27-12-2003, 09:09
On Mars:
Melkor walked apon the surface of Mars, when he suddenly stopped and looked up and felt something he had not felt for a long while, fear. He felt Them moving. They were no longer in West, but were moving toward him. They knew he was on Mars, he had to get off Mars, he had to hide. He had to go home, yes, home! He could hide there. He could go deep down to his throne room, and hide in there. They couldn't get past his hordes. No, they could never get past them. He would go there now, go home, be safe there...
Days later in Arda:
A dark sky loomed above as the Silmaril made a cloaked landing inside the borders of Arda. 16 left the ship, none remaining to guard over it. The Valar and the Mortals broke paths, the Valar making haste towards the throne-room of the Morgoth, the Mortals journey will be chronicled in full, as none of the Valar left any record of their journey below the soil of Arda. Perhaps in the fullness of time their story will become known, but that fullness is not yet upon us.
Samah lead his crew to a cave in the nearby hills, his steps seemed to be preordained. The sky of Arda was a brooding sight, the last view of the sky lingered as they creped below the surface.
They traveled for a day and a night's time under the surface, dodging patrols of every manner of forces that Melkor had under his domain. Then they came to their target, a single computer console guarded by Orcs, with a single human monitoring it.
From behind a rock's protrusion in the wall, Samah spoke to his men.
“Over there is one of the computer consoles that controls the launch systems for the Melkorian MAD plan. What I need is one minute alone with the console, then it should be disabled for a long enough time.
“I do not wish to ask this of any of you, but I need a distraction I cannot provide. I will not send you to your deaths, this is volunteer only.”
“Respectfully sir, the second we set foot here we were dead men, living on borrowed time. Our time is now going to be lent to you. Come on lads, let's fight one for DNS.”
“Thank you,” whispered Samah as he crew crept away. It was the last time he saw them.
A few minutes later he saw the Orc guards running, screaming a wordless battle cry. Samah closed his eyes for a moment of pain and loss, then moved on and quietly ran to the console. He sneaks up behind the human, and quietly kills him with his sword.
He dropped the device behind the console, and watched it's indicator light slowly turn from red to green.
This released Omega.
<Run: Omega.AI >
O>Lets see, no internal security? Idiots relying on physical security... sigh.
<Run: L0ph7 Cr4(k = int_access_codes>
O>Melkor's birthday backwards? Yeash, who set this up? An Orc?
<Change int_access_codes'>
O> Now, for the fun part.
<Fork Omega.AI, Transfer Forks>
O^5000>Now to do it again. Muhaa.
Samah ran, fleeing the thoughts of the Orcs behind him. He hid under a stairwell in the complex, and began wondering how the hell he was going to be getting out of this one.
At the same time:
The crew lurked to a dead end, then they called the Orcs to them. A horde approached. The Orcs rushed them, the odds were a hundred to one.
But the Mortals had something the Orcs didn't. They knew they were dead already, and that every Orc they sent to death before them was only icing on the cake. They fought, not as mere Mortals governed by flesh, blood and emotions but as demons possessed. Each accounted for at least 10 Orcs before they fell. But soon their number was reduced to one.
The Orcs halted in their advance, sneering at the lone Man. They circled him slowly, waiting their chance.
The Man took a deep breath, and held his sword before him. “Though I will fall, my name is my own, my life mine to give, and my sword sharp as it need be. DIE FOUL ORCS, WALK NO LONGER AMONG MY KIN!” he bellowed. The nearest Orcs flinched back from him as he rushed them, slaying a triple dozen before the thrown dagger of a Orc slowed him, and the foul blade of an Orc pierced his skull.
He fell, the last of the crew, who did give their lives to save the people of nations not their own. They are the true Heroes of this tale, the ones that believed in life so strongly as to hold other's above their own. For them and the ones like them; evil will fall before them, and they will be the candle in the darkness that clears the path for the ones behind them to follow.
The surviving Orcs looked upon the carnage of the battle and walked over it, back to their posts. Little did they know that they had failed in their most important task.
7 days later:
Samah ran through the warrens of the earth. Normally he liked running, did it for sport in High School, got a few metals, and still did it for recreation. Of course, he really didn't like running with a thousand Orcs behind him, but the ups have their downs. The easiest part had been the uploading of the AI/virus. The pass codes to the nuclear launchers were all changed, and until they got rid of the AI, would be changing every few seconds. And to get rid of the AI, they would probably need to EMP every hard drive and RAM chip in the system. He'd hid afterward, until a arguing Orc had been thrown next to his hiding spot. After that it was a lot of running down collapsing mines shafts toward the epicenter of the conflict. As he got closer he noticed that there was a awful lot of sunlight peaking through some small holes in the ceiling for him to be hundreds of meters under the surface. But one with Melkor's Orcish hordes on his heels didn't really have a lot of time to think.
Then ahead was a doorway. A crack ran through the center of it's ironwood frame, and the stones surrounding it were dusty and crumbling. Samah rushed through the door, and slammed it behind him. His back to the door, he looked upon a sight rarely seen, a battle of the gods. The energy in the room seemed to suffocate him, but the sun shone a lonely ray of light down into the room. It gave him a sense of... hope. He had been underground for days, and the cave-dweller attitude had infected him. Not that it was much different from the DNS ships he had grown up on... but something wasn't the same. The walls of the tunnels seemed so much more oppressing than the hallways of DNS-1. But this was not the time for reminiscing.
The Orcs raged against the doors, Samah could barely keep them closed against the Orcish hoards trying to get in to save their master. Not that he necessarily needed saving.
In the center of the room Melkor was battling against the Valar and he matched them blow for blow. His long stay in the realms of Man and Elf had only increased his great powers. (Tolkien must have believed the power=corruption theory) They had reached an impasse, both sides were of equal power, and they had fought themselves into a stalemate. Their battle raged for days, neither side giving the other a toe-hold. At last, a stalemate between the Gods.
But it was not a stalemate without cost, the sun's light shined through the area that used to be the ceiling of the cavern. Waves of power had shattered the stones in the wall, and collapsed the tunnels leading to all the doors but the one Samah held fast. High above on the surface venturesome Orcs stared down the lips of the crater that now sloped down to the thrown room, but there was to much fear in their hearts to slide down the fathoms deep hole to save their master. Tulkas had been knocked into a pillar, now dust, and had yet to rise from his stunned state. A bit of belated revenge from the dark god.
Melkor parried a thrust from Manwë, and in doing so put his back to the door, and to Samah. Something seemed to empty Samah's mind of his thoughts, and he suddenly stopped forcing the doors closed against the Orcish hoards, those brave/foolhardy enough to challenge the Valar to save their leader, letting them fling open the door. He jumped, putting his feet on the handle and letting the momentum of the door hurl him forward, flying through the air, sword in hand, screaming his battle cry. The cover on the Silmaril fell of, letting the pure light of the jewel shine down the length of sword as it sunk itself into the gap between the backplate and helm of Melkor's armor. The Silmaril let out a light so strong, so pure, so white that it drowned out everything else in the room.
The Silmaril(ship) carried the Valar upon it's back, it's flight breaking the boundaries of FTL by the power of Manwë and the Valar. The Silmaril(gem) shone brightly, and was joined by it's fellows as it left the atmosphere of earth.
Then the white surrendered to the blackness of space. The event horizon of a black hole filled the eyes of Samah, until his eyes erupted, flinging themselves into the Void. He was now blind, but lucky enough not to have any air in his lungs. As he started to black out, he felt the Valar speak, and then the heat from 3 lights upon his skin. They soon were tossed into the black hole on the back of the ship whose namesake was them, one of them stuck into the back of Melkor, the Morgoth.
Suddenly heat and air again pressed on him, one of the Valar had saved him from a nasty grave among the stars. Another mind's voice seemed to fill his head, that of Manwë;
“Peredhil (half-elf) , tell your peoples what I tell you now. Melkor the Morgoth is locked in the Black Star for the time being. If he ever gets out the Silmarils will be released, along with the one merged with your sword. That one will seek out you or your descendants, the others will go back to their old places under the Sea and in the Earth. The Black comes to retrieve you now, go quickly to the Lady known as Nerdanel(AKA Sirithril), and tell her all that she will need to know. Farewell small Peredhil, and good fortune. I hope that we will not need to meet again.”
Samah blacked out, and was carried a safe distance away by the Valar.
He awoke to find that he was being operated on by a robotic arm.
A<Vessel damage fixed, moving onto eyes>
C<Scans show nothing left, replacement only option>
B<Retract lids>
In a painful burst of light Samah saw again, but it was not the sight he was used to. His eyes showed him the power conduits, the internal structure of the arms operating on him. He cried out in pain.
B<Subject is awake, scans showing something in eye sockets>
A<Odd, light sensor picking off a diffuse glow from eye sockets>
C<There appears to be orbs of a glowing nature replacing his eyes... they show up only on visual scans>
A,B,C<Call Bill>
Bill Peters, The Black, entered the sickbay, noticing his charge was awake and sitting on the operating bed. His eyes were pure white, and glowing slightly. There was also a hint of a mist coming out of the outer corners.
“They were granted to me by Aulë, you have no need to be worried. We need to get to lady Sirithil's current position as soon as possible,” said Samah as Bill entered the room.
“You tell me not to worry, then you tell me to take us to Siri? Are you sure that you got those in the right order?” replied Bill as he activated the console next to him.
“They will let us through. Sirithil will need to know what I have to tell her,” Samah said as he lay down and went back to sleep. His right arm still felt a tingeing from where it had slid his sword into The Morgoth's back. Some form of energy had escaped along the blade of the sword, and his arm would never feel the same afterward. A stain on his hand was the only bit of Melkor outside the black hole. His blood now permanently stained Samah's hand, a reminder of the quest he had gone through. “How long was I out?”
“Reports have you being in space for about a month, but if we're correct it only seemed like an few minutes to you. Time-dilation with the hole and all. The battle with Melkor raged for about a week, according to our monitoring station. You done good kid.
“We moved the DNSs into a HVC (High-Velocity Cloud: mysterious clumps of hydrogen, up to 10 million times the mass of the sun and 10,000 light-years across, moving rapidly through the outer regions of the galaxy[sciam.com]) until we get some kind of reaction from Arda. Odds are we're gonna have to keep them there for a few months. At least the gas is providing them with all the energy they need to sustain themselves. They're pretty well cloaked in there, along with most of the fleet. Only the SLF(Small, Light, Fast) ships are still in contact with the outside universe.
“I gave the Valar a lift home while your were being operated on, they left a letter for you to read after you were awake, I'll retrieve it for you after you've slept.
“I need to go report back to command, you rest now.”
The real Apparition slid through the cosmos, carrying it's few charges back to Earth. It engaged it's cloaking systems as it neared the planet.
Samah soon woke again, a ancient-looking parchment next to him. It was covered in elvish runes, the kind usually found only on stone. He read over it, then read it again. The writing began to fade, until it disappeared from the page. Samah lay back in his bed, awash with the deep memory of the event just past him, and of it's effects on his mind and body.
None can go through a War of Wrath unchanged, it leaves it's marks on the Valar involved. Samah was the only mortal ever to be close to the epicenter of the War, and was certainly unique as the only mortal to end it. The letter told him what he was unsure of, and that was something for him to be very... interested in. Not scared, or even nervous, but interested. It was not a bad thing, nor was it a great thing, it was merely a thing for Samah to do with as he wished.
Melkor had bled upon him, and in the process, a tiny part of Melkor's knowledge and power had been passed to Samah. Not enough for Melkor to suffer any serious handicap, but enough to change Samah permanently. He was no longer truly a Peredhil, nor was he Maia. He was somewhere in between, somewhere in the shades of gray between the races of Men, Elf, and God. He retained the power of men to change the world with their too-much-butter-too-little-bread approach, but the power of the immortal races, with the too-little-butter-too-much-bread, still was awake in his blood. Awake in his blood also was the evil blood of Morgoth. It's evil would forever tempt him, try to bring him to the forces of evil in the universe.
He knew without knowing that he could travel back through the veil if he wished. He could forsake the mortal world that he lived in, forsake his friends and family, his country. Yet, something still called upon him to stay.
Samah sat in bed, his thoughts some level above what they used to be, but still orders of magnitude below even the lowliest Maia.
He was a creature apart from the rest of the races, a Changed. It is a rare occurrence that a new race is created out of a single member of an old one, rare enough that even the gods must pause in their path to take notice.
Samah never felt more alone in the universe. Even when he had been trapped in the warrens of Arda he had heard the sounds of the Valar fighting, and he knew them to be close by. Now he was the only member of a race. A touch of melancholy entered his system, he realized that no matter how many battles he now won, home was no longer the same for him. He lay back down in bed, and rested. There was little else to do but that. The audience with Sirithil would come in the fullness of time. Or in an hour and a half. Time was fickle about how full it was sometimes.
(Thanks to everyone that helped at one time or another with these posts. There were a lot of you. A special thank you to Melkor for allowing me to do this. Someday soon I'll write the Journey of the Valar, which will further explain everything left to vaugness here.)
(To the Nations of Arda, there will be people willing to sell the locations of the DNS-1, 2 for a price. I will await your retribution. My only request is that the DNS-1 survive the fight. And if you could leave the Apperition undetected so I can fulfill a promise to Siri, it would be appreciated.)
(This was posted late at night, I will edit later to fix any glaring errors that this is probably riddled with. I tried to get in touch with Melkor before this posting this, but he was smart and went to sleep. The thing at the top with Melkor probably isn't horribly true to the character that Tolkien created, but this Melkor has been though a very long time trapped in the stars, and would be loath to have that happen again.)
Melkor walked apon the surface of Mars, when he suddenly stopped and looked up and felt something he had not felt for a long while, fear. He felt Them moving. They were no longer in West, but were moving toward him. They knew he was on Mars, he had to get off Mars, he had to hide. He had to go home, yes, home! He could hide there. He could go deep down to his throne room, and hide in there. They couldn't get past his hordes. No, they could never get past them. He would go there now, go home, be safe there...
Days later in Arda:
A dark sky loomed above as the Silmaril made a cloaked landing inside the borders of Arda. 16 left the ship, none remaining to guard over it. The Valar and the Mortals broke paths, the Valar making haste towards the throne-room of the Morgoth, the Mortals journey will be chronicled in full, as none of the Valar left any record of their journey below the soil of Arda. Perhaps in the fullness of time their story will become known, but that fullness is not yet upon us.
Samah lead his crew to a cave in the nearby hills, his steps seemed to be preordained. The sky of Arda was a brooding sight, the last view of the sky lingered as they creped below the surface.
They traveled for a day and a night's time under the surface, dodging patrols of every manner of forces that Melkor had under his domain. Then they came to their target, a single computer console guarded by Orcs, with a single human monitoring it.
From behind a rock's protrusion in the wall, Samah spoke to his men.
“Over there is one of the computer consoles that controls the launch systems for the Melkorian MAD plan. What I need is one minute alone with the console, then it should be disabled for a long enough time.
“I do not wish to ask this of any of you, but I need a distraction I cannot provide. I will not send you to your deaths, this is volunteer only.”
“Respectfully sir, the second we set foot here we were dead men, living on borrowed time. Our time is now going to be lent to you. Come on lads, let's fight one for DNS.”
“Thank you,” whispered Samah as he crew crept away. It was the last time he saw them.
A few minutes later he saw the Orc guards running, screaming a wordless battle cry. Samah closed his eyes for a moment of pain and loss, then moved on and quietly ran to the console. He sneaks up behind the human, and quietly kills him with his sword.
He dropped the device behind the console, and watched it's indicator light slowly turn from red to green.
This released Omega.
<Run: Omega.AI >
O>Lets see, no internal security? Idiots relying on physical security... sigh.
<Run: L0ph7 Cr4(k = int_access_codes>
O>Melkor's birthday backwards? Yeash, who set this up? An Orc?
<Change int_access_codes'>
O> Now, for the fun part.
<Fork Omega.AI, Transfer Forks>
O^5000>Now to do it again. Muhaa.
Samah ran, fleeing the thoughts of the Orcs behind him. He hid under a stairwell in the complex, and began wondering how the hell he was going to be getting out of this one.
At the same time:
The crew lurked to a dead end, then they called the Orcs to them. A horde approached. The Orcs rushed them, the odds were a hundred to one.
But the Mortals had something the Orcs didn't. They knew they were dead already, and that every Orc they sent to death before them was only icing on the cake. They fought, not as mere Mortals governed by flesh, blood and emotions but as demons possessed. Each accounted for at least 10 Orcs before they fell. But soon their number was reduced to one.
The Orcs halted in their advance, sneering at the lone Man. They circled him slowly, waiting their chance.
The Man took a deep breath, and held his sword before him. “Though I will fall, my name is my own, my life mine to give, and my sword sharp as it need be. DIE FOUL ORCS, WALK NO LONGER AMONG MY KIN!” he bellowed. The nearest Orcs flinched back from him as he rushed them, slaying a triple dozen before the thrown dagger of a Orc slowed him, and the foul blade of an Orc pierced his skull.
He fell, the last of the crew, who did give their lives to save the people of nations not their own. They are the true Heroes of this tale, the ones that believed in life so strongly as to hold other's above their own. For them and the ones like them; evil will fall before them, and they will be the candle in the darkness that clears the path for the ones behind them to follow.
The surviving Orcs looked upon the carnage of the battle and walked over it, back to their posts. Little did they know that they had failed in their most important task.
7 days later:
Samah ran through the warrens of the earth. Normally he liked running, did it for sport in High School, got a few metals, and still did it for recreation. Of course, he really didn't like running with a thousand Orcs behind him, but the ups have their downs. The easiest part had been the uploading of the AI/virus. The pass codes to the nuclear launchers were all changed, and until they got rid of the AI, would be changing every few seconds. And to get rid of the AI, they would probably need to EMP every hard drive and RAM chip in the system. He'd hid afterward, until a arguing Orc had been thrown next to his hiding spot. After that it was a lot of running down collapsing mines shafts toward the epicenter of the conflict. As he got closer he noticed that there was a awful lot of sunlight peaking through some small holes in the ceiling for him to be hundreds of meters under the surface. But one with Melkor's Orcish hordes on his heels didn't really have a lot of time to think.
Then ahead was a doorway. A crack ran through the center of it's ironwood frame, and the stones surrounding it were dusty and crumbling. Samah rushed through the door, and slammed it behind him. His back to the door, he looked upon a sight rarely seen, a battle of the gods. The energy in the room seemed to suffocate him, but the sun shone a lonely ray of light down into the room. It gave him a sense of... hope. He had been underground for days, and the cave-dweller attitude had infected him. Not that it was much different from the DNS ships he had grown up on... but something wasn't the same. The walls of the tunnels seemed so much more oppressing than the hallways of DNS-1. But this was not the time for reminiscing.
The Orcs raged against the doors, Samah could barely keep them closed against the Orcish hoards trying to get in to save their master. Not that he necessarily needed saving.
In the center of the room Melkor was battling against the Valar and he matched them blow for blow. His long stay in the realms of Man and Elf had only increased his great powers. (Tolkien must have believed the power=corruption theory) They had reached an impasse, both sides were of equal power, and they had fought themselves into a stalemate. Their battle raged for days, neither side giving the other a toe-hold. At last, a stalemate between the Gods.
But it was not a stalemate without cost, the sun's light shined through the area that used to be the ceiling of the cavern. Waves of power had shattered the stones in the wall, and collapsed the tunnels leading to all the doors but the one Samah held fast. High above on the surface venturesome Orcs stared down the lips of the crater that now sloped down to the thrown room, but there was to much fear in their hearts to slide down the fathoms deep hole to save their master. Tulkas had been knocked into a pillar, now dust, and had yet to rise from his stunned state. A bit of belated revenge from the dark god.
Melkor parried a thrust from Manwë, and in doing so put his back to the door, and to Samah. Something seemed to empty Samah's mind of his thoughts, and he suddenly stopped forcing the doors closed against the Orcish hoards, those brave/foolhardy enough to challenge the Valar to save their leader, letting them fling open the door. He jumped, putting his feet on the handle and letting the momentum of the door hurl him forward, flying through the air, sword in hand, screaming his battle cry. The cover on the Silmaril fell of, letting the pure light of the jewel shine down the length of sword as it sunk itself into the gap between the backplate and helm of Melkor's armor. The Silmaril let out a light so strong, so pure, so white that it drowned out everything else in the room.
The Silmaril(ship) carried the Valar upon it's back, it's flight breaking the boundaries of FTL by the power of Manwë and the Valar. The Silmaril(gem) shone brightly, and was joined by it's fellows as it left the atmosphere of earth.
Then the white surrendered to the blackness of space. The event horizon of a black hole filled the eyes of Samah, until his eyes erupted, flinging themselves into the Void. He was now blind, but lucky enough not to have any air in his lungs. As he started to black out, he felt the Valar speak, and then the heat from 3 lights upon his skin. They soon were tossed into the black hole on the back of the ship whose namesake was them, one of them stuck into the back of Melkor, the Morgoth.
Suddenly heat and air again pressed on him, one of the Valar had saved him from a nasty grave among the stars. Another mind's voice seemed to fill his head, that of Manwë;
“Peredhil (half-elf) , tell your peoples what I tell you now. Melkor the Morgoth is locked in the Black Star for the time being. If he ever gets out the Silmarils will be released, along with the one merged with your sword. That one will seek out you or your descendants, the others will go back to their old places under the Sea and in the Earth. The Black comes to retrieve you now, go quickly to the Lady known as Nerdanel(AKA Sirithril), and tell her all that she will need to know. Farewell small Peredhil, and good fortune. I hope that we will not need to meet again.”
Samah blacked out, and was carried a safe distance away by the Valar.
He awoke to find that he was being operated on by a robotic arm.
A<Vessel damage fixed, moving onto eyes>
C<Scans show nothing left, replacement only option>
B<Retract lids>
In a painful burst of light Samah saw again, but it was not the sight he was used to. His eyes showed him the power conduits, the internal structure of the arms operating on him. He cried out in pain.
B<Subject is awake, scans showing something in eye sockets>
A<Odd, light sensor picking off a diffuse glow from eye sockets>
C<There appears to be orbs of a glowing nature replacing his eyes... they show up only on visual scans>
A,B,C<Call Bill>
Bill Peters, The Black, entered the sickbay, noticing his charge was awake and sitting on the operating bed. His eyes were pure white, and glowing slightly. There was also a hint of a mist coming out of the outer corners.
“They were granted to me by Aulë, you have no need to be worried. We need to get to lady Sirithil's current position as soon as possible,” said Samah as Bill entered the room.
“You tell me not to worry, then you tell me to take us to Siri? Are you sure that you got those in the right order?” replied Bill as he activated the console next to him.
“They will let us through. Sirithil will need to know what I have to tell her,” Samah said as he lay down and went back to sleep. His right arm still felt a tingeing from where it had slid his sword into The Morgoth's back. Some form of energy had escaped along the blade of the sword, and his arm would never feel the same afterward. A stain on his hand was the only bit of Melkor outside the black hole. His blood now permanently stained Samah's hand, a reminder of the quest he had gone through. “How long was I out?”
“Reports have you being in space for about a month, but if we're correct it only seemed like an few minutes to you. Time-dilation with the hole and all. The battle with Melkor raged for about a week, according to our monitoring station. You done good kid.
“We moved the DNSs into a HVC (High-Velocity Cloud: mysterious clumps of hydrogen, up to 10 million times the mass of the sun and 10,000 light-years across, moving rapidly through the outer regions of the galaxy[sciam.com]) until we get some kind of reaction from Arda. Odds are we're gonna have to keep them there for a few months. At least the gas is providing them with all the energy they need to sustain themselves. They're pretty well cloaked in there, along with most of the fleet. Only the SLF(Small, Light, Fast) ships are still in contact with the outside universe.
“I gave the Valar a lift home while your were being operated on, they left a letter for you to read after you were awake, I'll retrieve it for you after you've slept.
“I need to go report back to command, you rest now.”
The real Apparition slid through the cosmos, carrying it's few charges back to Earth. It engaged it's cloaking systems as it neared the planet.
Samah soon woke again, a ancient-looking parchment next to him. It was covered in elvish runes, the kind usually found only on stone. He read over it, then read it again. The writing began to fade, until it disappeared from the page. Samah lay back in his bed, awash with the deep memory of the event just past him, and of it's effects on his mind and body.
None can go through a War of Wrath unchanged, it leaves it's marks on the Valar involved. Samah was the only mortal ever to be close to the epicenter of the War, and was certainly unique as the only mortal to end it. The letter told him what he was unsure of, and that was something for him to be very... interested in. Not scared, or even nervous, but interested. It was not a bad thing, nor was it a great thing, it was merely a thing for Samah to do with as he wished.
Melkor had bled upon him, and in the process, a tiny part of Melkor's knowledge and power had been passed to Samah. Not enough for Melkor to suffer any serious handicap, but enough to change Samah permanently. He was no longer truly a Peredhil, nor was he Maia. He was somewhere in between, somewhere in the shades of gray between the races of Men, Elf, and God. He retained the power of men to change the world with their too-much-butter-too-little-bread approach, but the power of the immortal races, with the too-little-butter-too-much-bread, still was awake in his blood. Awake in his blood also was the evil blood of Morgoth. It's evil would forever tempt him, try to bring him to the forces of evil in the universe.
He knew without knowing that he could travel back through the veil if he wished. He could forsake the mortal world that he lived in, forsake his friends and family, his country. Yet, something still called upon him to stay.
Samah sat in bed, his thoughts some level above what they used to be, but still orders of magnitude below even the lowliest Maia.
He was a creature apart from the rest of the races, a Changed. It is a rare occurrence that a new race is created out of a single member of an old one, rare enough that even the gods must pause in their path to take notice.
Samah never felt more alone in the universe. Even when he had been trapped in the warrens of Arda he had heard the sounds of the Valar fighting, and he knew them to be close by. Now he was the only member of a race. A touch of melancholy entered his system, he realized that no matter how many battles he now won, home was no longer the same for him. He lay back down in bed, and rested. There was little else to do but that. The audience with Sirithil would come in the fullness of time. Or in an hour and a half. Time was fickle about how full it was sometimes.
(Thanks to everyone that helped at one time or another with these posts. There were a lot of you. A special thank you to Melkor for allowing me to do this. Someday soon I'll write the Journey of the Valar, which will further explain everything left to vaugness here.)
(To the Nations of Arda, there will be people willing to sell the locations of the DNS-1, 2 for a price. I will await your retribution. My only request is that the DNS-1 survive the fight. And if you could leave the Apperition undetected so I can fulfill a promise to Siri, it would be appreciated.)
(This was posted late at night, I will edit later to fix any glaring errors that this is probably riddled with. I tried to get in touch with Melkor before this posting this, but he was smart and went to sleep. The thing at the top with Melkor probably isn't horribly true to the character that Tolkien created, but this Melkor has been though a very long time trapped in the stars, and would be loath to have that happen again.)