NationStates Jolt Archive

Lady Melyanna arrives, a new era beckons.

26-12-2003, 20:36
Melyanna's eyes opened slowly, lids rising to admit the light that would allow her eyes to gather what presented itself in front of her. A long, drawn out breath exhaled loudly from her deflating chest as she calmly shook the viel of weariness that had been her nocturnal companion only the barest of seconds ago.

With a delicate imperceptability, she brushed the loose strands of her hair that had slipped from her headcrown and obscured her vision so lazily. Satisfied she was as pristine as could be made possible, she rose to her feet. Below her feet the thrum of the anti-gravitic drive reverated through, reminding her of the technologies and forbidden acts allowing her to repel the laws of nature and take to the skies.

Her room was spartan, and she expected no less. A simple sleeping cot, and storage lockers were all that adorned an otherwise totally featureless box. She drew an almost content comfort from the irony that on such a technological marvel, she could well have been standing within the storage room of a residental home back within the borders of the Confederacy.

The name brought back the sadness that she had pushed down below the conscious level since she had left her home. C'tan now a distant memory fading and relying on only the constant recallment to offer it any hope of continuing. Melyanna crossed the short distance to the viewing window, and pulled back the light blue coverings that obscured it so. She took a moment to allow herself the adjustment to stare out into such darkness, and leaned.

Forboding storm clouds rolled towards her transport. She could see the subtle patterns of rain pattering down the smoothened hull, dropping on to the plexiglass that seperated her from the elements. She blinked in discomfort as lightning tore asunder through the cloudline, seeking out the soil and rock by which it might unleash its fury. Focusing her concentration she stared towards the limit of her vision.

Brooding mountains lay menacingly far away yet uncomfortably close and closing. Lightning danced at the peaks, tearing great rents into these aged wonders and forming new splinters that arched into the sky at angles that made her look away in confusion and fear. She reminded herself of where she sought, and found it so. Carved into the steeped side of the tallest mountain towers peeked out from the shadows. She used the lightning now as an aid and advantage, focusing as each flash allowed her to view the details convienently.

Malyanna was visibly taken aback. She had not imagined the structure as this, though she chided her foolishness. She had been frustrated in the lack of accessable information pertaining to Kaeneian culture, belief and almost anything linkable to the name itself. The architecture of the towers that rose above smaller, domed structures, ringroaded by paths of apparent stone reminded her of similiar, elvish work. As the gravcraft closed on her destination, she studied the beautiful collection of buildings in more depth, managing a smile at how welcoming they seemed.

Technology had never held her fascination, though her respect was as always forthcoming. She thought nothing even as the gravcraft began increasing altitude, carrying it ever closer to the blanket of storm-laden clouds masking the heavens from her view. Distance was a mere navigational component as the ship charged on, carrying its precious cargo towards the treacherious nothern wastes of Kaenei.

She returned her observation of the structures they were so close to now, as the gravship reached its maximum flight ceiling, and began slowing its approach. She was almost mute with interest as the peak of the building became visible, a shining spire that reached above the peak of the mountainside and seemed to her as almost a monument to the engineering ability of the Kaeneian people as it was a function or requirement.

The rain abated as quickly and suddenly as it had lashed down. Though the sky remained an angry tone it showed less likely to subject others to its harshness, instead mumbling its annoyance as thunder rumbled heavily around. Allowing her gaze to slip, she left the viewing portal. Her arrival was a mere few minutes away, and she was neither appraised nor worthy to leave her sorroundings. Opening the storage lockers, she began to pick through the clothing....

Killthanus replaced the glass to his desk, savouring the lack of flavour the water had at this altitude and location. Licking his wettened lips he brought his focus back to the paperwork that awaited his rubber stamping, his oversee and his thoughts. Killthanus found himself only grudingly willing to indulge the former two, and an absolute refusal to waste any creative energy on the latter. Pushing the stacked datanodes aside, he allowed himself to rise. Feeling the disconcerting crack of joints left idle and wasted too long. He aimed a glance at the chronometer patiently keeping track of father time, and bit his lower lip in thought.

Of the first, and the majority of the ruling Kaenei there were none. Gone and left, on a visit to the seat of Angelus, to discuss and converse recent events that had heralded the beginning of the Age of Ascent. A single star that shone in the Terran sky, a small bead of light that might be simply lost if his gaze drifted, was bustling with millions. Among those millions close friends and colleagues whose absence unsettled him greatly.

It was not often he was left as ruling first. Customarily it was frowned apon to leave someone without Citizenship in such a place of authority. But the rule of Caelistis had brought many changes, and a general movement away from dogged tradition and merciless, inflexible doctrine. Such was the end of the age of isolation brought about by new ideas and thinking, and not by following predecessors blindly and unquestionably.

He allowed himself a small grin. He took great pleasure in travelling Kaenei. Though he knew that the lands that bore his footfalls were not truly his own, and were but a holding from which he could dream and remember what was, his love held and was strong. Here now, in the Northern most, mountainous ranges of Kaenei, where land that was as flat as a paved street was as rare as the gold that old fables held was lined them, he loved.

Pushing through the durasteel exit door, Killthanus moved out apon the immense balcony that hung outside of the office he inhabited. placing his hands on the sturdy wall he gazed upwards at thr towering spire that cast its formidable presence over him, and almost seemed to leave him standing on the ground. lowering his gaze, he found the complete opposite. Solid walls stretched downards, peppered with viewing ports, and the occasional, outstreched balcony or tower. Beyond that, the rugged mountain free of influence or moulding stretched and rolled until it fade from his view.

Only a few short miles from where he stood, over the Guardian Mountains, Kaenei ended. Though her people and culture ended considerably further behind this, those twisted mounds of rock and vegetation marked the final territories that Killthanus now, was charged to protect and maintain. He was unable to sink further into thought and reaction before another presence behind him brought him back to reality.

"Minister, Lady Malyanna en' tel' Isilme arrives."

Killthanus nodded, already feeling his consciousness pulled into a new line of thought and intrigue.

"Thank you, have her shown here as soon as it is convenient."

Killthanus had been amazed by many things on Terra. When he had finally reached the age of revelation and learned of what exactly lay beyond the boundires of Kaenei, he knew he would forever be wondering. Of creatures more intelligent than four generations of his family combined, with the experience of a thousand tomes of the wisest libraries known to himself. Creatures that existed immortally, to wreak pain and suffering as they might drink wine and bread idly.


Such creatures fascinated, and begged in their own way the attention. Of lives stretching into the mists of time and disappearing from feasibility. Of a personality unsullied by the greed, selfishness and lack of compassion that so struck down many he saw on this globe. And now, the age of knowledge that did start for the second time in his short life would bring an Elf here, to Kaenei. Neverbefore had one set forth with the knowledge of himself within these borders. Not unwelcomed, but unknowing of what lay inside. As envoys, the most trusted and wise of those that lived and worked within Kaenei left to areas as hellacious as Arda, and as peacefully serene as the orbit of Titan. Still another answered the call to represent and speak for the Serene Union in all matters Elvish.

The possibilities were astounding, and Killthanus waited eagerly. Outside, the sky broke its truce, and rain lashed down once more.


To be furthured....

Lady Melyanna arrives, a new era beckons.
27-12-2003, 04:26
Melyanna shivered as she stepped from the ventral exit hatch, pulling her ornamental clothing tightly around her neck, vainly fighting the harsh winds that buffeted the spire topping landing pad. No sooner had her feet touched Kaenei for the first time than she frowned. Her gaze travelled across the spires that stood nearby, and in front of her. She scanned the doorways and viewing portals, she looked for the merest hint of movement.

The rain was her only company.

Feeling her tresses stick uncomfortably to the side of her head, she took a few short steps forward. She was disturbed to find herself jumping slightly in apprehension as the landing doors of the Gravcraft began its slow journey to seal once more. Turning her head back towards the nearest entryway she took once more a few small steps, before snorting her irritation.

"This is most unproffessional!" she irked, wiping her wettened brow with a silken cloth. She was about to contemplate returning to the tranquility and relative warmth of the transport when a lone figure appeared from the warmth of the structure. His movements seemed apprehensive, and above all nervous. Melyanna cocked her head, curiousity overriding her previous anger. She made no movements as the being closed.

Killthanus swallowed nervously. He had waited just beyond the doorway for almost four periods before moving for her, and he felt foolishness course through his thoughts. He did not enjoy being left at a loss, or struggling to articulate himself. It had taken a considerable amount of willpower on his behalf to finally snap out of his inapropriate state and motivate himelf.

His mutterings were lost, gone and forgotten as though a door to memory were sealed and ordered never to open again. He struggled to continue his walk. And slowed to a painful crawl. His eyes widened as he fought to believe what his senses fed to him. His lips parted, and it was only his sense of proffessionalism itself that quickly righted his demenour.


Her blonde hair cascaded and flowed down, stopping only short of her breast. Shining blonde that provided a stunning contrast to the gloomy bleakness that sorrounded her. The rain mingled with the impeccably brushed and styled tresses, lending an almost natural interference to her own personnel perfection. Emerald eyes stared, and he could not look away. Orbs of forest green that seemed to regard, disassemble and forget his own conciousness within an instant. Flawless skin, a creamy white that was neither unhealthily pale, nor unattractivley peach. The moonlight that shone from the Terran moon created a dazzling effect on the women that stood before him.

Pursed lips, a deep, fufilling red that was both enticing and warming at the same time.

Droplets of cold, harsh rain woke him from the affair and he quickly pulled a blanket of composure around his disordered thoughts. He could remember not how long he had stood before her, but his senses told him it was lesser of a time than had passed within his mind and thoughts.

"I am Killthanus, the minister for intelligence..."

Meylanna had watched the mysterious stranger approach. She had watched him, especially the telltale flickering of his eyes. It betrayed his deep thought, his internal struggles. Though she daren't intrude, and felt no wish to, her intrigue was piqued. His voice was a welcome breaking of the silence that had been her companion for what seemed like hours.

"Your appearance is welcomed by me especially. The rain...I cannot say I am exceptionally used to such torrential downpours. The Confederacy was not positioned or inclined to recieve them."

Gesturing towards the entryway, Killthanus offered shelter from the rain. It was all he could, to accelerate the conversation and move preceedings along. As she nodded, and followed he frowned. The feelings that had leapt into his heart and mind uncomforted him so. He felt yearnings that dare not speak their name. His cool exterior belied a raging internal struggle. Melyanna had been in his presence for barely a quarter hour and he could already see a path of fate unfolding that disturbed him greatly.

Rain gaveway to the dry, warm sorroundings of the tower complex. The decor was simple enough yet carried a hint of more and spectacular promise. The walls coloured a light blue seemed to exhude serenity, and peace. Overhead solitary grids cast a low, gentle but perfectly acceptable light apon the pair. As the two beings moved from one section to another, the lighting that they receeded from flickered out, providing the same energy needed to illuminate the section ahead. In this way, down from the starships in orbit to the corridors of Kaenei, was technology utilised in every facet of life.

Eventually, Killthanus reached the now encroached solititude of his temporary chambers. Before him, an aide sealed the large balcony windows, preventing the furious skies from reaching their inner sanctum through wind and rain.

The aide simply nodded as he passed his superior, though his gaze lingered almost hypnotically apon the Elf.

"His gaze was almost unsettling. Will I be unwelcomed here?"

A smile, the first in several hours flitted accross the young Kaeneian, and he took a seat behind the desk. Picking up his ornamental ink pen, a gift from a visiting dignitary long since passed from memory, he began tapping it idly against the woodwork. "You are the only Elf in Kaenei as of now, as of ten years ago, as of a century ago, and evermore."

His statement was simple, the effects profound. In the eyes of the aide, Melyanna had sensed an utter curiousity that belied believe. All betrayed through his eyes, feelings of mystery and intrigue, and more than a little fear of her. This did not sit comfortably with herself, though she did not attempt or motivate herself to make her feelings aloud. Killthanus watched as an emotion flickered through the features of the Elf. He had not a time to recognise or react, it disappeared under an impressive mask of serenity. Moving the subject onwards, he felt inclined to push for a few answers.

"Your willingness to come here is suprising. And your eagerness to become our Elvish ambassador frankly more so. Some whisper of ulterior motives, but I would simply like to know why."

Her lips pursed, and she considered this, an interest grown to a raging curiosity, how best to describe her reasons. She had studied afar, and was an intelligent creature. She knew of the wider world, and her role in it. She had always sought to expand her horizons beyond those laid down and drummed into her from an early age. More than once she had fallen pray to overeagerness to please, and her father had been less than pleased. But she was none the less a model of Elvishness, and she would be as short, and forthcoming as she could be.

"I like you am curious. It is mutually beneficial."

Her limited reply only served to heighten his interest, but he felt time for questioning would present itself later. Official duties were waiting and would not leave or be gone. "And now, it will be time for your inordation. There is much for you to explore, learn and understand of Kaenei. Some of it you will be introduced to, others will rely on you to make yourself known. I am ordaining you the title of ' Ooma a' tel' Tel'Quessir.'."

Melyanna nodded her head, translating instantly, "Voice to the Elves, an interesting and impressive use of our language. I would be eager to become as inducted to Kaeneian as you have to Elvish"

Killthanus's face dropped, his voice becoming audibly weaker. His voice a shadow of what came before, he avoided eye contact; "We have not spoken Kaeneian in its true form for many an age gone by."

Realising her error, she smiled reassuringly, placing a delicate hand apon his. Killthanus instantly felt his heart flare at this touch, the rapid beat increasing expodentially. Struggling to retain his faculties, he resisted the urge to withdraw, composing himself. "Come, there is much to show you."
The Ctan
27-12-2003, 23:21
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