The Soviet Union/L'Union Soviétique
New Labor
13-12-2003, 20:22
To rebuild a loose empire of states, The Soviet Union beckons all brothers and sisters to its verdant borders:
Comrades who are tired of strong, moralistic states -
Comrades who desire freedom from political persecution of any sort -
Comrades who wish to thrive in a libertarian union of intellectual thought and progressive ideologies -
Comrades who despise Stalin and love Lenin...
Trotskyists, Bukharinists, Kaustkyists, Marxists, and Bakuninists from all walks of life -
********come to THE SOVIET UNION**********
And revel in our splendor.
- The Soviet Union - where Freedom, Love, and Solidarity flourish.
~ President, New Labor Soviet Socialist Republic
~ Second Secretary, Central Committee of The Soviet Union
13-12-2003, 21:36
Only problem is i'm still considered a dictatorship but might consider joining if europe gets too dull. I do like that your nation is both socialistic and has a great ecomomy. How did u do that?
Beth Gellert
13-12-2003, 21:58
"Oh, it's not all that hard." -Comrade Graeme Igo, CPCS on the issue of maintaining a powerful socialist economy. The People's Commonwealth of BG boasts one of the fastest growing economies in the world.
While BG is hardly able to up and move, The Commonwealth salutes the progressive morality displayed by New Labor (gosh, that sounds wrong), and extends the hand of friendship.
-CCC Chivo.
13-12-2003, 22:07
Hmmm... how would we fit in, I wonder.
We have freedoms set up as 'do whatever the hell you want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else'.
Politacal freedoms are low as we are a monarchy. A benovolent one though.
Economy? Well, capitalism works. It works even better with social prgrams that actually help the disadvantaged and assigns them jobs to support themselves.
Of course there are a few that slip through, but no system is perfect.
Now I'm not moving, but I just want to see how you would react to my system.
I find it rather ridiculous that we socialist alliances always struggle to centralize and coalesce, to find a common unified front. The communist and socialist nations of the world will always have and steadfastly defend their own notions of what the "communist ideal" actually is. The first Communist International conferences in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries suffered this problem as well. So instead of always trying to coerce or persuade individual nations to join a centralized monolith coalition, the Wohlstand Confederacy has found it easier to present our economic and political system to neighboring, struggling nations and aid them in revolution in their envy of our successful system, thereby giving them the opportunity to annex into our confederacy. If the revolutions fail we leave nations to themselves, but only when rebellion wells against us in resistance to annexation, then we take the nation by force and restructure them according to our purposes. That is, if the geopolitical value is adequate for the efforts made. So far only one nation of the Confederacy has suffered military intervention, the others cooperating willingly, but after they allied themselves with the imperialist Dominion of Gewalt, they were crushed when we put down the advances of the fascist state. Then we remolded the wreckage into the Socialist State of New Wohlstand, which is recovering from its political turmoil.