Kechan Catholics Get New Leader.
It has recently come the the attention of the Kechan public that Lazarus, the leader of the Kechan Catholic Party, is dead, he is said to have died of natural causes officially, but rumor has it he was slain in a daring Government raid, whatever the case, the Catholics of Kecha have chosen a new leader for themselves, a man by the name of Francisco Cestero, just as much of a fanatic as Lazarus was, Francisco Cestero is making loud, wild claims that the Empress of Kecha ordered Lazarus killed, he is openly demanding that She face this charge, so far the Empress has made no response, one primary opponent of Cestero is Provincial Magistrate John Xavier Crimmins, of the Province of Norwood, who has been openly declaring that Cestero is a crazed liar, so far things haven't gone further than loud shouting, nor are they expected to escalate.
OOC: hmmm a new leader might be just whats needed for my agents to restart operations in Kecha.
OOC: hmmm a new leader might be just whats needed for my agents to restart operations in Kecha. OOC: Do I sense that you want to take said opportunity?
14-12-2003, 07:31
OOC:They finally trailed the assassin back to him at least enough for supect him.
Lazarus is supected to behind the attempt assassinationr an archbishop of the church. If he hadn't of died he would faces questioning before the Inquistion.
Grand Inquister Dorxius
Teritora: Don't be certain.
14-12-2003, 07:34
Teritora: Don't be certain.
Teritora: Don't be certain.
OOC:Okay. OOC: That was an IC statement.
IC: Cestero has begun making heavier claims now, claiming the Empress wants him dead now as well, and is looking for an excuse to have him killed, She has so far made no response.
14-12-2003, 07:41
OOC:Ah, well it makes is more intresting as they so close in connecting him to the attempted assassination.
Teritory(OOC): Indeed.
IC: Francisco Cestero has apparently been sending letters to Belem, their content, and exact destination is not known.
OOC: hmmm a new leader might be just whats needed for my agents to restart operations in Kecha. OOC: Do I sense that you want to take said opportunity?
OOC: most definatelly.
Belem(OOC): Good, I just wired you an IC T-Gram, please read it and respond if you would?
OOC: Done.
IC: Francisco Cestero is starting to make statements implying the Empress is unfit for rule, Crimmins is still denouncing him openly, but the Empress has made no comments Herself.
15-12-2003, 02:33
Meanwhile the Teritoran Inquistion invesagation into the Kechan connection continued gathering yet more evidence of Lazarus's connections to the assassination attempt and now invesgations into other major leaders still alive began. They would find who was involed, they would root them out and drag them before a panel of Inquisters for trial or "questioning" back in Teritora, nobody escaped the Teritoran Inquistion.
OOC: Use caution Teritora, dragging them out unpermitted will result in bad thing, perhaps even Imperial Sanctions, no war though, Teritora is to close an ally.
15-12-2003, 03:03
OOC:Of course, its what they would do if they had sucessed in killing the archbishop, right now the Grand Inquister would have the evidence quietly shown to the Kechan officals frist.
15-12-2003, 03:32
OOC:It going to get intresting, you got the Belem Inquistion up to something with the Kechan Catholics and the Teritoran Inquistion investaging the Kechan Catholic leaders. Does anyone else trouble brewing just from that.
OOC: I do, and since the Teritoran Inquisition is acting less stealthily than the Belemian Inquisition, we may mistake Belem's actions as Teritoran work, just a possibility.
15-12-2003, 03:35
OOC:Another possabily, even more likely is conflict between the two inquistions because of different goals.
15-12-2003, 03:54
OOC:Then things should get to be most intresting. Should I start a thread with this in mind or should it get woven into existing thread for less confusion.
OOC: And the Roanians make three... only the HRI is more of an assassination and destruction type of Inquisition.
I think Territora and Belem's goals are both compatible with mine.
OOC:My, my how things twist and turn, Belem is allied to Kecha yet lauches operations against the government, the TLPA if it knew would have a feild day laughing at its enemies.