NationStates Jolt Archive

factbook: carlemnaria

17-12-2003, 12:31
for those wishing a greater understand of our unique nation and it's peculiarities:


Official and Common alike, we have, as already stated, but one simple name, requiring
no titles nor standing on of formality.

Capital: Nanoshashe
Largest and only seaport city: Lolyvato
Other significant urban centers (in descending order of population): Rylavuni,
Gulajzhothy, Tharoshano, Grizzly Hump, Topalu, Fragrant (the last three being quite
small but economicly signifigant villages)


local councils elected annually have always an odd number of members called low
persons, neither less then five nor greater then 13 in proportion to population.
the age of franchise is a local option chosen by each concil themselves, but national
law requires no local council to deny the vote to anyone over the age of puberty who
has resided in its jurisdiction for one year or more.
there are no political parties, and it is forbidden by national consensus at this time to
campaign either for or against oneself or anyone else. all voting is by plurality vote.
that is to say in each local community each voter selects the number of electable
names equal to the number of seats on that communities council. those receiving the
greatest number of votes are the council for the year that begins one month after the
election. in the case of ties (which are not unusual) runoffs are immediately held.
qualification for electability is determined by essay solutions to posted issues and
judged on the basis of equability, creative originality, and implimentability.
localities may also at their option create a 'guardianship' which is generally someone
chosen for exceeding wisdom as a kind of local constitutional monarch for the
remainder of their life.
in the earliest history of carlemnaria they were the lawful owners of the land on which
their communities were built. this no longer applies as the land itself as such is no
longer privately owned but in a modified sense held in common

the members of local councils, by the same voting method elect the members of the
council of the next level. (rural villages; districts, neighborhoods; cities, cities and
districts; counties, counties; shires, shires; sub state regions, sub state regions;
states, states; sub national regions, sub national regions; the national

all elected officials and all individuals qualified to be elected are granted the
honorable title of "low person". no elected official other then the optional guardians
are granted personal authority of any kind but only the councils to which they are
elected have authority when they meet as a body with a quorum and are bound by the
same laws as any other citizen.

the primary function of government at the national level is to insure freedom of
movement for all law abiding citizens and lawful tradegoods between local jurisdictions
and to insure the existence of means of doing so.

local governments exist to deal with local issues and are free to use their own
consensual judgment in doing so.

intermediary levels exist both to coordinate more local ones and to insure provision of
organizational coordination for infrastructural interconnections between them,
delegating the actual coordination of infrestutures to councils of wisdom in the lore of

every infrastructure being coordinated in such a way as to maximize the usefulness
and benefit of its own nature and purpose for being and harmonious integration and
sustainablitiy with the natural environment and not tied to arbitrary and unrelated
economic or even political concepts

work is accomplished by everyone doing what they enjoy doing for the enjoyment of
doing it, motivated by the gratification achieved by the quality and beauty of their
efforts, no one being forced or required to do so. persons between the ages of 3 and
12 are of course required to attend the 9 years of lower school, and those over the
age of 15 permitted to attend upper school for as many years as they wish, but for a
minimum of the time and credit required to be certified in at least five job skills.

each individual upon graduating lower school and before the beginning of their two year
intereducational sabbatical are given five mathom chits. these are not a form of fixed
currency but my each be traded for ANY one item from their local mathom house.
likewise any item of durable and useful quality may be donated to the mathom house in
exchange for one mathom chit.

destroyed or worn out items cannot be traded back but new items can be made at
craftufacturing centers where tools and workspaces my be checked out, much as one
checks out a book at a library, by anyone wishing to do so.

thus the craftufacturing center and the mathom house are said to be the twin
institutions of the carlemnarian economy

food and shelter are always freely available though perhaps of not as high a quality as
one might wish to build or grow themselves, the means of doing either or both also
freely available and the vast majority of carlemnarians do tend to avail themselves of
the many opportunities to do both

as mentioned the land itself as such is not privately owned but held in public trust.
anyone may build what they like, where they like, with the provision that they not
build it so close to what anyone else has already built that their private use zone
surrounding it abuts that of their nearest neighbors. private use zones being the
fenceable space immediatiatly adjacent to any structure any part of which is used as a
residence and not more then 250 feet from it. urban councils and communities have
their own special cases and their own optional methods and ways of dealing with
constructed spaces.

in addition to schools, community meeting places, visitor's and newcomer's orientation
centers, public shelters and the ubiquitous craftufacturing centers and mathom houses,
there are institutes of impure science, transport mode exchanges, single flow
industries, community greenhouses, farmland and barns, and a most singular sort of
watering hole called an untavern.

oh and did i mention? Carlemnaria is post petroleum, post monetarist and post warring
states. it does not however lack for internal security, means of raising external
security rapidly at need, and even a minerals extraction and processing industry, all
and ever mindfuly sustainable and harmoniously compatible with its natural environment

17-12-2003, 12:46
OOC: Impressive... but is there an exact reason it's been written in Poem format?