Islamic Ummah Invites Friends Ambassadors and Investors
Bismillah A'Rahman A'Rahim
Al-Salam Aleikum,
After a long and concerted efforts by several Muslim nations to revive the Unity project, and after the succesful establishment of legal governmental and civic institutions that facilitated the streamlining of inter-governmental mergers, the results of popular referenda in the respective countries, have paved way to the revival and reformation of the Federation of Al-Ummah Al-Islâmiyyah.
The Amir of the Faithful, the Khalipha Abdul-Rahmân III, would like to announce to old friends and allies, as well as to the Community of Nations, that the doors of Al-Ummah Al-Islâmiyyah are open to forge new friendships,
and revive old ones, in the fields of research, trade, culture and defense.
Furthermore, we invite old friends to express to us their view of past events that may be of significance, to our budding national unity.
Furthermore, let it be known that we remain committed to honour the Alliance of the Templars, if any of its members survive.
We also remain committed as an upstanding nation, against injustice, imperialism, terrorism (real or fake), and belligerence.
We intend, inshallah, to revive our auto industry, and pursue a vigorous Defense Industries Initiative, one which welcomes investors and developers from around the world to participate, especially in the field of Cybernetics, and the Hive Project.
Inshallah, we await any signs from old friends.
May we meet in the Name of the Almighty and on the level,
and part on the square.
Sheikh Speare,
Qâ'emqâm of Foreign Affairs
Grand Federal Council
1 Abdul-Rahman Sq, Foreign Affairs Qa'emqamiyyah
Seven Minarets City
Federation of Al-Ummah Al-Islamiyyah
19-12-2003, 10:46
OOC: Speaking as a mod, next time you use a picture that big as a signature, I'm going to hurt you. Shrink it. Sirithil, the Game Moddess
Bismillah A'Rahman A'Rahim
Al-Salam Aleikum,
Furthermore, let it be known that we remain committed to honour the Alliance of the Templars, if any of its members survive.
The Templars are still here in the form of Celeborne and myself. And we still carry the name with pride.
The Vortex Corporation Daiamid Council
Corporate Coalition
Templar Alliance
”We bring new worlds to Life”
19-12-2003, 10:57
OOC: I...U... The same person?? Crazy. Welcome back then. Try to show a little restraint this time and not go crazy.
The Templars are still here in the form of Celeborne and myself. And we still carry the name with pride.
The Vortex Corporation Daiamid Council
Corporate Coalition
Templar Alliance
”We bring new worlds to Life”
Go Templars! :wink:
OOC: I...U... The same person?? Crazy. Welcome back then. Try to show a little restraint this time and not go crazy.
IC: So is Forumwalker sending an ambassador to IU? :lol:
We will send you an ambassador to represent the interests of La Duchée D'Auvergne in your nation. We are also looking for development opportunities. Perhaps our two nations can cooperate on trade and industry.
Duke of Auvergne & Grand Marquis of Franconia
Technocratic Republics
19-12-2003, 15:54
Although our mutual relations with the now dissolved Islamic Ummah were severed by the wrong acts of the last one, we attempted until the last moment to maintain correct diplomatical interaction.
Now, seeing it as a different nation, we expect it to berhave in a different, more correct way. And, since we are men of rational acting, as we expect the Al-Ummah Al-Islamiyyah to be, we are whilling to send an ambassadorial corp in order to open relations once more.
Irkas et Kalibura,
Overseer of International Affairs
19-12-2003, 16:30
OOC: Like the guys headgear TR :)
DGNT is happy to see that you have returned, even though I do not remember you, probobly left before I joined up.
Oh well...DGNT will send a representative. Just 'cause.
OOC: Speaking as a mod, next time you use a picture that big as a signature, I'm going to hurt you.
OOC: Well, he's lucky. :)
19-12-2003, 18:19
We the nation of rockfort would like to express our good nature with all nations by sending a team of delegates and hope that this will be the start of a good relationship.
Secretary of State.
Bismillah A'Rahman A'Rahim
alSalam Aleikum,
UI would like to announce that it is pleased and honoured to receive the Diplomatic missions of the Grand Duchy Auveirgne, Technocratic Republics, Dontgonearthere, and Rockfort in Al-Ummah Al-Islamiyyah.
A reception will be held at the Khalipha's Palace in the Capital City, Seven Minarets.
Sheikh Speare,
Qâ'emqâm of Foreign Affairs
Grand Federal Council
1 Abdul-Rahman Sq, Foreign Affairs Qa'emqamiyyah
Seven Minarets City
Federation of Al-Ummah Al-Islamiyyah
Bismillah A'Rahman A'Rahim
alSalam Aleikum,
UI would like to announce that it is pleased and honoured to receive the Diplomatic missions of the Grand Duchy Auveirgne, Technocratic Republics, Dontgonearthere, and Rockfort in Al-Ummah Al-Islamiyyah.
A reception will be held at the Khalipha's Palace in the Capital City, Seven Minarets.
Sheikh Speare,
Qâ'emqâm of Foreign Affairs
Grand Federal Council
1 Abdul-Rahman Sq, Foreign Affairs Qa'emqamiyyah
Seven Minarets City
Federation of Al-Ummah Al-Islamiyyah
Drakonian Imperium
20-12-2003, 01:21
The Drakonian Imperium remembers the days of the former Islamic Ummah and would be glad to reestablish contact with the new Al-Ummah Al-Islamiyyah. While we and the United Emirates ( differ on Al-Ummah Al-Islamiyyah's anti-imperialist policy we agree with all the other listed policies of this reborn nation. We would be glad to send a diplomatic team to build strong the ties of the past.
To new allies, and old ones!
Drakonian Diplomatic Corps.
located in Drako Throne,
capital of the Grand Dominion of Drakonian Imperium
21-12-2003, 14:33
OOC: Welcome back !!!
The Celestial Republic of Celeborne Welcomes your return and are ready to assist you in anyway we can. To reopen relations with you and as a sign of good will we will share all of our extensive information on cybernetics with you and you are welcome to reoccupy your embassies in Celeborne.
We the parliement of Matshland would like to establish relations with Al-Ummah Al-Islamiyyah. We are a new nation seeking not war but rather peaceful communication with others. As a new nation we have not been (un)fortunate? enough to have met or had relations with the IU.
23-12-2003, 00:45
Aleikum As-Salam, Honourable Friends,
As my father before me has been loyal to the Old Friendship, thus shall I further strengthen the Old Friendship. It warms my heart and those of the Taraskovyan people to see our Old Friends back and I hereby reiterate out support to the people of Al-Ummah Al-Islâmiyyah in domains such as culture and technology.
Let it be also known that the offer made by my Father, Grand Duke Mikhail I still stands.
May God light your path to wisdom,
Mikhail Shakhovskoy II.
Bismillah A'Rahman A'Raheem
Special Qa'emqamiyyah of Foreign Affairs Communiqué
The People of Al-Ummah Al-Islamiyyah (aka Islamic Ummah) are honoured to receive the delegations from nations wishing to establish relations with our resurrected Union.
The Amir of the Faithful, Émir Abdul-Rahmân III, will preside over a formal dinner at the Palace of Al-Sâliheen, his excellency's residence, following an official ceremony to be held at the Diwan of the Émir, at which:
The Diplomatic missions will be officially received and installed;
The Order of the Shield of Sahrward will be confered upon the representatives of the nations of The Unlimited Caustic Arrogance of Nastic, The Constitutional Monarchy of Ell, The Celestial Republic of Celeborne, The Vortex Corporation, The Grand Duchy of Tarasovka and Taiwan_.
The Medal of Civil Merit will be confered on all those who were first to establish
ties with Islamic Ummah, including the above mentioned friends, as well as
the nations of The Grand Duchy of Auveirgne, The Federation of Technocratic Republics, Dontgonearthere, Rockfort, The Draconian Emperium and Matshland.
All nations are invited to attend the dinner reception that follows the official ceremonies.
Al-Salam Aleikum,
Sheikh Speare,
Sheikh Speare,
Qâ'emqâm of Foreign Affairs
Grand Federal Council
1 Abdul-Rahman Sq, Foreign Affairs Qa'emqamiyyah
Seven Minarets City
Federation of Al-Ummah Al-Islamiyyah
Virgin Atlantic
23-12-2003, 00:56
OOC: Welcome back! This is Ell and _Taiwan by the way.
CEO Richard Branson is overjoyed at the return of his childhood holiday location.
To: The Federation of Al-Ummah Al-Islâmiyyah Diplomats
From: Vrak Diplomatic Corps
Subject: Friends and Investors
We remember the extensive arms trading that both our nations undertook long ago. Unfortunately, due to current tensions within our lands we are restricting flights out of Vrak. We apologize and we hope that is not perceived as an insult. However, to recognize our past history, please accept these gifts as a token of friendship. Perhaps in the future we can resume trade negotiations.
[A finely crafted box accompanies the official diplomatic scroll. Inside, the box is seen to be refrigerated and a variety of exotic seafood can be sampled.]
To: The Federation of Al-Ummah Al-Islâmiyyah Diplomats
From: Vrak Diplomatic Corps
Subject: Friends and Investors
We remember the extensive arms trading that both our nations undertook long ago. Unfortunately, due to current tensions within our lands we are restricting flights out of Vrak. We apologize and we hope that is not perceived as an insult. However, to recognize our past history, please accept these gifts as a token of friendship. Perhaps in the future we can resume trade negotiations.
[A finely crafted box accompanies the official diplomatic scroll. Inside, the box is seen to be refrigerated and a variety of exotic seafood can be sampled.]
The Amir AbdulRahman III is heartened to receive this delicate gift, and samples the blessed produce of Vrak with great relish.
"We are sorry to hear of Vrak's current troubles, can UI do anything to help?", the Amir asks the standing ambassador from Vrak.
To: The Federation of Al-Ummah Al-Islâmiyyah Diplomats
From: Vrak Diplomatic Corps
Subject: Friends and Investors
We remember the extensive arms trading that both our nations undertook long ago. Unfortunately, due to current tensions within our lands we are restricting flights out of Vrak. We apologize and we hope that is not perceived as an insult. However, to recognize our past history, please accept these gifts as a token of friendship. Perhaps in the future we can resume trade negotiations.
[A finely crafted box accompanies the official diplomatic scroll. Inside, the box is seen to be refrigerated and a variety of exotic seafood can be sampled.]
The Amir AbdulRahman III is heartened to receive this delicate gift, and samples the blessed produce of Vrak with great relish.
"We are sorry to hear of Vrak's current troubles, can UI do anything to help?", the Amir asks the standing ambassador from Vrak.
The Vrakian ambassador, in this case a human, replies slowly and carefully.
"Our current troubles involve the Drakonian Imperium, of which we've noticed that you've also warmly received. We don't want to put you in an uncomfortable position, so we would greatly value your neutrality."
<<post replicated at >>
Not having wished to break diplomatic protocol, or to take a decision without first consulting others - as Islamic mores dictate - the Amir, responded to the Vrakian Ambassador's news with an understanding smile. As the Vrakian ambassador was turning away to join his aides, the Amir couldn't help but slide his eyes for a quick glance, at the direction of the Draconian emissaries (without them noticing.)
Later, in the afternoon, the Amir spoke with Sheikh Speare, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and requested that he send word to the Vrakian Ambassador, as to whether UI could perhaps try to bring the two to the table, as well as some information relating to that conflict.
The two men (the Amir and the Minister) also agreed to send an informal inquiry to the Draconian mission regarding this affair.
The Fedral Union
23-12-2003, 04:34
May we join this ?
May we join this ?
You may , insofar as we're concerned. However, you also may want to consult Vrak and the Draconian Imperium rather than IU. :)
The Nastic nation is overjoyed at the return of our greatly missed and good friends I.U.
Welcome back I.U.