NationStates Jolt Archive

My NationState Is Better Than Yours

17-12-2003, 19:50
Just wanted to let you know that the Queendom of Jennika Hatchett is the best out there.
The Underground City
17-12-2003, 19:58
:lol: A zero day old nation is the best. You can't get much more ridiculous than that.
17-12-2003, 20:16
"Infidel! The Holy Empire of Tobal, servant of Fendar, the one True God, is the best."
-High Priest Sarkol
17-12-2003, 20:28
ha ha your a fag spammer

17-12-2003, 20:31
ha ha your a fag spammer


Wow, that was a truly stupid post.
17-12-2003, 20:42
ha ha your a fag spammer


Wow, that was a truly stupid post.

Yup. Actually far more stupid than the thread creator. :shock:

Oh, welcome to NS by the way...
17-12-2003, 20:56
IS NOT! IS NOT! IS NOT! Why do people keep saying that to me? :cry:
17-12-2003, 21:14
In what way is your NationState better than mine? I crush you militarily, population-wise, reputation-wise....and even if you beat me in other ways, other people in my region alone can beat you in those categories. So please, tell me, in what way is your NationState the best? If you don't answer, I will be compelled to crush you.
17-12-2003, 21:23
In what way is your NationState better than mine? I crush you militarily, population-wise, reputation-wise....and even if you beat me in other ways, other people in my region alone can beat you in those categories. So please, tell me, in what way is your NationState the best? If you don't answer, I will be compelled to crush you.

OK, no need to get agressive with the n00b. She'll learn, in time... Probably just humour. I hope.
17-12-2003, 21:33
dont we all....
17-12-2003, 21:33
dont we all....
17-12-2003, 21:33
dont we all....
17-12-2003, 21:58
Freedom is evil.

Mauni is ranked 1st in the region and 85,714th in the world for Most Politically Free Nations.
18-12-2003, 03:13