NationStates Jolt Archive

Inter-Stellar Police Force (Good or Bad?)

28-12-2003, 16:54
Okay, this isn't the official thread, I just want to see everybody's thoughts on this before I start the thing.

I've been kicking around the idea of an inter-stellar police force. Each nation who wishes to be a member will donate ships, weaponry, and crew members to the police force (I'm thinking along the lines of smaller, faster ships. No Destroyers). Now, to avoid complications between law contradictions (Maybe in my systems the speed limit is half light sped, whereas in your system it's 3/4 light speed. If one of your police members is in my system and somebody is going 3/5 light speed, what do they do?), the police forces (of all the nations) are subject to the laws of whatever system they're in. So, if a police ship from nation XXXX is on patrol in nations YYYY's territory, they will obey and enforce the laws of nation YYYY.

When I make the actual thread stating it's creation and asking for members I'll make this all a lot more polished and more easily read, but right now I just want your opinions. Any thoughts?
28-12-2003, 17:31
Few people like Teritora alrightly have their own space police even their own ships just for police use. others just use their Space navies to deal with pirates.
28-12-2003, 17:55
I know (I do the same), but I'm thinking of how this would work out.

There are many things police are needed for, besides just pirates. There's the mundane things such as checking ship registration, inspecting cargo, even just making sure people don't fly to close to the moons and damage their ships. The stuff that combat navies don't normally do.

Also, if we got a police force going it would free up combat ships. If you detail XXXX percent of your military to patrol for pirates, now you can have those ships available for other stuff, since the police force is now doing it (that was one of the reasons the coast guard was invented in the U.S., it freed up the navy)
28-12-2003, 18:14
Which is why we started our Space Police in the frist place, we got a whole line of ships dedicated to police work as well as Space police stations and even a prision.
28-12-2003, 18:16
Foe Hammer
28-12-2003, 19:10
I know (I do the same), but I'm thinking of how this would work out.

There are many things police are needed for, besides just pirates. There's the mundane things such as checking ship registration, inspecting cargo, even just making sure people don't fly to close to the moons and damage their ships. The stuff that combat navies don't normally do.

Also, if we got a police force going it would free up combat ships. If you detail XXXX percent of your military to patrol for pirates, now you can have those ships available for other stuff, since the police force is now doing it (that was one of the reasons the coast guard was invented in the U.S., it freed up the navy)

Exactly. Our Space Forces rarely stop traders to inspect cargo. Usually we just check ship registration so that we don't let pirates slip by, initiate a , check their records, their current velocity, and if all is well, we don't even say a word to them.

But our Police force, piloting Gunships and a few Destroyers, aid the Liberty Fleets in searching for pirates, aid other vessels in "roadside" repairs, stop speeders, do contraband sweeps, etc.

We'd be glad to donate 30,000 of our Space Patrol Officers, as well as 20 Gunships and two Destroyers, should this Interstellar Police Force be formed.
28-12-2003, 19:12
Which is why we started our Space Police in the frist place, we got a whole line of ships dedicated to police work as well as Space police stations and even a prision.

Yes, but what if a convict flees your system and takes refuge on one of my planets? I'm not just gonna let you waltz in and pick him up, there will be layers of red tape, papers to fill out, it will be extremely time consuming and complicated. Odds are the convict will have time to flee to yet another hiding place before I'd even let you fly your ships near the planet.

However, if we formed an inter-stellar police force, then your ships could just fly right in and pick the guy up (since we'd all be part of the same police force.). Or, the ships of the inter-stellar police that are stationed in my systems could pick him up.

It makes things much quicker and simpler, and you gain much more than you lose. Actually, you don't lose anything. Everybody wins! (Except the convicts)
28-12-2003, 19:14
Foe Hammer, welcome aboard! If I get a few more positive reactions I'll start the thing up. Criminals beware!
28-12-2003, 19:20
Sounds good, we could find easly personal and extra ships from our Police force to be apart of this Interstellar Police Force. We often have more people trying to join our Space Police than we need.
28-12-2003, 19:24
That's two people in. Three more and I'll start the (dramatic pause) Inter-Stellar Law Enforcement Agency
28-12-2003, 19:52
A very good proposal, u can expect the Empire's full support. A recent spate of chicken space-raids has hit our poultry economy hard and we need to stamp down on these crimes.
We have also begun research into the notion of creating a space maintenance force. Space debris and litter has become a major problem that we as a nation can no longer ignore. Only last week did a piece of space junk land on a senator's shed. So, in response we will create a separate branch of our space core to handle space-waste and enforce fines upon any craft found dumping in our space. Thankyou for your time and goodluck.
28-12-2003, 19:58
Good, but the Zinks really don't like police. Sorry.
Santa Barbara
28-12-2003, 20:01
Laws? System laws? What?

There is no Solar System space laws, other than those individual nations or groups may choose to enforce. And good luck trying to enforce them on those that don't want to submit to 'em.
Foe Hammer
28-12-2003, 20:23
That's two people in. Three more and I'll start the (dramatic pause) Inter-Stellar Law Enforcement Agency
Ok, here are the laws of the Nordlund System/Foe Hammer Space

I. Conditions of Spaceworthy Vessels
Article One-
The term Spaceworthy Vessels refers to the standard of any vessel allowed to traverse Foe Hammer space. Any vessel travelling through any space claimed in the name of Foe Hammer is herein granted a 30% damage rating. Heretofore, any vessel rated at 31% or higher in the Damage Rating scale will be escorted to the nearest capable Repair Station, Planet or Shipyard, unless. The article stated herein has been rightfully enacted on the Eighteenth of July, Two Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy Two.
Article Two-
Should any vessel be incapible of protecting itself, a Naval Escort of any class of vessels will be assigned, depending on the size of the vessel or value of the cargo.

II. Velocity Limit
Article One-
Any vessel exceeding the set and stated Velocity of 3/4th the Speed of Light within 8,000km of any Planet or 100km of any station will be immediatly tagged by the closest Patrol vessel and strictly warned. Should the vessel be caught speeding again, the nearest Fighter Squadron will intercept said vessel and take it into custody, where the Pilot will be charged and fined any sum of money, depending on the speed of the captured vessel.
Article Two-
In the scenario that a limit-exceeding vessel is fleeing from a hostile force, the nearest Patrol Vessel(s) MUST be alerted to aid in dealing with the hostile ships. If indeed there is a hostile force pursuing a vessel, the vessel will not be charged and fined, and will be immediatly released after a record of the encounter has been made.

III. Weapons on Personal Vessels
Article One-
Any Vessel with a Class-Four weapon or higher must have a Weapons Class Certificate of Four or higher posted in the Vessel Identification Data Stream (VIDS).
Article Two-
Vessels with a Class-Three Weapon or lower are not required to have a Weapons Class Certificate posted in the Vessel Identification Data Stream (VIDS).
Article Three-
Vessels with a Missile Launcher must disarm all missiles when in range of a Station or any Foe Hammer Navy/Space Patrol Vessels, and when entering the docking ring of a planet.
Added June 17th, 2562: Section Three does not apply to Naval or Police vessels.

That's what I've got so far.
Foe Hammer
28-12-2003, 20:25
A very good proposal, u can expect the Empire's full support. A recent spate of chicken space-raids has hit our poultry economy hard and we need to stamp down on these crimes.
We have also begun research into the notion of creating a space maintenance force. Space debris and litter has become a major problem that we as a nation can no longer ignore. Only last week did a piece of space junk land on a senator's shed. So, in response we will create a separate branch of our space core to handle space-waste and enforce fines upon any craft found dumping in our space. Thankyou for your time and goodluck.

Uh... Don't take it personally or anything, but you're too young to have a Space force.

Wait till you're about two months old.
28-12-2003, 20:29
Don't rain on my parade. I can have hopes and dreams, however stupid they are. I just wanted to be part of the crew!!!
Foe Hammer
28-12-2003, 20:32
Don't rain on my parade. I can have hopes and dreams, however stupid they are. I just wanted to be part of the crew!!!

Well still, you might want to actually RP the creation of a space force. It took me a few months to get past the Space shuttle stage.

Heck, I'll help you create a Space force. It'll have to be small, though.
28-12-2003, 20:40
The United Star Empire of Valinon is highly interested in this proposition. We feel that cooperative efforts between organizations such as the private Valinor organization of the Inter Solar System Security Force will help promote interstellar trade. Therefore the His Majesty would be willing to place a small task force from the regular Star Armada at this policing efforts disposal, and will put the leaders of this organization in contact with the United Guilds of Valinon, the major funders and contributers to the ISSSF.

Count Viktor Leopold
First Minister for His Majesty's Foreign Affairs
28-12-2003, 20:53
You do know that this Inter-Stellar Police Force will, all in all, be just an inner security organisation for the signatory members, for the ISPF will not be recognized by a vast number of Space Faring nations?

The Grand Duchy hereby declares the ISPF void and does not recognize its juridical validity. In case of any ISPF action towards any Taraskovyan space freighter, the freighter will have the authorization to consider ISPF assets as 'pirate elements' and take appropriate measures, such as, among others, refuse access to the ship's cargo to ISPF personel and warning the nearest TSF Battlegroup.
If the freighters are attempted to be boarded by force, the escort craft and personel have full authorization to engage and destroy.

The Grand Duchy still recognizes the local police authority of the local governements, as long as it will not be under this so-called 'ISPF' banner.

Thank you for your attention.

~High Council of Duchy.
28-12-2003, 21:03
Don't rain on my parade. I can have hopes and dreams, however stupid they are. I just wanted to be part of the crew!!!

Well still, you might want to actually RP the creation of a space force. It took me a few months to get past the Space shuttle stage.

Heck, I'll help you create a Space force. It'll have to be small, though.

Many thanks. In return, should your armed forces desire to be trained in the way of the samauri then i shall be happy to send several competent envoys to begin teachings.
Foe Hammer
28-12-2003, 21:21
Ok, I designed a small Gunboat to start off your Fleet. It'll cost about 1.5 Billion a piece.
I call it the Azurewrath-class Gunboat.
40 Meters long
28 Meters wide
8 Meters tall
Weapons: Four .50 Caliber Turrets, Three Medium Laser Cannons, One retractable 6-tube Missile Launcher
Crew: Two Pilots, Three Gunners, Four Crew Members
Engines: One F-238 Fusion Engine
Pricetag: $1,500,000,000
I'll calculate your GDP and see how many you can buy.
28-12-2003, 21:24
You do know that this Inter-Stellar Police Force will, all in all, be just an inner security organisation for the signatory members, for the ISPF will not be recognized by a vast number of Space Faring nations?

The Grand Duchy hereby declares the ISPF void and does not recognize its juridical validity. In case of any ISPF action towards any Taraskovyan space freighter, the freighter will have the authorization to consider ISPF assets as 'pirate elements' and take appropriate measures, such as, among others, refuse access to the ship's cargo to ISPF personel and warning the nearest TSF Battlegroup.
If the freighters are attempted to be boarded by force, the escort craft and personel have full authorization to engage and destroy.

The Grand Duchy still recognizes the local police authority of the local governements, as long as it will not be under this so-called 'ISPF' banner.

Thank you for your attention.

~High Council of Duchy.

I say, that's a rather obtuse view to be taking. Surely we all support the ideas of justice, peace and compassion. Isn't it enough that any craft passing through your space will be subject to YOUR laws and regulations? Understandable you may inflict your laws biasedly upon nations that have offended your own but vice versa. Come, let us all live in the cosmos in relative peace under a united banner.
Foe Hammer
28-12-2003, 21:24
Ok, I calculated your nation's GDP. It's $288,000,000,000. Let's say you have about a 5% military budget, so you can spend about $14,400,000,000 a year on Defense. You can buy 8 of these.

I'll build them, by the way.
28-12-2003, 21:27
Cheers very much but i would have to insist that production take place inside our borders using Edelthian workforces, regulations and supervision.
28-12-2003, 21:38
I say, that's a rather obtuse view to be taking. Surely we all support the ideas of justice, peace and compassion. Isn't it enough that any craft passing through your space will be subject to YOUR laws and regulations? Understandable you may inflict your laws biasedly upon nations that have offended your own but vice versa. Come, let us all live in the cosmos in relative peace under a united banner.

The Taraskovyan craft passing through sovereign national space will be subject to the national laws of that sovereign governement. The Grand Duchy, however, does not recognize the validity of the ISPF and will refuse to let any of its craft be checked or boarded by the above mentioned organism. Only the local police authorities outside of the ISPF are recognized as enforcers of local law.

Thank you for your attention.

~High Council of Duchy.
Foe Hammer
28-12-2003, 21:40
Cheers very much but i would have to insist that production take place inside our borders using Edelthian workforces, regulations and supervision.

Ehh, no, that wouldn't work. We have secret Foe Hammer construction methods and top-secret production processes that strengthen the armor tenfold, increase the structural rigidity, and really define many other key features in Foe Hammer spacecraft. Plus, you don't have the technology to produce a fusion engine.
28-12-2003, 21:46
That's a lot of faith to be placing, but very well.
Santa Barbara
28-12-2003, 21:48
Ok, I calculated your nation's GDP. It's $288,000,000,000. Let's say you have about a 5% military budget, so you can spend about $14,400,000,000 a year on Defense. You can buy 8 of these.

I'll build them, by the way.

Er, no. Military budgets are not spending cash. All of that money will be going to maintaining existing forces, payment, supplies, etc. Only a small fraction of a small fraction of that will be available to procure new equipment. I mean only about 30-40 percent of the budget of any nation goes to the traditional armed forces-- the rest for intelligence, command and control, sea/airlift, civilian contractors, strategic weapons and of course "other." So really, each military branch will only get maybe 10-20 percent of the total military budget. Then, out of THAT, I'd say at most a quarter could be used (if that) to buy new equipment, so maybe if he scrimped and saved he could get one of these.

It's disheartening, but thats just how military budgets are.
28-12-2003, 21:49
Ok, I calculated your nation's GDP. It's $288,000,000,000. Let's say you have about a 5% military budget, so you can spend about $14,400,000,000 a year on Defense. You can buy 8 of these.

I'll build them, by the way.

Er, no. Military budgets are not spending cash. All of that money will be going to maintaining existing forces, payment, supplies, etc. Only a small fraction of a small fraction of that will be available to procure new equipment. I mean only about 30-40 percent of the budget of any nation goes to the traditional armed forces-- the rest for intelligence, command and control, sea/airlift, civilian contractors, strategic weapons and of course "other." So really, each military branch will only get maybe 10-20 percent of the total military budget. Then, out of THAT, I'd say at most a quarter could be used (if that) to buy new equipment, so maybe if he scrimped and saved he could get one of these.

It's disheartening, but thats just how military budgets are.

Well, remark:

If he has no military, there is nothing to maintain :lol:
Foe Hammer
28-12-2003, 21:50
That's a lot of faith to be placing, but very well.
Due to Santa Barbara's post above, we will only build one for you, and then see how you like it, and if you like it, you can save up to buy more.
28-12-2003, 21:58
Bahaha fine, i guess space is a frontier that the Empire will have to conquer with but one craft. Wish us luck.
Foe Hammer
28-12-2003, 22:47
lol. Don't worry, you can buy one a year from us, until your budget is high enough to get two, and then three, and so on.
28-12-2003, 23:38
Okay, I think we've got enough support. I;ll make the thread.

Oh, and for those who say they will not allow any actions in their territory, I say "why bother saying that?" The police force will only be active in member nations. If you're not a member of the inter-stellar police force we wont be in your territory. So, why bother saying how your not going to acknowledge it?
28-12-2003, 23:55
I made the thread! Go join!