (ie: powerhouse).

Times this value by your population nad then by your percentage tax rate:

ie) for lapse

Using formula
Population= 947,000,000
Tax Rate= 54%
= $12,784,500,000,000
(12.78 trillion)

Using GDP calculator
Population: 947,000,000
Civil Rights: Excellent
Economy: Powerhouse
GDP per Capita: $25,000
GDP: $23,675,000,000,000
National Budget: $10,464,350,000,000