13-12-2003, 03:14
~Offical Televised Announcement from NOCL (National Oligarchy Council of Law)~
[Fairlyn Bao stands in front of the camera, she then speaks]
"To the citizens of Perfect China and the world at large I make these announcements on the policies of the new government of Perfect China.
1. The Monarchy of the Mao Dynasty will be allowed to reform under Mao Lin-Pin, she will be crowned Empress and offical Head of State but her role in government will be purely ceremonial, she will be the head of the Royal Family until retirement or death.
2. A Bill of Rights will be created and declared law in Perfect China, until that time however I do announce that the nation will allow for Freedom of Religion and Speech and we promise to protect your rights as soon as the Bill of Rights is drafted.
3. Asylum is offered to all peoples of the nationof Aerion who are fleeing from the new Dictator that has taken power in that nation. All relations and trade with Aerion is hereby cut off, our embassy in Aerion is as of this moment closed until a new government is created.
4. The Capital Perfect China will be in Beijing both for the Monarchy and for the Council as soon as the First Session is closed.
5. A new national flag will be adopted but at this time we will continue to use the flag of the old Communist Regime until a new one is created.
6. A Supreme Court will be created and the Justices elected by the People and a system of Checks and Balances will be created between the Monarchy, the Council, and the Court so that power will be balanced.
7. The New Government hereby declares that the invasion of Tibet was illegal and that Tibet is hereby given it's indepedence of Perfect China, citizens in Tibet that wish to live in Perfect China have 14 days to relocate to Perfect China and Tibetians have 14 days to relocate to Tibet.
8. The New Government recognizes the Independence of _Taiwan and recognizes it's government as the ruling body of _Taiwan.
This is all at this time, more announcements will be made as decisions are made.
~Head of Council Fairlyn Bao~
The National Oligarchy of Perfect China
[Fairlyn Bao stands in front of the camera, she then speaks]
"To the citizens of Perfect China and the world at large I make these announcements on the policies of the new government of Perfect China.
1. The Monarchy of the Mao Dynasty will be allowed to reform under Mao Lin-Pin, she will be crowned Empress and offical Head of State but her role in government will be purely ceremonial, she will be the head of the Royal Family until retirement or death.
2. A Bill of Rights will be created and declared law in Perfect China, until that time however I do announce that the nation will allow for Freedom of Religion and Speech and we promise to protect your rights as soon as the Bill of Rights is drafted.
3. Asylum is offered to all peoples of the nationof Aerion who are fleeing from the new Dictator that has taken power in that nation. All relations and trade with Aerion is hereby cut off, our embassy in Aerion is as of this moment closed until a new government is created.
4. The Capital Perfect China will be in Beijing both for the Monarchy and for the Council as soon as the First Session is closed.
5. A new national flag will be adopted but at this time we will continue to use the flag of the old Communist Regime until a new one is created.
6. A Supreme Court will be created and the Justices elected by the People and a system of Checks and Balances will be created between the Monarchy, the Council, and the Court so that power will be balanced.
7. The New Government hereby declares that the invasion of Tibet was illegal and that Tibet is hereby given it's indepedence of Perfect China, citizens in Tibet that wish to live in Perfect China have 14 days to relocate to Perfect China and Tibetians have 14 days to relocate to Tibet.
8. The New Government recognizes the Independence of _Taiwan and recognizes it's government as the ruling body of _Taiwan.
This is all at this time, more announcements will be made as decisions are made.
~Head of Council Fairlyn Bao~
The National Oligarchy of Perfect China