NationStates Jolt Archive

Seeking a wife for the Emperor (Apply for Royal Marriage)

17-12-2003, 09:17
Seeking a wife for the Emperor the following will be information regarding Elara and the rules of application.

Rules of Application:

-Age , Name , Race , Height , Hair/Eye Color , also what the applicant is like must be stated in the application.

-Picture is required.

-Information about the nation/faction/organization the applicant comes from must be given.


-Does race matter? -No Absolutely not.

-Does political affinity of both the applicant and nation matter? -No.

-Does height and age matter? -No , just dont get extreme. Example of extreme: A 3 inch tall woman thats 98 years old.

-Does the applicant have to be able to bare an heir? -No , but it is very preferable that the applicant can or will be able to produce an heir. This will most likely way heavily on the decision but will not determine it.

-Does the applicant have to be specifically from a nation? -No , the applicant can be from a nation , faction , organization , clan/tribe.

-Does the applicant have to be humanoid? -No all applications will be taken and considered regardless of whether the applicants are humanoid or not.

-Does the Nation/Faction/Organization from which the applicant comes from have to be at a certain level. -No.

-Is there a limit to the number of applicants? -No.

Information on Elara:

Government: Empire

Ruler: Emperor Roland Meridius

Tech Level: Space/Future

Skin Tone: Blue

Race Type: Warrior Race , Honor is Paramount , Secretively Spiritual

Add Ins: Elarans are a bit taller than humans. They are also stronger and have a natural regeneration. Elarans are also immortal , not able to die of old age , they stop aging physically around 20-30. The Emperor is almost like a god to Elarans and the utmost respect and loyalty is shown to him.

Info on Emperor Roland Meridius: Noble , tall and strong with long blonde hair and ice blue eyes. He is a strong leader and has sacrificed much for his people over the years.

Note: Applicant must be able to take the place of ruler , taking on the duties of this position when the Emperor must be abroad on business. She will be taught in these matters though once she reaches Elara and the marriage is complete.

A party may be held soon in this thread , if not an applicant will just be chosen and a TG will be sent and soon after the wedding will take place in the Empire. Best of luck and most of all have fun.
17-12-2003, 09:21
I don't get it, why not marry someone inside your own country?

And if you're going international, isn't an emperor supposed to marry someone powerful?
His majesty Bas
17-12-2003, 09:25
And I thought Nationstates was populated only by PEOPLE..... :shock:
17-12-2003, 09:28
Raysia: Because a Royal Marriage is meant as a sort of alliance to help relations between two nations and or strengthen bonds.

One more rule , no more spamming with questioning please. If you have any questions TG me.
17-12-2003, 09:36
OOC: Sorry to interrupt, Elara, but...
And I thought Nationstates was populated only by PEOPLE..... :shock:
"What gave you that idea?" - Borinta (a dragon)
Good luck with your search, Emperor!
17-12-2003, 18:11
No problem Dar. This is a bump , let the submissions of applications commense.
17-12-2003, 18:23
Let me think of something...I have plans for one of my main female characters, and the Empress can only marry pure blood Japanese...
17-12-2003, 18:43
Many thanks for your interest Kajiraki , and dont worry about your empress Im hoping more along the lines of a princess/maiden/daughter of another nation/faction/organization so that she could live in Elara and it wouldnt complicate things.
17-12-2003, 20:29
Name: Ryoko Katsumi

Race: Asian (Japanese)

Country of Origin: The Eternal Japanese Empire of Kajiraki (Japan, Kajiraki Empire)

Age: 25

Height: 5 foot, 4 inches

Weight: 105 pounds

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Ryoko Katsumi was born and raised in Tokyo. She did well in school, well enough to be accepted into the University of Tokyo. She graduated fourth in her class with a degree in aeronautical engineering, and hopes to one day design fighters and other 'fast' jets for one of the major aeronautical firms. She is a tallented artist, and enjoys painting and sketching as well as drawing mechanical objects (cars, boats, planes, etc.). She is a very outgoing girl, and also enjoys baseball. She currently resides in Tokyo, with her cat, Truffles.

The Eternal Japanese Empire of Kajiraki isnt as much its own nation as it is an empirical dynasty. Two years prior to the end of WWII, a man by the name of Ryo Kajiraki ousted the emperor, and took control of the nation. Under his leadership, a peacefull resolution was found, adverting possible disasters at Nagasaki and Hiroshima. However, conflict still dots the region, as 4 years later, Zeros and Hein fighters duel with aircraft from the old regime,and small battles rage on in the mountains. Regardless, the nation is still a peacefull one, and prefers diplomacy over violence. However, should the need for a fight arise, the people of the Empire are not afraid to let everythgin go in the name of victory
17-12-2003, 20:29
17-12-2003, 23:23
OOC Tag for later. I'll have to decide which character. Do you have a lower age limit?
17-12-2003, 23:42
OOC: No I dont , just dont go too extreme. Elarians dont put much emphasis on the age of a person. Just not a 100 year old grandmother or a 6 month old baby alright? Other than that your safe.
18-12-2003, 01:02
Name: Syrla Arianna Oakheart

Race: Scadinavian(Denmark/Norway)

Country of Origin: The Empire of ThirdEye

Age: 27

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 115 Lbs.

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Syrla Oakheart was Born in Copenhagen at the Trinesee Empire, while her parents were visiting on business. Fair student, seemed a little too wild to conform. She followed her father's foot steps wanting to be come an officer in the Army. She graduated 2nd in her class at Morona Military Institute for Officers. Loving thrills, she decided to become an assault chopper pilot. Holding the rank of Centurian in the Trinese Air Force. Currently she is stationed at Morona itself, instructing other cadets.

((For a History of the ETE ask for it ill give you the linl[too lazy to find it]))
18-12-2003, 01:43
Name: Natalya Hannah Harrington

Race: American/Serbian

Country of Origin: The Technocratic Republic of Adejaani

Age: 19

Height 5'4"

Weight: 70 kilograms

Hair: Copper

Eyes: Brown



The Technocratic Republic of Adejaani was founded with a most simple charter: To make peace, to never start wars and above all, remain true to the Four Virtues: Military Might to defend against Aggressors; Science and Medicine to improve the way of life and extend lifespans; Engineering and Manufacturing to ease the burden on the working population and their private lives; and Justice for all, to be free, to hold personal liberties at best.

The architect of this charter is, of course, Morghan J. Harrington, who has been the President of Adejaani from Day One. So it was only natural her child, Natalya, be imbued with those very same beliefs as the core of her life and to which she strives.

Despite her age, Natalya has been a constant advocate of the Four Virtues, spending weekends and nights working with the hospital staff or in the kitchens of homeless shelters or reading stories at the orphanages. In public life, whenever there is a group with a problem, she will rally for their cause, to get the right people to listen and talk, to resolve it.

In private, she enjoys philosophy, as well as books that deal with societal issues, not just on the basic levels, but also different forms of government and how societies work and their philosophies to life. She also enjoys debates and non aggressive forms of competition, like chess, poetry and writing.

Natalya Hannah Harrington may be the daughter of the President, but she is her own person, living her life with passion and caring for those around her, never afraid to speak her mind and aid those who cannot do so themselves. She is a champion of the people and dedicates her life so.
18-12-2003, 01:50
And I thought Nationstates was populated only by PEOPLE..... :shock:

OOC: It's either humans or subhumans (liberals/commies/hippies/homosexuals), I guess. LOL! Just kidding.
18-12-2003, 04:20
OOC: Whoa Adejaani, I though these posts were In character, thats a little editorializing isnt it?(I dont care if I cannot spell)
18-12-2003, 04:24
OOC: Whoa Adejaani, I though these posts were In character, thats a little editorializing isnt it?(I dont care if I cannot spell)

OOC: They are. It's called "Publicity". :roll: Sorta like how, in the runup to a political campaign, that they make their politicians look nice. I did skip the smear the opponents bit, though. :wink: But hmm. I dunno, it seemed a logickal way to tie up the post. If you really want, I can change it, though.....
The Resi Corporation
18-12-2003, 04:29
By race, do you mean any race of human? Or do you mean any race of humanoid?
18-12-2003, 06:19
OOC: Haha Adej, I was just giving you a hard time, I thought it was really good, dont worry about it buddy.
Cuneo Island
18-12-2003, 06:22
Name: Syrla Arianna Oakheart

Race: Scadinavian(Denmark/Norway)

Country of Origin: The Empire of ThirdEye

Age: 27

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 115 Lbs.

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Syrla Oakheart was Born in Copenhagen at the Trinesee Empire, while her parents were visiting on business. Fair student, seemed a little too wild to conform. She followed her father's foot steps wanting to be come an officer in the Army. She graduated 2nd in her class at Morona Military Institute for Officers. Loving thrills, she decided to become an assault chopper pilot. Holding the rank of Centurian in the Trinese Air Force. Currently she is stationed at Morona itself, instructing other cadets.

((For a History of the ETE ask for it ill give you the linl[too lazy to find it]))

Dang, she's a hottie.
18-12-2003, 07:01
Name: Natalia Bwtronvich
Age: 29
Birthplace: Uganda City, Sambizie
Nationality: Sambizie
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 120lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond

-Sambizie Military Acedemy (1996-2000) Commisioned as 2nd Lieutenant in the Sambizie Security Forces (SSF)
-Ph.D., Computer Science, Stanford (1996)
-M.S. Computer Science, Stanford (1994)
-B.A.,B.S., Language and Computer Science, U.C. Berkeley (1993)

-Graduating in the top 5% of her class at the Sambizie Military Acedemy, Natalia was recruited into the SSF. She was assigned an "Operations" post within the Department of Defence. In 2002, she was promoted Director of the Sambizie Counter Terrorism Unit. It was through her hard work and dedication, that Natilia was solely responsible for the capture of Utto'ar Uganda during the "Protectorate" Civil War.
-At the conclussion of the war, Natalia received the nations highest honor and was reconised by the Emperor. Shortly after the war, Natalia resigned her post as Director and began work for the Presidential Guard. In this position, Natalia worked closely with the Intelligence branches of the Sambizie Government.
-Since then, Natilia has "retired" from service with full honors and awards. Her achievements were pivitol in Sambizie history as her hard work "opened" the doors for military careers for women. Natalia spends most of her days relaxing at her lakeside cottage where she raises horses.
18-12-2003, 07:45
By race, do you mean any race of human? Or do you mean any race of humanoid?

I mean any race of humanoid. Elarians arent human and so I dont restrict what races/species may apply here. Go ahead and enter who you would like , all applications shall be studied and all given equal chance.

I am very honored to see many friends and others here whoever I choose will not only become Empress but much more. This will be an almost cementing bond between two nations. I look forward to the future , please continue applications those who have not.
18-12-2003, 18:07
Bump to give others a chance.
19-12-2003, 08:35
Transmission Opened:

"It is with great honor that I announce that I have chosen a bride." "After much consideration of all of the applications I have chosen Natalya Hannah Harrington of the Technocratic Republic of Adejaani." "Perhaps this Royal Marriage will bring our two nations closer together , and form bonds unheard of in times past." "All of the applicants were not only beautiful but had great qualities and have achieved much thus far , though one stood out." "Elara is a military powerhouse and the while another military mind could further its strength there are other areas that are lacking." "Natalya's humanitarian qualities would be an asset to the Empire and one that would be used to great effect." "No doubt she will make a fine wife and Empress , I am honored to be able to look to the future with great hope and to be apart of these times." "The Wedding shall be held in New Berlin , Capital of the Empire." "I invite the leaders of all allied and friendly nations to come and join us when the wedding is scheduled." "Thank you."

-Emperor Roland Meridius
The Empire of Elara

Transmission Ended.
19-12-2003, 09:33
"I..... I'm scared, mother." Natalya Hannah Harrington fidgeted and stared out the window of the sprawling Office of the President of Adejaani. Her mother, President Morghan Harrington just sat at her desk. "Becoming the Empress and Heiress of an Empire is not a simple thing."

Natalya then fumbled in her pockets and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, but her mother took her gently by the arm and led her outside. "Daughter of the President or not, young lady, the Secret Service wouldn't let you smoke it inside. A fire hazard, so they tell me." The elder Harrington didn't even bother asking when the younger one had taken up smoking, but took one for herself.

There was a few minutes of silence as both women on the balcony leaned on the railings, sending puffs of smoke into the air and watched the twinkling night lights of the capital city, a bustling metropolis both had worked most of their lives to building and working for the better, every day.

"Tally....." Morghan began then paused, measuring her words. "I was a writer before this fair nation of ours took shape. I wasn't that much older than you when they asked me to be the President. They knew I was honest and fair. You know what our nation is built on, our Four Values. I just never lost sight of them, even if it meant I lost a lot of sleepless nights and fighting tooth and nail to see it happen. You were chosen not because of who you are, but what you are. Because you work for the betterment of your fellow man, woman and child. Never lose sight of that, kiddo and you'll make one helluva Empress. Though it does mean I have to bow to you, doesn't it?"

The two women laughed and shared a hug as only a loving mother and daughter could. "I wonder how that'll look, a Head of State asking another for advice about boys and approval for marriage." Natalya's giggles contrasted with Morghan's loud guffaws of disbelief. There was another hug and the two continued to look at the twinkling lights of the city and into the starlit skies above, the infinity, the unknown. The future.....
19-12-2003, 18:49
The Golden light of the sun rose over the great Northern Mountains peircing the darkness that had sat like a blanket of midnight over New Berlin. The Silver Towers of the Imperial Palace glowed as the sunlight hit , standing on the balcony of the Northern tower was the Emperor in his noble attire , cloak flowing , silver crown atop his head.

"Wake to the morn my beautiful Elara , a new has come..."

Roland sighed as Admiral Hester walked up on the balcony and kneeled.

"Good morn m'lord."

"Stand my friend , how fares the fleet this day?"

Hester stood and walked up to Roland

"The Fleet is fine and strong as always , it is you I worry about old friend." "What troubles you?"

"Nothing , its just I hope Natalya doesnt try and bring Republic to Elara." "This nation has always been an Empire and that way it must stay."

Hester nods as he looks out over the balcony onto the city below.

"She will learn our ways , no doubt she will make a fine wife." "Though Im sure everything will be strange to her at first." "An Empire , not only that but one of blueskins and pointed ears."

Roland laughed a bit and looked over to Hester.

"There is no doubt that she will make a fine wife and Empress." "Our ways will be strange but Im sure she'll adapt." "I only hope she'll be happy here."

"Look around you , there is beauty yet strength everywhere , and you have built this." "She would be blind not to see this and not be happy." "You must stop worrying m'lord , one day at a time , I stand behind you , the Empire stands behind you."

"Thank you my friend , please inform them to begin preparing the Palace for the wedding."

"Immediately my Emperor." Hester says with a bow as he leaves the balcony.
19-12-2003, 19:09
who are these people really ? :)
19-12-2003, 19:35
The Ribenese government wishes to congratulate the newly weds, and wish you the best of happiness. :)
HRM Queen Ayane Yoshiyama
Ruling monarch of Ribenia
Granddaughter of Shintaro the Wise
Descendant of Sakura the Radiant
19-12-2003, 20:58
Transmission Opened:

"Id like to thank Ribenia for their support and warm wishes." "I hope that you will be able to come to the wedding itself." "Best wishes for yourself and your nation in any case."

-Emperor Roland Meridius
The Empire of Elara

Transmission Ended
Liberty Fighters
19-12-2003, 23:05
::Undisclosed Location::
High Marshall O'Connor stood with some field officers as they all were hunched over a table, with a crystal screen, seemingly of a battlefield. An aide walks in and hands O'Connor a PADD. He looks at it, smiles, and then continues to write a response. The response read:

"It is good to hear there is a woman good enough for your royal self my friend. It brings me great joy to hear of your happy news. Due to current involvements, I may not be able to make it to the wedding. But there will be a gift my friend, for sure. Semper Fidelum my friend.


19-12-2003, 23:11
OOC: Just a few questions, Elara. :wink:

• Is the wedding on Earth? (I recall Elara having moved into space)
• What kind of wedding ceremony is it?
• When will it occur/begin?
• Is it on this thread or will it be in a separate thread?

Just a few. :P
20-12-2003, 00:36
Transmission Opened:

"Many thanks my friend." "I understand fully , do not feel badly Ill be looking forward to the gift." "Be safe brother , if need be call the Blue Tide will be there."

Transmission Ended


OOC: Heres the answers Adejaani.

*Elarian Islands on Earth , Capital City - New Berlin.

*Religious ceremony , it will be the first time anyone has ever seen Elarian Religious practices.


*Separate thread Ill start it anytime now.
20-12-2003, 06:25
I may have one that fits,but she's considered young to many people outside of Roccor who obvioulsy have never heard of Roccorian marriage traditions,the age for the right to marry is 14,it's always been like that since the Republic.

Name:Kasumi Sabume


Country of Origin:Japan


Height:148 cm

Weight: 103 pounds

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

She was born in Nara to a middle-class family.She draws and is an excellent artist,I myself have seen her work as I'm her grandpa.She's a very lively girl,Full of vitality and enthusiasm,and is looking for more than just partnership with someone but a best friend.She's very helpfull in helping me make political decsions,she always picks the right one,she makes the hardest ones look like nothing.She was born in the Year of the Dragon,which makes her a natural leader.She is intelligent, gifted, and a perfectionist but these qualities make her unduly demanding on others.
20-12-2003, 07:12
A communique comes in for the Emperor of Elara.

<<Laser-pulse comm>>
<<Directive: Offices of Emperor Meridius>>

Greetings Emperor Meridius. And congratulations on your impending nuptuals.

As you communicated to us before, we have indeed begun relations of some manner. Perhaps a trade agreement? If so, we have sent a file photo of our trade minister CEO Kargaah, that you might know his face. If not, we can accomodate your needs.

May you walk on warm sands.

Emperor Gorrm
Kargaahl Imperial Complex
<<Comm ends>>