17-12-2003, 19:54
The sky trembled with fear.
It did not know fear, yet it trembled with what might be considered 'fear' nontheless.
The only warship 'on the racks' this past month vaulted from the mammoth pit in which it had been stored, displacing millions of tons of air as its MI cores generated the 'false vacuum' which allowed it to even move in an atmosphere...
But this ship is not of any class previously built by the Empire: it is the new flagship, based upon the basic superstructural design that IDF SN designers had been planning to present to CENNA, for the construction of the once-planned Commonwealth class warship.
But this is not the full ship. This is the part of the warship known only, for now, as 'component B'.
'Component A' is lifted into the sky a few moments later, carried by thousands of worker bees - small unmanned craft fitted with MI cores, their power supplied from the ground via microwave power beams - and, within just a few minutes, the two halves of the warship slip together and hermetic seals clamp down, holding the two halves in place temporarily.
A laser lances out from an emitter on the ground, bathing the new ship in greenish-brown light for a mere instant... and triggering nanomachines that coat the two half-ships along the area where they seal together. Superheating themselves over the next sixty seconds, the nanomachines self-terminate - but form a strong, high-strength seal between the ships. The hermetic seals release for a moment-
And the ship holds together. The booming sound of the seals clamping back into place explodes outwards again, again startling wildlife in the land surrounding the Mount Tumnore Experimental Construction Facility.
The newly completed warship lifts into the sky - already crewed, in point of fact (so confident were the IDF SN of the smooth success of the operation - overconfident, perhaps) and heads towards orbit. It is a severe divergance from previous EOTED designs: the only common attribute it has with it's preceding classes of ship is the absolute grace and smoothly curving shape of its form. It's not-at-all-blunt nosecone swirls, as usual, with curves extending into infinity... and reaching back, swirling all the way around the warship to the tail, where another nosecone sits. Instead of the usual symmetry (excluding the nose-cone) of an EOTED warship, this ship has rotational symmetry on one axis alone; and every single fold of the hull extends further outwards towards the centre, sweeping back inwards from the centre back to the swirling 'rear' nosecone. As a consequence, the warship is thicker than previous models: she is nearly one-point-six kilometres long, and nearly three quarters as deep and wide. One-point-two kilometres deep and wide, and one-point-six kilometres long, she is the largest warship ever constructed in the Empire by far - dwarfing previous ships to the extreme. And every single 'fold' of her hull holds gunports...
...she is clearly an instrument of destruction. A strike ship. A predator. She bears no markings, however; no nameplate, no registry number: her naming ceremony has not yet taken place.
Unchallenged by the air she pushes through effortlessly - her eight prototype Type IV NSF generaters producing enough energy to propel her at flank acceleration without sacrificing the barely-visible PDEF grid - she surges into the sky, a dull and relentless roar trailing behind her sleek but bulky form.
The several thousand observers on Mount Tumnore, however, have but on question upon their lips: will the damnable beast they just launched be worth the four-and-a-half trillion US dollars spent on developing and building her and the bleeding-edge equipment inside her?
* * *
One Hour Later: Vilya Elenoston Space
The fleet had dispersed to allow their new flagship to pull alongside the smoothly spherical Sol Orbital Colony of Vilya Elenosto (in point of fact, the Colony is still in Earth orbit, but nobody disputes the name). The inhabitants of Vilya Elenosto - all nine hundred of them, currently - rush to the VisiWalls on the outer deck of the Colony. It's quite a scramble, in fact, despite the fact that the new warship will be sitting outside for quite some time.
Silently (of course), she comes to rest.
* * *
"The Empire of the Eternal Dawn invites its allies to send representatives to Vilya Elenosto for the official launch of that Colony on its historic journey to the area of stellar space currently designated in the Empire as Alpha-Zero-Zero-Zero.
"Furthermore, we invite our allies to send military representatives to the naming ceremony of the new IDF SN warship, the IDSS Syrnë Ahcarynca - the first EOTED warship to be named in Nenyan instead of English or Quenya. The name, in English, is Glorious Eagle. In Quenya, Alcarinqua Sornë. She is the first of the new class of warship, the Syrnë-class, which we openly define as a DSA-II dreadnought.
"Non-military observers from non-allies are welcome to visit Vilya Elenosto. Vilya Elenosto has a 'no weapons' policy; no arms of any variety are permitted aboard the Colony. Furthermore, despite the obvious inconveniance, all boarders will have to go through decontamination procedure to prevent a punctured equilibrium scenario.
"We look forward to welcoming our friends to Vilya Elenosto."
~ High Lord Aglar ux-Rihad of Vilya Elenosto (CINC IDF SN-VEA; ATCINC IDF SN)
[OOC: Some notes on Nenyan:
Nenyan is derived from Quenya. Many of the changes in words are merely due to lingual shift; a tendency to replace the 'vowel-r' ('er', 'ir', and so on) combination with 'y' is especially common. In Nenyan, 'y' is a vowel, and as such is open. The pronunciation of Syrnë Ahcarynca in phoenetic English is: 'sir-NEE ah-kARin-KAR'. Capitals are used to indicated emphasis. Emphasis in Nenyan is always on the last syllable - for example, va'endë (maiden), is pronounced var-en-DEE. Likewise, apaar (after), is pronounced 'ap-ARR'. The only exception to this rule is the 'double syllabilic rule'. This rule states that, if two syllables are combined (always as the middle syllable of a word), then the first 'half' of the double-syllable is emphasized as well as the last syllable - as in 'ah-KARin-KAR' (Ahcarynca). For pronunciation rules, see the notes at the back of LotR - Quenya and Nenyan pronunciation are virtually identical, excepting Nenyan-unique words... of which none are mentioned here.
One last note: Imperial Nenyan is always spoken quickly; Common Nenyan is spoken slowly. Good speakers are expected, therefore, to speak in Imperial Nenyan.
Notes (OOC information only; only width, depth, height and mass information is available ICly, as well as Assault Classification type) on the Syrnë-class warship:
Class: Syrnë
IDF Assault Classification: Type Zero DSA-II Dreadnought
Length: 1.6km
Depth: 1.2km (deepest point)
Width: 1.2km (widest point)
Momentous mass: 182,000,000 metric tons (approximate)
Power: Eight Type IV NSF cores
Power storage: Two hundred sixty one Type III SCBCs
Energy output: 20gW
Energy storage threshold: 35gW hours
Crew: 45
C&CUs: T/C/S SSASI, Type I (mk4); ICAS Type Alpha
Armour: N/A
Offensive Armarment: 15 DFK-ELS 'rolling' guntubes; 25 AD-ECs; 250 SA guntubes; 78 ELS guntubes
Defensive Armament: 1 fully skin-integrated PDEF grid; 100% coverage; high-end power consumption (4476ds/s)
Engines: Three IDFRD VMI/TPCs (Mark VIIIs)
Mounted launch systems: Yes
Total MLS: 25
Gunports: Yes
Total gunports: 343
Stellar drive: One Mark I IsnCo T-drive
Standard assault capability example, Type I engagement scenario (fleet-to-flee combat begun): 93mps; 5580mpmA; 2790mpmB
IDF: Imperial Defense Forces
NSF core: Nanoscopic Friction core
SCBC: Superconductive Battery Coil
DFK-ELS: Direct-Fire Kinetic/Electronic Launch System
AD-EC: Arm-Deployed Elecron-Cannon
IDF VMI/TPC: Imperial Defence Forces Variable Magnetic Impetus Triumsys Propulsion Core
T-drive: Transitional drive
SA: Small-arms
DSA: Deep Standoff Assault
C&CU: Command & Control Unit
T/C/S SSASIC&CU: Targeting(andTracking)Communications(and)Sensor Sub-Sentient Artificial Semantic Intelligence Command&Control Unit
ICAS: Independant Calculation Augmentation System
mps: missiles per second
mpmA: missiles per minute (full assault protocol)
mpmB: missiles per minute (half-assault protocol)
ds/s: Defensive shots per second
NSF core: A power core utilizing nanoscopic magnetized particulate iron and a powerful EMH. Identical to classic power generation techniques (magnet-in-a-coil, coil-in-a-magnet), but designated as 'self-feeding'. Not really a power core, but rather a power storage device, the NSF core depends on fairly frequent exposure to planetary EMFs. Directly linked to the MI cores.
SCBC: A superconductive coil based battery back. 1.34mW (approximate) storage per coil (Type III).
ELS: Electronic Launch System. The bog-standard drop-and-forget launch system; can fire virtually any adapted self-propelled missile, ranging from EFMs to YBMs. 1:1 firing ratio, when coupled with the rolling guntube system.
DFK-ELS: A 'direct fire' kinetic missile launch system. Similar to a rail gun, but equally similar to a mass-driver, a DFK-ELS actually fires missiles from the tube as opposed to the usual system utilized by EOTED MLSs (missile launch systems) - a normal EOTED MLS simply drops the missile, allowing the projectice to attain velocity under its own power. Allows much, much faster acceleration to the target velocity of the DFKM (direct fire kinetic missile). Requires a specialized missile; KKMs (kinetic kill missiles) cannot be fired by a DFK-ELS launch system.
Rolling guntube: A rapid-deployment missile rack system. Rotating deployment arms hold several missiles or more and deploy them to the tube, allowing a 1:1 firing ratio.
AD-EC: A particle weapon. The E-cannon fires a steady stream of electrons and protons at the target. Close-range space weapon, although it can be utilized over fairly long distances inside an atmosphere; however, energy consumption is very restrictive. Deployed on a 3-axis swivel-mount arm, meaning that the weapon is subject to rather restrictive firing arcs. The weapon is a direct descendant of electron-flux based weapons developed by the Empire.
SA: Small-arms. Small arms canisters contain iron fines, and a small concussive explosive device. Best utilized in stellar space. Not self-propulsive.
IDF VMI/TPC: A triple-role magnetic impetus propulsion system. Primary role is for propulsion, but the EM field is highly variable (in comparison to the IDF MI/DPCs used on strike aircraft), allowing for tertiary use as a local-area detection device. Secondary role is, in fact, a side-effect of the propulsive system; one of the side-effects of an MI field is the production of a small false-vacuum.
T/C/S SSASIC&CU: An artificial intelligence (sub-sentient) responsible for a number of tasks. Designed to improve crew-to-ship ratio, and directly responsible for the co-ordination of the point defense grid on any EOTED asset.
ICAS: An independant computation device responsible for calculations. As ASIs (artificial semantic intelligences) are incapable of mathematical calculation - whether sentient or sub-sentient - they are dependant on external calculation systems. The ICAS provides for that requirement.
DSA I & IIs: Warships designed to operate as part of a fleet (or, in less than ideal situations, without), and designated as a primary strike asset. Designed to operate in 'deep standoff' position in fleet formations, behind carrier group(s) defensive grids. In singular bilateral combat, designed to engage from extreme range. The DSA I is the Retribution-class; DSA II is the Syrnë-class.]
It did not know fear, yet it trembled with what might be considered 'fear' nontheless.
The only warship 'on the racks' this past month vaulted from the mammoth pit in which it had been stored, displacing millions of tons of air as its MI cores generated the 'false vacuum' which allowed it to even move in an atmosphere...
But this ship is not of any class previously built by the Empire: it is the new flagship, based upon the basic superstructural design that IDF SN designers had been planning to present to CENNA, for the construction of the once-planned Commonwealth class warship.
But this is not the full ship. This is the part of the warship known only, for now, as 'component B'.
'Component A' is lifted into the sky a few moments later, carried by thousands of worker bees - small unmanned craft fitted with MI cores, their power supplied from the ground via microwave power beams - and, within just a few minutes, the two halves of the warship slip together and hermetic seals clamp down, holding the two halves in place temporarily.
A laser lances out from an emitter on the ground, bathing the new ship in greenish-brown light for a mere instant... and triggering nanomachines that coat the two half-ships along the area where they seal together. Superheating themselves over the next sixty seconds, the nanomachines self-terminate - but form a strong, high-strength seal between the ships. The hermetic seals release for a moment-
And the ship holds together. The booming sound of the seals clamping back into place explodes outwards again, again startling wildlife in the land surrounding the Mount Tumnore Experimental Construction Facility.
The newly completed warship lifts into the sky - already crewed, in point of fact (so confident were the IDF SN of the smooth success of the operation - overconfident, perhaps) and heads towards orbit. It is a severe divergance from previous EOTED designs: the only common attribute it has with it's preceding classes of ship is the absolute grace and smoothly curving shape of its form. It's not-at-all-blunt nosecone swirls, as usual, with curves extending into infinity... and reaching back, swirling all the way around the warship to the tail, where another nosecone sits. Instead of the usual symmetry (excluding the nose-cone) of an EOTED warship, this ship has rotational symmetry on one axis alone; and every single fold of the hull extends further outwards towards the centre, sweeping back inwards from the centre back to the swirling 'rear' nosecone. As a consequence, the warship is thicker than previous models: she is nearly one-point-six kilometres long, and nearly three quarters as deep and wide. One-point-two kilometres deep and wide, and one-point-six kilometres long, she is the largest warship ever constructed in the Empire by far - dwarfing previous ships to the extreme. And every single 'fold' of her hull holds gunports...
...she is clearly an instrument of destruction. A strike ship. A predator. She bears no markings, however; no nameplate, no registry number: her naming ceremony has not yet taken place.
Unchallenged by the air she pushes through effortlessly - her eight prototype Type IV NSF generaters producing enough energy to propel her at flank acceleration without sacrificing the barely-visible PDEF grid - she surges into the sky, a dull and relentless roar trailing behind her sleek but bulky form.
The several thousand observers on Mount Tumnore, however, have but on question upon their lips: will the damnable beast they just launched be worth the four-and-a-half trillion US dollars spent on developing and building her and the bleeding-edge equipment inside her?
* * *
One Hour Later: Vilya Elenoston Space
The fleet had dispersed to allow their new flagship to pull alongside the smoothly spherical Sol Orbital Colony of Vilya Elenosto (in point of fact, the Colony is still in Earth orbit, but nobody disputes the name). The inhabitants of Vilya Elenosto - all nine hundred of them, currently - rush to the VisiWalls on the outer deck of the Colony. It's quite a scramble, in fact, despite the fact that the new warship will be sitting outside for quite some time.
Silently (of course), she comes to rest.
* * *
"The Empire of the Eternal Dawn invites its allies to send representatives to Vilya Elenosto for the official launch of that Colony on its historic journey to the area of stellar space currently designated in the Empire as Alpha-Zero-Zero-Zero.
"Furthermore, we invite our allies to send military representatives to the naming ceremony of the new IDF SN warship, the IDSS Syrnë Ahcarynca - the first EOTED warship to be named in Nenyan instead of English or Quenya. The name, in English, is Glorious Eagle. In Quenya, Alcarinqua Sornë. She is the first of the new class of warship, the Syrnë-class, which we openly define as a DSA-II dreadnought.
"Non-military observers from non-allies are welcome to visit Vilya Elenosto. Vilya Elenosto has a 'no weapons' policy; no arms of any variety are permitted aboard the Colony. Furthermore, despite the obvious inconveniance, all boarders will have to go through decontamination procedure to prevent a punctured equilibrium scenario.
"We look forward to welcoming our friends to Vilya Elenosto."
~ High Lord Aglar ux-Rihad of Vilya Elenosto (CINC IDF SN-VEA; ATCINC IDF SN)
[OOC: Some notes on Nenyan:
Nenyan is derived from Quenya. Many of the changes in words are merely due to lingual shift; a tendency to replace the 'vowel-r' ('er', 'ir', and so on) combination with 'y' is especially common. In Nenyan, 'y' is a vowel, and as such is open. The pronunciation of Syrnë Ahcarynca in phoenetic English is: 'sir-NEE ah-kARin-KAR'. Capitals are used to indicated emphasis. Emphasis in Nenyan is always on the last syllable - for example, va'endë (maiden), is pronounced var-en-DEE. Likewise, apaar (after), is pronounced 'ap-ARR'. The only exception to this rule is the 'double syllabilic rule'. This rule states that, if two syllables are combined (always as the middle syllable of a word), then the first 'half' of the double-syllable is emphasized as well as the last syllable - as in 'ah-KARin-KAR' (Ahcarynca). For pronunciation rules, see the notes at the back of LotR - Quenya and Nenyan pronunciation are virtually identical, excepting Nenyan-unique words... of which none are mentioned here.
One last note: Imperial Nenyan is always spoken quickly; Common Nenyan is spoken slowly. Good speakers are expected, therefore, to speak in Imperial Nenyan.
Notes (OOC information only; only width, depth, height and mass information is available ICly, as well as Assault Classification type) on the Syrnë-class warship:
Class: Syrnë
IDF Assault Classification: Type Zero DSA-II Dreadnought
Length: 1.6km
Depth: 1.2km (deepest point)
Width: 1.2km (widest point)
Momentous mass: 182,000,000 metric tons (approximate)
Power: Eight Type IV NSF cores
Power storage: Two hundred sixty one Type III SCBCs
Energy output: 20gW
Energy storage threshold: 35gW hours
Crew: 45
C&CUs: T/C/S SSASI, Type I (mk4); ICAS Type Alpha
Armour: N/A
Offensive Armarment: 15 DFK-ELS 'rolling' guntubes; 25 AD-ECs; 250 SA guntubes; 78 ELS guntubes
Defensive Armament: 1 fully skin-integrated PDEF grid; 100% coverage; high-end power consumption (4476ds/s)
Engines: Three IDFRD VMI/TPCs (Mark VIIIs)
Mounted launch systems: Yes
Total MLS: 25
Gunports: Yes
Total gunports: 343
Stellar drive: One Mark I IsnCo T-drive
Standard assault capability example, Type I engagement scenario (fleet-to-flee combat begun): 93mps; 5580mpmA; 2790mpmB
IDF: Imperial Defense Forces
NSF core: Nanoscopic Friction core
SCBC: Superconductive Battery Coil
DFK-ELS: Direct-Fire Kinetic/Electronic Launch System
AD-EC: Arm-Deployed Elecron-Cannon
IDF VMI/TPC: Imperial Defence Forces Variable Magnetic Impetus Triumsys Propulsion Core
T-drive: Transitional drive
SA: Small-arms
DSA: Deep Standoff Assault
C&CU: Command & Control Unit
T/C/S SSASIC&CU: Targeting(andTracking)Communications(and)Sensor Sub-Sentient Artificial Semantic Intelligence Command&Control Unit
ICAS: Independant Calculation Augmentation System
mps: missiles per second
mpmA: missiles per minute (full assault protocol)
mpmB: missiles per minute (half-assault protocol)
ds/s: Defensive shots per second
NSF core: A power core utilizing nanoscopic magnetized particulate iron and a powerful EMH. Identical to classic power generation techniques (magnet-in-a-coil, coil-in-a-magnet), but designated as 'self-feeding'. Not really a power core, but rather a power storage device, the NSF core depends on fairly frequent exposure to planetary EMFs. Directly linked to the MI cores.
SCBC: A superconductive coil based battery back. 1.34mW (approximate) storage per coil (Type III).
ELS: Electronic Launch System. The bog-standard drop-and-forget launch system; can fire virtually any adapted self-propelled missile, ranging from EFMs to YBMs. 1:1 firing ratio, when coupled with the rolling guntube system.
DFK-ELS: A 'direct fire' kinetic missile launch system. Similar to a rail gun, but equally similar to a mass-driver, a DFK-ELS actually fires missiles from the tube as opposed to the usual system utilized by EOTED MLSs (missile launch systems) - a normal EOTED MLS simply drops the missile, allowing the projectice to attain velocity under its own power. Allows much, much faster acceleration to the target velocity of the DFKM (direct fire kinetic missile). Requires a specialized missile; KKMs (kinetic kill missiles) cannot be fired by a DFK-ELS launch system.
Rolling guntube: A rapid-deployment missile rack system. Rotating deployment arms hold several missiles or more and deploy them to the tube, allowing a 1:1 firing ratio.
AD-EC: A particle weapon. The E-cannon fires a steady stream of electrons and protons at the target. Close-range space weapon, although it can be utilized over fairly long distances inside an atmosphere; however, energy consumption is very restrictive. Deployed on a 3-axis swivel-mount arm, meaning that the weapon is subject to rather restrictive firing arcs. The weapon is a direct descendant of electron-flux based weapons developed by the Empire.
SA: Small-arms. Small arms canisters contain iron fines, and a small concussive explosive device. Best utilized in stellar space. Not self-propulsive.
IDF VMI/TPC: A triple-role magnetic impetus propulsion system. Primary role is for propulsion, but the EM field is highly variable (in comparison to the IDF MI/DPCs used on strike aircraft), allowing for tertiary use as a local-area detection device. Secondary role is, in fact, a side-effect of the propulsive system; one of the side-effects of an MI field is the production of a small false-vacuum.
T/C/S SSASIC&CU: An artificial intelligence (sub-sentient) responsible for a number of tasks. Designed to improve crew-to-ship ratio, and directly responsible for the co-ordination of the point defense grid on any EOTED asset.
ICAS: An independant computation device responsible for calculations. As ASIs (artificial semantic intelligences) are incapable of mathematical calculation - whether sentient or sub-sentient - they are dependant on external calculation systems. The ICAS provides for that requirement.
DSA I & IIs: Warships designed to operate as part of a fleet (or, in less than ideal situations, without), and designated as a primary strike asset. Designed to operate in 'deep standoff' position in fleet formations, behind carrier group(s) defensive grids. In singular bilateral combat, designed to engage from extreme range. The DSA I is the Retribution-class; DSA II is the Syrnë-class.]