NationStates Jolt Archive

The Socialist Federation - A new region

Aztec National League
22-12-2003, 19:46
If you are anti-marxist/socialist/communist nation, please be kind and go up to your naivgation bar on you internet web browser, and press back to go back to the NS forum. Please have an nice day.

For those who believe in marxism/socialism/communism:

Hello all nations under the red banner, the Aztec National League has formed an new region for marxist/socialist/communist nations. This socialist federation allows your nation to be as independent as it wants to be, yet once we get more members, have allies to protect or support you if need be. There is no mandated government style exepct that your nation must be marxist/socialist/communist. If you have an interest in this region, please contact the ANL via telegram or simply reply to this post. Thank you for your time, may peace and prosperity be in The Socialist Federation, your nations and all the world.

-Dr. Darius Wellington
USSANL Foreign Affairs Minister
22-12-2003, 20:26
22-12-2003, 20:26
just out of ooc curiousity, any particular reason you're starting a new region rather than moving to the ACA?
Aztec National League
22-12-2003, 20:31
Well, I got tired of the problems in the West Pacific and I did not know of the ACA. ACA=Anti-Capitalist Alliance?

My region is still looking for members.
Aztec National League
23-12-2003, 01:44

If you join today, I'll throw in this amazing offer:

Aztec National League
23-12-2003, 01:59
Alright, I give up. I'm going back to the West Pacific. I hate being lonely.

If you want the land, it's up for grabs. It's free and from what I know is full of resources.
imported_White Lotus Eaters
23-12-2003, 04:03
It isn't just the ACA - there are at least half a dozen socialist/communist regions. Check the sticky thread by Tactical Grace at the head of the forum, very helpful categorisation of medium to large regions.

As delegate of the Urbanites ( region I would of course recommend our allies in the Mutual Assistance Pact: Alliance of Socialist States, and The Proletariat Coalition.

OOC: Seriously, I don't think I'd have half as much fun either in one of the huge feeder regions, or in a tiny place. Mind you, it's not the size of your region, it's the way you use it ...

23-12-2003, 13:26
yes, the ACA is the Anti-Capitalist Alliance, and i mentioned it coz a lot of guys from the 3WSC (like Xikuang) are in the ACA. no biggie.
Catholic Europe
23-12-2003, 13:39
Hey, join the Middle East! :D