NationStates Jolt Archive

INS News! (pic warning)

The Imperial Navy
09-12-2003, 10:43
Imperial News Service

General Interest:

The mysterious "Octavion" of the Ragnarok VIII Empire has asked to meet with Imperial Delegates to discuss a treaty. It seems that the long warring nation has finally decided to put aside our differences and work together. others think it's a trap to lure us into a false sense of security. Either way, the Emperor assures us that no delegates will leave without armed guard.


Another rebellion on Tydus Prime has caused the Imperial Navy to take the last option-station an entire garrison of Stormtroopers in the Tydus system. After dropping to the planet via dropship and putting down the rebellion, The Stormtoopers will be staying aboard the Shipyards in orbit, as this show of force will show the rebel leaders The Imperial Navy means business.


Scientists aboard the Heavy Cruiser Titan Recorded this fantastic Supernova yesterday while traveling through the Hurq system. It is the first image of a Blue Supergiant Nova ever recorded by The Imperial Navy. It will be visible from Tydus prime in 20 years, and Earth in 200 years.

Plans are being drafted for another Shipyard, in orbit of Gaton prime, for The TIE Corporation to begin ShipBuilding contracts. The TIE Corporation is an Internal company, only trading with TIN itself, but this shipyard will allow TTC to begin trading with others.

This has been Imperial News-Your glimpse at a fantastic world of possibilities
The Imperial Navy
09-12-2003, 10:59
This is an INS Bump.
Imperial News Service BUMP
09-12-2003, 11:00
Very nice !
The Imperial Navy
09-12-2003, 11:01
Very nice !

Thanks. I intend to RP TIN's christmas celebrations tommorrow.