NationStates Jolt Archive

Paradiszia hits 1 BILLION!

17-12-2003, 22:32
I huge crowd stands in the Pax de la Paradis Square in Paradiszia City, banners are waveing was the parade marches by. 53 people stand on the balcony of the Government Palace, they are the Communist Party and it's Chairman, Dr.Ivan Yuri Ulrich.

The crowd in quite as Dr.Ulrich waves his hand in that way he does, they wait for him to speak.

Dr.Ulrich :

"Today is a glorious day for Paradiszia as it is for all communist nations. We have on this day reached 1 billion people liveing in our nation.We have triumphed where so many communists have lost, we were able to stage a revolution (years ago) and keep our nation from falling apart.We have established one of the greatest communist nations, Lenin himself would smile at us.Let this prove that communists can survive, and be as powerful as Paradiszia!Now, let us get on with the party!"

[color=red]National anthem plays in backaround as the people cheer.
17-12-2003, 23:19
Well weren't communist, but we did reach 1 billion today!

Go us!
18-12-2003, 01:38
I urge all communist nations and/or revolutionaries to come forth so that Paradiszia may fight along side you!