Xanthalian defense spending doubles.
Faced with a deficit of almost one trillion dollars after its recent improvements, the Xanthalian Ministry of the Armada and Military applied for and recieved a 100% boost in funding for the next ten years. With over $1.6 trillion dollars more to spend annually, the Ministry says that it will research improvements and new technology to make the Xanthalian Armada the most powerful fleet in the galaxy. Lofty claims aside, the Military and Armada will doubtless benefit greatly from this huge (though temporary) boost in funding.
Despite our good relations, you should not doubt we shall always try to keep the Armada Royale as close to your level as we can, no offense or anything, just security, all that stuff.
Note: That's a mighty big deficit.
OOC: Well, I needed to RP some kind of boost in funding after doubling the size of the Armada and adding nine million soldiers to the military. Besides, with all the technology improvement projects going on with us now, a deficit was inevitable. The cash to increase the Defense funding will come mostly from the government's reserves, but the Ministry of Education will provide about $10 billion of it annually; they have a freaking huge surplus (take that USA!).