NationStates Jolt Archive

Revalations: Project Augmentation

21-12-2003, 07:24
The room darkened so that the only light was the projection on the wall.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. There have been rumers flying around Branches of the Government about this and that secret project."

A Rummbling filled the room as the people of the room figured that they were about to hear something concreat.

"It's name is Project Augmentation. Though it started as a study into the feasablity of altering the human genome, it became something much more than that.

As some of you know, there have been humans with extrodinary abilties around for years. Our own G.P Jee Leng Tan is one of our Strongest of these naturally enabled humans. Another of the strongest is his Son, Lt Hong Gui Tan.

Due to research in that direction, and generous donations from other Enabled individuals, we've established that the Enabling Gene, as we refer it, is a Autosomal, or non sex-linked, trait. Also, we now know, though it was hypothosised before, that it is a recessive trait instead of a dominant one. Though I'm sure we've all met enough people in our lives that don't have a clue that proves this without any reserch."

A wave of chuckles swept the audiance.

"Anyways, after we had managed to isolate the Enabling Gene, we tried to splice the gene into a modern human embryo. The result was a failure. The child was born without any sort of mental powers. Months of reserch followed the experiment and it was soon found that more than one gene went into forming those that are Enabled.

Here's were the heavy science part starts and were I'd start to lose about 99% of the people here. So, instead of making all of you feel like dumbasses, here's a metaphor. See, the Enabling gene is like one of those twist switches you sometimes see for lights. The more you turn the switch, the brighter it get. For normal humans, the switch is stuck on very low. For naturally Enabled Humans, the switch seems to fall somewhere between High and Very High.

Infact, before we started our human experiments, we thought that the switch only had two settings and that all we needed was to find the Gene to turn it on.

By the time we found that other gene, the Flick Gene if you will, and we did another experiment with a Human embryo, we found out how wrong were were about the two settings."

The man in the front of the room paused to take a breath.

(OOC: Questions? comments?)
Communist Rule
21-12-2003, 07:35
OOC: I have a question....can I buy a couple 'o EMP bombs from you...? :lol:
21-12-2003, 07:38
OOC: I have a question....can I buy a couple 'o EMP bombs from you...? :lol:

OOC: rofl, EMP bombs? I don't have any, ^^;; sorry, but if you pay me 3 billion dollars, I can get you a nifty Adiamante Wrench that can survive re-entry and, when it hits the ground, can make a nifty crater
Communist Rule
21-12-2003, 07:42
OOC: Neat.
22-12-2003, 01:14
As the man paused to take a drink, the packed room seemed to shuffle. Though it was not a secret government meeting, neither was it open to the general public or press.

Of course, people can sneek their way into anything now-a-days.

The man finally continued.

"The second test done on a human embryo showed us something remarkable. The "Switch" if you would, was turned neither to very low or very high. Instead, it seems that an artifical turn of this gene alowed only a setting of "medium".

Children born with the switch turned by man could not contact each other via telepathy and only showed a weak ability to move objects.

However, it was soon discovered that, when working with another Enabled child, Man-enabled or Naturally-Enabled, their powers seemed to increase exponentially. Two man-Enabled children could pick up a 5kg weight. Three man-enabled children could pick up a 20kg weight. 4 could pick up a 50kg weight, and on and on.

Another surprising development was the discovery, through an unfortunet incident, that when a Enabled Child has accses to a power generator, it may proform great feats of Psychic ability. These Feats, of course, stress any generator being used, but we've adapted several that can be used for long periods at a time.

There is one more ability that is inharent to only those Naturally Enabled that those Man Enabled can not do. It has been found that a Naturally Enabled person is able to speed up his own movements and increase his strength to a certine degree.

We do not yet know if there is any corralation between the Strength in Enabled powers and the Strength in ability to "Step Up" as various Enabled Children have coined it."