18-12-2003, 03:41
Offical Statement to the International Community from Vice President Fatima Barry
For the past fifty years the Corporate-Nation of Yut Drugs Incorporated has been proud of it's very high consumer satisfaction within our own borders. When we went International we learned to our great shock that another alliance called (of all the dumb acronyms for an alliance) ToY, Trimuative (OOC: I can't spell it) of Yut. As our nation has held a national Copyright to the name Yut we never thought that an international copyright would be needed. Also we learned athat many nations ban many recreational drugs due to outdated moral fears of "damage to society".
In responce the Corporate-Nation of Yut Drugs Incorporated is willing to open it's drug stores in other nations but respect the drug laws in place within the various nations and sell only Legal drugs within our Pharmacies (depending on the local drug laws). Of course we will try to open negotiations with the various nations to try and create a standard set of International Drug Laws to ensure that everyone is equal.
The Corporate Pharmacy of Yut Drugs Incorporated: Giving You The Best Drugs Out There!
Some restrictions may apply due to laws that may exist in your nation. We cannot be held responsible for your actions with any and all products you may but from Yut Drugs Incorporated.
For the past fifty years the Corporate-Nation of Yut Drugs Incorporated has been proud of it's very high consumer satisfaction within our own borders. When we went International we learned to our great shock that another alliance called (of all the dumb acronyms for an alliance) ToY, Trimuative (OOC: I can't spell it) of Yut. As our nation has held a national Copyright to the name Yut we never thought that an international copyright would be needed. Also we learned athat many nations ban many recreational drugs due to outdated moral fears of "damage to society".
In responce the Corporate-Nation of Yut Drugs Incorporated is willing to open it's drug stores in other nations but respect the drug laws in place within the various nations and sell only Legal drugs within our Pharmacies (depending on the local drug laws). Of course we will try to open negotiations with the various nations to try and create a standard set of International Drug Laws to ensure that everyone is equal.
The Corporate Pharmacy of Yut Drugs Incorporated: Giving You The Best Drugs Out There!
Some restrictions may apply due to laws that may exist in your nation. We cannot be held responsible for your actions with any and all products you may but from Yut Drugs Incorporated.