Snowfall on the House of Callahan (open to friendly nations) - Page 2
03-01-2004, 00:16
OOC: Why does the name Ellenhept remind me of the present that the East Gallaga Company gave James?
Tanah Burung
03-01-2004, 01:14
[ooc: sorry for not being around too much. if you want to move on, please don't delay just on my account!]
Rumbiak strides over to where the Katana brothers and Dhawan are speaking. Apart from learning about Iansisle, here was why he had demanded that the government send him to this event.
"Mr. Katana, Mr. Dhawan, if i may interrupt? And young Javin, who it seems i'm destined to meet every time i attend an international function! A pleasure to see you again, my boy."
"Prime Minister, as i wish i could still call you, my genuine commiserations on your defeat. The same has just happened to me, so i can imagine how you must feel.
"You know," Rumbiak continues with a chuckle, "one advantage of being known as the least diplomatic man in my country is that i can be direct and no one is surprised. I hope you'll forgive me if i take advantage of that now. I have one ulterior motive in being here, apart of course from the joy of the tango and meeting your good King."
He clears his throat. "There are those in Tanmah Burung, and i'm one of them, who wish to rededicate our country to the fight against colonialism, the fight for the self-determination of all peoples. I know self-determination was something that Iansisle and Larkinia fought for pretty hard, the last time we crossed swords. And now it seems we are fated to work together on this new Third World executive.
"I'm forced to ask: with recent political events, what will become of the colonies? We may soon start demanding self-determination for the colonies of the countries here assembled. Will the unrepresented peoples of lands like Gallaga gain some sort of freedom, either as independent countries or as Dominions with some right to vote? I have to say, i feel the suffering that your originalo countrymen must endure all too keenly. Once, i was a guerrilla fighter against the Knootian East India Company myself. It must be terrible to watch the ravages of your own country's East India Company."
03-01-2004, 01:40
"Mr. Katana, Mr. Dhawan, if i may interrupt? And young Javin, who it seems i'm destined to meet every time i attend an international function! A pleasure to see you again, my boy."
Javin smiled warmly at Rumbiak as he walked over to the group.
"It's a pleasure to see you again as well. I had to leave before taking you up on that offer of a beer last time. Let me make that up to you by buying you a drink," he said.
No smart ass comments, no snide remarks, he sounds happy to see Markus.... Takeo thought to himself.
"Yes it is good to see you again, Markus," Takeo said with a smile.
The two of them listened as Markus spoke on to them. Takeo was silently relieved, Larkinia had no colonies, but was interested in hearing Dhawan's views.
03-01-2004, 09:03
(I'd like to apologize for my lack of posting today. It has been a very, very long day, and I need a spot of sleep - I can't even think straight right now. Rest assured, I will respond to this and all other threads tomorrow, but I need sleep. Apologies to all involved!
This has been an automated message from IanCorp, Int. ;))
03-01-2004, 09:18
That evening, Williams' Residence
Jeff and Dr. Niven walked into the house each carrying a very sleepy baby as Katherine held the door for them. Jeff and Niven set the twins in the beds quietly and tucked them in.
Katherine sat down in the living room when Jeff and Niven walked in. Niven plopped into his favorite easy chair while Jeff walked up to the fireplace mantle and moved some of the photos to one side as he placed a handcarved wooden frame with a black and white picture in the center of the mantle.
"What's that Jeff?" Katherine asked.
"James' present," he said centering the frame and stepping back so Niven and Katherine could see it.
"Our Family," Niven smiled as he looked at the inscription James carved into the frame...
(aka, BUMP)
04-01-2004, 12:09
Dhawan was instantly on his guard, or at least to a higher degree than he had been talking with the Katana brothers. An expression of concerned sympathy was allowed to cross his face, and he subtly tucked his hands in his pockets. He found that too often, he was unable to control the actions of his voice, his face, and his arms all in one go. As a result, he had learned long ago that the hands were best used in speeches, where he could allow his face to show its true emotions, and that the hands were a nuisance in private conversation, which was mostly focused on the face.
He wasn’t so much on his guard because he didn’t trust Rumbiak, but rather because he didn’t trust any Iansislean in the room, from the lingering nobility and parliamentary figures to the High King to the servants rushing back and forth. Any one of them could report his words to IanCorp, who could then print up a story about how Hiresh Dhawan was really just a dirty rebel who wished the dismemberment of the Shieldian Empire, and he’d never again have a shot at the plurality. All they’d have to do is leave a name and address, and walk off with the satisfaction both of seeing their names in the paper and perhaps five generals richer. In most countries, five generals was nothing; it could be discarded left and right. In Iansisle, it represented a full day’s work at just about any entry level job.
He took a deep mental breath, though showed no physical signs of discomfort, as Rumbiak ended with a clear opening for him to rant at the East Gallaga Company. On one hand, he couldn’t hope to risk an outright condemnation of the Company; on the other hand, he couldn’t disappoint Rumbiak. The voters held Tanah Burung very close to their heart, and he’d have to appear friendly to them as much as possible to have another shot at Jameston’s highest title. In the back of his mind, Dhawan wondered if all this had anything to do with the recent Knootian negotiations.
“Well, sir,” he started easily, speaking slowly enough to allow himself to consider each word and each turn of phrase, but not so slowly as to make it obvious that he was doing that, “the East Gallaga Company and I certainly have had our differences in the past. However, I do remember that it was because of them that I was able to climb the rungs of power in the Commonwealth: without a job in their merchant fleet, I’d never have been able to travel from Nusheld to Ianapalis.
“There certainly are a few practices within the Company’s domains that bear changing. I’m sure that, in the future, Company officials from the Executor’s office downward will recognize these and attend to them. However, right now the Company also serves as the only bulwark between the forces of a reckless aggressor and my own home.”
He stopped with an easy smile, hoping that he had managed to play enough of a middle ground.
Tanah Burung
06-01-2004, 06:53
(ooc: i can't imagine why the voters would hold Tanah Burung in high regard -- it seems to be an example of everything they dislike! Perhaps this will reduce the regard for TB in some Iansislean circles....)
Rumbiak smiled as he listened, appreciating the skills of a man who could take so many words to say almost nothing at all. Ah, the consumate politician. No doubt this Hiresh Dhawan would do well in a Tanah Burung election too.
"Well, sir," he replied, "no doubt there are many ways to human freedom. I've always thought the best way was a straight line, but i could well be wrong."
He cleared this throat and spoke more loudly, being sure that anyone that might be eavesdropping could hear clearly. "I'm just a simple ex-revolutionary who looks at your Gallaga Company and sees injustice towards a people suffering under colonialism. Exploited for their wealth, and not allowed to vote. A shame, it seems to me. But as i say, i'm a simple man."
Rumbiak drops his voice back to normal speaking volume. "But perhaps i'm keeping you too late. I look forward to this Christmas mass, and i would not want anyone to be groggy on such a holy occasion."
Walmington on Sea
06-01-2004, 06:59
(Aw.. dash it all, I deftly managed to not-realise-this-was-still-going. Well done, me. I could have sworn it ..froze. I think I just slept for 36 hours. Well, Barton got out of his tight spot by..falling asleep, then. Huzzah!)
06-01-2004, 07:18
(ooc: Oh, depending on how much of it gets leaked back to IanCorp, that certainly will! ;) Tanah Burung was recognized by the public by being active at the Third World Conferences, but IanCorp (naturally) didn't publish much of what was said there by the left-wing countries with which good relations were key to business (others, such as that-one-guy-who-started-with-a-C-but-who's-name-I-forgot were cast as demons).
By the way, I should just mention that views expressed by any of my characters in this thread or others related to imperialism/unregulated capitalism DO NOT relate to my views in the subject in any way or form. Sorry for the disclaimer; just making sure everyone knows ;))
Had Dhawan not been in so careful control of his facial expression, he probably would have blanched. Eyes around the room turned towards Rumbiak, and it was very clearly him on the receiving end of the rant. He couldn’t accept it - an attack on the Company was an attack on Iansislean free trade, which was an attack on their entire way of life - and Rumbiak had just drawn too much attention to find a supporter in Dhawan. As distasteful as it was for him, he would have to disagree - and strongly too, judging by that waiter in the back with the note pad - with his own ideals to save his political future, and every chance Gallaga may have of peaceful integration into the Commonwealth. With luck, the government of Tanah Burung would disavow Rumbiak’s words, and relations with that country could continue as normal.
“Mr. Rumbiak, I hardly think that your simplest view of the Company’s activities truly does them justice. Over the years, the Company has expended the capital it has gathered in sweeping improvements of us Gallagans’ ways of life. They have built railroads...” he faltered for a second, trying to remember what the pro-Company debaters always used as arguments, “they have taught us much in the way of agriculture, so that our food no longer spoils in the field; they have employed millions of us in their construction and farming plots; they have supplied us with the manufactured goods bounty of the Shield; and, most importantly of all, they have stopped the wanton violence and slaughter that infected my country before the coming of the Company and its army.”
He paused to take a breath. “One day, Gallaga will be ready for the independence you talk about. That day is not yet here, but the Company has promised us that it is coming soon. So please; I will tolerate no further impositions on our way of life.” He took a quick sip of brandy, hoping that Rumbiak realized just what he was doing, and lowered his voice as well. “I do find myself growing tired, sir. Perhaps it would be better to retire.”
06-01-2004, 07:40
OOC: I just wanted to relay the message that the reason I havent been posting as of late is that Imitora was in an accident Christmas eve. I'll spare you the details leading up to the incident, but the actual accident itself was when a 1980ish Cammaro slammed into his rear quarter pannel at about 120 mph, and Imitora's Eclipse proceded to bounce off the Cammaro, then into, and over, a retainer wall, rolling 12 times across a mostly empty highway. The cops say hes lucky to be alive, and escaped with minor lacerations and bruises, a dislocated shoulder, and he might need to have surgery on his hip. Hes in good spirits, albiet a bit poed that his car was, obviously, totalled.
06-01-2004, 07:44
OOC: I just wanted to relay the message that the reason I havent been posting as of late is that Imitora was in an accident Christmas eve. I'll spare you the details leading up to the incident, but the actual accident itself was when a 1980ish Cammaro slammed into his rear quarter pannel at about 120 mph, and Imitora's Eclipse proceded to bounce off the Cammaro, then into, and over, a retainer wall, rolling 12 times across a mostly empty highway. The cops say hes lucky to be alive, and escaped with minor lacerations and bruises, a dislocated shoulder, and he might need to have surgery on his hip. Hes in good spirits, albiet a bit poed that his car was, obviously, totalled.
OOC: HOLY S$&*@!!!! Tell him we're all pulling for him!
06-01-2004, 07:52
--snip the car accident--
Jesus! I hope he pulls through all right - that sounds horrid! Send him the best from all of us, along with hopes for a speedy recovery!
06-01-2004, 07:56
will do...and for those of you who were wondering, he wanted me to say that he was winning, lol. The driver agreed to pay full hospitalization plus the cost of a new car, as long as it is under 50k...looks likes hes gonna get his damn supra after all...lucky bastard...although Id hate to have to go through what he had to to get it.
06-01-2004, 08:02
OOC: Well, as long as he was winning.. (j/k). Yeah, that is quite a price to pay for a supra. At least the other driver's taking care of his medical bills, that's good.
Tanah Burung
06-01-2004, 09:47
ooc also, of course: Yikes. That's some very scary stuff, if spectacular. He's one very lucky lad indeed. Hope it's a fast recovery.
Tanah Burung
06-01-2004, 10:27
(It seems churlish to continue after that news, but i'll do so anyway)
Rumbiak listens to Dhawan say what he must say, hoping that this will at least do the man some good among his more suspicious countrymen. At any rate, the news that he'd blasted colonialism at the heart of empire was sure to do some good for the political career of one Markus Rumbiak. And really, that was all that mattered.
"Well, i'm a simple man, as i said," he repeats. "And one of my simple needs is for sleep. So, as you say, perhaps it's best to retire for the evening."
Rumbiak fingers his mobile phone, waiting to phone home and report he has exceeded his brief. Exceeded it by quite a bit, in fact.
06-01-2004, 10:30
Takeo looked over to Javin and caught him before he said something to make the situation worse, like 'Fight the Power!'
"Yes, I agree, maybe some rest would do us all well, we don't want to be tired for the ceremony tomorrow," Takeo said.
Javin nodded, "God knows we'll have to have all of our energy saved up to enjoy those racist depictions..." Takeo put his hand on Javin's shoulder.
"That's quite enough."
06-01-2004, 10:37
(It seems churlish to continue after that news, but i'll do so anyway)
(I agree, though I think Imitora would understand. He and his family have all my sympathy and prayers.)
Rumbiak listens to Dhawan say what he must say, hoping that this will at least do the man some good among his more suspicious countrymen. At any rate, the news that he'd blasted colonialism at the heart of empire was sure to do some good for the political career of one Markus Rumbiak. And really, that was all that mattered.
"Well, i'm a simple man, as i said," he repeats. "And one of my simple needs is for sleep. So, as you say, perhaps it's best to retire for the evening."
In the back, a single servant can be seen dashing from the room with a notepad. Alas for P.M. Dhawan, who could certainly use a PR boost, good relations with Tanah Burung - which IanCorp seems to have made a priority - means that the news probably won't be reported.
"Indeed. I hope we can continue this discussion .. later." And in more private circumstances Dhawan added silently. "I'm afraid my boat will be leaving soon, and I wouldn't want to strain the High King's hospitality. Until the morrow, everyone." And with that, Dhawan took his exit.
(ooc; I'll probably start the actual Gala either tomorrow or the day after...seems a little odd having a Christmas celebration that started of the 20th on the 6th of January ;))
06-01-2004, 10:43
(yeah, I think he would too... *crosses fingers for him*)
(I agree, though I think Imitora would understand. He and his family have all my sympathy and prayers.)
In the back, a single servant can be seen dashing from the room with a notepad. Alas for P.M. Dhawan, who could certainly use a PR boost, good relations with Tanah Burung - which IanCorp seems to have made a priority - means that the news probably won't be reported.
"Indeed. I hope we can continue this discussion .. later." And in more private circumstances Dhawan added silently. "I'm afraid my boat will be leaving soon, and I wouldn't want to strain the High King's hospitality. Until the morrow, everyone." And with that, Dhawan took his exit.
Javin watched as the servant ran with the notepad, he spent a split-second debating chasing after him.
"Just when our Ambassador would prove useful to defusing a situation," He said to Takeo.