NationStates Jolt Archive

To venture into space, is help needed?LP calls space nations

17-12-2003, 03:01
We [Loserly Peeps] have decided that it is simply not possible, in this advanced day and age, to operate a space program without the assistance of a current space nation.

In the interests of remaining weapon-free in space, and to maintain independence in this matter, we have decided to ask for only minimal assistance.

What we ask is this: that a helpful space-based nation condust suyveys for us regarding the suitability of Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune's moons for colonization. A commission would be paid to the nation that did this, if required.
17-12-2003, 03:12
We of the Republic are willing to provide you with technology to bolster your program, but you will not be permitted to replicate it. You must trade for it with us. We are also willing to sign a provisional defense pact with you so that you may keep your military expendatures to a minimum.
17-12-2003, 03:30
We of the Republic are willing to provide you with technology to bolster your program, but you will not be permitted to replicate it. You must trade for it with us. We are also willing to sign a provisional defense pact with you so that you may keep your military expendatures to a minimum.

Our military expenditures are at a minimum. They don't exist. A defense pact will not be necessary. We trust that we won't have to deal with pirates by not carrying anything valuable, and we won't otherwise annoy larger nations. [a May nation backs this puppet]

Our technology is sufficient for the tasks we have in mind. Will you be able to fulfill our request?
17-12-2003, 03:30
We, the Duchy of Klonor, commend you on your wish to remain weapon free in space. We would be willing to donate several Faustus class Research Vessels to help you run the afor mentioned surveys. We would also be willing to send a Charybdis class Sensor Ship if you are in need of long range sensor work. ( ( (
17-12-2003, 03:32
We, the Duchy of Klonor, commend you on your wish to remain weapon free in space. We would be willing to donate several Faustus class Research Vessels to help you run the afor mentioned surveys. We would also be willing to send a Charybdis class Sensor Ship if you are in need of long range sensor work. ( ( (

OOC: Klonor, why the weaponry store link? honestly...

IC: We wish to develop our ow=n technologies, thank you. What we need is someone to conduct surveys for us.
17-12-2003, 03:35
OOC: Sorry about that. I made my own custom NS web-browser, and I have a button that automatically puts in all my ads. Forgot to take out the weapon one.


Ah, a worthy endeavor. We salute you (most people would take whatever's offered to them without any regard to self advancement), and wish you well. We would be willing to conduct the survey's for you.
17-12-2003, 03:36
Understood. We will conduct the surveys, but as it is in the Sol system (the most dangerous system in the quadrant) we will request a commission. One billion dollars should be sufficient to cover the cost of the resources used.
17-12-2003, 21:48
Ah, a worthy endeavor. We salute you (most people would take whatever's offered to them without any regard to self advancement), and wish you well. We would be willing to conduct the survey's for you.

Please look for smaller crater clustered around a central one, or any other feature that makes a moon preferable.
17-12-2003, 21:54
We will dispatch a two Faustus class Research Vessels at once. Expect the report within one (RL) day.

OOC: I'm gonna look up some real facts about all the moons, or I could just make up some realistic sounding stuff and have that done in a few minutes.
17-12-2003, 21:58
We will dispatch a two Faustus class Research Vessels at once. Expect the report within one (RL) day.

OOC: I'm gonna look up some real facts about all the moons, or I could just make up some realistic sounding stuff and have that done in a few minutes.

OOC: Based on real facts is good, but don't let reality hold you back.
17-12-2003, 22:06
Okay, gimme a little bit to look some stuff up and I'll post my ships findings
17-12-2003, 22:43
We have completed our survey of the specified planets. Our findings have revealed three moons that would serve your purposes.

Orbiting Neptune, there is Proteus, it's only medium sized moon.

Distance from Parent Planet: 118,000 km
Orbit period (Earth days): 1.12
Radius: 210 km

Orbiting Uranus is Oberon and Titania. They are the largest of the moons orbiting Uranus, and are both heavily cratered.

Oberon Titania
Distance from Parent Planet (km): 582,000 436,000
Orbit Period (Earth days): 11.3 8.71
Radius (km): 760 790
Mass (Moon = 1): .041 .048
Density (kg/m^3): 1,600 1,700
18-12-2003, 00:03
Many thanks.
18-12-2003, 00:03
Many thanks.
18-12-2003, 00:15
You're welcome. May your space voyages be nothing but successful.