A new leader stands tall in this barren land. He is known as Joseph Anthony Marzullo, the leader of the "Jovis Rebel Group". He now has about 100,000 men supporting him. All armed with Kalash's.
The barren land is only about 100 miles. But there are millions of people living in this region. There are no towns or villages, just sand with little batches of water and resources like water, plants and fish.
The Jovis armed force is requesting assistance from any soverign nation to assist in them being in power.
This includes construction assistance with a capital and other assistance in development.
Marzullo and his 100,000 troops are stationed in a small forest in Jovis. They are camping here awaiting word from any soverign nation to respond...
After cordinates were set of the new arrivals coming. As made public, the slaves. A group of the Jovis militia went to retrieve the slaves. The number arriving wasn't stated, so Marzullo dispatches 1,000 troops to retrieve the slaves.
The slaves will be seperated within a few groups.
Men: Recruited into the militia
Women: Used as sex slaves
Boys: Trained as future soldiers
Girls: Used to gather food, water and other valuable things
19-12-2003, 07:47
Can someone please shoot this guy in the head....
Come here and see what happens... Besides, we are busy at the moment. We are going to move out of this location as soon as the slaves arrive. We are going to an undisclosed area.
19-12-2003, 07:51
Would anyone object to my beating this freak and his pathetic excuse for a nation into a deep crater from which they will never emerge? Anyone?
Our region speaks for your imperial intentions.
19-12-2003, 07:55
Our region speaks for your imperial intentions.
Could someone please translate this into proper english? Because I have no idea what the hell this is supposed to mean.
It means that my region speaks for my defense.
Imperial Forces
19-12-2003, 07:58
Stop this barabic actions before we use you as target practice. Using slaves for your populance is not acceptable.
-Grand Master Roac, The Sacred Empire of Imperial Forces
19-12-2003, 07:59
How nice for you, GDODAD and The Reich of Dyszel speak for my defense.
Release your woman and children slaves to our custody or prepare yourself for armed conflict. This is your one and only warning.
They are eager to come to my newfound country in order to work. Slaves is a term we use for a common worker.
How nice for you, GDODAD and The Reich of Dyszel speak for my defense.
Release your woman and children slaves to our custody or prepare yourself for armed conflict. This is your one and only warning.
No diplomacy?
19-12-2003, 08:02
As sex slaves? I think not. Release them, now!
That's another term for modern day prostitution. It's legal here!
19-12-2003, 08:04
F uck, you discust me, be on your way. :x
You don't even know our exact location. We have been moving for over an hour from our last location as stated once we recieved the "package".
19-12-2003, 08:08
Its the 21st century my dear, you have nowhere to hide.
Know now that Presgreif's armed forces have been mobilized. You have until tommorow to comply with our ultimatum. If you do not, you will be destroyed.
Imperial Forces
19-12-2003, 08:09
You don't even know our exact location. We have been moving for over an hour from our last location as stated once we recieved the "package".
Imperial laughs at your progander, we know were you are, hiding away like the pathetic life form you are.
Surrender now or face the Warth of the Sacred Empire.
-Grand Master Roac, The Sacred Empire of Imperial Forces
QWe condemn your imperialistic intentions.
Imperial Forces
19-12-2003, 08:13
QWe condemn your imperialistic intentions.
You have our demands, give up all your "slaves" or prepare to give up everything.
-Grand Master Roac, The Sacred Empire of Imperial Forces
Drakonian Imperium
19-12-2003, 08:14
The Drakonian Imperium will back up Presgreif's Ultimatum with the support of the United Emirates (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=78302). The Imperium notes that the Imperial Drakonian Armed Forces, alone (not including the Aerospace Forces or the Navy) are the same size as your population Jovis. You are advised to comply immediately or face annexation.
In the meanwhile, Drakonian troops fresh from the limited fighting in Isla de Penguinata are enroute to your borders. A blockade will be in place as soon as they arrive.
Drakonian Diplomatic Corps.
located in Drako Throne,
capital of the Grand Dominion of Drakonian Imperium
Imperial Forces
19-12-2003, 08:19
The Drakonian Imperium will back up Presgreif's Ultimatum with the support of the United Emirates (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=78302). The Imperium notes that the Imperial Drakonian Armed Forces, alone (not including the Aerospace Forces or the Navy) are the same size as your population Jovis. You are advised to comply immediately or face annexation.
In the meanwhile, Drakonian troops fresh from the limited fighting in Isla de Penguinata are enroute to your borders. A blockade will be in place as soon as they arrive.
Drakonian Diplomatic Corps.
located in Drako Throne,
capital of the Grand Dominion of Drakonian Imperium
We thank you for your support.
Armed Forces moblisled.
5 Aircraft Carriers
13 Cruisers
15 Submaires
8 Landers
7 Fireborn Fight Squadrons
500,000 Imperial infantry.
Hmm... I have been threatened, but i am willing to comply in order to keep my peoples integrity.
I will give up the women.
19-12-2003, 08:21
I never did think that we would ever be on the same side of a conflict, Imperial Forces....who knows, this could be the beginning of quite an interesting relationship, despite our....differences.
19-12-2003, 08:21
Hmm... I have been threatened, but i am willing to comply in order to keep my peoples integrity.
I will give up the women.
We applaude your wise decision.
We only asked for assistance in soverignty. We are the Jovis militia, we are seeking to control this region fully. But then we were threatened. We are only a force of 100,000 soldiers seeking soverignty, not war.
Drakonian Imperium
19-12-2003, 08:25
The slaves can be turned over to Task Force Imperious, which should be entering the region. They will granted full Drakonian citizenship and given all the benefits there of. If they are not turn over military action will be taken.
"Blood and Honor!"
Drakonian Diplomatic Corps.
located in Drako Throne,
capital of the Grand Dominion of Drakonian Imperium
Imperial Forces
19-12-2003, 08:26
Hmm... I have been threatened, but i am willing to comply in order to keep my peoples integrity.
I will give up the women.
We applaude your wise decision.
Give up the women, children and men.
19-12-2003, 08:27
Mmmhmmm, no compromise. :twisted:
Hmm... I have been threatened, but i am willing to comply in order to keep my peoples integrity.
I will give up the women.
We applaude your wise decision.
Give up the women, children and men.
That wasn't the original agreement.
Imperial Forces
19-12-2003, 08:31
That wasn't the original agreement.
No agreements, just for surrender of you slaves.
OOC: One time i seen a topic "retrieve deleted nations", by any chance you know where it is?
19-12-2003, 08:32
Jovis, you got mail, I expect some kind of reply.
Drakonian Imperium
19-12-2003, 08:32
That wasn't the original agreement.
Nevertheless, you are ordered to turn over all the slaves by the Imperium.
If you look at the demand made by Presgreif, he never specified who were to be turned over. He simply said, "Release them, now!" It was implied he meant the women slaves, not stated clearly. I think our Ultimatum is quite clear. You are advised to comply immediately or face our wrath.
Drakonian Diplomatic Corps.
located in Drako Throne,
capital of the Grand Dominion of Drakonian Imperium
OOC: One time i seen a topic "retrieve deleted nations", by any chance you know where it is?
OOC: Ask someone in the Technical (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=2) forum, they should be able to help.
19-12-2003, 08:33
Yes, yes, I demand the release of all woman and children. I could give a f uck about the men. But if my co-negotiators wish the men to be released as well, I shall join them in this demand.
Drakonian Imperium
19-12-2003, 08:36
Yes, yes, I demand the release of all woman and children. I could give a f uck about the men. But if my co-negotiators wish the men to be released as well, I shall join them in this demand.
OOC: Cut the profanity, unless your RPing it. It's crude and it doesn't improve our opinions of you. If anything it destroys it, because it is poor RPing. Thanks.
19-12-2003, 08:37
My nations leader is foulmouthed. Hope that's okay with you...
Imperial Forces
19-12-2003, 08:39
The Sea Fleet is undergoing final perparations.
Drakonian Imperium
19-12-2003, 08:40
My nations leader is foulmouthed. Hope that's okay with you...
OOC: Then please make it clear it is your national leader. Add a signature or type it up story style, either way. It will appear to be better RPing. If your leader cusses like a sailer it's fine with me, just please clear it up. It will make you look better.
19-12-2003, 08:41
Um, okay. That was so totaly, unexpected. I'm at a loss for words. Sorry, I'll try to keep the quality of my Rp at a high level from now on. Thanks for the check, I appreciate it. :wink:
19-12-2003, 08:43
I think Jovis went to bed or something.
Imperial Forces
19-12-2003, 08:47
OOC: Mayby he wet his pants, ran into a cave, pluged his ears and started singing children songs.
19-12-2003, 08:48
:lol: You're funny...
Drakonian Imperium
19-12-2003, 09:12
The Imperium reiterates that Jovis has one day, before military action will be taken. All the slaves must be freed. The sands of time runs rapidly down the hourglass, do not let them run out.
"Blood and Honor!"
Drakonian Diplomatic Corps.
located in Drako Throne,
capital of the Grand Dominion of Drakonian Imperium
Um, okay. That was so totaly, unexpected. I'm at a loss for words. Sorry, I'll try to keep the quality of my Rp at a high level from now on. Thanks for the check, I appreciate it. :wink:
OOC: Thanks for that. Quality brings success and respectability on NS, it will win you allies and save your nations from destruction at times, as well as the all hated ignore. Glad I could be of service.