I LUNCH MY N00KZ!!!!!!!!!
New Krutenia
26-12-2003, 04:44
The Monolith Builders
26-12-2003, 04:47
I'm dead.
Another n00b, another firing of the ignore cannon... :roll:
Damn spelling!
New Krutenia
26-12-2003, 04:52
must be unhealthy, eating all that uranium
26-12-2003, 05:47
HAHAHAHA! ME LUNCHES ALL MY N00Kz AT ME!! N00 KR00T3NIA! ALL NAT10Nz AR3 INVIT3D T0 DA BANQUET! EAT N00KS! I LUNCHED THEM!!! PL3AS3 COME!!! I hereby declare that you are an imbecile.
26-12-2003, 06:05
OH NOES!1!!!1!1!!11!!1
*Beats own head with stick*
*Say's, "what am i thinking?" and turns around and starts beating New Krutenia on the head*
26-12-2003, 06:15
And...well... How does one reply to this?
With 6 letters, my friend. I-G-N-O-R-E!
King Binks
26-12-2003, 06:32
You are proof that drugs really are bad. I never would have guessed!
The Xanthalian Ministry of Health and Safety wishes to advise everyone against eating nuclear weapons.
26-12-2003, 07:25
ooc: I don't get leetspeak. How is it any easier to type n00kz instead of nukes? It's the same amount of letters. Or 3s instead of Es. How is that any more convienent. Because if I am to understand leetspeak correctly, as it was explained to me, it developed as a way for PC gamers to communicate more quickly while playing games like Counterstrike. I don't get it. Can someone more "l33t" explain it to me?
King Binks
26-12-2003, 07:27
ooc: I don't get leetspeak. How is it any easier to type n00kz instead of nukes? It's the same amount of letters. Or 3s instead of Es. How is that any more convienent. Because if I am to understand leetspeak correctly, as it was explained to me, it developed as a way for PC gamers to communicate more quickly while playing games like Counterstrike. I don't get it. Can someone more "l33t" explain it to me?
Does the fact the numbers are higher up on the keyboard have anything to do with it? (I don't know, just wondering)
26-12-2003, 07:29
heres one, in leetspeak gay is spelled ghey.....thats one more letter.......why?
As far as i know 1337 speak was originally invented by gamers who use the WASD leys for movement. this allows 1 hand alway on the mouse and you then can use the other hand for movement, gear selection and chat without taking away from your aiming and shooting ability. i can type 1337 pretty good and i can comprehend it decently but i am not what you might call "1337" mainly cause i thin counter-strike is one of the dumbest games ever made. hope this helps alittle bit anyway.
Or if you are 1337'er than me....
@$ F4r 4$ I kNo\/\/ 1337 5pe@|< \/\/45 oR19iN4lLY i|\|V3|\|+3|) bY g@|\/|3R$ W|-|0 U53 T3|-| \/\/4sd LeyS for MoV3|\/|3nt. +hI$ 4ll0\/\/5 1 |-|4nd AL\/\/4Y 0|\| +H3 |\/|0u$3 @nd j00 TH3N cA|\| U53 +|-|e 0T|-|3R H@|\||) Ph0R |\/|O\/EMENT, G3@R $3L3c+i0|\| 4nd C|-|4+ \/\/I+|-|OuT +4k1|\|9 @\/\/4y PHrOM YOUR @I|\/|i|\|9 4ND 5|-|00t1|\|G 48ilI+Y. 1 c4|\| TyPE 1337 pRe+TY GOO|) 4|\||) 1 c4n C0mpREH3|\||) 1t |)eC3|\|+ly Bu+ i 4|\/| n0+ \/\/|-|@T J00 MIGH+ C4ll "1337" m4iNLY C@u$3 1 Th1n c0un+3r-5+Ri|<3 15 0|\|e 0Ph +h3 dU|\/|83$T G@me5 EvEr m4|)3. HoPE t|-|1s |-|eLp5 @L1+TLe BIT @|\|y\/\/4y.
King Binks
26-12-2003, 07:34
Or if you are 1337'er than me....
@$ F4r 4$ I kNo\/\/ 1337 5pe@|< \/\/45 oR19iN4lLY i|\|V3|\|+3|) bY g@|\/|3R$ W|-|0 U53 T3|-| \/\/4sd LeyS for MoV3|\/|3nt. +hI$ 4ll0\/\/5 1 |-|4nd AL\/\/4Y 0|\| +H3 |\/|0u$3 @nd j00 TH3N cA|\| U53 +|-|e 0T|-|3R H@|\||) Ph0R |\/|O\/EMENT, G3@R $3L3c+i0|\| 4nd C|-|4+ \/\/I+|-|OuT +4k1|\|9 @\/\/4y PHrOM YOUR @I|\/|i|\|9 4ND 5|-|00t1|\|G 48ilI+Y. 1 c4|\| TyPE 1337 pRe+TY GOO|) 4|\||) 1 c4n C0mpREH3|\||) 1t |)eC3|\|+ly Bu+ i 4|\/| n0+ \/\/|-|@T J00 MIGH+ C4ll "1337" m4iNLY C@u$3 1 Th1n c0un+3r-5+Ri|<3 15 0|\|e 0Ph +h3 dU|\/|83$T G@me5 EvEr m4|)3. HoPE t|-|1s |-|eLp5 @L1+TLe BIT @|\|y\/\/4y.</snip>
Whoa, its like the matrix! The words suddenly came to me!
26-12-2003, 07:35
As far as i know 1337 speak was originally invented by gamers who use the WASD leys for movement. this allows 1 hand alway on the mouse and you then can use the other hand for movement, gear selection and chat without taking away from your aiming and shooting ability. i can type 1337 pretty good and i can comprehend it decently but i am not what you might call "1337" mainly cause i thin counter-strike is one of the dumbest games ever made. hope this helps alittle bit anyway.
Or if you are 1337'er than me....
@$ F4r 4$ I kNo\/\/ 1337 5pe@|< \/\/45 oR19iN4lLY i|\|V3|\|+3|) bY g@|\/|3R$ W|-|0 U53 T3|-| \/\/4sd LeyS for MoV3|\/|3nt. +hI$ 4ll0\/\/5 1 |-|4nd AL\/\/4Y 0|\| +H3 |\/|0u$3 @nd j00 TH3N cA|\| U53 +|-|e 0T|-|3R H@|\||) Ph0R |\/|O\/EMENT, G3@R $3L3c+i0|\| 4nd C|-|4+ \/\/I+|-|OuT +4k1|\|9 @\/\/4y PHrOM YOUR @I|\/|i|\|9 4ND 5|-|00t1|\|G 48ilI+Y. 1 c4|\| TyPE 1337 pRe+TY GOO|) 4|\||) 1 c4n C0mpREH3|\||) 1t |)eC3|\|+ly Bu+ i 4|\/| n0+ \/\/|-|@T J00 MIGH+ C4ll "1337" m4iNLY C@u$3 1 Th1n c0un+3r-5+Ri|<3 15 0|\|e 0Ph +h3 dU|\/|83$T G@me5 EvEr m4|)3. HoPE t|-|1s |-|eLp5 @L1+TLe BIT @|\|y\/\/4y.
Hmm. That makes sense I suppose. I still maintain that it will be the downfall of literacy in the world, however.
26-12-2003, 07:37
i r n07 7H47 1337!
As far as i know 1337 speak was originally invented by gamers who use the WASD leys for movement. this allows 1 hand alway on the mouse and you then can use the other hand for movement, gear selection and chat without taking away from your aiming and shooting ability. i can type 1337 pretty good and i can comprehend it decently but i am not what you might call "1337" mainly cause i thin counter-strike is one of the dumbest games ever made. hope this helps alittle bit anyway.
Or if you are 1337'er than me....
@$ F4r 4$ I kNo\/\/ 1337 5pe@|< \/\/45 oR19iN4lLY i|\|V3|\|+3|) bY g@|\/|3R$ W|-|0 U53 T3|-| \/\/4sd LeyS for MoV3|\/|3nt. +hI$ 4ll0\/\/5 1 |-|4nd AL\/\/4Y 0|\| +H3 |\/|0u$3 @nd j00 TH3N cA|\| U53 +|-|e 0T|-|3R H@|\||) Ph0R |\/|O\/EMENT, G3@R $3L3c+i0|\| 4nd C|-|4+ \/\/I+|-|OuT +4k1|\|9 @\/\/4y PHrOM YOUR @I|\/|i|\|9 4ND 5|-|00t1|\|G 48ilI+Y. 1 c4|\| TyPE 1337 pRe+TY GOO|) 4|\||) 1 c4n C0mpREH3|\||) 1t |)eC3|\|+ly Bu+ i 4|\/| n0+ \/\/|-|@T J00 MIGH+ C4ll "1337" m4iNLY C@u$3 1 Th1n c0un+3r-5+Ri|<3 15 0|\|e 0Ph +h3 dU|\/|83$T G@me5 EvEr m4|)3. HoPE t|-|1s |-|eLp5 @L1+TLe BIT @|\|y\/\/4y.
Hmm. That makes sense I suppose. I still maintain that it will be the downfall of literacy in the world, however.
I dont doubt that but it was the easiest language to learn. my old boss wanted everyone to be bilingual so i picked 1337(he never knew it wasnt an "official" language, he thought it was from europe so i got away with it). he wasnt real bright if you can tell. my other reasons for learning it was
1) argue with idiots in their native tongue
2) in a few years it could replace several major languages by population (like more people speaking 1337 than english) so i wanted to get ahead of the game.
26-12-2003, 08:45
dipshit elimination cannon fired: 2B potatoes at Mach 30
I advise against reading this, it is unsafe, you would be safer walking around with a scorpion in your pants, or jumping out of a plane with no parachute.
26-12-2003, 09:38
Stop taking good nation names damn it. And if you lunched your nukes, what the heck kind of gas are you going to have from it.
The Most Glorious Hack
26-12-2003, 10:50
Don't feed the trolls or Homsar will beat you.