How is money dealt with and allocated amongst everyone?. How do you decide how much money a country has?.
Many people have asked how to RP your economy
I made this post so everyone is doing it the same way and there are not unfair burdens
Economy Listings-
+Frightening= 40,000 ACI (after a few weeks)
Frightening = 36,000 ACI
All Consuming = 32,000 ACI
Power House = 28,000 ACI
Thriving = 25,000 ACI
Very Strong = 22,000 ACI
Strong = 17,000 ACI
Very Good = 14,500 ACI
Good = 12,000 ACI
Reasonable = 8,000 ACI
Developing = 5,000 ACI
Fair = 3,750 ACI
Struggling = 2,500 ACI
Weak = 1,500 ACI
Fragile = 800 ACI
Basket Case = 400 ACI
Imploded = 100 ACI
ACI = Annual Citizen Income (USD)
Multiply this number by your average tax percentage. This would be how much the single person is paying you. Then take this number and multiply it by your entire population. That is the income your nation is making annually
Yearly seems like you would be making a lot of money, but in reality all of that money would be gone from Government spending on Military, Welfare, Education, ext.
Also if you get money from selling goods you just add it to your full income
Keep in mind, a year is whatever you make of it... a year could be a RL day, or a RL month, who cares.
Aztec National League
28-12-2003, 11:05
MCI: (n.)The average amount of money one one civilan in your nation makes by working, an average of an person's income per capita.
Lagrange 4
28-12-2003, 11:08
And bear in mind that your economy is more than just GDP per capita. A country with a smaller economy but a good infrastructure and low corruption can get things done better than a rich, corruption-stricken nation.
What is MCI?.Whoops, sorry.
The idiot who originally wrote that said MCI, as in MONTHLY income... which is way wrong.. so I edited it to say Annual (yearly)
28-12-2003, 12:06
OOC: Of course, this assumes that your nation's entire income is from a personal income tax. Which is just plain ludicrous. There are hundreds of other taxes, levies, duties, tariffs, fines, and other revenue points possible.
And you can't just "add money" from selling goods, because the goods cost something to produce, and possibly something more to market and transport. And unless your government is the seller (and not, for instance, a corporation within your country), they're not going to get the profits anyway, barring corporate taxes, trade tariffs and fees, and the like.
So, basically, the nice little chart is complete BS.