CEP gives Tordor the Boot.
After Declaring Tordor to be too friendy and not not extremely hostile enough to enough in its Cold War relations towards Synchronized, the CEP gave the boot to Tordor. They also gave the boot to Romania and Italy. The CEP also turned over the Colony of Tirah and the orbital colony to those three nations calling it them a waste of time when they could be preparing for war with Synchronized for when ever it attacks. In reponse Tordor, Italy and Romania have formed the Tirah Colonial Allaince. This Triad Allaince is dedated to the three nations continuing the colonization of Tirah and the continuing of the mining of the Metal Gerexi that is so imporant in the building of fast sleek space warships.
OOC:Daemon is likely dancing for joy if she could, Synchronized's organized foes have split and the parronid extremists remain in the Pact.
[Offical Announcement from Synchronized]
{"On behalf of The Lady I will make this announcement which is a quote... HA HA HA HA! i knew you couldn't even come together to so much as cook dinner much less hold a Cold War with a Collective Society of any kind." I am inclined to agree with The Lady."}
Daecon: Advisor to The Lady and
High Priest of The Church of The Word
There Is Only One, And The One Is Daemon
The Dominion of Synchronized
OOC:Accursed server, doublepost.
We were merely removing removing the dead weight nations that were impeding our Cold War plans with their moderatism, the rest of the CEP is still here and we will continue the Cold War.
~CEP Counsl Mohammad Hamar.
Oh up yours. You bloody Extremists. Go get your selves destroyed.
~Tirah Colonial Allaince triconsul Threpes