Merry Christmas To All Nations
Merry Christmas to all nations that celebrate it. And good cheer to those who don't.
Kazaksthania your present will be arriving at your port very soon.
On the first day of christmas Kazaakisthan gave to Kazaksthania;
One Arbalan-class Supercarrier a carrying.
On the second day of christmas Kazaakisthan gave to Kazaksthania;
Two defiant class... carriers defying.
On the third day of christmas Kazaakisthan gave to Kazaksthania;
Three Los Angeles 688 Class SSN's a sailing.
On the forth day of christmas Kazaakisthan gave to Kazaksthania;
Four Cruisers a cruisin.
On the fifth day of christmas Kazaakisthan gave to Kazaksthania.
Five EM-5 Typhoon patrol boats a patroling.
Merry Christmas
25-12-2003, 12:28
the queendom of paruparo
would like to extend her greetings and felications to all nations who
are celebrating christmas or hannukah or just celebrating!
i would like to invite all of you to visit my queendom and savor our native delicacies like the preserved sparkling butterflies glazed in strawberry jam served together with mango-carrot shake.
i hope that we may all have strong friendly bonds with each other and help each other to achieve world peace!
25-12-2003, 12:31
Thanks KZ.
We know you ahev received your presents too.
We wish a merry christmas to all nations...even DT :lol:
Merry christmas!! Ho! Ho! Ho!
" Be on the lookout for a fat man in the colours of red for he is classified as extremely dangerous. Members of this cult can be recognised once a year during the 25th of december, where they will leave cookies and milk on a table near the fire place and usually have a shrine consisting of a tree and items underneath it. Such peoples are to be hunted down without mercy to prevent this occasion from spreading however it would be preferable to do it quietly and without attracting attention. The fat round man has been consistently engaged with AA guns but it appears that he has some sort of barrier fields. The latest radar technology is unable to detect him so it is believe that he is some sort of high demon mage, able to distort time for he delivers 'gifts' to those of the faithful instantaneosly. He climbs down chimneys and no matter what the size, he can change his bodily form, and such places are often booby trapped with c4 explosives and frag grenades to take him down. May he be destroyed to prevent further corruption of our peoples".
Classified Document
25-12-2003, 13:25
we saw three ufo's come landing in
on midwinter's day
on midwinter's day
we saw three ufo's come landing in
on midwinter's day in the morning
every shape and form was there
on midwinter's day
on midwinter's day
every shape and form was there
on midwinter's day in the morning
a mellow and gratifying midwinters day and the waxing of spring to one and all
and may blessings and good fortune grow with the waxing of the year
and not fade with the fallowing fall