24-12-2003, 00:20
Salisbury paced around the ornate mahogany table. Ever since the British two party system collapsed this dawning age of the Super Party seemed increasingly ominous. Assembled before him were some of the finest politicians in the land. Campbell- Bannerman, Lloyd George, Gladstone, Parnell, Peel, Gray........
The list was endless but Salisbury's temper wasn't. He slammed his fist onto the table causing a sherry filled glass to crash to the ground:
" We need to be noticed. We need to get onto the ladder that leads to power and knowledge."
Gladstone promptly interjected,"Everything takes time. Our power will grow steadly. Let us deal with our home issues for now such as the insurgency in Dover..."
Salisbury sank into his seat and gazed into the window and out into the world,"Our time will come."
The list was endless but Salisbury's temper wasn't. He slammed his fist onto the table causing a sherry filled glass to crash to the ground:
" We need to be noticed. We need to get onto the ladder that leads to power and knowledge."
Gladstone promptly interjected,"Everything takes time. Our power will grow steadly. Let us deal with our home issues for now such as the insurgency in Dover..."
Salisbury sank into his seat and gazed into the window and out into the world,"Our time will come."