29-12-2003, 03:59
The city of lodos is a mainly subterainian city in mountains of Former Siberia, it is called the invisible city because it cannot be seen by the naked eye. the people are known for there ability to camoflague and hide. they tend to not use trails roads or common methods of transportation. their stubborn need for independance causes them to do everything on their own. they trust their leaders and eachother. and are very isolationalist. we do not associate with anyone and do not enter a fight we cannot win. we are mainly a group militaristic peace keepers and tend to rely upon ourselves for everything. the arms manufacturing and uranium mining the takes place far away from the city. we were once an anarchist group of rebels who didnt like the government so we hid and made our own civilization. the city of lodos and its people were labeled outlaws and traitors, so we built the city so that it couldnt be found and so that we would be able to wait out the government. now that the previous government has fallen we have declared our selves and official nation. The Rogue Nation of The Iron Wallouby do not activly seek a fight, and usually defend, with well trained snipers and silent and covert hits. our military is fairly small only 5000 strong, with no armor (tanks) or aircraft because they are too easily seen and amke too much niose. we have no real heavy weapons, we use sniper rifles various automatic and semi automatic rifles for combat. the soldiers use the rocks, the sea and the birds of the air as part of their defenses. the rough terrain acts as a deterrent for travelers and those who do come through are ignored unless the get suspicious, then they are either picked off by snipers or led to believe that our thriving city is an old abandoned military installation of the previous government.