NationStates Jolt Archive

EOTED Announces 'Summit Regarding SCOJAN'

16-12-2003, 20:59
The Empire announces its intention to hold a Summit in Nenya, in three weeks. The Summit will be open to all political entities (for speaking on the matter at hand) and all economic entities (for observation).

The Summit, henceforth known as the 'Summit on the Matter of Solar Justice and Stability, and the Inaugration of the Solar Commission of Justice and Negotiation', will involve discussion on a number of subjects, including but not limited to:

* the creation and regulation of the Solar Commission of Justice and Negotiation; the SCOJAN plan is intended to act as a supplement to existing national judicial systems (dealing with matters such as war crimes, or crimes that occur inside the domains of more than one political/economic entity), ease the frequent pains of extradition, negotiate peace deals and cease fires in times of war, and allow ease of communication regardless of the cessation of diplomatic relations between nations

* the implementation of the above

* the site of the primary, secondary, and tertiary SCOJAN headquarters (three sites, three planets/worlds)

* general matters regarding to stability and commerce

* resolution of current diplomatic difficulties between the states whom choose to be present

* other matters of importance relating to solar stability, diplomacy, trade, and scientific research.

No states will be excluded from sending representatives to the Summit. Any state currently either in a state of war (namely TROUSRS) or suffering a territorial ban (relating to entrance to the Empire) will be granted waivers as appropriate to allow attendance.

We request the presence of our allies and friends at this Summit, and would be humbly pleased if those who neither consider us friends or allies were to send representatives, also.

We thank all those who intend to attend in advance.

Please direct any questions to the EOTED Diplomatic Corps; Ambassador Ingratti will be handling all enquiries.

~ Empress Rialla ux-Rihad II
New ArAreBee
16-12-2003, 23:58
"New ArAreBee shall send an envoy from our Earth Base of DohNutAh. The creation of an Interplanetary court would certainly help in matters involving international criminals, and a neutral place for the prosecution of War Criminals."

"In addition, New ArAreBee has long wished for trade on Earth outside of the European area and hyperfreemarket nations, and we feel that such a conference would be perfect for our desires."

"We will also be sending a few Trust represenatives, namely those specializing in marketing. They will there to come up with a more permanent and memorable name."

¤-The Tritarchic Dominions
18-12-2003, 00:55
*sends diplomats to talk trade*
18-12-2003, 01:51
The People's Republic of Spyr ( is prepared to dispatch a delegate, as we have great interest in the creation of a body with the potential to further international justice and peace, as well as in the expansion of knowledge and prosperity that accompanies trade and cooperation between states.
18-12-2003, 02:10
[Communication from Synchronized/Directed to EOTED/Daemon, One Entity of Synchronized]

{"I will send our Ambassador Kerlius I and Cat-Entity Angel to the meeting to represent Synchronized as it has begun it's first steps into space and hopes for a common set of laws to maintain stability and peace.}
Daemon (Also called The Lady)
There Is Only One, And The One Is Daemon
The Dominion of Synchronized
18-12-2003, 04:07
ENCRYPTED - LOW - international route: EOTED - route complete

To: EOTED Diplomatic Corps
From: Vrak Diplomatic Corps
Subject: Summit

We shall be sending a small delegation to attend your summit. Although some of the matters on the agenda are beyond realm of interest and sway, we would like to hear and also offer imput on issues that concern us.

Ambassador Hrang-il Jual shall be dispatched.
18-12-2003, 08:47
OOC: *peers at SCOJAN* Y'know, I can't help being reminded of condoms whenever I see that acronym.

22-12-2003, 01:39
The Empire thanks all of those whom have responded, and looks forwards to discussing SCOJAN at the upcoming Summit. Are there any specific requirements for any of those whom have expressed interest in attending? And are there any particular timing requirements?

We apologize for the lack of individual responses, but our time is quite... divided... at the moment.

In short: we're as busy as a priest trying to convert a five-story brothel.

~ Empress Rialla ux-Rihad II
22-12-2003, 01:40
OOC: *peers at SCOJAN* Y'know, I can't help being reminded of condoms whenever I see that acronym.


[OOC: Gee, how nice of you to post a completely irrelevant OOC statement. How thankful I am. [/sarcasm]]
22-12-2003, 02:06
OOC: Our rugby team was named the Trojans. We got a lot of flak about that, but then after we beat our opponents they were singing a different tune.


ENCRYPTED - LOW - international route: EOTED - route complete

To: EOTED Diplomatic Corps
From: Vrak Diplomatic Corps
Subject: Summit

We want you to know that Ambassador Hrang-il Jual is a walrus and may require extra room when it comes to transportation. As with all walrus kind, he can manipulate relatively small objects such as forks and spoons but prefers to eat "face first" as it were. We realize that may be disconcerting for some participants and the Ambassador is quick to adjust his habits. After all, we are the guests in this situation.

Finally, all walrus kind bow when greeting others and prefer not to shake hands with their flippers.
23-12-2003, 00:09
{Unencrypted Open Diplomatic Communique}
{TO: Vrak Diplomatic Corps}
{FROM: Imperial Diplomatic Corps, EOTED}

Thank-you for the information; we will do our best to meet the needs of Ambassador Hrang-il Jual and make him feel comfortable during his stay in the Empire.

~ Ambassador Dejure

{End of Communique}
23-12-2003, 00:30
The High Lord will take you up on your offer to discuss this idea of yours. Also, we wish to ensure that this will not become a puppet of sorts, easily manipulated at will by the EOTED, and will ensure that the justice administered by these courts will infact be blind, and the scales will in fact be equal.
23-12-2003, 00:56
The High Lord will take you up on your offer to discuss this idea of yours. Also, we wish to ensure that this will not become a puppet of sorts, easily manipulated at will by the EOTED, and will ensure that the justice administered by these courts will infact be blind, and the scales will in fact be equal.

The High Lord will be welcomed to the Summit. All such matters as those raised will be able to be discussed at the Summit itself.

~ Ambassador Ingrati
imported_Sentient Peoples
23-12-2003, 01:05
The Federation will of course be sending someone to the Summit. We just aren't sure who yet. Things are rather busy in the Federation at the moment as well. Johnathan Currey, Minister, International Relations Directorate
The Federation of Sentient Peoples (
Federation Roleplay Policy (
25-12-2003, 01:39
The Empire thanks it's greatly respected and trusted ally, the Federation of Sentient Peoples, for its willingness to attend the Summit.

We will announce the date of the upcoming Summit 'soon'; however, we desire to wait a short while before setting the date in stone, as we wish to allow time for as many interested parties to announce their willingness to attend as possible.

~ Ambassador Ingrati
28-12-2003, 00:58
The Serene^Union has considered the SCOJON Summit, and its possible benefits. It has reached a decsion regarding, and I can confirm it will send a representitive to attend. In fact, I myself shall attend in the hopes of securing another much sought after diplomatic channel, and to widen my role as Envoy-Prima.

Serenity be your companion. Melyanna en' tel' Isilme
Ooma a' tel' Quessir [Voice to the Elves]
The Most Serene Union Of Kaenei (
28-12-2003, 01:47
The Serene^Union has considered the SCOJON Summit, and its possible benefits. It has reached a decsion regarding, and I can confirm it will send a representitive to attend. In fact, I myself shall attend in the hopes of securing another much sought after diplomatic channel, and to widen my role as Envoy-Prima.

Serenity be your companion. Melyanna en' tel' Isilme
Ooma a' tel' Quessir [Voice to the Elves]
The Most Serene Union Of Kaenei (

We are honoured by Kaenei's agreement to attend.

~ High King Semir-randil I
Santa Barbara
28-12-2003, 01:55
"The Federal Government of Santa Barbara shall be sending an entourage lead by the Lady High Executive Jenna Timothy, Director of the PrattCo Conglomerate Public Assets Department, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to the summit. We applaud this effort on behalf of the Empire of Eternal Dawn to establish a legal foundation for the safe conduct of international forces, particularly in the interplanetary and orbital theatres; perhaps, with this move, we can forestall certain kinds of unfortunate incidents in the future, and establish a healthier, freer, more profitable international market...."

-Lord President, Heinrid Abadas
28-12-2003, 04:15
The USSL will be sending Ambassador Nikita Korvana, an esteemed woman that works in the Office of UN Affairs. It is expected that ties will increase between the EOTED and Lietuveska at the summit, and it is hoped that rather strong critics of our nation, namely Santa Barbara, will come to like the USSL in the end.

Nikita Korvana:
30-12-2003, 03:54

*takes a cattle prod and pokes EOTED*

No offense, EOTED, but I count the following 11 nations (including yourself) ready to attend:

New ArAreBee
Lord Christopher Scott
Sentient Peoples
Santa Barbara


Keep in mind that when the G8 get together, it boils down to just eight dudes.
30-12-2003, 04:07
OOC: Well, I'm glad he procrastinated. It gives me a chance to say I'll attend before the thing starts.

IC: We will send two represenitives to this conference. Space is a very chaotic place. Almost as chaotic as Earth itself. I applaud any measures taken to bring order to it.

-Lord Reil Tian
30-12-2003, 06:32
A letter, written by hand on parchment and rolled and bound by ribbon arrived via messenger. It was short.

Despite recent differences, Wazzu will send a representative.

~Brian Walton, CEBO Wazzu
30-12-2003, 18:40
30-12-2003, 19:50
If there are no complaints to the timing, we think a fitting date for the beginning of the Summit would be the fifth day Narvinyë - that is, January 5th. As opposed to the previous announcement that the Summit would be held in Nenya, we feel that, if there are no objections, it may be wiser to hold the Summit itself on Mount Tumnorë, at a specially-built locale. Recent global tensions, we feel, mean that a greater importance ought to be stressed on security; and although there are few places more secure than Nenya, Mount Tumnorë is less high profile. Furthermore, Mount Tumnorë is the planned site of the Socket for the space elevator planned by IsnCo.

It seems fitting that a Summit with potentially stellar-wide consequences ought to be held at a location that has potentially stellar-wide economic viability.

For security reasons, the exact location will remain secret. All delegates, as usual, are requested to land at Nenya International Airport; we will handle transport to Mount Tumnorë.

~ Ambassador Dejure
30-12-2003, 20:17
We have no complaints about the date and we are pleased with the choosen location. Our delegates will arrive on the choosen day and I also put the service of one of our intelligence corvettes in orbit at your disposal, for added security.

-Lord Reil Tian
31-12-2003, 04:00
The USSL has no complaints about the mentioned date or location. We trust the EOTED to take good care of Ambassador Korvana. We also await the summit with great anticipation.
31-12-2003, 05:54
Spyran delegates are completely satisfied with the chosen time and location, and look forward to the summit with great anticipation.
31-12-2003, 06:23
we shall arrive whenever and wherever
31-12-2003, 22:19
I have no qualms nor complaints regarding the convention location or time. I shall, as I stated previously attend without hinderence.
Melyanna en' tel' Isilme
Ooma a' tel' Quessir [Voice to the Elves]
The Most Serene Union Of Kaenei (
01-01-2004, 04:17
From Knootoss, another message came stating there were no complaints about date and time.

(OOC: though OOCly you never know when I'm on ;) )
01-01-2004, 21:17
Then I look forwards to speaking with you all.

~ Empress Rialla ux-Rihad II
05-01-2004, 03:40
Ambassador Hrang-il Jual cast his eye about the military airbase as he boarded the hypersonic military transport. He hated to leave his country while the FKC was possibly on the brink of war with the United Emirates, but he was ever faithful to his office.

He spat a large goober and thought. Those stupid pakrah Drakonians! May their ships and men be cast to the bottom of the Klatchian ocean should they decide to invade! A curse on their nation and their people!

Composing himself, he looked at the upcoming agenda for the SCOJAN summit. The space items really did not concern Vrak at this time but it was always prudent to be aware of what is developing should Vrak decide to pursue that path.

The other items were of more importance. Hmmm. Stability. Commerce. Resolving diplomatic differences. Well, we are a part of the UTP and hold key positions within that organization. As well, we take an active interest in the NCWC - but that has since lost some influence. He proudly reflected when Vrak really was noticed internationally. Hosting the World Court to avert a war between Menelmacar and Christofi was quite risky but it managed to garner international acclaim. Those stupid Menelmacari failed to send anyone though. How insulting of them, and something we will not forget for a long time...

Again he stopped himself. will do no good to bring up the past. Best to gather as much information as possible before making our position known.

He boarded the jet with his staff and began to read up on the EOTED.
06-01-2004, 09:18
The hypersonic transport nears EOTED airspace and begins to broadcast this message:

"EOTED Air Traffic Control. This is Vrak Diplomatic Flight Omega 988 requesting permission to land at Nenya International Airport. Repeat, this is Vrak Diplomatic Flight Omega 988 requesting clearance to land."


Meanwhile, the astute mind of Ambassador Jual consumed all the available information about the EOTED known to Vrak, especially the recent political events. As well, he quickly scrutinized the backgrounds of other possible participants.

This should prove to be a most interesting summit.
06-01-2004, 19:32
There is a slight delay before the crystal-clear feminine voice comes over the radio on the Vrak flight.

"Flight Omega Nine-Eight-Eight, you're outside of our jurisdiction at this current time. However, Nenya ATC is granting permission for a C-class transition across T-I-B-T airspace following consultation with T-I-B-T Control. <pause> Proceed to Nenya ATC-controlled airspace at 12,000 feet, on the transmitted satelite-guidance path. Full-contact landing at runway Tango-One (North) granted. Please acknowledge and read back for confirmation."
07-01-2004, 05:54
"Will proceed to Nenya ATC airspace at 12 000 feet. Awaiting guidance path. Will land at runway Tango-One. Awaiting your confirmation. Over."


Jual meanwhile conferred with his aides.

Translated from Vrakian.

-What do you make of all this?
-Well, it is a good opportunity to curry favor with any powerful nations that are there.
-Bah. We already have powerful friends who are more closely aligned with our beliefs.
-But Ambassador...
-Listen. We are here to primarily gather information. We've really had no dealings with EOTED in the past except for a brief encounter at that wedding so long ago. Remember then they refused to even acknowlege our presence. Thankfully people like Angelus, Dread Lady Nathicana, and even Sentient Peoples were more kind. But they do make themselves visible on the international scence.
-Well, yes...
-So it would not be prudent for us to join them in any type of defence pacts or what have you.
-But sir...
-Trade is of course, open. So is possible research collaboration but, like Scolopendra, we wonder what we can offer them. Besides, I still am wary of them refusing to consider the NCWC and setting up their own system as better.
-Perhaps Ambassador, some of our concerns and questions will be best answered at the summit itself.
07-01-2004, 19:38
"Will proceed to Nenya ATC airspace at 12 000 feet. Awaiting guidance path. Will land at runway Tango-One. Awaiting your confirmation. Over."


Jual meanwhile conferred with his aides.

Translated from Vrakian.

-What do you make of all this?
-Well, it is a good opportunity to curry favor with any powerful nations that are there.
-Bah. We already have powerful friends who are more closely aligned with our beliefs.
-But Ambassador...
-Listen. We are here to primarily gather information. We've really had no dealings with EOTED in the past except for a brief encounter at that wedding so long ago. Remember then they refused to even acknowlege our presence. Thankfully people like Angelus, Dread Lady Nathicana, and even Sentient Peoples were more kind. But they do make themselves visible on the international scence.
-Well, yes...
-So it would not be prudent for us to join them in any type of defence pacts or what have you.
-But sir...
-Trade is of course, open. So is possible research collaboration but, like Scolopendra, we wonder what we can offer them. Besides, I still am wary of them refusing to consider the NCWC and setting up their own system as better.
-Perhaps Ambassador, some of our concerns and questions will be best answered at the summit itself.

"Acknowledged. Guidance path transmitted in underlying data packet. Contact Ground Control on comm frequency 124.4 upon landing for handoff and taxi orders. Nenya ATC out."
Scandavian States
07-01-2004, 20:25
The Imperium are wondering if perhaps the EOTED would allow a late commer? We are interested in the possibilites of this organization and how it would relate to other organizations and alliances that traditionally inspire, nay, breed lawless and barbaric behavior.

Chief Ambassador Asiyah Saleh,
Imperium Diplomatic Service
07-01-2004, 20:47
The Imperium are wondering if perhaps the EOTED would allow a late commer? We are interested in the possibilites of this organization and how it would relate to other organizations and alliances that traditionally inspire, nay, breed lawless and barbaric behavior.

Chief Ambassador Asiyah Saleh,
Imperium Diplomatic Service

But of course. All are welcome. I look forwards to seeing you, or one of your underlings, at the Summit.

~ Empress Rialla ux-Rihad II
09-01-2004, 02:14
10-01-2004, 02:34
After contacting Nenyan Ground Control and following the prescribed path, the Vrakian transport touched down upon runway Tango One. After finding its designated berth, the Vrakian delegation exited.

Two bulky bodyguards exited first and, after getting the "all clear", the Ambassador and his entourage followed suit.

So...this is the Empire of the Eternal Dawn.

OOC: Just speeding it up a little, Ma-tek. I can always edit if you so wish.
10-01-2004, 04:32
The clouds floated lazily below, forming a fluffing, white carpet that stretched well into the night sky and passed beyond distant view. Beads of rain skirted down the viewing port, distorting the image outside and reflecting the light strangely. Above the moon shone, clear and bright without the bothersome irritation of cloudcover to mask a brilliant sheen. The pitted, scarred lunar surface mappable from the air.

Lady Melyanna sighed, brushing a lock of hair from her vision. Climbing to her feet, she forgot the port that had held her attention and crossed to a small couch set against the rear bulkhead. Bringing herself to seat, and curling her legs up also, she adjusted the ceremonial headband that adorned her, her attentions only half focused on what she did.

On the table in front datanodes lay scattered. Some still pulsed with text and images, other black and lifeless, but all contained cultural and second-hand information on the Empire of the Eternal Dawn.

Relations with the EOTED and the Serene^Union were virtually none-existant. The age of isolation ending only shortly before an aplogy was issued to the triumvirate, and one of its newest members- Kaenei. Melyenna rubbed her weary eyes, allowing the tense facial muscles a brief respite from their gruelling shedule. Some of the pads, the data held in most importance was gibberish to her. Written in Ancient Kaeneian, a language Killthanus had been unable to master himself meant she could only hazard foolish guesses as to the contents. She had allowed the onboard computer, a rudimentary model sufficient to her needs, translate what it could into an Elvish she could understand and read.

She picked up the closest pad. Her eyes squinted as she struggled to seperate the endless blocks of text that seemed to merge into one.

She was spared further harship by a subtle, two tone chime that eminated from the walls themselves. Rising form her spot, she thought, struggling to remember what the alarm had meant, and could mean. She had been in the service of Kaenei for only a few short weeks, and she had much to learn. Her way of life had changed, not something easily adjusted to.

Recalling the distance approximation, she readied herself. EOTED lay only a short distance away, and she would do well to waken up further before taking up her duties.

The Kaeneian Gravship C'Traiviyax slowly began to descend, its sleekened hull dropping into and below the thick, blinding cloud that soon took them from the watchful gaze of the moon, and the stars that now shone dimly, struggling and unable to breach the selfish atmosphere of the Earth, their lights barely recognised against the darkened skyline.

Without obvious intent, the short range transmission redundencies were deployed, and a short message dispatched to the relevent EOTED authority, requesting landing permission and orders.
10-01-2004, 16:05
A quick flurry of communication between TIBTC and the Kaeneian gravship results in the relevant transferance of orders, and the gravship is (naturally) relayed to the IsnCo Spaceport, just to the west of Nenya International Airport. IsnCo Control transmits a brief request, in a far more loose style than the government-run Air Traffic Controllers-

Welcome to EOTED Airspace, C'Traiviyax. You're expected. If you have microwave guidance capability, please follow the M-flightpath down. If not, you are assigned Landing Pad 2-2-Beta. A Fancy will convey your delegation to the Tumnore Landing Facility. IsnCo Spaceport Control out.

* * *

The airport does not look like an airport.

In fact, it looks like a field. The only concrete in sight are two runways - presumably, the second is Tango Two. The control tower is visible off to the west, but it isn't exactly very tall. In the distance behind the tower and in every direction the tall, vibrant green of Nenya Forest is visible; the airport barely infringes on the forest itself.

The occasional boom announces the arrival of aircraft, and some of the airport, off in the direction of the tower, is home to bubble-shaped aircraft that have nothing in the way of wings: Fancys.

It's clear that this is more an airfield than an airport, but the name remains nontheless - once, some time ago, this was an airport.

Documentation about Nenya would have told the delegates that the airport is actually inside the city of Nenya itself, but no buildings are visible. In fact, the delegates likely find it hard to believe that they stand near one of the busiest regions of Nenya - and even harder to believe that Nenya is home to some three hundred fifty million people.

They had not seen the city on their way in; only woodland, stretching out as far as the eye can see, and the dim glimmer of a lake in the far distance. Mountains, of the extremely large variety, are visible at the edge of visibility to the north.

Exactly nine seconds after the Vrakian transport issues forth the Vrakian delegation (and their bodyguards), the perhaps somewhat-familiar profile of a Rivette Fancy - the favourite long-distance transport aircraft in the Empire - falls out of the sky with a quiet boom.

It does, of course, quite literally fall out of the sky - at the breakneck speed that the VTOL aircraft is famous for. It halts bare inches from the waving grass just to the side of the berth, pauses for a moment. The 'grass' turf revolves, revealing a metal plate - and the Fancy deploys hermetic seals, clamping to the landing plate.

The Fancy is one of the luxury diplomatic variety; the hull is absolutely covered with repeated images of the Imperial Three Star Sigil - light blue with three stars, two level in height, one above at the equidistant centre of the other two. The centre of the Three Stars is disturbed by the bright flash of two lightning bolts crossing at the centre: this is the emblem of House ux-Rihad, the Imperial Family - hence the term 'Imperial Three Star Sigil'. The Sigil is only slightly different from the symbol of the Empire proper - the normal Three Star Sigil lacks the lightning bolts.

A portion of the hull dissolves into liquid, changing shape into a solid gangplank (which is, of course, red) which touches down on the concrete concourse some twenty metres from the Vrakian aircraft.

Down the gangplank come two exquisitely dressed Nenyans; their bright amber eyes are made all the more stunning by the light blue clothing that adorns their slender, tall bodies.

One of them strides forwards to meet the Vrakian delegation.

"Greetings, friends. I am 1st Ambassador Nejure; you are most prompt. You are the first to arrive, in fact. If you'll follow me to our..."

He smiles slightly.

"...chariot, we can get to the Tumnore Facility with all due haste. I'm sure you will find the journey most educational." The smile widens.
Scandavian States
10-01-2004, 16:34
A Tyrian Scarlet and Cobalt 767, with an escort of two fighters, made its way torwards Nenya and the diplomatic summit. At thirty miles from the coast the fighters peeled off and the pilot of the jetliner called out in a monotone, "Nenya International, this is Imperium Diplomatic Flight 001 requesting permission to land."
Santa Barbara
10-01-2004, 18:35
Jenna Timothy's stomach did a barrel roll as the Silent Eagle LTS/TTV was ejected from the merchant cruiser's cargo bay.

The PCC fleet was still a good distance from the course-correction point, where the mighty vessels would lurch and crawl and reverse-fire their engines to avoid crashing into or skipping by the Earth entirely. So, the Silent Eagle came plummeting towards Earth at 21 kilometers per second.

She had not gotten used to spaceflight, despite having spent the past two months at or over Mars, and the past week and a half coming back to Earth. To Nenya of all places! At a board meeting, Bob Pratt had once described the place as "liberal green party refugees."

Her stomach did another roll and then the vehicle's own power, it's miraculous warping of gravity, took over. And she felt nothing.

She felt nothing as the vehicle rapidly and smoothly decelerated, too. Outside, the stars turned to atmosphere, and atmosphere to clouds, although she did not see this happen. By the time it was approaching EOTED space it was only going two kps... one kps... controlling what would otherwise have been a ruinous fall towards the ground below.

Meanwhile, the pilot continued to talk into the radio in low, nasal tones. She couldn't hear what he was saying from here, but she expected it was the usual diplomatic and flight control routine. She stretched her legs in her seat, noticing now that gravity was now pulling distinctly downward.

Blast, I'm already tired. Let's get some coffee back here before we get there.
10-01-2004, 20:45
The C'Traiviyax descended further, her guidance systems taking the rudimentary task of completing a landing and peforming them with the dilligence and precsion expected for an operation a hundred times more important. Emitter pads flared momentarily as the gravitational stresses being exerted were subtly altered and remodelled. With an almost airy hiss the landing gear of the transport descended with a fluidity of an an organic creature, a bird in flight.

Moments later, she had touched down, her final movements a lowering of her chassis to accomodate the ground angle. With a crackled hiss the electric blue arcing from the gravimetric emitters faded, leaving a distinctly less exciting air around the Kaeneian craft.

From somewhere midship, a slim ramp began its journey downwards, Its silent operation terminating as it made contact with the smooth metal of the landing bay the C'Traiviyax occupied. From two points to the right and left of the exitway shafts of red light illuminated forth, casting a strange glow over the ramp down and the fore landing gear.

Lady Melyanna slowly travelled down the rampway. She wore a deep blue ceremonial gown. Though the pattern that adorned the hem, and the colouring seemed typically Elvish, and in no way unusual, it stood out. Around the waist raised tendrils of white fabric snaked, joining similiarly coloured coils that ran round and up the back, and peaking on the shoulders. A ceremonial headband, with the symbol of the Serene^Union set in its centre adorned her head. From the band a veil descended. It was of a curious and unknown material. Whilst it seemed so thin as to almost not exist, it blotted out the finer details of the Elf, lending a semi-detailed outline and little else. From the limits of the veil, blonde tresses filtered outwards,a contrast to the dress colouring.

Melyanna bore no company. There were no hulking and silent bodyguards, regarding every structure and form with suspicion and dislike that was not deserved or needed. No attendents, baring fine oils or informative texts walked by her side. Not so much as a single minder.

It was not required, or wished.

The lady stared out from behind her mysterious veil, regarding the concerete that lay before her, signifying her first real sight of the Empire. As she cleared the C'Traiviyax, she extended a delicate hand, gently placing it on a concrete wall close by. Closing her eyes, she ran her fingers over the structure. Though she bore no real ability or power against inanimate objects, she found it fascinating to study other methods of construction, materials. Anything she learned would be welcomed and even this petty act had signified much.

Ending the task, she stepped forward, awaiting the said transport that would take the Kaeneian ambassador onwards.
10-01-2004, 21:57
10-01-2004, 21:58
10-01-2004, 22:00
Nikita had told President Weston goodbye, and was walking out into the brisk cool Lietuv air. The morning was cloudy and gray, and she boarded her limousine for Hvittsted International Airport. It pulled out of the 200-yard driveway from the Blått Hus, escorted by five black GMC Envoys. They were filled with three Special Services operatives each. All along the planned route to the airport nearly five hundred operatives were strategically placed.

When the convoy had reached the airport, they were driven to a reserved runway. The Ambassador and her aides exited the limousine to board the Stallion 333. It was a special aircraft dedicated to special diplomatic missions like this one. It was about 100 feet long, and 20 feet wide. She waited for her guards, which were the SS operatives, to surround her before climbing up the stairs to board the plane. She turned back to look over the skyline of Hvittsted. She would miss home quite a bit..

Nikita boarded, and her guards took their seats, while the operative leader, Sgt. Ben Vorlesta talked to her about planned events and how her defense would be coordinated. He mentioned to her that two F-22s would be waiting for them as they left Hvittsted to escort them to Nenya. They would turn back as soon as they reached EOTED airspace.

The plane lifted off, rocking quite violently as all passengers were tightly buckled in. It then ascended into the air at a 20-degree angle. Nikita remembered why she hated liftoff, her ears started popping badly, and she needed to take a Tylenol soon.

A few minutes later they were starting to level out, and she prompty took two Tylenol to comfort her pained ears. She then typed a message on her laptop to the EOTED, informing them of the coming arrival.


I am arriving escorted by two F-22 fighter jets, which will promptly turn around as we reach EOTED airspace. I am requesting that our clearance be given to land in Nenya. I have brought a total of 15 guards armed only with pistols, and a cargo plane is coming soon that is carrying my limousine and five black GMC Envoys. I am requesting that this shipment be cleared as well. I fully understand if inspections are needed.

Thank you graciously,
11-01-2004, 04:34
The Spyran jet transport soared through international airspace, carrying PRS ambassador, colonel Mikoto Inoe, towards the EOTED. Once they came within sufficient range, the air crew would communicate their presence, and folow all appropriate local procedures, so that the ambassador could reach her destination without incident.
11-01-2004, 07:11
[quote=Ma-tek"One of them strides forwards to meet the Vrakian delegation.

"Greetings, friends. I am 1st Ambassador Nejure; you are most prompt. You are the first to arrive, in fact. If you'll follow me to our..."

He smiles slightly.

"...chariot, we can get to the Tumnore Facility with all due haste. I'm sure you will find the journey most educational." The smile widens.[/quote]

Ambassador Jual bowed low, which may appear somewhat odd for the Nenyans, said,

"Thank you for welcoming us Ambassador Nejure. We look forward to the upcoming journey. Since you are in haste, may I reserve more formal introductions for my staff upon our final destination?"

He was impressed with the showy arrival of the Nenyans, which would have been most incongruous in Vrak. Nevertheless, the Ambassador supressed a grin and merely followed Nejure into the "chariot."
11-01-2004, 15:46
Scandinavian States Delegation; On Approach

The duty officer at the Nenyan ATC tower scowled. Did these people not recieve any training on flight procedures? The aircraft wasn't even inside NIA airspace! For what seemed like the millionth time that day, the man contacted TIBTC and recieved permission to route the flight through EOTED Transitional Airspace - and then he set about relaying the orders (flight altitude and such) to the incoming Scandinavian States flight.

Santa Barbara Delegation; En Route

[OOC: I'm going to assume you have microwave flight guidance recieve capability; if I'm wrong, lemme know and I'll go back and edit. :)]

After seeking confirmation from the Santa Barbaran craft that it was indeed capable of following a microwave guidance beam, the GuideOp in the IsnCo Spaceport Control Centre flicked closed the appropriate contact after touch-typing the appropriate sequence on the keypad set into his terminal. Quietly he confirmed with the incoming craft that the microwave beam was on-the-nose, and, recieving confirmation, sat back.

For six seconds. Sighing, he began the task of guiding in the freighter that had been relayed in from Vilya Elenoston Space...

Kaenei Delegation; Nenya IsnCo Spaceport

The IsnCo Spaceport - a commercial 'port, not a government-controlled one - is extremely busy. Freighters drop into their berths in a steady constant stream of traffic; private craft are less frequent, but traffic is heavy nontheless.

Fortunately, the Kaeneian gravship was routed into one of the few available 'private' berths, saving them the indignity of having to pass through one of the most rowdy places in the entire Empire. IsnCo Spaceport is not technically EOTED territory - it is instead owned and administered by IsnCo; the Imperial Space Networking Co-operative - EOTED's largest space-based economic asset.

Lethal arms are not banned here. In fact, they're encouraged. Everyone carries them anyway, so the local feeling on the matter is: if everyone has them, then everyone should have them. It saves time.

A small hole opens in a wall that did not possess any seams (yet another show of the simple advances that nanotech has brought in the last year), and an access tunnel extends outwards, halting a few feet inside the berth of the gravship.

Two people - one Nenyan, one Noldor Elf - stride out. The Elf smiles a friendly smile, greeting Melyanna with a graceful bow. The Nenyan is clearly a security functionary of some sort; he bears that suspicious nature, the furtive glances...

...the microwave pulse blaster fitted to his right arm.

At any rate, the Nenyan does bow, but some seconds after the Elf - and only once he is absolutely certain that there are no assasins waiting inside the walls of the berth (or whatever he was looking for).

"Greetings, Ambassador," the Elf speaks in lilting Sindarin, adding the greeting in Quenya, Nenyan, English, and Spanish. Clearly, he's not entirely sure what language they speak in Kaenei.

Lietuveska Delegation; En Route

A message is rapidly sent back:

Ambassador Nikita Korvana,

Your guards will be required to leave any lethal mechanical arms they carry on the transport that brings you in. I'm afraid the limousine and any other 'cars' will have to be left behind, as well, unless they are alternative clean fuel variants. The burning of fossil fuels in the Empire is strictly prohibited. Alternative (and, no insult intended, but no doubt superior) transport can, of course, be provided if your vehicles are indeed of the fossil fuel burning variety. We apologize for the inconveniance, and likewise that we did not make these matters crystal-clear previously. Our gracious thanks for your co-operation in these matters.

As ever, I remain,

High Lord Dejure of Ax-turath

Spyr Delegation; En Route

The appropriate clearance, following EOTED avionics protocol, is given.

Vrak Delegation; Nenya International Airport

Before entering the Fancy, Nejure nods briskly and says softly, "We have a fondness for punctuality, Ambassador, as you have no doubt been told. Introductions can be made once we are all in more comfortable surrounds, I am sure." He smiles an easy smile.

The Fancy - which Nejure notes is a Mk4 in a hushed undertone - is fairly lavishly furnished. It is not luxurious, however; merely functional, with slight comfort. In short, it is fairly 'neutral' as far as luxury is concerned: neither uncomfortable and not quite luxurious either.

The carpet is, however, of a thick pile variety, and is soft and spongy underfoot. Only one porthole is visible, because all the others are covered by tapestries; all the tapestries (which are absolutely exquisite in detail and vibrancy of colour) display Nenyans and Humans shaking hands; Humans and Elves leaning over documents and adding their signatures; Elves and Nenyans doing likewise...

In short, each tapestry displays a diplomatic meeting of some sort.

Nejure and the other Nenyan (who is probably a member of the security forces, judging by the mild bulge at his hip and the steady measure of his stride) lead the Vrakian delegates to their seats. Nejure does not bother to sit; instead he leans easily against the central pillar, and says conversationally, "We'll be taking off shortly, and the flight will only take about twenty-five seconds or so. Tumnore is just a hop and a skip away. We'll be flying up to an altitude of 120,000 feet, and then simply falling along a microwave guidance beam. The shipboard AI makes certain we do not smash into the ground, of course. And as a further precaution, the landing strip is employing a static decellerative MI field. Of course, it will be deactivated on our approach; it is merely precaution. The Fancy is by far the safest mode of transport."

He smiles slightly wider, his head cocking to one side as if listening to something. "Ah. We've taken off."

No motion was detectable; and the 'ride' is far smoother than a conventional aircraft. No sway, no motion, no... nothing.

If any of the delegates glance at the porthole, they will note that it is now polarized.
New ArAreBee
11-01-2004, 17:30
Space contorted and tessellated as the fabric of space bended into alien angles, curves, and lines. The vast amalgamation of noneuclidean geometries seemed to explode as the small obelisk that was the New ArAreBeen shipped slipped out of the insane vortex, the ship seeming to flow back into it's perfectly flat sides as the curving of the maelstrom behind it subsided.

The storm in space collapsed upon itself as it reached the apex of its' existance, the various brackets and equations collapsing on themselves to revert back to the relatively flat space that it was before. The ship reflected a crimson red color, its' official designation being far to long for human mouths, only used by the aerospace control back on Mars.

The red monolith slowly descended into the Earth atmosphere as the manifolds of antigravity tidal forces flowed across the ship in great waves. The ship slowly fell into Earth's gravity well, the tidal forces slowly strengthening as the ship established equilibrium with Earth's gravitational field.

The shields sparked slightly as the ship bounced a radio signal off to the Ma-Nenya Air Control, the obelisk itself hovering under cloud level as the great green sea below it followed it's course across the vast plane known as Earth.

OOC: I believe the conference is at Ma-Nenya, yes?
11-01-2004, 20:25
For a moment, Melyanna did consider returning the greeting in Kaeneian, if not to further her own understanding of the extremely complex language of her new home. However, she decided against an exercise which at best would be in futility, and at worst provoke a complete lack of comprehension from her greeter and security consul.

Instead, Melyanna rolled out her response in her suited elvish tongue, Quenya. She felt a great satisfaction in finally being free to converse in it. Few within Kaenei knew even of the names of the various Elvish dialects and languages, and none she knew of were able to speak it with any degree of cohesion. Her longing for lands long since departed eased, as a small part of her became placated at this homage.

"Your greeting is well recieved, and returned equally. I am glad to finally have traversed the massive distances that seperate the Serene^Union and the Empire. The journey was wearing on the body and soul. However, it is not my task to complain and I have no responsibility or intent to begin now."

With a quiet hiss, the landing ramp of the Kaeneian gravcraft began to close, retracting until it folded neatly into the midsection belly, disappearing from view against the smoothened, shaped metal.

Melyanna does not lift her veil yet, preferring for now to remain slightly inconspicious until she felt slightly more at ease in foreign lands with unknown others, regardless of charming first impressions. She did not have a sense of unease, but knew caution paid more dividend than rashness.
12-01-2004, 01:03
Jual listened to Nejure's briefing about the operations of the Fancy, but seemed to be more interested in the tapestries.

"Thank you for the explanation of your craft's operation Ambassador Nejure. But I'm afraid I'm not much of a scientist."

He chuckled softly and then began.

"You have extensive relations with the elvish race, yes? Our own contact was quite brief. And I've never met a Nenyan before. Are you one of that race Ambassador? Your eye color is certainly not human. Forgive me, but our country is somewhat isolated and our contact with other races limited. But with our borders opening up, we do have a keen interest in the history of other races and our own history is quite long."
12-01-2004, 15:42
As the Spyran jet began its landing approach, ambassador Inoe gazed out the window at the sight below. Her basic briefing on local geography had given their landing site as an airport, within a substantially populated area, but all she saw was a simple set of airstrips resting in a pristine landscape. Assuming that there hadn't been a mistake in her information, she wondered if the city was located beneath them underground, the most likely scenario, or perhaps camouflaged by some other means...

The jet touched down on the runway with a slight jolt, slowing and then taxiing to its assigned berth.

As the aircraft came to a stop, the two of the soldiers who were serving as security escort opened the side door and checked outside. No visible threats... as expected, given the number of diplomats that would be arriving here. The soldiers checked their pistols, making sure no rounds were chambered, before removing th clips and stepping out of the aircraft.
They were quickly followed by the ambassador and her aide.

The delegation gazed around at the nearby landscape, still wondering as to the location of the city itself, while they awaited transport to the summit site.
12-01-2004, 22:24
New AreArBee Delegation; En Route to IsnCo Spaceport

[OOC: Delegates are to land in Ma-Nenya, yes, in the city itself, Nenya - Ma-Nenya is a city-state - but the delegations will be transported to the site of the actual summit itself, on Mount Tumnore. Tumnore is actually what is referred to as a 'three-quarters sovereign kingdom' within the bounds of the Empire, due to historical independance and neutrality - but due to internal politics, there is an air exclusion zone over Tumnore, and the surrounding countryside, with regards to foreigners. EOTED aircraft are allowed to fly into the air exclusion zone, however, and so the delegates have to be transported in on EOTED aircraft.]


The New ArAreBee ship is given permission to land at one of the secluded berths at IsnCo Spaceport, and is provided with a microwave guidance beam path directly into the berth.

Kaenei Delegation; IsnCo Spaceport

The Elf nods with understanding. "As I understand it, it is indeed a long journey. I trust that we will be able to make your stay in the Empire as comfortable as desired; refreshments and a place of rest will be provided once we arrive in Tumnore. - Yet I forget my manners; I am 3rd Ambassador Quetalarca, of House Finwë. - I apologize if I seem hurried, but we have something of a tight schedule. Today is a busy day; it is Foundation Day, a day of great celebration. Perhaps it was not wise to begin the Summit today of all days, but then I am talking overmuch, which is common for myself. Perhaps fitting for one of my position, I suppose- but I digress. If you will follow, Ambassador, I will lead you to our conveyance to the Tumnore Facility," he replies in rapid-fire Quenya. His name is most apt; he speaks faster than most.

He motions - somewhat grandly - towards the 'tunnel' he exited from. Presumably this leads to the transport.

[OOC: Quetalarca = 'Rapid speaker'.]


Vrak Delegation; In The Air -> Tumnore Facility

Nejure smiles slightly; when he speaks, it is with the style of one accustomed of making 'small talk' - if the listener is clever enough to discern it, he is not quite so happy to be talking at length as he makes it appear. "Indeed, I am Nenyan. The colour of our eyes is related to the somewhat unusual design of our eyes, I'm told. You see, the inner eye has a duel-function lid - called the mir topa - which covers the inner retina, and provides sensory cells... a kind of secondary retina. It covers the reflective inner retina, which is uncovered in darkness. Something like a cats eye. - But I am self-aggrandizing, I fear. Suffice to say that our eye colour is related to the composition of our eye, and, although not as good as our Quendi kin, we have excellent vision. And hearing. Not so good a sense of smell, though, I fear." He carefully does not mention the fact that Nenyans are empathic.

He glances at the one visible porthole, which now displays the matte grey of a concrete wall. "But we are here," he states with a smaller smile than before.

Spyr Delegation; Nenya International Airport

As with the previous arrivals at the Airport, the rapid arrival of the Fancy is uncannily quick. Again, precisely nine seconds elapse between the exit of the Spyr delegation and the arrival of the snub-nosed sleek wingless aircraft.

Again, a portion of the hull simply dissolves into liquid, reforming into a solid-enough gangplank.

A Human and a Nenyan descend; the Nenyan wears a pulse-blaster on his wrist - clearly a security force member of some sort. Other than that, he is attired identically to the Human.

The Human strides to the Spyrian delegates, frowning slightly at the pistols. Before any greeting, he states flatly, "I trust those are not loaded."

He moves on quickly. "Greetings, friends. Welcome to the capital city of the Empire of the Eternal Dawn. Our conveyance awaits," a gesture to the Fancy, "and I trust that you had a pleasant journey here." Any irritation in the original statement is long gone; his tone is pleasant, calm, quiet. He wears a gold-and-blue tunic, with white trousers. "I am Ambassador Inretal Menjda, 9th Ambassador of the Empire of the Eternal Dawn," he adds softly - as if sharing some unimportant detail.
12-01-2004, 22:24
New AreArBee Delegation; En Route to IsnCo Spaceport

[OOC: Delegates are to land in Ma-Nenya, yes, in the city itself, Nenya - Ma-Nenya is a city-state - but the delegations will be transported to the site of the actual summit itself, on Mount Tumnore. Tumnore is actually what is referred to as a 'three-quarters sovereign kingdom' within the bounds of the Empire, due to historical independance and neutrality - but due to internal politics, there is an air exclusion zone over Tumnore, and the surrounding countryside, with regards to foreigners. EOTED aircraft are allowed to fly into the air exclusion zone, however, and so the delegates have to be transported in on EOTED aircraft.]


The New ArAreBee ship is given permission to land at one of the secluded berths at IsnCo Spaceport, and is provided with a microwave guidance beam path directly into the berth.

Kaenei Delegation; IsnCo Spaceport

The Elf nods with understanding. "As I understand it, it is indeed a long journey. I trust that we will be able to make your stay in the Empire as comfortable as desired; refreshments and a place of rest will be provided once we arrive in Tumnore. - Yet I forget my manners; I am 3rd Ambassador Quetalarca, of House Finwë. - I apologize if I seem hurried, but we have something of a tight schedule. Today is a busy day; it is Foundation Day, a day of great celebration. Perhaps it was not wise to begin the Summit today of all days, but then I am talking overmuch, which is common for myself. Perhaps fitting for one of my position, I suppose- but I digress. If you will follow, Ambassador, I will lead you to our conveyance to the Tumnore Facility," he replies in rapid-fire Quenya. His name is most apt; he speaks faster than most.

He motions - somewhat grandly - towards the 'tunnel' he exited from. Presumably this leads to the transport.

[OOC: Quetalarca = 'Rapid speaker'.]


Vrak Delegation; In The Air -> Tumnore Facility

Nejure smiles slightly; when he speaks, it is with the style of one accustomed of making 'small talk' - if the listener is clever enough to discern it, he is not quite so happy to be talking at length as he makes it appear. "Indeed, I am Nenyan. The colour of our eyes is related to the somewhat unusual design of our eyes, I'm told. You see, the inner eye has a duel-function lid - called the mir topa - which covers the inner retina, and provides sensory cells... a kind of secondary retina. It covers the reflective inner retina, which is uncovered in darkness. Something like a cats eye. - But I am self-aggrandizing, I fear. Suffice to say that our eye colour is related to the composition of our eye, and, although not as good as our Quendi kin, we have excellent vision. And hearing. Not so good a sense of smell, though, I fear." He carefully does not mention the fact that Nenyans are empathic.

He glances at the one visible porthole, which now displays the matte grey of a concrete wall. "But we are here," he states with a smaller smile than before.

Spyr Delegation; Nenya International Airport

As with the previous arrivals at the Airport, the rapid arrival of the Fancy is uncannily quick. Again, precisely nine seconds elapse between the exit of the Spyr delegation and the arrival of the snub-nosed sleek wingless aircraft.

Again, a portion of the hull simply dissolves into liquid, reforming into a solid-enough gangplank.

A Human and a Nenyan descend; the Nenyan wears a pulse-blaster on his wrist - clearly a security force member of some sort. Other than that, he is attired identically to the Human.

The Human strides to the Spyrian delegates, frowning slightly at the pistols. Before any greeting, he states flatly, "I trust those are not loaded."

He moves on quickly. "Greetings, friends. Welcome to the capital city of the Empire of the Eternal Dawn. Our conveyance awaits," a gesture to the Fancy, "and I trust that you had a pleasant journey here." Any irritation in the original statement is long gone; his tone is pleasant, calm, quiet. He wears a gold-and-blue tunic, with white trousers. "I am Ambassador Inretal Menjda, 9th Ambassador of the Empire of the Eternal Dawn," he adds softly - as if sharing some unimportant detail.
13-01-2004, 06:36
Inoe bowed to the EOTED ambassador.

"Thank you, ambassador, our journey here was indeed pleasant, and we look forward to the summit. I am colonel Mikoto Inoe, ambassador from the People's Republic of Spyr."

She turned, indicating the three men who stood behind her.

"This is my aide, Hentaro Kanahi, and our security escort."

She glanced down at the pistols, looking somewhat embarassed.

"I apologize... unfortunatly, events have led our government to adopt an overly-cautious set of protocols. Naturally, the weapons will be surrendered to you immediately."

The delegation followed the ambassador towards the waiting Fancy, as Inoe attempted to engage her counterpart in conversation about the politics of the EOTED.
Santa Barbara
13-01-2004, 16:59
She turned to her advisors. One had asked a question.

"No," she answered. "The Conglomerate's position... well, the Conglomerate isn't too sure where it is right now. A question mark."

The advisor in question was a young, orange-haired, barely an adult graduate of Trigo. He seemed nervous, even though he had no reason to be. He wouldn't have to deal with the Nenyans, only she did. But he was one of those people who seemed always nervous. "So... the Feds have the final say here?" he asked.

She smiled. "The initial say. I'm sure the Glom will come up with the last word at some point. But it'll be Heinrid just the same, so yes."

That seemed to satisfy his curiosity.

But not hers. When is this thing going to land? It seems like we've been flying forever.

So, she was startled when the door suddenly popped out with a hiss and a clang against the ground outside.

The pilot turned around, grinning devilishly at the handful of passengers. "Here we are," he announced needlessly.

So smooth. The gravitic drive was dreamlike in how little the passage of space could be felt.

The High Executive stood now, and her advisors scattered, picking up pens and stray pieces of paper. Some would be coming with her, some wouldn't, but unlike on Mars there would be no huge delegation with all the brass and security agents.

She smiled wryly, knowing that the Conglomerate's official position regarding her was that she was of no consequence, not requiring special protection. Luckily, the Feds were her new family. Abadas was her new father. And he would inherit the Glom when Bob died of his madness, no?

Life was good.

She stepped out to Nenyan International.
14-01-2004, 00:49
Knootian economic consulate
Ma-Nenya, EOTED
Contrary to all the other delegates who were now in their airplanes, turning little circles in the sky waiting for the landing strips to clear up, the Knootian diplomatic party was already in the Empire.

Minister Laurens Jan Brinkhorst of Economic Affairs and his delegation had arrived a day early. The younger members of the delegation had partied the vivid EOTED nightlife enjoying the liberal attitudes to nudity so prevalent in the capital city. Now, however, they looked considerably less merry, still suffering from the effects of consuming large amounts of alcohol.

The minister was ready to leave, however. His nation depended heavily on foreign trade and he knew it. EOTED had quickly grown to become a major partner and as such one that should be reckoned with.. All was well currently, but it could always be better. The private sector was counting on that. For decades now, his position in the social-liberal SLP party had been unquestioned and he projected an aura of calm confidence as he stepped outside to consulate.

He was blinded for a moment by the sun, and then an unnatural flashy light added to the effect. A small group of photographers and journalists was waiting for the minister. The most audacious of the group began firing questions: “Good morning, minister, would you care to comment on the new developments in the Syskeyian trade boycott?” He flinched… not even a hello today. “Gentlemen… please…”, he replied, “I have a conference to attend. I am sure that the SATO ambassador and his crew will reach a solution.”

That said, he ignored the questions that better not be answered today and continued on towards a (hover?)car that was waiting for him. The minister stepped in, wondering if the driver would be a Neynan or a human…

(OOC: just a change from the usual plane routine. You control the driver, Ma-Tek, so take it away please. :) )
14-01-2004, 02:05
OOC: Sorry I haven't posted this yet. :?


Nikita was sitting down, looking out the window over the ocean. Luckily it was a clear sunny day where the plane was flying, and she could see as far as her eyes would allow. Nothing but blue, pristine water. A small beep informed her that she had mail, and she turned to her laptop and opened it. Nikita cursed under her breath as she realized that the limo would now be unavailable, but was not too dismayed. She ordered the pilot to instruct the cargo plane to return home, and they would receive bonus pay for the useless trip.

She stretched and stood up, walking back to Sgt. Vorlesta. "Er, Sgt. Vorlesta, the Ma-tek are requesting that all mechanical firearms be left on board. It's their policy.." Vorlesta looked at her and sighed. "I'm not surprised. In that case you'll need only six guards, as well as your four aides. The others can just set up location elsewhere." She winced, as though she were scared of his next reaction. "They also have banned all vehicles that burn fossil fuels.." He then rolled his eyes. "Of course. Just to make things all the harder. Why are we even bothering to come here? They're just a bunch of stupid elfs." She then became angry, and said venomously, "Because the President has requested we do so. And it's elves dumbass." She then poked him on the chest. "You're lucky I don't fire you for that shitty remark." She then stomped off, clearly angry. Nikita Korvana did not put up with crap, whether she was talking to a subordinate or negotiating a treaty.

An hour later..

A sheepish Ben Vorlesta informed Nikita Korvana of their landing. She got her stuff together, and informed her aides to be ready. They were all buckled in a few minutes later, preparing for descent. "Frickin ears," Nikita mumbled as they began popping again. Within a few more minutes, they had landed at Nenya International Airport, and her guards exited the plane, with four staying on. Two would walk in front of the diplomatic group, and two behind. She walked down the stairs, and saw a very magnificent elf waiting on them. She gaped at its splendor, and then caught herself. Nikita walked up to the elf and said in Quenya, "Pleased to meet you, my name is Nikita Korvana." She also said it in English, and then Sindarin. She wasn't too sure what Ma-tek elves spoke...
14-01-2004, 06:24
Vrak Delegation; In The Air -> Tumnore Facility

Nejure smiles slightly; when he speaks, it is with the style of one accustomed of making 'small talk' - if the listener is clever enough to discern it, he is not quite so happy to be talking at length as he makes it appear. "Indeed, I am Nenyan. The colour of our eyes is related to the somewhat unusual design of our eyes, I'm told. You see, the inner eye has a duel-function lid - called the mir topa - which covers the inner retina, and provides sensory cells... a kind of secondary retina. It covers the reflective inner retina, which is uncovered in darkness. Something like a cats eye. - But I am self-aggrandizing, I fear. Suffice to say that our eye colour is related to the composition of our eye, and, although not as good as our Quendi kin, we have excellent vision. And hearing. Not so good a sense of smell, though, I fear." He carefully does not mention the fact that Nenyans are empathic.

He glances at the one visible porthole, which now displays the matte grey of a concrete wall. "But we are here," he states with a smaller smile than before.

Interesting, mused the Ambassador. Nejure sidesteps the issue of relations between themselves and the elves, preferring to concentrate on their biological makeup. Ah well, all information is good, no matter how it is obtained. Jual carefully filed this fact away in his sharp mind.

"Hmmm. We are here, eh? I look forward to this summit First Ambassador Nejure. Would you be able to tell me who is in attendance?" asked Jual in his easy-going manner.
Scandavian States
14-01-2004, 17:33
The aircraft touched down at Nenya International with practiced ease and taxied to the instructed terminal. Two of Asiya's House Saleh guards lowered the steps and checked the area for any potential hostiles, when the all clear we signaled Asiya went down the airplane steps with her guards and waited for the EOTED welcoming committe.
22-01-2004, 16:19
Minister Brinkhorst gently poked the EOTED driver if his hovercar. "Ahem... I'm in. Can we please go now or we'll be late for the conference."
24-01-2004, 20:29
Knootos Delegation - En Route to Tumnore

The driver chuckles quietly - motioning at the windows, which were previously polarized. Now, the ground is visible far below - mountainous terrain.

"But we are moving, sir," he adds when he finishes chuckling, "we should be arriving in a few minutes."

Vrak Delegation - Tumnore Facility

Nejure smiled faintly. "Of course, Ambassador. - There are delegations from Santa Barbara, Kaenei, New ArAreBee, Knootoss and Spyr. Delegates from Lavenrunz are expected, but we have not yet recieved word of their arrival. It is understandable, of course; Lavenrunz has been a hectic place of late. Others are also expected, but have not yet arrived."

Nejure glances towards the 'door', which has dissolved away, revealing the concrete concourse on which the Fancy has landed. He motions outside, and, once the delegates are out of the aircraft, he follows.

Mount Tumnore is immense. The view from directly outside the vehicle and to the North is dominated by a sheer wall of rock stretching high into the sky - this precipice is some four kilometres high; nearly half the height of the entire mountain. This side of the mountain is not passable.

To the west and the south (the eastern view is blocked by a concrete wall) stretches a glorious valley, filled with greenery - a forest. The trees are unnaturally tall, or seem to be so from here; far in the distance the land slopes upwards towards a barely-visible plateau.

A river winds through the forest, wide and brightly gleaming in the sun; it is not often visible, however.

Lietuveska Delegation - Nenya International Airport

Nikita Korvana is met by Víressë, a somewhat little-known but high-ranking Ambassador. She rarely deals with actual contact with the outside world - she is a linguist, and is defined as the 'Diplomatic Corps Ambiguous Communications Translation Officer'. Víressë is accompanied by a young-looking Nenyan who carries a US wand at his right hip - he wears an IDSF dress uniform; blazing red with a light blue sash running from right shoulder to left hip. Upon his shoulder - left - are five stars.

Víressë bows slightly to Nikita, wearing a radiant smile. "Greetings," she replies in silky-smooth rapid Quenya, her voice lilting gently in what may be recognisable as a Nenyan accent, "I am Ambassador Víressë, ACT. That is, Ambiguous Communications Translation Officer." She peers at the guards. "I trust your guards do not carry lethal arms." It's not a question; rather it is a statement of preferred fact.

Víressë is at least six feet seven inches, and is slender, with flowing jet-black hair that reaches down to her rump. Her eyes are sparkling green: intense and bright. She is very clearly muscular, albeit in an Elvish manner - she isn't heavy-set, but is, nontheless, quite clearly what would be called (in Human terms) toned. In Elvish terms, she is very muscular.

She doesn't wear much; a revealing shift covers most of her breasts, leaving cleavage visible, and reaches down to the upper portions of her muscular thighs.

She continues to speak, softly, "I am indeed most pleased to meet you. We are running a little late, I'm afraid," actually, it's just a few seconds behind schedule, but for the generally accepted EOTED punctuality standard, that's quite late indeed, "and so we must wait on formality. Our transport arrives." As she speaks the last, her head cocks to one side slightly.

Presently, the dull boom arrives - and a Fancy drops out of the sky, its slender but snub-nosed body emblazened with the Imperial Three Star Sigil.

One side of the craft dissolves down into a gangplank, and Víressë motions with one hand towards the entrance to the craft. "After you, Lady," she adds politely.

Scandavian States Delegation - Nenya International Airport

The Scandavians are met by a Human, who is rather short and wiry. Unusually for a diplomat, he wears an m-blaster at his hip; he does not have a guard with him, unlike the other diplomats who have met the incoming dignitaries.

The Human is balding, but what's left of his hair is grey. He has bright grey-blue eyes, and wears a bright blue-gold tunic with highly polished black boots. He stands bolt-upright, perhaps suggesting that he is ex-military. Then again, perhaps it doesn't.

"Greetings," he greets in English. He repeats the simple phrase in Quenya, Sindarin, and finally in Spanish.

It's not really necessary - he carries a translation unit - but it is always more polite to attempt to find a common language before falling back on the translation AIs.

He waits for a reply, to determine whether a common language is possible.
Scandavian States
24-01-2004, 21:31
Both guards noticed the furturistic looking pistol and their hands, already at their sides, moved a couple of millimeters back to a more comfortable and quicker drawing position. The move was more subconcious than overt, and was a product of their excellent training as bodyguards.

Asiyah gave a short bow and then, except for the traditional Arabic greeting, answered in both English and Spanish. "Al-Salaam, Mr. Ambassador, shall we be making our way to the summit?"
24-01-2004, 21:47
The Knootian minister peers at the landscape below: "Uhm... yes... I see." He sits back and leans back in his seat, exchanging a quick knowing look with one of his assistants. "Comfy... and we'll be there right on time."
New ArAreBee
24-01-2004, 21:48
The small pyramid slowly raised itself above the cloudline as sensors locked in on the microwave frequency. The electromagnetic pumps shunted exotic matter through the entire body of the structure as the fields awoke from their dormancy. The arrays of negative energy generators rotated the exotic matter through their veins as the ship began to gain speed over the atmosphere of planet.

Intertia compensators begin to influence the 'local' quantum foam as the ship gained speed, creating a tiny ripple that reduced the intertial effects of the exponential acceleration. The cyclopean monolith itself gleamed a crimson hue as it pushed and pulled itself against space. Various docking frequencies fired off from various communicators as the ship began to make it's way toward the berth.

The New ArAreBeen vessel descended into IsnCo Spaceport as the fluctuations of spacetime began to lessen as the ship gently fell from the sky. The spaceship slowly ceased it's descent, hovering over the berth as the landing gear deployerd, and the exotic matter was returned to it's negation pods.

The doors below the ship began to pull back as the loading platform descended with the Ambassador in tow.

[OOC: Hopefully by spaceport you ment groundbased, and that I didn't supercede any of your protocols. I'll edit it if this is the case]
24-01-2004, 22:27
Nikita bowed back, and said politely in Quenya, "I assure that my guards carry no lethal firearms, Ambassador Víressë. Nikita listened intently as Víressë spoke, to understand everything she said. When she was finished, Nikita replied that she understood the rush. When the Fancy collapsed from the sky, her face lit up as she was amazed at the Ma-tek technology. "I never realized that the EOTED was so far advanced. Well, compared to us anyway." After the Ambassador insisted her to get in, she did so willingly with a thank you. Her aides followed, as did the bodyguards.

(OOC: I can edit the entourage falling into the car. I don't know how big it is, so I will edit if necessary. :) )
25-01-2004, 00:12
The canopy of the single-seat sports version of a Phoenix ( trainer slid smoothly up and back, revealing a black suited figure taking off his helmet. With precice control, the delegate climbed out of his tiny craft and to the ground carrying naught but a small briefcase.

The Minister of Diplomacy was in good shape for his advanced age. His hair however was starting to turn from silver to white as his body built resistance to his Rejuv(tm) treatments. The dark omen didn't seem to have him down, he was smiling.

Arriving at the obvious welcoming party, the man stuck out his hand. "Greetings! I'm Wazzu Minister Dr. James Messier." he spoke up, keeping the diplomatic standard of saying what was already known short and friendly.
26-01-2004, 08:11
At the mention of Santa Barbara and Knootoss, Ambassador Hrang-il Jual smiled. It was good to hear of nations that it had dealings with. I hope the Knootians don't mention the unfortunate Dyelli Beybian shelling of their capital thought Jual.

The other names held little interest for the Ambassador except for Lavenrunz. World events seemed to swirl around that corner of the universe - with names such as Menelmacar, The Reich, Kalessin, Melkor Unchained, and the hosts seemingly dominating the events.

If the size of Mount Tumnore was meant to impress Jual, it didn't work. After all, there were similarily sized mountains the dominated the Crown range in his homeland. But the lushness of the valley gave him pause. So unlike Vrak he mused.

He eased his nearly two metric ton frame out of the craft and looked to Nejure.

"Your land is quite beautiful. Quite different than ours, but then again, our Great Blood Wars left scars that perhaps may never be healed."
08-02-2004, 16:30
Scandavian States Delegation, From The Airport to the Summit

The Ambassador introduces himself in a soft, melodically slow type of English. He doesn't sound entirely comfortable speaking the language - but then, English is not widely spoken in the Empire. His Spanish was better, though - why he chooses to speak in a language he is less comfortable with is a mystery.

"I am Ninth Ambassador Utri Del-Menjda, and," a pause as a low, thrumming boom announces the arrival of the Fancy, "we most certainly can. If you'll follow me, please?"

The hull of the Fancy dissolves in the same manner yet again, allowing access through a ramp that was formerly part of the outer hull plating of the aircraft; the inside is plush, but not too plush. The seats are luxuriously comfortable, but not too padded; everything inside, in fact, is a measure of balance between functionality and comfort. This is, in fact, due to the tiny little problem that contact between the Scandavian States and the Empire has been minimal (and not too friendly) - the Imperials do not know what would be preferable, and so they strive for neutral balance. The tapestries are artworks depicting forests, lakes, and nature in general; usually such is a safe bet.

The trip is smooth, and the Fancy is virtually silent - and perhaps it is disappointing that the journey is over so quickly, because the seats really are comfortable.

Upon arrival, the Scandavian States delegates are lead through the concrete concoarse landing area and into the large, fortress-like facility where the Summit is to be held. Inside, the place is practically vault-like. Elevetors are set into walls here or there, and glassed-off tubes run downwards; this is clearly a facility including an underground area.

[OOC: Convergance, here. Anyone who was not yet at the Facility can assume that they have been flown there, with chit-chat and such, and any details given about the facility below were told. This should catch us up a bit, to where we ought to have been by now, although we should really be at the summit by now. If you wish to skip this next part, let me know, and we'll move right along.]

All Delegates

Firstly, all the delegates are given the option of either going straight to their assigned quarters, and relaxing; or being taken to the Welcome Hall, where they will have the chance to mingle and speak with their fellows before the Summit begins. Refreshments will be available in either place, and the rooms, if used, are comfortably large. Adaptable mattresses are on the beds - a flick of a clearly marked switch will soften or harden the mattress. It's not clear how this works, and nobody offers any information before any prospective delegates are taken to their rooms.

From the wide open space of the entrance hall, the delegates are lead into yet another hall - via an elevator that moves at alarming pace - but this place is different. Comfortable, with great leather chairs and oak tables between the chairs, and a buffet crammed with delicacies and foods of all varieties - and from dozens of nations - this is clearly a functional room designed to allow the delegates to mingle and speak before the Summit itself begins. The delegates are informed, upon arrival, that they may here the occasional rumble, but not to be concerned: the Tumnore Space Facility is set into the mountain behind them, and so the sound of warships launching is common. Either this lends an air of safety, or an air of annoyance; but all are assured that the room where the Summit itself will take place is properly insulated, and no sounds from outside will intrude. It's not clear why this area is not insulated in such a manner, however...

[OOC: And... action!]
09-02-2004, 20:06
Arriving from the hovercap, Minister Brinkhorst enters the second room first. He wanders around the room, checking out the foodstuffs.

Soon his eye spots a certain dish that makes his mouth water, and enthusiastically he puts some trout-salad on his plate.
11-02-2004, 20:11
[OOC: Bump.]
Scandavian States
12-02-2004, 05:24
Asiya spots the buffet and serves herself some pita bread and humus along with a soup consisting of pepper base and meatballs. On her way to the table she walks past Minister Brinkhorst and only after a double-take does she recognize the representative of one of her country's allies. She turns back to the Minister and asks in broken Dutch if he's like to join her.
Santa Barbara
12-02-2004, 05:30
Jenna Timothy took her time, making sure her personal army of Stuff was laid out in her room, and like a window shopper strolled along the Nenyan building, taking an appraising look at everything she could see.

She was particularly impressed with the adaptable mattresses-- several subcorps had similar products, but they weren't quite as smoothly functional and yet plush.

The Nenyans do have a taste for the good life, she thought.

On that note, let's try the buffet and meet everybody. Time to get this show on the road.
12-02-2004, 05:44
The Vrakians mingles around the buffet, with one of his aides fetching some food for his master. Ambassador Hrang-il Jual looks for some friendly folk, such as Santa Barbara and Knootoss, and does his best to avoid the ridiculous Scandavian States reps.
Santa Barbara
12-02-2004, 06:00
Jenna surveyed the scene with a quick, informative glance. With the skill of one who had attended many a cocktail party and business lunch, the Lady High Executive scanned all she needed to know about the atmosphere and situation in just a few seconds.

She could hardly fail to have noticed the Vrakian ambassador. The others were not immediately recognizable by their appearance, as far as origin went anyway. Already in her mind she formed opinions as to their possible reactions, as she saw the attitudes displayed in body language.

Well, the walrus is as good a start as any.

She meandered, seemingly without purpose, smiling and nodding at the various minor dignitaries she encountered, and lifting an interesting-looking morsel of food from a tray, giving it a taste as she finally found her way to Hrang-il Jual.

The Lady met his eyes without any show of special concern for the ambassador's race, and waited for him to speak first. She finished chewing the morsel, which reminded her somewhat of monkey's brain in almond butter, and lifted her chin and eyebrows ever so slightly toward the ambassador.
12-02-2004, 15:41
As the lady drew closer, the bodyguard nudged the Ambassador.

Translated from Vrakian.
-It seems we have a visitor sir.
-Oh? Who is she?
-Not sure. Perhaps one of our allies? We have not been briefed on all their top officials.
-Indeed. Ah, here she is…

Hrang-il bowed and said in a deep, rich voice.

“I am Ambassador Hrang-il Jual from the Kingdom of Vrak. I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage. You are?”

His voice trailed off but he continued to smile, radiating a genuine friendly feeling.
12-02-2004, 16:32
Asiya spots the buffet and serves herself some pita bread and humus along with a soup consisting of pepper base and meatballs. On her way to the table she walks past Minister Brinkhorst and only after a double-take does she recognize the representative of one of her country's allies. She turns back to the Minister and asks in broken Dutch if he's like to join her.

The minister is pleasantly surprised that Asiya actually knows some Dutch. Most delegates outside his region don’t, with the notable exception of the Vortex Corporation

“Well, sure.” he replies while putting down his plate. “I’d be delighted, uhm, Miss…?”
Santa Barbara
12-02-2004, 17:04
She smiled with not as much aloofness as she often felt.

"Ambassador, it is good to meet at last," she said, "I'm Jenna Timothy, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Government of Santa Barbara, and Head of the PCC Public Assets Department."

Jenna suddenly realized she had no idea whether a hand shake or not was in order. But she knew he wasn't a corporate lord, and as such did not bow her head, though she inclined it slightly toward him as a token of respect.
12-02-2004, 17:20
Jual, sensing Jenna’s discomfort, bowed deeply and said,

“Ah, in our lands we bow since we know that most outsiders are not used to shaking flippers. They seem somewhat, er…squeamish. Anyhow, how was your trip? First time to EOTED? Although I’ve traveled a bit, this is my first time. One day, perhaps, you would care to visit our country? I’m sure some of our corporations would like to do business with the PrattCo Comglomerate.”

With a dexterous flick of the flipper, a clam popped into the Ambassador’s mouth.
Santa Barbara
12-02-2004, 17:47
She laughed pleasantly. "Mister Ambassador, I was more concerned that perhaps you would not be as used to shaking a hand. Well, my trip was uneventful, boring really, we didn't get to see much of the land on the way over.... and I imagine the PCC would be happy to engage in business with Vrakian corporations, of course. Just as I would be grateful to see the Klatchian Coast one day."

And she smiled. Ooh, clams, she thought. How gauche.
12-02-2004, 18:16
The Ambassador flicked another clam into his gaping maw while an aide fetched a stiff whiskey. If his actions caused others discomfort, well, when you weigh about 1800 kg, you can do what you want.

“Do you drink Minister? I find that a few sdrinks sure help me when ‘negotiations’ start. I keep telling Ipshi, my colleague, that he should have had a few beers like the FKC secretary when dealing with those Drakonians. Makes for a much better atmosphere.

Anyhow, I’m rambling. Tell me more about your country if you would be so kind.”

He chuckled more to himself at the thought of the FKC secretary passed out in the hallways of the hotel during the sensitive Nekoa Bay summit.
Santa Barbara
12-02-2004, 18:51
Jenna regained her internal composure fairly quickly. After all, she had seen Toby and Bob Pratt eat and drink with such unabashed gusto before... though Toby had never, even at his widest, been quite as massive as the Vrakian.

"I do partake of good spirits, now and then," replied she with a nod, "Although I am of mind not to, at beginnings of such an important business as this."

She added, "Oh, well I was born in Santa Barbara, and there is much I could say of it..."

Most of it not good luncheon conversation matter, she thought wryly.

"...but it's a large, diverse continent, as you know, with a Mediterranean climate and a very high amount of development. There are several cities under the waters of the Channel and off the coasts, in fact; they are quite charming in a... submersible way."

She signalled to a nearby Nenyan who appeared to be a waiter. Her throat was parched.
Scandavian States
12-02-2004, 19:16
The minister is pleasantly surprised that Asiya actually knows some Dutch. Most delegates outside his region don’t, with the notable exception of the Vortex Corporation

“Well, sure.” he replies while putting down his plate. “I’d be delighted, uhm, Miss…?”

Asiya notices the look on the Minister's face and replies in English, "Saleh, sir, Asiya Saleh. Perhaps we can talk in English, my Dutch is rather poor compared to the other languages I know. I'm curious as to what Knootoss' primary concern at this conference will be?"
Scandavian States
12-02-2004, 19:18
The minister is pleasantly surprised that Asiya actually knows some Dutch. Most delegates outside his region don’t, with the notable exception of the Vortex Corporation

“Well, sure.” he replies while putting down his plate. “I’d be delighted, uhm, Miss…?”

Asiya notices the look on the Minister's face and replies in English, "Saleh, sir, Asiya Saleh. Perhaps we can talk in English, my Dutch is rather poor compared to the other languages I know. I'm curious as to what Knootoss' primary concern at this conference will be?"
12-02-2004, 20:28
Santa Barbaran Delegate, Mount Tumnore Facility

The 'waiter' - who, in fact, isn't a waiter at all, but a member of the security forces working undercover (as are the vast majority of those providing services here, in fact) - politely asks with a soft accent, "How may I serve, ma'am?"

EOTED Delegation, Control Room Epsilon, Mount Tumnore Facility

The Empress sat silently, watching and waiting. She could, of course, zero in on any conversation and listen to the details of what was being spoken of; but this struck her as obscenely impolite. Instead, she watches, attempting to get a visual 'feel' for the styles of the diplomats present - and an SS-SAAI (Sub-Sentient Sociological Analytical AI) silently monitors the preferred foods, drinks, and general body-language based habits of those present. It's not exactly spying on them - it does not listen to their conversations, either, under the explicit orders of the Empress - but it's definitely taking note of body language, body temperatures, level of pupil dilation, and many other tell-tale signs of attitude and/or emotional response. The data will not be used by the Empress herself - it will take time to analyze, and the conference will be over by the time the data is useful - but it will be used in later dealings between the Empire and those nations present.

The data will be invaluable, no doubt.

But Rialla found herself feeling bored. She was itching to get out there, to mingle amongst them, listen and wait and take note; even to send out some of her own people, who had quietly disengaged from proceedings after showing the delegates to the chamber, would alleviate her boredom, she felt.

Yet she mastered it, silently watching. Waiting for the exact moment to make her entrance, calculating the method of entrance... decisions, ideas, possibilities a-whir. The thinking process destroyed the boredom, suppressing it... for now.

And so she waits.
12-02-2004, 21:03
The minister is pleasantly surprised that Asiya actually knows some Dutch. Most delegates outside his region don’t, with the notable exception of the Vortex Corporation

“Well, sure.” he replies while putting down his plate. “I’d be delighted, uhm, Miss…?”

Asiya notices the look on the Minister's face and replies in English, "Saleh, sir, Asiya Saleh. Perhaps we can talk in English, my Dutch is rather poor compared to the other languages I know. I'm curious as to what Knootoss' primary concern at this conference will be?"

The Knootian continued in English, the point was established anyways:
"Well, actually the theme of the summit is interesting. As a nation or merchants, we take an interest in matters regarding to stability, commerce and scientific research. And of course it is always a good idea to visit our excellent friends in the Empire of the Eternal Dawn. But I find that some things that happen as side-events to these conferences sometimes are the most important. Don’t you agree?”
13-02-2004, 01:42
[OOC: eep, missed this popping up... better late than never]

Entering the room, Ambassador Inoe helped herself to a random assortment of interesting-looking food before turning to look over the delegates. Spyr was a generally homogeneous Asian society, not much used to diversity of population, but Inoe had joined the diplomatic ministry in part due to her curiosity.

As Spyr's past diplomacy was primarily regional, Inoe knew she was at a disadvantage here... she hoped that by observing the diplomats as they interacted, she could spot the underlying alliances... and tensions...
13-02-2004, 02:05
[OOC: eep, missed this popping up... better late than never]

Entering the room, Ambassador Inoe helped herself to a random assortment of interesting-looking food before turning to look over the delegates. Spyr was a generally homogeneous Asian society, not much used to diversity of population, but Inoe had joined the diplomatic ministry in part due to her curiosity.

As Spyr's past diplomacy was primarily regional, Inoe knew she was at a disadvantage here... she hoped that by observing the diplomats as they interacted, she could spot the underlying alliances... and tensions...
OOC: well, to give you a head start...

The elderly Knootian appeared comfortable. Though he had never been here before he was obviously comfortable with his surroundings. Ambassador Inoe did notice, however, that he glance at a certain corner repeatedly. It was as if he felt that he was being watched. ((Surveilliance camera's are banned in the DDR unlike many other nations. They give most Knootians an uncanny feeling.))

Meanwhile he was chatting up friendly to Asiya Saleh. It was obvious that his nation and the Scandinavian States were on friendly terms.
Santa Barbara
13-02-2004, 05:55
The Lady High Executive replied, matter-of-factly, as one who is used to ordering the little ones around, "Yes, well I could certainly do with some water... pure please, with some ice."

She then turned back to the Vrakian ambassador, as if passing the 'waiter' over to him now that she was satisfied her order was placed, and lifted her eyebrows quizzically.
13-02-2004, 12:33
Jual nodded to the waiter politely and said, “A double whiskey on the rocks. Thank you.”

Turning back to the Santa Barbaran, he continued,

“Ah, underwater cities eh? We’ve been exploring that field ourselves and I’m sure you know that walruses are semi-aquatic creatures. It would only be a natural and logical development for us.”

Another clam found a home.

“I’m afraid that you would have to bring a warm jacket to our lands, at least for the northern parts. We do like our ice and I’m sure you would find our lands, as well as the Klatch in general, quite diverse for wildlife. That is, if you are into that kind of thing. Or big-game hunting. I hear hunting the Klatchian crocodile is a big international draw.”

A pause. Another clam.

“So what exactly do you do Minister, aside from attending important meetings and meeting strange folk like myself.”

A grin.

OOC: Did I get the adjective right? Santa Barbaran?
Santa Barbara
13-02-2004, 17:34
OOC: Either Santa Barbaran or Santa Barbarian works. The latter is probably more derogative though (not in my mind, hey.)

She seemed pleased at the mention of underwater city development, and marked it down in her head as a source for further negotiations and capitalization.

Hunting big game? she thought. I don't think you want Santa Barbarans running around your country shooting at large animals, Mister Hrang-il.

Aloud, she said, "Well, I act as foreign minister for the newly born Federal Government, as you know, and day to day I oversee the operations of the Public Assets department. It's quite the responsibility... or so I'm told.

"The PCC is of course not so centralized that we're exactly swamped with busywork," she added in a conspiratorial voice and a giggle in her throat. "It's a smooth running operation, and gives me plenty of time to enjoy myself. And that's quite the way I like it!"
13-02-2004, 18:58
Ambassador Jual eyes Jenna while he asks the waiter for another whiskey.

“I figured as much that the PCC is a well-oiled machine. Ah, I remember that modular space city, what was its name again? That was an interesting venture. Too bad it didn’t pan out. Lot of Vrakian companies wanted to really see that go.”

He turned his massive head and said,

“Wonder when all this will get underway. What items on the agenda are you most concerned with Minister? May I call you Minister or do you wish to be addressed differently?”
New ArAreBee
16-02-2004, 04:33
[OOC: Right, so we can just walk in then? Edit if not]

The New ArAreBeen ambassador entered the room rather quickly, the air around him bumping into itself as a slow and steady sound wave bounced across the room. The man was relatively tall, his face rather forgettable, his hair was a dull brown, and his outfit a rather dark cyan. While some would contest that dark cyan, was in fact blue, the color on the suit still resonated with a cyan hue.

The plain ambassador sat down quietly and carefully looked for a place to join in the conversation.
16-02-2004, 05:17
OOC: Sorry about the long wait. I'm skipping the ride, and arriving to the final destination, if that's alright. :)


Nikita stepped into the large room, to see several people standing around talking to each other. Some looked nastily towards each other. Nikita thrived on drama, but would behave herself, as she was representing the whole nation at this summit. She looked at one small group. It appeared as if they knew each other quite well, as they were all engaged in deep conversation.

Nikita was scanning the room when she noticed a very graceful looking woman, well, she couldn't have been a human. But besides the point, Nikita was shocked that the other delegates had not taken themselves to greet her, or perhaps they already had. Nikita felt quite sorry for her, and it was obvious that this must be Empress Rialla.

She walked forward gracefully, passing by the small group of chattering delegates, and approached the woman. She bowed and said in Quenya, "Greetings, I am Nikita Korvana, Ambassador from Lietuveska and delegate to the SCOJAN Summit."
18-02-2004, 20:24
Scandavian States
18-02-2004, 21:32
The Knootian continued in English, the point was established anyways:
"Well, actually the theme of the summit is interesting. As a nation or merchants, we take an interest in matters regarding to stability, commerce and scientific research. And of course it is always a good idea to visit our excellent friends in the Empire of the Eternal Dawn. But I find that some things that happen as side-events to these conferences sometimes are the most important. Don’t you agree?”

"Themes are indeed important minister, it gives you an idea of what the other side might be looking for. Admittedly, our interest here primarily interplanetary piracy. As merchants, I'm sure your nation can understand that the bigger and shinier a thing is, the more it attracts attention, both good and bad. Our problem is that we see market potential in using the rings to Mars as a major oppertunity for our nation's businesses, but we can't be sure that the Ardan operations on Mars won't attract the other bad elements of the universe." Asiya agreed.

She seemed to think of something, "Minister, I have a hypothetical question I want to pose to you, it's something the Emporer brought up with me and I'm curious to hear your thoughts. Say that the Last War happened between Arda and Titan, and let's further hypothesize that Arda was turned to plasma. Would your nation support and help UnAPS send in troops to make sure everything was ah... final?"
21-02-2004, 15:17
((OOC: the answer kind of depends, is the SCOJAN summit still taking place in the past or can I assume that it is being held 'recently' in a fluidic kind of way?

The minister thought for a moment, as if he was waiting for something.
Scandavian States
21-02-2004, 16:58
OOC: I asked the question as if it were in the past, it's under file as apart of our "Armaggedon" scenarios and is something we're always trying to revise.
21-02-2004, 17:46
[OOC: Apologies about the delay: I ought to have explained. I was allowing y'all to mingle a tad - I thought I'd already said that. Oops. If you do not wish to roleplay doing so for too long, I'll bring Rialla in and move things forwards. :)]
28-02-2004, 16:18
[Shit! I totally missed your replies to this RP somehow.]

She seemed to think of something, "Minister, I have a hypothetical question I want to pose to you, it's something the Emporer brought up with me and I'm curious to hear your thoughts. Say that the Last War happened between Arda and Titan, and let's further hypothesize that Arda was turned to plasma. Would your nation support and help UnAPS send in troops to make sure everything was ah... final?"

The minister thought and gave a rather political answer: "Well, its a very hypothetical question indeed. I do hope that this never happens."

He said this with much weight.

"But in general I can say that my nation would support UnAPS to the best of its abilities within what we percieve as is stated in the charter."
06-03-2004, 16:49
And at this point, something which would catch the attention of those who have never visited the Empire before occurs. Something quite, quite strange.

Rialla, Empress of the Empire of the Eternal Dawn, dressed in a bright blue-white skin-tight (and rather revealing) dress, enters the room.

But she does not come in via the door. Instead, she simply walks through a wall. In short order, two more persons follow - they appear to melt through the wall. The other two are recognizable as First Ambassador Nejure - known by some to be a personal friend of the Empress - and the lesser-ranked but stunning Elf of Noldor extraction, Ambassador Viresse. Ambassador Viresse wears an absolute minimum, curiously... or appears to. In fact, she is wearing a long shift... but the fabric in most places is quite, quite transparent. Just not those places, mercifully. No need to raise the blood pressure of the male delegates that high...

Rialla halts near the wall, pausing with a small, curious smile; she casts her gaze around the room, measuring the reactions of those who observed her entrance...
06-03-2004, 17:10
Ambassador Ambassador Hrang-il Jual, while he was conversing with the Santa Barbaran delegate, caught movement in the corner of his eye. Being as discreet as possible, he slowly turned his head to get a better view. Hence, Jual did not see Empress Rialla melt through the wall but did observe the other two EOTED dignitaries do so.

Interesting, thought Jual, A showing of their technology, designed to create a reaction, I’m sure, among nations that are not at that their level.Are they looking for approval? Do they want ‘lesser’ nations to fawn over them? But if everyone arrived by the same means to this facility, then surely we have already seen this. This would be but a variation of when I exited their landing craft. Still…

The Ambassador nodded his great head in the general direction of the Empress.
09-03-2004, 22:49
Scandavian States
10-03-2004, 05:08
Asiya was about to reply when the Empress stepped through a wall... or so it appeared. A hologram, she thought immediately but her only physical response to the event was a single elegently raised eyebrow. So what? Mt. Shiva has a hologram of the globe with every single place of strategic importance to the Empire color-coded in so many colors that it takes cadets in the Strategic Corp months to learn what they represent. They expect me to be impressed with this parlor trick? It was perhaps not the most generous of thoughts, but since she hadn't spoken it out loud there was no harm in it.

Asiya Saleh, Dutchess of Alexandria, turned back to the Dutch Minister, "That's a rather ambiguous statement, Minister, but I suppose it isn't reasonable to have diplomats making policy decisions in the age of near-instant communications."
New ArAreBee
10-03-2004, 16:36
The ambassador engaged the standard chemical suppressants in order to avoid any awkward situations at the conference table. He raised his drink and nodded in a sign of greeting, noting the blatant use of molecular assembler technology. His standard glance at the entrance was quietly stored in his long term memory as the various artificial molecules began to manipulate the latent photographic memory that he had inherited, most diplomats were screened for this as well as other genetic cues for syndromes that would hinder him in his duty.

He tapped his foot quietly as he waited for someone to break the awkward silence that had spread through out the room.
11-03-2004, 13:00
As the Empress emerged through the wall, Ambassador Inoe blinked once.
Her experiences so far had already led her to expect amazing things in the EOTED, at least in comparison to Spyr. She wondered how this particular act was accomplished... was the wall a projection, or was there something changing the arrangement of constituent molecules?

Inoe bowed to the Empress once she and her companions had fully entered the room.
13-03-2004, 19:56
Nikita had been closely observing others in the room, and then saw many heads turn toward the direction the Empress had entered. She turned also, and couldn't help but gasp. She had never seen anything like it, and was utterly amazed. She glanced over at the delegate from Spyr, and followed her example. Nikita bowed slowly as the Empress and her companions made their amazing entry.
15-03-2004, 00:21
It's easy to suppose that Rialla had been looking for impact, or for a grand entrance, or any number of other reasons behind the method of her entrance. But as it happens-

None of that is true. Familiarity breeds contempt, after all - and an increasing number of the doorways in the Palace (which have never been that easy to spot, truth to tell) work in the manner of the one through which she just passed. So, to her, and to the architects who designed the building, it is only natural that she should walk straight through a wall.

She raises an eyebrow, slightly, noting the surprised reaction of her guests both visually and via her empathic senses.

"Honoured guests," she says softly, but in a voice that carries easily throughout the room, "it is my pleasure to see each and every one of you present. Some of you represent nations with which we have good relations; some of you represent nations with which we have yet to fully establish relations. All are welcome. My only sadness is that those states which oppose us did not see fit to send representatives; a shame, to be sure, for opposition breeds diversity, and diversity is strength. - But to move onwards.

"As you all know, we are gathered here for the Summit. However, there is something which had been kept from your governments; a matter which was publicized not too long ago, but I feel ought to be brought to your attention immediately.

"The proposed organisation, SCOJAN, is merely a part of a greater idea - or plan, if you will - that we wish to see come to fruition; perhaps you have heard of our proposal to the world regarding the Treaty of the Alliance of Stability and Harmony; perhaps not.

"Either way, I feel I ought to inform you that we will be seeking your signatures of this Treaty. - I will not ask for your opinions now, because that would be rude; this is a social gathering, at least for now, hmm? - But I felt it would be rude not to bring it to your attention.

"One other small detail: when we are in this room, gathered socially, I ask that you call me simply 'Rialla'. Once the Summit begins, we will stand on formality - but let us relax here, and be ourselves... insofar as politics will allow it."

She smiles.
21-03-2004, 19:33
21-03-2004, 19:53
The Knootian nods to Asiya from the Scandinavian States and looks surprised as the Empress comes stepping through the wall. peculiar piece of technology, he thinks.

The minister of Economic Affairs listens politely to the Empress and wonders where he can put a signature. Instead of taking the initiative he is waiting for the others to speak, not daring to take any step...

[Uhm... yes, I have very little social agenda atm ;)]
22-03-2004, 01:20
"One other small detail: when we are in this room, gathered socially, I ask that you call me simply 'Rialla'. Once the Summit begins, we will stand on formality - but let us relax here, and be ourselves... insofar as politics will allow it."

She smiles.

Ambassador Hrang-il Jual nodded again and smoothly replied,

"Then Rialla, you may call me Hrang-il. And on behalf of the Vrakian nation, I thank you for your hospitality."

Dexterously, he grasped a glass of champagne and toasted the Empress.
22-03-2004, 13:39
Ambassador Inoe joins the Vrakian in raising a glass to the Empress (though, do to Spyran aversion to alcohol, viewed as a poison, it contains only water).
27-03-2004, 08:11
Nikita listened intently, smiling as she sipped her water. Her mouth fell open when she was offered the news that she was expected to sign a treaty, and she immediately flipped her cell phone open and dialed the number to the President's office.

"Mr. President...I've got some news for you..."

She explained to him what had just happened, and he was obviously surprised. He assured her that she try to do her best for the time being and enjoy her stay, and worry about the rest of it tomorrow.

Therefore, she did as Rialla and her own boss instructed. She looked over to the Knootian ambassador, smiled, and walked up to meet him. She also saw the representative from Scandavian States. She held out her hand to both of them. "Hello, Nikita Korvana from Lietuveska. Such a pleasure to meet you," she said in a very polite and sincere tone.
27-03-2004, 11:42
Brinkhorst looks thoughtful but is positive-minded as SCOJAN is explained, apparently willing to sign the proposed treaties.

The Knootian Minister of Economic Affairs nods kindly, and with a vague smile have shakes hands with Korvana. and shook hands with her. “Say”, comments Brinkhorst, “this almost looks like an UnAPS convention.” Commenting offhand, he adds, "you know, it is good that we meet like this. Unfortunately I do not know yet how involved you are in the current developments in economic trade blocks?"

He looks to Nikita and Asiya respectively.
"With a possible revitalisation of the UTP, the WBO in slums etcetera. I have been thinking about a free trade zone for UnAPS like the UNAOTO had; preferably I'd have many UnAPS nations rejoin the UTP though."

He sighs "It has taken some time but maybe now we can have a reformation of the international formalised free trade. - along with this initiative."
02-04-2004, 19:12
[OOC: Mmmkay. I'm leaving 'Patient Mode' behind now.

I have been attempting to follow a 'round' system of posting, where possible. That is, everybody else posts, then I post. That's not working, however, because it's inutterably slow.

Therefore: if you want to work out backroom deals, fire off OOC telegrams and arrange it that way. We're moving forwards to the Summit proper, now.]


The room in which the Summit was to be held was bare and spartan, but quite large and sprawling. This gave it an air of emptiness - the only objects in the room (visible, at any rate) were the giant oak table around which the delegates were seated and the extremely comfortable chairs. Presumably the chairs were so damned comfortable as to make the effort to prevent the delegates from getting up and shouting at each other - a common problem at diplomatic get-togethers. Rialla is seated at the head of the table, with a gavel before her. Presumably she will be chairing the Summit - and she doesn't look as if she's going to allow bickering or diverting from the schedule, either.

Softly, but very clearly, Rialla speaks;

"Welcome friends, one and all, to the Mount Tumnore Summit Regarding SCOJAN and Associated Matters.

"I think it would be best to save all the fancy announcing and speaking for the public; in here, we can merely get on with it," and she says this jovially, smiling, "and so, without further ado, the schedule:

"Firstly, let us discuss what we are here to discuss: SCOJAN. The basic principles of the organisation, as you may or may not be aware, are to uphold International and Stellar Law. Now, as you are very aware, I'm sure, there are several organisations that already attempt to do this - therefore, I'm sure some (if not all) of you are asking: why bother with yet another?

"The answer is a simple one. SCOJAN will not stand alone. You were not informed, as you are aware, of the full scope of this Summit before you came here; this was not an effort to mislead you, but merely part of the process of building the idea. In truth, the entirety of the idea was not yet completed in the minds of our leading people; the binding of SCOJAN to the Treaty of ASH, to us, is absolutely mandatory. Yet SCOJAN will be seperate and independant to the Treaty - it will uphold it when necessary, but that will not be its prime focus.

"I am not certain if you all have access to the Treaty or not as yet - it has been forwarded to a vast number of governments, already, but, for informative purposes, I have prepared copies of the First Draft of the document for you all to look over.

"If you wish, these can either be handed out now, or after a preliminary discussion of the aims and goals of the Stellar Commission for Justice and Negotiation. What say you, friends?"
03-04-2004, 03:07
Ambassador Hrang-il Jual replied,

"We are certain that our government was able to obtain a copy, but I would like a copy now, please. As well, while I don't carry the full authority to sign any treaties - I can say this; that we generally don't sign such documents until a proper review has been conducted. However, this does not mean that we will not consider the contents.

But we look forward to the prelimary discussions without having to commit oneself to a treaty."
04-04-2004, 08:51
Ambassador Nikita Korvana spoke into her microphone.

"I also do not have the power to sign treaties, but I assure you that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will have to review the treaty in its entirety. While I am sure, like Mr. il-Juang, that my government has fully reviewed this document, I have not seen it. I would like a copy, if you have one to spare." She smiled politely, and sat back, relaxed.
Scandavian States
04-04-2004, 13:40
Asiya answered as well, "I would like a copy, please."
05-04-2004, 00:17
Ambassador Inoe, "As would I... having the document fresh in all our minds will, I'm sure, stimulate discussion."
14-05-2004, 23:21
[OOC: My deepest apologies. I've had real troubles with the forum, and been very busy otherwise, and haven't had the chance to post. So... late, but here it is. Sorry.]


Rialla nods, and flicks a finger ever so slightly. Silent, trimly dressed men enter the room, and, in utter silence, offer a copy of the document to each delegate.

However, Rialla speaks for them; "I present the Treaty of the Alliance of Stability and Harmony."

First Draft of the Treaty of the Alliance of Harmony and Stability

Article 1: Opening Declarations

Section 1: The Statement Of The Broad Goals of the Alliance

We, with the power and trust invested in us by our peoples, do solemnly declare the intent to uphold and adhere to the letter and spirit of this document for all eternity.

We, with the power and trust invested in us by our peoples, do declare that we shall neither seek war or mistrust;
nor seek to bring despair to others;
nor strive to bring division where there is unity;
nor strive to promote violence where there can be peace.

We, with the power and trust invested in us by our peoples, do solemnly swear to create sow harmony where there is dischord;

to bring stability where there is chaos;
to create peace where there is war; to bring comfort to the wounded, to bring healing to the sick;
to stand firm before all opposition and speak with one voice upon the matters this Alliance is created to deal with.

Section 2: The Declaration of the Acceptance of the Treaty and the Statement of Methodology

We, the Representatives of our collective Peoples,

in order to promote international co-operation and to achieve international peace and security

by the acceptance of obligations not to resort to war,
by the prescription of open, just and honourable relations between nations,
by the firm establishment of the understandings of international law as the actual rule of conduct among Governments and their People/Subjects/Citizens, and
by the maintenance of justice and a scrupulous respect for all treaty obligations in the dealings of organised peoples with one another,

agree to this, the Treaty of the Alliance of Stability and Harmony.

Article 2

The original Members of the Alliance of Stability and Harmony shall be those of the Signatories which are named in the Annex to this Treaty and also such of those other States named in the Annex as shall accede without reservation to this Treaty. Such accession shall be effected by a Declaration deposited with the Administration within two months of the coming into force of the Treaty. Notice thereof shall be sent to all other Members of the Alliance.

Any fully self-governing State, Dominion or Colony not named in the Annex may become a Member of the Alliance if its admission is agreed to by two-thirds of the Assembly, provided that it shall give effective guarantees of its sincere intention to observe its international obligations, and shall accept such regulations as may be prescribed by the Alliance in regard to its military, naval (space and surface) and air forces and armaments.

Any Member of the Alliance may, after two years' notice of its intention so to do, withdraw from the Alliance, provided that all its international obligations and all its obligations under this Treaty shall have been fulfilled at the time of its withdrawal.

Article 3

The action of the Alliance under this Treaty shall be effected through the instrumentality of a General Assembly and of a Security Council, with a permanent Administration.

Article 4

The General Assembly shall consist of Representatives of the Members of the Alliance.
The General Assembly shall meet every <To be amended by the Security Council at first session) and from time to time as occasion may require at the Seat of the Alliance or at such other place as may be decided upon.

The General Assembly may discuss at its meetings any matter within the sphere of action of the Alliance or affecting the peace of the Solar System, however it may only make decisions regarding these discussions if those decisions fit squarely within the bounds of powers of the General Assembly as laid out in Article 6, Section 1, Clause 2 of this document. At meetings of the General Assembly each Member of the Alliance shall have one vote, and may have not more than three Representatives.

Any resolutions discussed or decided upon by the General Assembly require a seventy-five percent supermajority in order to pass.

Article 5

The Security Council shall consist of <Number to be decided by the Signatories> Representatives of Members as elected by the General Assembly. There shall be no Permament Members of the Security Council. Elections for the Security Council shall take place every two years.

The Security Council shall meet from time to time as occasion may require, and at least <To be amended by the First Session of the Security Council>, at the Seat of the Alliance, or at such other place as may be decided upon.

The Security Council may discuss at its meetings any matter within the sphere of action of the Alliance or affecting the peace and stability of the Solar System.

Any Member of the Alliance not represented on the Security Council shall be invited to send a Representative to sit as a member at any meeting of the Security Council during the consideration of matters specially affecting the interests of that Member of the Alliance.

At meetings of the Security Council, each Member of the Alliance represented on the Security Council shall have one vote, and may have not more than one Representative.

Any resolutions discussed or decided upon by the Security Council require a seventy-five percent supermajority in order to pass.

Article 6

The permanent Administration shall be established at the Seat of the Alliance. The Administration shall comprise a Secretary General and such secretaries and staff as may be required.
The first Secretary General shall be the person named in the Annex; thereafter the Secretary General shall be appointed by the Security Council with the approval of the majority of the General Assembly.

The secretaries and staff of the Administration shall be appointed by the Secretary General with the approval of the Security Council.

The Secretary General shall act in that capacity at all meetings of the General Assembly and of the Security Council.

The expenses of the Alliance shall be borne by the Members of the Alliance in the proportion decided by the General Assembly.

Article 7

The Seat of the Alliance is established at Nenya.

The Security Council, with the approval of the majority of the General Assembly, may at any time decide that the Seat of the Alliance shall be established elsewhere.

All positions under or in connection with the Alliance, including the Administration, shall be open equally to men and women of any Sentient species and/or race/creed of those Sentient species.

Representatives of the Members of the Alliance and officials of the Alliance when engaged on the business of the Alliance shall enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities.

The buildings and other property occupied by the Alliance or its officials or by Representatives attending its meetings shall be inviolable and considered the neutral territory of the Alliance either permanently or temporarily depending on circumstances and/or the current need/requirements of the situation at hand.

Article 8 - The Alliance and the Arrangement of the Decision-Making Structure

Section 1: General Structure

8.1.1 All Members of the Alliance shall be equal, and equal shall all Members of the Alliance be. No favour shall be sought and none shall be granted to any single Member of the Alliance by the General Assembly or the Security Council or the Administration under any circumstances.

8.1.2 The General Assembly will be responsible for; the election of members of the Security Council; the determination of which issues are to be placed before the Security Council; decisions regarding Internal Alliance Policy, within the bounds of this Treaty; the creation of investigative bodies to aid the process of decision-making wherein the decision-making process on any given critical subject lasts longer than three months, or less if the situation merits it; the creation of any Commission or Organisation required to ensure the success of the Treaty and the Alliance; the analysis of the performance of the Security Council via the application of the democratic process of election and/or the request for the removal from the Security Council of disruptive influences amongst the Members whom have Representatives sitting on the Security Council, to be put to the Security Council for a final decision; contemplation and approval/disapproval of decisions made by the Security Council regarding the creation and/or dissolution of organisations under the umbrella guidance of the Alliance; emergency powers relating to the application of economic sanctions and/or military activity in order to uphold the goals and/or beliefs and/or ethical/moral spirit of this document when/if the Security Council is not in a position to make such a decision and/or if the Security Council is deadlocked in a vote.

8.1.3 The powers of the Security Council shall be; decisions regarding Alliance Foreign Policy (external Alliance policy); decisions regarding proposed amendments to the Treaty; decisions regarding the creation and/or dissolution of organisations under the umbrella guidance of the Alliance; the power to order economic sanctions and/or military activity against Member States who contravene the letter OR the spirit of this document. the power to apply economic sanctions and/or military military activity in order to uphold the goals and/or beliefs and/or ethical/moral spirit of this document.

Article 9

Non-Member States or Dominions or Colonies may petition to the Security Council in order that the Security Council petition the General Assembly for the General Assembly to decide whether the Security Council ought to decide whether the Alliance ought to act regarding the matter of petition first brought to the Security Council by the Non-Member State(s) or Dominion(s) or Colony(ies) in question.

Article 10: The Law and Regulations of the Alliance

Section 1: Stellar Law

10.2.1 The Members of the Alliance agree that any and all Stellar Law upheld by the United Nations and/or more than fifty sovereign States, Dominions, or Colonies shall be considered inviolable Stellar Law by the letter of this Treaty unless such Law directly violates the word and spirit of this Treaty; for the consideration of any such dispute regarding as to whether any segment of accepted International Law abrogates the word and/or spirit of this Treaty, the court to which the case is referred shall be the Solar Commission of Justice and Negotiation, or any tribunal agreed on by the parties to the dispute or stipulated in any convention existing between them.

10.1.2 The Members of the Alliance agree that there shall be no Claim to any planetary, sub-planetary, or other stellar object and/or zone of space unless that planetary, sub-planetary, or other stellar object and/or zone of space is either being fully utilized by the Claimant or there are at least 1,000 civilian and/or military inhabitants of said planetary, sub-planetary, or other stellar object and/or zone of space. However, any constructed, enclosed building/construct built in stellar space will be considered the sovereign and inviolable territory of the entity responsible for construction and/or administration.

10.1.3 The Members of the Alliance agree that any stellar/interstellar craft enacting hostilities against a civilian stellar/interstellar craft shall be considered to be engaging piracy, and will therefore be considered an Enemy of the Peace.

Section 2: International Law

10.2.1 The Members of the Alliance agree that any and all Law upheld by the United Nations and/or more than fifty sovereign States, Dominions, or Colonies shall be considered inviolable International Law by the letter of this Treaty unless such Law directly violates the word and spirit of this Treaty; for the consideration of any such dispute regarding as to whether any segment of accepted International Law abrogates the word and/or spirit of this Treaty, the court to which the case is referred shall be the Solar Commission of Justice and Negotiation, or any tribunal agreed on by the parties to the dispute or stipulated in any convention existing between them.

Section 3: General Regulations

10.3.1 The Members of the Alliance agree that, if there should arise between them any dispute likely to lead to a rupture they will submit the matter either to arbitration or judicial settlement or to enquiry by the Security Council, and they agree in no case to resort to war until three months after the award by the arbitrators or the judicial decision, or the report by the Security Council.

In any case, under this Clause the award of the arbitrators or the judicial decision shall be made within a reasonable time, and the report of the Security Council shall be made within three months after the submission of the dispute.

For this purpose the parties to the dispute will communicate to the Secretary General, as promptly as possible, statements of their case with all the relevant facts and papers, and the Council may forthwith direct the publication thereof.

10.3.2 The Members of the Alliance agree that whenever any dispute shall arise between them which they recognise to be suitable for submission to arbitration or judicial settlement and which cannot be satisfactorily settled by diplomacy, they will submit the whole subject-matter to arbitration or judicial settlement. for the consideration of any such dispute, the court to which the case is referred shall be the Solar Commission of Justice and Negotiation, or any tribunal agreed on by the parties to the dispute or stipulated in any convention existing between them.

10.3.3 The Members of the Alliance agree that disputes as to the interpretation of a treaty, as to any question of International/Stellar Law, as to the existence of any fact which if established would constitute a breach of any international obligation, or as to the extent and nature of the reparation to be made for any such breach, are declared to be among those which are generally suitable for submission to arbitration or judicial settlement; for the consideration of any such dispute, the court to which the case is referred shall be the Solar Commission of Justice and Negotiation, or any tribunal agreed on by the parties to the dispute or stipulated in any convention existing between them.

10.3.4 The Members of the Alliance agree that breaches of this Treaty will result in the expulsion of the breaching Member from the Security Council, if and where applicable, or in a three year bar on participation in the activities of the Security Council except where such action would be in contravention of Article 5. Further action, if required, that is to be considered legal under this Treaty includes but is not necessarily limited to; the application of minor economic sanctions (downgrading of trade status by one degree by all Member States ought to be sufficient), wherein those sanctions do not interfere with the quality of life of the population; the demand for rectification of the action which caused the breach, where applicable; where major breaches have occurred, the Representatives of the General Assembly, the Security Council, and the highest ranking members of the Administration shall hold a Joint Emergency Session to determine what action is required.

10.3.5 The Members of the Alliance agree to strive to cement workable, peacable, and friendly diplomatic and economic relations with all other Members of the Alliance wherever and whenever possible.

Article 11 - Alliance Foreign Policy

11.1.1 Any war or threat of war, whether immediately affecting any of the Members of the Alliance or not, is hereby declared a matter of concern to the whole Alliance insofar as the Alliance considers such war or threat of war to be a direct threat to the stability of the Solar System, and the Alliance shall take any action that may be deemed wise and effectual to safeguard the peace of nations. In case any such emergency should arise the Secretary General shall on the request of any Member of the Alliance forthwith summon a meeting of the Security Council.
It is also declared to be the friendly right of each Member of the Alliance to bring to the attention of the General Assembly or of the Security Council any circumstance whatever affecting international relations which threatens to disturb international peace or the good understanding between nations upon which peace depends.

11.1.2 In the event of a dispute between a Member of the Alliance and a State which is not a Member of the Alliance, or between States not Members of the Alliance, the State or States not Members of the Alliance shall be invited to either accept the obligations of membership in the Alliance for the purposes of such dispute, or invited to accept the obligations of membership in the Alliance permanently, upon such conditions as the Security Council may deem just. If a temporary invitation is accepted, the provisions of Article 8 shall be applied with such modifications (inside the perceived spirit of the Article) as may be deemed necessary by the Security Council. If a permanent invitation is accepted, the provisions of Article 8 shall be applied to the dispute immediately.

11.1.3 The Members of the Alliance agree without dispute to always seek peace, stability, and harmony before war; however, should the situation merit such extremist action, this Treaty does not abrogate the right of the Member States to apply pressure in the manner best suited to a crisis, so long as all other avenues required by this Treaty have been exhausted.

Article 12 - Procedure for Amendments and Additions to the Treaty

12.1.1 The Members of the Alliance agree that amendments may be made to this Treaty, but only where failure of some portion of the Treaty is considered to have occurred. 'Failure' will be defined by unanimous vote of the General Assembly in favour of a motion seconded by at least two Representatives of the Security Council regarding the perceived failure of the Treaty to stipulate proper procedure/action regarding an unforeseen problem, crisis, or dispute.

12.1.2 Additions to the Treaty may be proposed by any of the Representatives of the Security Council, but must be passed according to the stipulations of Article 5.

Article 13 - Amendments

Article 14 - Additions
26-09-2004, 18:04
26-09-2004, 18:12

Holy smokes!!
26-09-2004, 18:40

Holy smokes!!

[OOC: Yesh indeed! :D]