NationStates Jolt Archive

-ANN- "'s about damn time!" -Premier Bomfy

19-12-2003, 06:35
ANN Special Report – “National Senate and Premier's Office Pass Bill to Outlaw Religion”

Magna Casa, Aequatio - A long-time arguement between the Administration of the Aequatian Republic and Civil Rights Activists came to a dead stop today when a legislation, the Theology Criminalization Bill, was passed.

Premier Bomfy, an avowed athiest and main author of the bill, said today that the problems of religion will no longer plague the Aequatian Republic. Believing that religions, especially Western religions like Judaism, Islam, and Christianity (incl. its splinter sects), only cause more problems than they're worth. The Premier was quoted earlier today as he arrived at the National Senate Chambers for the signing of the legislation, "All I can say is that today is a voctory for reason and free thought and the defeat of 'faith' as a driving force for greed and corruption. It's about damn time!"

A nationwide ban on every belief system classified as a "religion" by the bill and the demolition of churches, temples and other holy buildings and sites has begun immediately within the major urban areas of Aequatio like Magna Casa, the Arrio Metropolis and San Allimos. The rest of the nation will follow suit within 48 hours time. Punishment outlined by the bill for practicing any religion includes the annulment of the person's citizenship and immediate deportation to any nation willing to provide amnesty.

Since the passing of the Theology Criminalization Bill, several protests and rallies by civil rights groups like the Aequatian Liberation Group have been held in the capital around the National Senate Chambers and the Premier's Office at the Grand House Complex. Although these are peaceful protests, Aequatian Republic Military Forces have been set to a higher state of alertness. The following areas are now "Red Zones" and restricted to those without strict authorization from the Premier's Office or Central Command:

Magna Casa
-Grand House (Premier's Office)
-The Palisade (Government Bunker)
-National Senate Chambers
-Central Military Command
-All Administration Buildings
-Collingwood Naval Base
-Heart Air Force Base
Arrio Metropolis
-All Republic Corporation Buildings
-Arrio Military Complex
-Nelson Naval Base
-Mannerheim Air Force Base
San Allimos
-Corregidor Naval Shipyards
-Mackensen Naval Base
-Howe Air Force Base
Daniel Island
-All Minuteman III Missile Silos
-Rodney Air Force Base

Reporting from the National Senate Chambers in Magna Casa, Aequatio, this is Guy Anderson for Aequatian News Net.
Aequatian News Net
19-12-2003, 07:03
Bump for Comments.
Imperial Forces
19-12-2003, 07:25
Imperial Forces populance is mainly Athiest, and we banned extreme religion years ago, so we arn't bothered by religous fantics and their crooked beiefs.

We also have a Religion budget of just 0.05%.

-Grand Master Roac, The Sacred Empire of Imperial Forces
19-12-2003, 07:42
You have a religion budget? What the hell do you spend the money on?
Imperial Forces
19-12-2003, 07:53
You have a religion budget? What the hell do you spend the money on?

On police to keep the fantics in check.

And to make up money we lose when they are on their Christmas holidays.
19-12-2003, 07:56
lol....Oh, that's cool. I never thought of that, gonna have to make the necessary arrangements with the Senate. :wink:
19-12-2003, 08:40
Tahar Joblis wholeheartedly condemns this step into theocracy made by Aequetio! Denying the basic rights of freedom of thought and requiring citizens to adhere to a set belief system is abhorrent.

Quietly, we suggest perhaps banning religious organizations, descrimination, official recognition of holidays, etc if it is truly necessary to limit the impact of religious fanatics.