I nuked Paris, I nuked France...(Serious Story/RP)
19-12-2003, 18:13
OOC1: ATM, this is but a story, but soon enough will turn into an RP...
August 6, 2003
The blip on the primitive radar unit appeared sudenly, snapping hte operator to attention. "Sir, we have a contact!" the operator shouted, grabbing the attention of his superior. The blip shook, faded, and refocused again and again. The retrun was weak, but still there.
"Where is it? Can we identify it? Is it one of ours?" he asked, huriedly.
The radar operator pinpointed hte location, and tried, on several frequnecies, to get a response. "No response sir, I dont htink its one of ours."
The commander of the radar station, now very woried, began looking through manifests and reports. No scheduled flights. "What is its range?"
The radar operator toyed with his machine a few more times. "Two hundred and three mile sir, closing slowly."
"Do we have anythign in the area to intercept?"
"The Sea Wind sir, a smaller carrier, it has maybe a squadron or two of Zeros."
"Very well, alert them, and vector them to intercept."
The Pacific Ocean
Eight minutes later
The large bomber ploded along at a liesurely 138 knots, an a steady course heading that, in less than two hours, would intercept with Japan. The crew of the silver B-29 kept their eyes open, scannign the sky for anything that wasn't Allied. Nothing. No Zekes, no Tonys, no Jacks. Nothing.
"Its a bit quiet out there, not right," the pilot said, checking his instruments. He was almost expecting the plane to fall apart from under him, ripped to shreads by Jap pilots. "Can I get a check?"
The responses fromthe gunners all came back clear. Nothing at all. The pilot sighed.
The Sea Wind, Pacific Ocean
Two minutes after message transmit
The captain of the Sea Wind looked over his instructions. An inidentified aircraft, possibly a bomber based on its speed of approach, had been spotted by radar, and he was to send out some fighter to intercept. "Major Matuski, ready your squadron. I have a mission for you."
The younger pilot, who had been standing in the captain's quarters for the past three minutes nodded. "Hai." Jiro Matsuki was a squadron commander for the Japanese Imperial Navy, a pilot of one of hte finest fighters in the world. He looked out towards the flight deck, where crews were readying his squadron's six A6M Zeros, or Zeke to the Allies.
Fifteen minutes later, he and five other men sat in the ready room, looking over the intercept map. "You are to pick up and identify an unknown craft on an intercept course with the homeland. It is quite possibly a friendly transport having radio troubles, but it could also be a bomber or fighter wing. Once you have identified and picked up the contact, radio back for insutructions. Understood?" The six pilots nodded.
Ten minutes later, the last of the six fighters lepped from the deck of the Sea Wind. They banked, forming up into a loose echlon.
Five Civilized Nations
19-12-2003, 18:19
19-12-2003, 18:47
((Heh, I like your alternate reality you've spun for yourself, Kajiraki, well, what I've read of it, anyway. TG for you!))
19-12-2003, 18:57
B-29 Superfortress over the Pacific
One hour from feet dry
The tail gunner whittled away at the piece of wod, which was slowly comming to resemble a P-51. Every few minutes, he peared ou his view screen, lookign for anthign that could threaten the bomber. He had the firepower of two .50cal machine guns and a 20mm cannon at his figertips. Enough to rip any Japanese fighter to shreads.
Meanwhile, the flight engineer walked to the window, looking into the bomb bay. The large white bomb sat on its harness, ready to bring destruction to the choosen target. Total destruction. The bomb had the ability to whipeout an entire city, appearently some sort of space age explosives. Atomic, the engineer had been told. He shrugged.
Sage Squadron, Over the Pacific
Three minutes from intercept
Aichi was the first to spot the high flying bomber, and he radioed Jiro. "Sir, 11 o'clock high, there it is." The Zeros were flying at 10,000ft, using the sea to hide the fighters.
Jiro made the call. He had intercepted many of these bombers before, and was positived of its i.d. "This is Sage lead," he called back to the carrier. "We have identified the aircraft, it is an American B-29. Request orders?" He manuvered his plane to left, and then banked right, puting him on a dead intercept course with the B-29, flying at a safe 25,000 feet.
The voice came back crackly, but clear. "Sage lead, we copy. Orders are to destroy enemy bomber."
Jiro replied a confirmation, and then radioed to the rest of the squadron. "Loose cover. Aichi and Kata, come with me, hte rest of you stay here and provide cover."
Jiro nudged the throttles forward, and the other two fighters formed on his tail. He pulled the stick back, and began a climb towards the B-29.
B-29 Superfortress
The navigator was the first to see it. The dark green fighters blended in well agianst the sea, but the meatballs, as they were called, stood out on the wings. "Fighters, looks like Zekes," he said, pointing out the small dots now rising up to meet them.
"Right," the pilot responded, keying the mic. "All gunners, look out. We got bad guys, looks like three of them comming to us. Zeros."
The sound of the gun turrets being manuvered to pick up the fighters was drowned out be the sound of the four engines pulling the bomber along, although the pilots knew the gnners were doing their job.
The tailgunner just crossed his fingers that they came from behind. Otherwise, all he could do is stare out into the sky, and hope that the airmen in front of him were doing their job properly.
The Silver Turtle
19-12-2003, 19:02
19-12-2003, 19:17
((You've got TG, Kaji. I also have a question. Didn't you say that someone rose to power and halted the atomic bombings of Japan?))
19-12-2003, 19:35
Sage Flight
Jiro's Zero banked hard, and then rebanked, S-Turning to line up for his attack run. He knew how to stay out of guner's sights on B-29s, and he had taught the men in his squadron how to do so. He let the poweul radial engine pull his fighter into position, less then a mile to the port side fo the B-29 on a perpendicular intercept course.
Aichi came in on the other side, faster, carresing the throtle and stick to line up on an angled course with the B-29. However, he came in to fast, and was to close to the bomber. He shoved the stick right, banking down and away, but it was to late. Fifty caliber shells streaked out from the dorsal and ventral turrets, the red tracers followed by the gunners in the rear cabin.
Jiro was out of range of the other guns, but he could see Aichi fly right into the shells. The Zero's biggest weakness was a lack of self sealing fuel tanks and armor, and Aichi soon learned the problem first hand.
The rounds slammed into his fighter, ripping the wing from the fueslage, a fireball explodign from the side of the small fighter. The plane was engulfed by flame as the other wing tank exploded.
B-29 Supperfortress
"Good Kill!" the copilot shouted, looking out through the window as the fighter exploded. There were two more in the air, but right now, that was less than there were before. However, the gunners had trouble taking on the other two fighters. One approached over the wing, just feet out of the envelope of the guns.
The bomber shuttered as the 7.7mm rounds from the two nose guns of the Zero slammed into the heavy B-29, walking across the side of the bomber. The fighter banked away, and shot out behind the Superfortress, looping up in order to avoid the sting of the tail guns.
"Crap," the tail gunner shouted into the mic as he watched the tracers pierce the air harmlessly behind the fighter. He strained to look out around to find the fighter. He never saw it come from the side, where it sent another stream of 7.7mm rounds into the bomber, impacting in the tail, killing the gunner.
Sage Flight
Kata smilled as the rounds ripped into the tail, and held down the fire button as he continued to climb, sending rounds ito the tail of the bomber. He banked away hard, and then came to a parrelel run with the bomber. He shot along side it, comming out in front, dodging the deadly .50 bullets.
Jiro used the sudden destraction to his advantage, and banked right slightly, linign up his fighter with the side of the B-29. He selected a full gun fire, and closed in.
With a little more than 200 yards seperating him and the B-29, he squeezed the fire trigger, and sent the rounds into the Superfortress. Two .50 machine guns, two 20mm cannons, and two 7.7mm machineguns spat forth red tracers, the force of the gods. He walked the fire along the side of the bomber, spraying it with rounds, and turned hard as he past the tail, and lined up again.
He wanted to make this run count, as he wanted to spend as little time in gun range of the B-29 as possible. It wouldnt matter as un beknownst to him, the gunners had been killed in his first pass.
B-29 Superfortress
'Fire' lights flashed and screams could be heard over the mic as the two fighters pounded the B-29. One of the runs had disabled one of the control surfaces, as the pilot wrestled with the rudders, trying to hold steady so that the gunners could get shots on the Zeros.
It was to no avail, as the screams that followed the last pass told the pilot that the gunners were indeed dead. He began to advanced teh throttles, he had a plan. He pushed the control stick forward, and hoped to dive through the attack.
It wouldn't work as, all of the sudden, the bomber went into a hard turn. Another alarm went off, warning the surviors to eject.
Sage Flight
Jiro's last fly by was succesfull. THe rounds streaked into the tail beam of the bomber severing the aft of the bomber from the body. He smiled as the plane began its descent towards the sea, spinning wildly. He would share this victory with Kata, and Aichi, whom the gods had taken home.
"Sea Wind, this is Sage Flight. Bomber is destroyed. We are one fighter light, returning to base. Over."
OOC: Next post will possibly be the start of RP...
19-12-2003, 19:36
((You've got TG, Kaji. I also have a question. Didn't you say that someone rose to power and halted the atomic bombings of Japan?))
Yeah, but I kinda changed my mind, lol. Its an alternate reality story with a what if the bombings never happened, and the Nagasaki bomb got into the hands of the Japanese. Its also my revertion to WWII technology, I've decided I'm gonna RP the full developmetn of my nation from WWII to present day to the future.
19-12-2003, 19:37
Sweat story. Tagged.
Thanks. I knew that creative writting class was good for somethign.
19-12-2003, 19:46
((You've got TG, Kaji. I also have a question. Didn't you say that someone rose to power and halted the atomic bombings of Japan?))
Yeah, but I kinda changed my mind, lol. Its an alternate reality story with a what if the bombings never happened, and the Nagasaki bomb got into the hands of the Japanese. Its also my revertion to WWII technology, I've decided I'm gonna RP the full developmetn of my nation from WWII to present day to the future.
((Ah, that makes sense. Creative idea, I like it. I don't want to try something like that, though, as my nation's history starts during Feudal Japan, and I've seen that medieval battles don't work too well on Nationstates.))
19-12-2003, 20:20
OOC: Another creative writer! Yay! Nice story. Mind if I join in once the RPing starts? My nation is almost entirely psionic but you are doing a good enough job re-writing history as is. :) Again, nice job!
19-12-2003, 20:58
OOC: Not quite an RP yet, lol, trying to figure out how to turn it into one. When it gets started, it'll be open for hte most part. Cyberutopia, I was gonna go all the way back, but considering my nation really doesn't go back beyond WWII (Before that, it is the same history as Japan), this was where it really gets intresting.
1600 Penslyvania Ave.
11:13pm EST
The aide panted as he sprinted hard through the hallways. The report he carried was of utmost importance, and even if he had to wake the boss, he would do so to get the message through.
As he rounded the corner, two men in suits held out thier hands. "Sir, the President is sleeping, you cant go..."
The aide didn't let them finish. "Priority message from the Pacific," he said, taking deep breaths in between each word. He pushed past the men, and walked into the room.
A man slid out of the bed. Harry S Truman pushed his glasses on as the man began talking huridly. "Slow down," he ordered, taking the sheet. He read it, and stumbled back towards the bed, the piece of paper falling from his hands.
The bomber he had ordered to drop an atomic weapon on Hiroshima had been intercepted. He swore under his breath. The scenarios flodded him. What if they had gotten the weapon from the wreckage? What if they had known aout the attack? Spies? What if they had the weapon, and planned on using it on troops in the pacific? He sat on the edge of the bed.
"Get the staff in here," he said, reaching for a glass of water next to his bed.
Imperial Palace, Tokyo
6 hours after the interception
Empress Ryoko Kajiraki, leader of the peoples of Japan, looked at the report. A lone B-29 had been intercepted by a squadron of A6Ms, and shot down. Lone. That scared the Empress.
She knew Americans could be crazy at times, but to send a lone bomber out was beyond her comprehension. She had spoken with her council, and was now wondering what they had up their sleaves. The battle in the Pacific had slowly been going south, and she knew that the arogant Germans were being well pounded, but the war had yet to be won.
After a moment of further contimplation, she spoke. "I would like to meet the squadron leader who intercepted this bomber, and issue new orders. Any bombers found flying alone are to be forced down intact enough so that the wreckage can be examined."
She grabbed an ink pen and piece of paper. The report had told of one of hte pilots being shot down. She would write a letter to his kin. "Further, save Tokyo being attacked by a giant dinosaur, the Americans landing on Honshu, or an allied surrender, I owuld like to reamian undisturbed for the next thirty minutes."
19-12-2003, 21:29
((When you open this up, I think I will join. This has good promise, and it is feasible our nations would be allied during this time, yes? I think I know where you're going with this, too...heh, that's pretty evil of you.))
19-12-2003, 21:42
OOC: Cyberutopia, you seem to know Kajiraki a lot better than I do. Why do I have a feeling that it's a good thing I like Japan....? :D But definately count me in on this once it's open! Like I said already, my nation is entirely psionic and has dragons for a national animal. If you need a "real-world" location for it, somewhere in Southeast Asia or the Phillipines.
19-12-2003, 22:18
19-12-2003, 22:18
((Yeah, perhaps we think alike. :) Psions are always fun, but I wonder how that'd work in WWII...oh well. Another TG for you, Kaji))
Lunatic Retard Robots
19-12-2003, 22:18
Somewhere off the coast of Hokkaido
Colonel Leonid Ostrushko nudges the controls of his Be-3 seaplane to the right, brining it within view of the Japanese coastline. His copilot gazes out the window at Hokkaido, watching for any interceptors or shore batteries. The old beriev skirts the coastline, dodging gun emplacements when they appear. The nose gunner peppers away at the odd fishing boat when in range, either sinking them or seriously damaging the wooden vessels. The aircraft's mission was to patrol the coastline for potential threats to the invasion, slated for a week away.
"All waypoints reached, comrade colonel."
The navigator calls out the aircraft's position.
"We are approximately eight kilometers from the northern end of Hokkaido, headed west, comrade colonel."
"Thankyou, Dimitry. Time to return to base."
The seaplane turns north, twoards soviet territory. As it flies home, it passes a very large number of ships, and thats not even in port yet. Destroyers and patrol boats are sighted as the beriev heads twoards its base in the southern islands which come off of the Kamchatka penninsula.
Somewhere in the southern islands of the Kamchatka penninsula
The engine of a motorcycle can be heard not far in the distance, heralding the coming of a courier. Outside the headquarters of the invasion force, the courier stops his motorcycle. Saluting the two gaurd at the door, he rushes inside.
"Comrade general! Orders from Moscow!"
"Well, open it up boy!"
The general remains seated through the entire scene. The courier reaches for his knife and slits the envelope open. He hands its contents to the general.
"Ah, I see Comrade Stalin is growing impatient! Colonel!"
"Yes, comrade general?"
"Send word to all commanders! Tell them to have their men embarked and ready to sail! Tomorrow, we set foot in Japan!"
The masses of infantry are loaded onto their troopships and barges, which move out to sea. Soon, a massive flotilla has gathered, gaurded by destroyers and patrol boats, flying the flag of the soviet union. The flotilla grows larger and larger, until the entire first wave is embarked. Then, at painstakingly slow speed, the invasion force heads for Hokkaido.
19-12-2003, 22:32
In a small cave in the mountains of Hokkaido
An aide approaches three men conversing together near the mouth of the cave. He hands a letter, worn from the touch of many hands, to one of the men, a grizzled looking general who takes the letter and reads it in deep concentration for a moment.
"Our spies have confirmed the soviets' intentions, they plan to invade Hokkaido. Sadly, our agent disappeard shortly after passing on this letter." He tells the other two in a deep voice.
"They know Hokkaido is the least reinforced part of Japan, but they have not taken into consideration the terrain." Another states. "The soviets surely have ammased a large army, and that will be hard to move around in the dense mountains of Hokkaido. We can trap the communists and starve them of supplies. We will let them enter, and then deny them every option they could use to get out. We cannot assume we shall be sent reinforcements, however. The terrain works against us, too."
The other two nod, and split up, to organize their plan with their own men,
Lunatic Retard Robots
20-12-2003, 00:05
On the lead invasion barge, Colonel Ivan Strogoff stands at the very front of the vessel, PPSH submachine gun clutched in both hands. He commanded the 35th infantry regiment, which saw action during the darkest days against the germans. The flotilla approaches the shore of Hokkaido, and suddenly the barge's pilot cuts its motor. The T-34 on the barge next to his almost falls into the water when it stops. Then the bombardment starts. The destroyers pound away with their cannons, and howitzers back in soviet territory also have a hand in the bombardment. Overhead, a flight of Pe-2s heads twoards the japanese coastline, laden with bombs. He watches as they dive down upon suspected japanese positions. If the whereabouts and size of the soviet attack were known, the element of surprise was all they had in their favor. The bombardment continues, unrelenting, and then starts to lessen. He notices how the shell explosions on the beachhead become less and less. Then, the colonel hears what he had been anticipating for almost three months. A patrol boat co-ordinating the landing arrives at the head of the infantry and tank flotilla. An officer with a megaphone calls out to the barge pilots.
"The landing is go! Move inward to your beachheads!"
The barges move twoards the beachhead, gaurded by patrol boats. After what seems like an eternity, colonel strogoff looks over the bulky wooden sides of the barge to see hokkaido looming before him, as big as he had ever seen it.
"GET DOWN!!!!"
A hail of small-arms fire emenates from the area around the beachhead. The patrol boats fire back with their machine guns and cannon, and troops on the barges fire their weapons at the japanese positions as well. All around him, troops fire on the japanese positions with their standard issue rifles and PPSH machine guns. A Yak-9 soars low over the invasion flotilla, machine guns peppering away at the defenders of Hokkaido. From his right, he sees the black hulk of a destroyer racing along in front of the beachhead. Its cannons spit fire at the japanese defenders from close range, and the destroyer just barely misses beaching. Colonel strogoff can hear the bullets ricosheting off the destroyer's hull as it moves away to his left. When he again looks up, he sees the beach! Not 100 feet away!
Whistles sound, and the first few barges make contact with the beach.
Troops pour out of the barges around him, and he hears the desiel engine of a T-34 start up. He blows his whistle and charges over the wooden sides of the barge, to land waist-deep in freezing water. His troops follow him, and they charge up the beach. Such is the ferocity of the russian attack that they reach the defenses on their first try. The russian PPSHs allow troops to lay down a blanket of fire on the japanese trenchline while moving at full attack speed. The russians jump into the japanese trenches, and quickly overwhelm the defenses. The lack of japanese hand-held automatics was a weakness easily exploited.
Lets hope the rest of the invasion is this easy, he thought as hordes of screaming infantry, their bayonets flashing in the sun, charge up around him.
Pe-2 bombers inbound over hokkaido.
20-12-2003, 01:17
After the short battle, an eerie silence hangs over the beachhead. No swarm of Japanese infantry bursts from all directions, no tank cannons boom. It is as if the Japanese merely packed up and left. In reality, countless ambushes lay in wait all over the island, quiet as mice. There was only one passage open from the beach deeper into the island. The other valleys had been blocked up with rocks sent tumbling down the mountain sides. The high sides of the cliffs rose up before the Russians, staring down at them coldly.
High up on that very clifftop, Private Matamutai Shikogu clutched his Type 38 rifle closer to him, as if to ward the cold from him. He poked his head over the ridge. Yes, the Russians were still there. The words of his seargent were still thrumming around in his head.
"We shall make them pay with 20 men for each meter they take. We will strike like hornets, lightning fast to inflict great pain on the communists. The dirty Russians shall NOT take one step without meeting the fircest resistiance we have to offer!"
Matamutai would follow those orders to the word, he pledged, and hope to see the rising sun one more time.
Lunatic Retard Robots
20-12-2003, 01:42
After the short battle, an eerie silence hangs over the beachhead. No swarm of Japanese infantry bursts from all directions, no tank cannons boom. It is as if the Japanese merely packed up and left. In reality, countless ambushes lay in wait all over the island, quiet as mice. There was only one passage open from the beach deeper into the island. The other valleys had been blocked up with rocks sent tumbling down the mountain sides. The high sides of the cliffs rose up before the Russians, staring down at them coldly.
High up on that very clifftop, Private Matamutai Shikogu clutched his Type 38 rifle closer to him, as if to ward the cold from him. He poked his head over the ridge. Yes, the Russians were still there. The words of his seargent were still thrumming around in his head.
"We shall make them pay with 20 men for each meter they take. We will strike like hornets, lightning fast to inflict great pain on the communists. The dirty Russians shall NOT take one step without meeting the fircest resistiance we have to offer!"
Matamutai would follow those orders to the word, he pledged, and hope to see the rising sun one more time.
The colonel does not like what he sees. Cliffs- high cliffs. Only one road- not good. He stands on the beachhead, pondering. A private runs up to him with a radio.
"Comrade colonel! It's the beachmaster! They want to know if you're ready for the next waves."
"No, no. Tell them to hold off the next waves. All troops! Back to the barges!"
The infantry re-boards the barges and heads a few hundred meters back off-shore, just out of the range of japanese machine guns. In place of the landing craft, however, there emerged the hulks of several russian destroyers. They move in close to the beachhead, and line up along its width. Cannons and machine guns point upwardsat the cliffs. The colonel did not want to take any chances.
The destroyers let loose a barrage of fire at the clifftops. Under this barrage, the infantry remounts the beachhead and moves inward. The naval fire keeping the defenders' heads down, the infantry has a chance to move inland a small distance. Gaurded by T-34s and all manner of armored vehicles, the infantry push inland very slowly. Sturmoviks prowl the skies over the infantry. It would be unwise for the defenders to unmask their position in the presence of these flying tanks. But what the defenders don't realize is this attack is just part of a much larger attack. While the destroyers bombard the clifftops, a group of more than one hundred lizunov transports soars high overhead, flanked by Yak-9s. The lizunovs soon reach their drop zone, a small patch of flat, open farmground behind the beachhead. The lizunovs approach, and soon the sky is full of silk. Paratroopers descend behind the main defence lines. These troops were no strangers to mountain warfare, having fought in the Caucasus in 1943. The first few patratroopers land, and quickly detach themselves from their parachutes. Armed with PPSH submachine guns, as well as light support MGs, they make for the nearest town.
Meanwhile, more troops are poured into the beachhead. And there were still many more waiting on the shoreline. The japanese have limited manpower. The russians do not, and they know this. Tanks and armored vehicles proceed along the road, wary of ambushes. But they knew for that every tank they lost, there would be two more replacing it. The japanese could not overwhelm like the russians could. Formations of Sturmoviks and Pe-2s prowl deep into Hokkaido, destroying infrastructure and laying waste to troop concentrations. Transport between Hokkaido and the mainland was virtually cut off by the hammer of Frontal Aviation.
The russian troops push inland as hard as they can, supported by their tanks and aircraft. Destroyed vehicles are pushed off the road and the advance continues. Colonel Strogoff knows that death awaits him inland, but he also knows that staying on the beachhead would be condemning the entire invasion. Regardless of losses, the advance must press on!
As he completes that thought, a sturmovik flies overhead and fires its 20mm cannon into a group of formerly attacking japanese troops.
A sturmovik on the prowl over Hokkaido
20-12-2003, 02:09
Matamutai scampered away from the cliff edge as he sighted the planes in the air. He huddled under a rock, and waited for the deafening roar of the cannons to subside. He looked around quickly, and saw the others of his squad doing the same.
As the paratroopers hastened to get out of the open field, sniper fire peppered their position, always from a different direction. The Russians would soon learn that the defenders of Hokkaido were masters of gurellia combat. A massive soviet army could never withstand constant lighting attacks, just like a cow is too slow to dodge the enraged hornet's sting.
Lunatic Retard Robots
20-12-2003, 02:51
Matamutai scampered away from the cliff edge as he sighted the planes in the air. He huddled under a rock, and waited for the deafening roar of the cannons to subside. He looked around quickly, and saw the others of his squad doing the same.
As the paratroopers hastened to get out of the open field, sniper fire peppered their position, always from a different direction. The Russians would soon learn that the defenders of Hokkaido were masters of gurellia combat. A massive soviet army could never withstand constant lighting attacks, just like a cow is too slow to dodge the enraged hornet's sting.
Annoyed by the sniper fire, the paratroopers call in the heavy artillery. Sturmoviks napalm the entire hillside. They aren't monkeying around with this one.
The cannon fire continues almost unabated. After several hours of constant barraging, the fire stops. And infantry gets to the clifftops. Troops armed with submachine guns and rifles soon cross over the top of the cliff where Matamutai and his squad hid. They charge up the last few feet of the hill the moment the cannon fire stops. A Yak-9 buzzes over the top of the hill in advance of the infantry. Ivan strogoff is among the infantry to take the hill. They find japanese troops behind several rocks, and they are either shot or dragged out by the russian troops. Colonel strogoff comes across Matamutai, and points his PPSH to the young private's head. He yells at him in russian and gestures with his free hand to get up.
20-12-2003, 03:15
Matamutai scowled at the Russian man. He was yelling something, like he owned this island already. The young Private knocked the submachine gun aside and threw his weight into the Colonel, leading with the butt of his rifle. He jabbed the heavy weapon from the side, aiming for the man's temple.
Several of the snipers' screams can be heard as they are engulfed in flames, and a few burst out of their hiding places, trying in vain to pat out the fire. They eventually fell to the ground, charred black, if the Russians didn't shoot them out of mercy. Others escaped and continued their fire. A machine gun opens fire, spitting hot lead at the paratroopers, who still haven't escaped the vulnerable patch of farm land.
Lunatic Retard Robots
20-12-2003, 03:33
Matamutai scowled at the Russian man. He was yelling something, like he owned this island already. The young Private knocked the submachine gun aside and threw his weight into the Colonel, leading with the butt of his rifle. He jabbed the heavy weapon from the side, aiming for the man's temple.
Several of the snipers' screams can be heard as they are engulfed in flames, and a few burst out of their hiding places, trying in vain to pat out the fire. They eventually fell to the ground, charred black, if the Russians didn't shoot them out of mercy. Others escaped and continued their fire. A machine gun opens fire, spitting hot lead at the paratroopers, who still haven't escaped the vulnerable patch of farm land.
The rest of the soviet troops are soon on him. After they drag him off the colonel, smash his rifle on a rock, stripped him of anything he had that would be offensive, and tied his hands and legs, the colonel gets up, recovers his machine gun, and orders the private to be brought back to home port. Several troops bring him down to the beachhead and load him onto a patrol boat. The patrol boat heads back to headquarters, bringing its valuable cargo with it. The patrol boat sailors keep the boat's 20mm cannon trained on him the entire time.
At the landing zone, several paratroopers fall to the ground dead or badly wounded. The paratroopers return fire with their PPSHs and light machine guns. One paratrooper throws a smoke grenade in the vicinity of the MG, and that attracts the attention of the Sturmovik flight. The sturmoviks come in low and fast, and fire on the MG emplacement with 20mm and machine gun rounds. The paratroopers advance under the cover of the sturmoviks, hurling grenades into MG posts and using their SMGs to great advantage over the bolt-action japanese.
The soviet columns continue to advance. T-34s rocket down the mountain roads, firing on everything that moves. The expenditure of ammunition in the first few days of the invasion is enormous.
Meanwhile, at the port of Wakkanai, all seems tranquil and quiet until the grey hulks of soviet destroyers appear on the horizon. They move into the harbor, and soon start firing on the port facilities and the town in general. This episode is repeated on most of Hokkaido's cities. After the bombardment, sturmoviks strafe and bomb, and then soviet marines land aboard fast motor launches and secure the ports for infantry landings. Soon, the fourth and fifth waves of soviet infantry are being deployed on the island. The total invasion force exceeds the D-day invasion by at least half. The russian forces take heavy losses, however, but they always have. Although stinging hornets may be annoying, they do not penetrate the bear's thick fur.
What does this thread have to do with Paris or France? When I first saw the title on the side bar, I thought it was some crazy righty bashing France.
20-12-2003, 04:20
OOC: LRR and Cyberutopia, slow down just a bit, not quite ready for the RP. Also, Shasta High School, if your willing to stick around and watch for a bit, you'll see...
Imperial Palace, Tokyo
August 8, 2003
Lars Hauptman stood at rigid attention. He hated the fact that he, a pure bloiod German, one of God's selected master race, had to bow down to the slant eyed pigs. He was the wlaking poster child for Himmler's Aryan dream. At a slight over 6'3, he had a muscular build, and light blonde hair. His deep, baby blue eyes completed tha package.
And here he was, bowing to a Japanese dog. Actually, it was, as he had said many a time before, a Japanese bitch. The slant eyes were as bad as the Jew, and he wondered why Der Fuher een put up with them.
The enemy of mine enemy is my friend. "Your Imperial Highness, I've been sent on behalf of the textile industries of Germany. It has come to our attention that you are in the process of finishing negotiations with the nation of Iansilse in order to purchase steal and oil. We wonder why."
The Empress looked down on the man. She had read his letters home, and knew how he truely felt. "Mr. Hauptman, I do what I do in the best intrest of the Empire, and with RM&M selling us steal and oil cheaper than what you do, it is only in the best intrest to buy from them. Also, your transports have become unreliable, at best. The Americans and Soviets are knocking on your door, and in many places German military operations are failing ot the point of embaressment. We wont have that problem with RM&M."
"But, your highness, the Iansisleanians are..."
She quickly cut him off. "Your enemy? Yes, I know that they, as well as the Walmingtonians are blasting you as well, but that is not my problem. Just because you are falling ot the enemy doesn't mean we will as well."
"But nothing. In fact, I tire of your games. I wish you out of my sight, and should any of my gaurds see you in Tokyo, I'll have your head. I know what you say to your beloved Hitler, and what your reports are when you speak to Himmeler. You disgrace me and my people. I should have you killed now, but I show restraint. Begone."
Gaurds quickly surounded Lars, and lead him out of the palace. He went back to his hotel room, and packed his bags. He swore under his breath, cursing the Japanese, and grabed a cab to the airport.
Somewhere Over the Pacific
Sunup, August 8
Jiro looked out the window as the sun broke the bonds of the ocean, and the deep red glow touched the sky. He smiled, feeling warmth radiate from the burning star, and he walked out to the flight deck. He ran his hand along the wing of his fighter, checking to make sure everythgin was loaded well, and all maitenence was done properly.
His squadron, now a man short, was going to fly a scout mission over the area where the B-29 had been intercepted two days ago, and look for anythign else. They would then radio any finds to the forward air observation post, who, using radar and radio comunication from Jiro's squadron, vector a flight of Ki-61 Hiens in to intercept.
Jiro looked back out over the water to the rising sun. He too wondered why the Americans had decided to send a lone bomber out on a misison, with no cover at all, but accepted it. He walked to the mess hall where he would eat before briefing his squadron.
German transport over Tokyo Bay
12:12pm Local Time
The heavy radial engines pulled the modified bomber into the air, out towards the Pacific. THe pilot would then ank, and fly along a preplanned course back to Berlin, where Lars would make his report.
However, every now and then, plans fail, and this was no different. As the aircraft banked, it shuddered, and lost speed. Instead of climbing up and to the right, it was now diving to the right.
The pilot wrestled with the controls, trying to pull out of the dive, but to no avail. The last thing Lars saw before the bomber hit the water was a single Ki-61, a Japanese built version of the Bf-109, fly over the burning mass that was once his transport. He died on impact.
20-12-2003, 21:50
((All right, the Soviet invasion is on hold for now, I guess.))
21-12-2003, 22:30
OOC: This is what happened during the Russian invasion. I'll wait to post more when you're read to continue the RP. How do you get bold letters (stupid question, I know).
Somewhere in the South Pacific
Alexander looked up from the reports on his desk as a knocked sounded on his office door and a young woman stepped inside. She carried a manila envelope under one arm and looked like the only thing keeping her awake was caffeine and adrenaline.
“News, Penelope?” asked Alexander, giving the woman his full attention.
“Yes, sir,” she replied. She opened the envelope and dropped the small stack of papers she pulled out onto Alexander’s desk while summarizing its contents. “The Russians have invaded Hokkaido. Reports are still coming in but it doesn’t look good.”
“There is nothing we can do for the Japanese yet. Send the Empress a message asking if she needs reinforcement. What of the Americans?”
“They have ignored our message to turn back. The destroyer and three transports are still heading towards us.”
Alexander sighed. “How long will they deny that we exist and are a soveriegn nation?” A pause. “Where are they now?”
“They just reached the Sea of Glass, sir.”
“The water in that area is calm and there are islands nearby. Send two wings of Zephyrs. I want the ships disabled with a minimum of casualties. We’ll pick up the survivors for interrogation a little later. Add a note in my message to the Empress. Inform her that we will keep the Americans occupied in the Pacific as long as possible so she can deal with the Russians.”
“Zephyrs, sir? Do we really want the Americans to know we have the capability to build jets?”
“The Germans have already exposed the Me-262A. What difference does it make now?”
Penelope nodded and left.
OOC:Wish I could join in but my nation was under Soviet rule until the Soviet Union collapsed
Manilla, Headquarters for Allied Operations- Pacific Command (PACCOM)
The map of Hokkaido was covered in red and white flags, pushpins, model boats and pencil markings. The Americans were watching the Soviet attack on the Empire of Japan with intrest. General McArthur was watching with disgust. "If the damned bureaucrats in Washington would just quit taking this crap from the Reds and give us the go-ahead for the invasion," he remarked to an aide, "we'd be in Tokyo by the end of the year!" McArthur crumpled up the dispatch from Washington, the one that told him to wait another fourty-eight hours untill the invasion, and threw it into a wastebasket. He uttered a final oath and stormed off to the restroom.
22-12-2003, 02:06
Somewhere over the Pacific
August 8, 2003
The Zeros of Sage flight seemed to hover around the B-29. THe gunners owuld have opened fire if one of two things happened. They became unconfused of why the Zeros weren't opening fire, and if the Zeros moved into the envalope of their guns.
"What the hell is going on, why aren't they shooting?" the captain asked, looking out his wndows to watch their movements. He keyed his mike, he wanted to know where the P-51s where.
The Mustangs would have been there if it werent for the sudden atack from Bf-109s. Well, the pilots thought they were Bf-109s, but in reality, the Japanese fighters were Ki-61 Hiens, based on the 109 platform. The six Mustangs fought valiently, but it was no hope, and they fell to the three squadrons of Hiens.
The pilot of the B-29 was getting worried. He watched as one of hte Zeros, Jiro's flew infront of the large bomber, and slowed. There was something odd under the wing, it didn't look like a bomb. Suddenly, a puff of smoke, and then the B-29 shuddered.
The pilot panicked. At first, he thought air mortars, designed to break up bomber formations. He frantically wrestled with the controls, pulling and pushing the yolk and throttles, and the co-pilot pressed on the rudder peddels. But somethign was wrong. Nothing responded.
In the cockpit of the Zero, Jiro too was worried. He hoped that this gadget he had been given would work. He removed his left hand from the throttle, and placed it on the small joystick sitting on his left knee. He gently pushed it forward, and then looked out behind him. The large Superfortress nosed down slightly. It worked. Jiro slowly pulled the joystick back, and the B-29 nosed up.
The Radio Control Module that was fired from one of the other Zeros dug into the spine of the B-29, interupting the fluid flow that would control the B-29's flaps, alerons, and rudder. The small transmitter fired from Jiro's Zero attatched to the RCM, and allowed him to control the B-29's movements.
Succes, Jiro cheered in his mind. "Tokyo control, this is Sage lead. We are one Superfortress heavy. What are the orders?"
Jiro didn't hear the cheers at Tokyo control, but he knew they were there. "Sage lead, bring her in to Dragon Point, excllent job"
OOC: Yeah, its a little hard ot believe, but hey, thats why its fiction and creative. Also, Dragon point is a fictional base located on Honshu where I'm testing the fictonal A15M Tora, the Japanese version of the Me-262.
22-12-2003, 02:06
Somewhere over the Pacific
August 8, 2003
The Zeros of Sage flight seemed to hover around the B-29. THe gunners owuld have opened fire if one of two things happened. They became unconfused of why the Zeros weren't opening fire, and if the Zeros moved into the envalope of their guns.
"What the hell is going on, why aren't they shooting?" the captain asked, looking out his wndows to watch their movements. He keyed his mike, he wanted to know where the P-51s where.
The Mustangs would have been there if it werent for the sudden atack from Bf-109s. Well, the pilots thought they were Bf-109s, but in reality, the Japanese fighters were Ki-61 Hiens, based on the 109 platform. The six Mustangs fought valiently, but it was no hope, and they fell to the three squadrons of Hiens.
The pilot of the B-29 was getting worried. He watched as one of hte Zeros, Jiro's flew infront of the large bomber, and slowed. There was something odd under the wing, it didn't look like a bomb. Suddenly, a puff of smoke, and then the B-29 shuddered.
The pilot panicked. At first, he thought air mortars, designed to break up bomber formations. He frantically wrestled with the controls, pulling and pushing the yolk and throttles, and the co-pilot pressed on the rudder peddels. But somethign was wrong. Nothing responded.
In the cockpit of the Zero, Jiro too was worried. He hoped that this gadget he had been given would work. He removed his left hand from the throttle, and placed it on the small joystick sitting on his left knee. He gently pushed it forward, and then looked out behind him. The large Superfortress nosed down slightly. It worked. Jiro slowly pulled the joystick back, and the B-29 nosed up.
The Radio Control Module that was fired from one of the other Zeros dug into the spine of the B-29, interupting the fluid flow that would control the B-29's flaps, alerons, and rudder. The small transmitter fired from Jiro's Zero attatched to the RCM, and allowed him to control the B-29's movements.
Succes, Jiro cheered in his mind. "Tokyo control, this is Sage lead. We are one Superfortress heavy. What are the orders?"
Jiro didn't hear the cheers at Tokyo control, but he knew they were there. "Sage lead, bring her in to Dragon Point, excllent job"
OOC: Yeah, its a little hard ot believe, but hey, thats why its fiction and creative. Also, Dragon point is a fictional base located on Honshu where I'm testing the fictonal A15M Tora, the Japanese version of the Me-262.
Lunatic Retard Robots
23-12-2003, 02:31
Vladivostok, Soviet Union
In the port of vladivostok, several covered aircraft are readied for transport. They look just like propeller fighters, but with one major difference- they had no propellers. Unbeknownst to the dockhands, they were actually mid-stage prototypes for the MiG-9 jet fighter. The VVS command ordered the MiG-9 rushed into production as soon as possible. Although a good design, soviet bureaucrocy had overlooked several major problems in order to get them to the front as soon as possible. The main problem were the jet engines. Adapted from captured german examples, the engines still had many of the problems their german counterparts faced. As such, the pilots of this first squadron of 15 MiGs could often be seen staring nostalgically at the Yak-9s and Sturmoviks currently being used on the Hokkaido front. As well as this, proper cannons had not been installed yet. The MiGs bound for the Hokkaido offensive would be armed with whatever they could find at the base.
The MiG airframes are loaded onto a cargo ship bound for the main soviet base on the Kamchatka peninsula. However, this ship sails with unusual escort. Two destroyers and a flotilla of patrol boats escort it along its destination.
Somewhere off the coast of Honshu
A small periscope peeks out from below the waves of the pacific. It is S-232 of the soviet navy. The small submarine had doged antisub efforts all along the japanese coast, allied and japanese, to get where it was. Rumor had it that the japanese were attempting to develop a jet fighter, and S-232's job was to confirm this. Also, it was ordered to destroy any german submarines that it encountered. So far, it had destroyed a trawler with its deck cannon and attempted to torpedo a junk, without success.
23-12-2003, 03:27
((It'd be awesome if we could drag this alternate WW2 out long enough to bring in the heavier use of jet fighters the generals dreamt of. :D Oh, and Kaji, the Japanese did make a model of the Me262, called the Nakajima Kikka.))
Somewhere In The Depths Of Hokkaido
The same grizzled general that had recieved the waning of the Russian invasion looked at the complex system in front of him. No less than three dozen rough holes had been bored into the granite. Dark, rocket like shapes could be seen inhabiting each of the holes. For now, they were silent. If they got the chance, however, they would spit glorious fire onto the Russian's own sacred soil. If...
Elsewhere In Hokkaido
As the Russian tanks barreled down the narrow mountain canyons, shedding the protection of the infantry. The armor advance soon ground to a halt, however, through Japanese cunning. Concrete "Dragon's Teeth" were laid into the roads, that would break tank tracks if they tried to get over them. When the tanks stopped and the crews got out to move the concrete pyramids, Japanese infantry would surround them and slaughter the lightly armed crews before stripping the tanks of anything useful and then destroying them. Other times the Russians would come upon minefields that caused heavy casualties if care was not taken to deactivate them. Even more demoralizing, infantry regularly stumbled into poisoned panji pits, causing horrendous wounds. Nothing was spared to halt the Russian momentum.
as the general looked on, the first 12 fighter wing of Jagear Jet fighters took off and aligned themselves in the direction of Japan. Java had allied with japan, and Japan had authorized them to land there aircraft on the japanese mainland during training missions. they would land to refuel at bases in sumatra, veitnam, and korea before finally flying the last stretch to mainland japan. soon, more of the experimental fighters would be built and commisend into the airforce and navy.
23-12-2003, 08:18
OOC Only: Cyberutopia->Yeah but it was horibly underpowered cuz of hte engine. This version has the smae engine off the Me-262.
Everyone else-> You mihgt not want to start attack Japan yet, as I have a twist being written out right now, and it would look bad if you attacked an ally, especially a nuclear armed ally...
Lunatic Retard Robots
23-12-2003, 23:42
The soviet forces at first take heavy casualties from these ambushes, but soon get wise to them. The air above Hokkaido was now filled round-the-clock with soviet aircraft. It was unlikely that somewone standing outside for more than half an hour would not see a flight of sturmoviks or hear the deep rumbling of soviet artillery or naval gunfire.
A line of T-34s and infantry-carrying armored trucks drives toward its objective down a mountain road. After a short while the lead tank spots a set of dragon's teeth. The tank sports a radio antenna, but before the commander even gets on the radio a pair of sturmoviks can be seen circling the convoy. The tank commander calls them in, and they start to dive towards the forest on the sides of the road. Tracer trails can be seen emenating from the craft's machine guns and cannons, which are fired into the waiting japanese infantry. Napalm is also used, and firey swaths can soon be spotted on the mountainside. Infantry climb out of the trucks and rush to remove the obstacles, under the cover of their machine guns aboard the tanks and trucks.
The contingents of troops landed at Hokkaido's ports quickly secure the cities (in short bomb them to rubble) and prepare them for landing the bulk of the russian troops. Destroyers and patrol boats prowl up and down the coast of Hokkaido, destroying or capturing any ships foolish enough to try and set sail, as well as bombarding shore targets. Sturmoviks soon have the entire road system covered day and night, making ambushes very dangerous. At night, sturmoviks painted black and armed with air-launched rockets attack anything that moves. Trains, convoys, and boats are all fair game. The orange trails of the soviet rockets glow brightly in the night as they speed toward their targets. Infantry clears out mountaintop fortifications one by one, taking heavy casualties but leaving few of their enemies alive. Flamethrowers are used in this effort, spitting fire into the mouths of caves and bunkers. Again, the PPSH submachine guns are used to great effect over the long japanese bolt-action weapons. However, the going is still slow. Although estimates of 'within the week' and 'tank crews have reported to be in sight of honshu' were broadcast back to stalin and the polituro in Moscow, the field commanders knew that barely a quarter of the island was in firm russian control. Until the rest of the invasion force could be landed, the soviet forces on Hokkaido would have to continue their direct assault.
Off the coast of Honshu, the S-232 slowly surfaces, hoping to remain hidden to the coastal defenders. Only the conning tower peeks out above the waves. The captain and several other officers ascend to the top of the conning tower, and gaze at the japanese coastline with high-power binoculars. However, the sound of aircraft is never far off. In fact, it seemed to be getting closer. The captain turns to his righ and sees- lo and behold- the silver shape of a B-29- as well as several greenish spapes which were identified as Zeros.
The captain and the other crewmen climb back down into the submarine, which quickly submerges.
"Flank speed to home port!"
"Aye, comrade captain!"
The submarine heads back to vladivostok at maximum speed. The VVS had barely completed its studies of the B-29s landed in Vladivostok, and here are the japanese with a B-29 of their own! There was a rumor circulating about in the VVS high command that the americans had developed some kind of super-bomb with which to end the war against japan. If this B-29 was carrying such a device........ the VVS high command tried not to think about it.